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In this activity you are going to take on the role of a doctor. Many times medical doctors are researching new techniques for taking care of patients or documenting new diseases as they come into contact with an infected patient. During your role play as a medical doctor you will work with one fellow doctor to create a presentation of a disease for the body system presented including the information in the requirements below.

You will research using the internet or library for at least 5 reputable sources of information (no dot coms or Wikipedia, though those sites may provide starting places for research). There should be at least a single picture on each slide. Do not include too much text on each slide. Use your time wisely and all parts below must be emailed to me ( or karenresendes@) the night before your presentation.

Standards for success:

• Your goal is to teach your fellow doctors in the hospital about the disease you and your partner have encountered including the best methods you found to diagnose, prevent, and treat this specific disease.

• You should research and include the following areas in your slideshow

o Disease title slide

▪ This is to let everyone know what your disease is

o What system(s) it affects slide

▪ What the problem is in the system, Which organs, glands, tubes, tissues, cells are affected

▪ This is a good place to enter a healthy picture versus a diseased picture

o Symptoms shown in the patient from the disease slide

▪ This is to help your fellow doctors diagnose the disease

o Prevention of the disease (if possible) slide

▪ Some of the time we can avoid contracting the disease by taking simple steps in our everyday lives, please list and explain here

▪ Present data on your highly suggested diagnosis method based on case studies or scientific reports – graphs or data tables included-- Would most insurance cover these diagnostic procedures?

o Treatment slide

▪ Explain here if this disease is fatal

▪ Explain any/all treatment methods including but not limited to:

• Surgery - What types

• Medications - How they work

• Dietary changes - What types of food

▪ Present data on your highly suggested treatment style based on case studies or scientific reports – graphs or data tables included

• Would most insurance cover these diagnosis procedures?

• Works Cited

o At least 5 references in MLA Format

o will help you through this step, can be in ppt or on paper

• Guided Notes must contain the following:

o The major points of your topic in fill in the blank format so your classmates can fill in the blanks as you give your presentation. Please consider time of your presentation and how long it will take students to fill in the blanks.

• Summarizer Quiz or Ticket to Leave:

o Create a short open ended quiz or ticket to leave for the class to take at the end of your brief presentation. You will be graded on if the class learned the main structure and function of your type of tissue without the use of their guided notes.

• Time limit is 5 minutes, no more, no less.

o Extra credit if you both dress up as doctors during your presentation (nothing you borrow from me will count towards that)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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