


Pete Koeniges, M. Ed., ATC.



Course Description:

Medical Terminology is the study of words that pertain to body systems, anatomy, physiology, medical processes and procedures and a variety of diseases. It provides specialized language for the health care team, enabling health care workers to communicate in an accurate, articulate and concise manner. This course is designed to give the students a comprehensive knowledge of word construction, definition and use of terms related to all areas of medical science. The course includes but is not limited to terms related to anatomy of the human body, functions of health and disease, and the use of language in processing medical/dental records and claim forms.

Included with the Medical Terminology curricula is additional information on various CD ROMs available to supplement the current curricula or to use as a student-centered teaching tool. The CD ROMs offer an interactive modality of teaching which enhances learning.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Understand the necessity of a medical vocabulary.

2. Recognize that medical terms are derived from simpler components.

3. Build medical words from component parts.

4. Categorize terms as anatomical, diagnostic, surgical, radiological or therapeutic.

5. Understand basic anatomy and physiology.

6. Explain the meaning of word parts associated with each unit.

7. Define all important terms.

8. Accurately spell all medical terms.

9. Correctly pronounce all medical terms.

10. Write meaning of all abbreviations.

11. Explain basic pharmacology associated with all units.

12. Identify and discuss basic pathology associated with all units.

Suggested Text

Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide

Barbara Janson Cohen

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Evaluation and Grading

Grade Determination

The minimum level of satisfactory performance in this course is a ‘C’ or better. To receive a ‘C’ or better, students must first complete ALL course requirements specified above, including meeting the minimum attendance expectation.

Upon successful completion of the course students will be eligible to take the Health Science Careers standardized exam to determine college credit.

High school students must attain a C (74) or better on the Medical Terminology standardized exam to earn college credits.

Medical Terminology - 75% Rutgers SHRP standardized exam grade + 25% high school grade = Rutgers SHRP grade listed on transcript.

Health Science Careers Program

Grading System

|Weighted Average of All |Final |

|Requirements |Letter |

| |Grade |

|94-100 |A |

|90-93 |A- |

|87-89 |B+ |

|84-86 |B |

|80-83 |B- |

|77-79 |C+ |

|74-76 |C |

|70-73 |C- |

Unsatisfactory Performance/Progress

Unsatisfactory performance which may include late assignments, failing grades, and/or attendance or progress problems will be discussed individually on an as needed basis.

Honor Code and Academic Integrity

(Refer to your Rutgers, SHRP Student Handbook at )

The faculty of Rutgers School of Health Related Professions believes that students must observe and support high standards of honesty and integrity. For this reason, all students in this course are expected to abide by the School's Honor Code and uphold its Code of Academic Integrity. As described in detail in your Student Handbook, violations of the Code of Academic Integrity include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and/or academic misconduct. All such violations will be considered with gravest concern and may be punishable with sanctions as severe as suspension or dismissal. If you have not previously affirmed the School's Honor Code (either in writing or electronically), you must submit a signed and dated copy of the Honor Code to the instructor by the end of the first week of the semester. The Honor Code form is provided in the current Rutgers, SHRP Student Handbook.


Week 1 Introduction to Medical Terminology

Week 2 The Human Body in Health and Disease

Week 3 Diagnosis and Treatment; Surgery

Week 4 Drugs

Week 5 The Cardiovascular & The Lymphatic Systems

Week 6 The Immune System

Week 7 The Respiratory System

Week 8 The Digestive System

Week 9 The Urinary System

Week 10 The Male Reproductive System

Week 11 The Female Reproductive System; Pregnancy & Birth

Week 12 The Endocrine System

Week 13 The Nervous System and Behavioral Disorders

Week 14 The Senses

Week 15 The Skeleton

Week 16 The Muscular System

Week 17 Skin: The Integumentary System

Final Exam UMDNJ Scotch Plains – Date TBD

Oral Project - 100 points

Presentation to the class about some form of medical report, including an initial exam, diagnostic procedure, surgical report, and rehabilitation. After reporting, hand in paperwork to include proper medical terminology and abbreviations. Grading rubric will be given out before assignment.


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