PDF 100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words - Spelling Words Well

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100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words

With pronunciations, language of origin, definitions and sentences

from spelling-words-

For this list, we've chosen moderate to very difficult words, suitable for upper grades and/or for final rounds of spelling competitions. We've used very few foreign words and have avoided words with multiple correct spellings. While we've tried to confirm each detail contained in this list, please note that not all sources agree on all items for every word.

Pronunciations We've included the most popular pronunciations. Additional pronunciations may exist for some words. We've chosen to use very few special symbols and markings.

Pronunciation Guide: (a) - as in sad, tap, latch () - as in a in pay, late, cape (?) - as in father, hot (e) - as in led, set, deck () - as in feel, deal, easy () - as in about, confuse

(i) - as in lip, fish () - as in tide, white, ripe () - as in cone, rope, snow (u) - as in sun, umbrella (oo) - as in poodle (yoo) - as in bugle, uniform

(g) ? as in gum, gorilla (t) - any letteSraimnpslidee ppaargeentsheosnislwyithfirnoamnowthwewr.ssyplleabllleimngay-woor rmdasy-nwoetlble.pcroomnounced.

The main emphasis in each word belongs on the syllable in bold type.

Language of Origin For a few words, the language of origin is unclear or varies from source to source. After checking several references, we've included the information that appears most frequently.

Parts of speech and definitions We've shown the parts of speech and definitions for the most common usage of words.

An alphabetical list of all words used appears on page 13.

Please preview all words carefully before any spelling competition. If you feel that a different usage or pronunciation is more prevalent

in your locale, please replace our information with the information

that makes the most sense to your spellers.

* Please note that every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information for each word. Occasionally, sources differ on some items.

? 2012 spelling-words- All Rights Reserved.

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10. duplicitous (doo-pli-s-ts, dyoo- ) Old French, Latin adjective: deceitful by behaving in two different ways to two different people on the same matter, two-faced Because of his duplicitous behavior in the past, we didn't believe his account of the accident.

11. apropos (a-pr-p) French, Latin adjective: fitting, pertinent or appropriate The speaker's remarks on Martin Luther King, Jr. were very apropos for the middle of January.

12. turmeric (tr-mr-ik) Middle French, Medieval Latin noun: a bright yellow spice used in cooking or as a dye The Indian rice recipe called for turmeric and other crushed spices.

13. wainscot (wn-skt, -skt, -sk?t) German noun: wood paneling, usually used on the lower portion of interior walls We chose oak wainscot for our dining room.

14. archetype (?r-ki-tp) Latin, Greek noun: the original, typical or ideal specimen Our state follows the archetype of what the Constitution intended.

15. dubitable (doo-b-t-bl, or dyoo-) Latin adjecStaivmep: loepenpatogedsouobtnolryunfcreortmainwtwyw.spelling-words- The salesman's outlandish claims about his product were dubitable at best.

16. enjambment (en-jam-mnt) French noun: in poetry, the running over of a sentence from one line of verse to the next The poet was known for her use of enjambment.

17. phreatic (fr-a-tik) Greek adjective: relating to groundwater Due to phreatic contamination, the residents had to drink bottled water.

18. duress (doo-res, dyoo-) Old French, Latin noun: pressure, threat, or coercion The witness said that he gave his first statement under duress.

* Please note that every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information for each word. Occasionally, sources differ on some items.

? 2012 spelling-words- All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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