Barrow Neurological Institute - Squarespace

Barrow Neurological Institute Clinical Neuropsychology

St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center 222 W. Thomas Rd., #315

Dignity Health Phoenix, AZ 85013

(602) 406-3671


BNI Epilepsy Monitoring Unit

|Name: |* |Date of Birth: |* |

|Age: |* |Patient #: |* |

|Education: |* |Medical Record #: |* |

|Sex: |Male |Referring Physician: |*, M.D. |

|Handedness: |* |Date of Evaluation: |* |

REASON FOR REFERRAL: This patient with * seizures was referred for neuropsychological evaluation during an inpatient stay in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) at Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI). Neuropsychological examination was requested to assess the patient’s neurobehavioral status, neurocognitive functioning, and assist with treatment planning.

HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: The following history was obtained through review of available medical records and interview of the patient and *. The patient’s seizures began at the age of *, and are characterized by *. MRI of the brain (*) was notable for *. Outpatient EEG (*) was read as *.






Mother: *

Father: *

DEVELOPMENTAL/SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient was born full term with no pregnancy or delivery complications. Developmental milestones were met within normal limits. He reportedly completed * years of formal education, and denied a history of childhood learning difficulties.

Relationship status: *

Occupation status: *

Activities of daily living: *

Driving: *

Alcohol use: *

Tobacco use: *

Illicit substance use: *

CURRENT SYMPTOMS: The patient reported current symptoms of *

PROCEDURES: Neurobehavioral Status Examination, Neuropsychological testing: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV, Word Choice Test, Trail Making Test, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Verbal Paired Associates, Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, Boston Naming Test, Auditory Response Naming Test, Verbal Fluency (semantic, phonemic), Finger Tapping Test, Wide Range Achievement Test-3 (reading subtest), Beck Depression Inventory-2, Personality Assessment Inventory, Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Total time * hours: 96116 = *, 96118 = *, & 96119 = *

Total time also includes medical record review, test selection, scoring, integration and interpretation of results, and report preparation.

NEUROBEHAVIORAL STATUS EXAM: At the time of the interview the patient was alert and oriented, and no obvious seizure activity was observed. He was appropriately dressed and groomed for the setting. Spontaneous speech was fluent, articulate, and free of paraphasia or signs of thought disorder. Comprehension appeared intact, as did judgment and insight. Recent and remote memory also appeared intact, and gross motor behavior was normal. There was no evidence of delusions, hallucinations, or other psychotic symptoms. Affect was normal in range and intensity. The patient was cooperative and appeared to put forth a good effort throughout the evaluation.

NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING: For a full description of all findings please see the attached appendix.

RESULTS: The patient’s performance was notable for * Psychiatric presentation is *

IMPRESSION: These results are *


1. If the patient is a surgical candidate, consider a preoperative Wada test to provide further information regarding the lateralization of memory and language functions.

2. If a Wada test is considered for this patient, please refer him for a practice procedure beforehand to ensure he can obtain a passing score at baseline.

3. A follow-up outpatient neuropsychological evaluation is recommended if the patient undergoes neurosurgical intervention to monitor his course and modify recommendations as needed.

4. Results were discussed with the patient */*/*.


Resident, Ph.D. Psy.D.

Clinical Neuropsychology

Neuropsychology Resident

ATTENDING: I saw and examined the patient, reviewed pertinent history and records, integrated the findings, interpreted the data, and reviewed and edited the report. I agree with the history, results, and impression as documented above:


Caleb M. Pearson, Psy.D.

Assistant Professor, Division of Neuropsychology

|Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test – 4th Edition Subtests |Raw Score |Standard Score3 |

|Similarities |- |* |

|Vocabulary |- |* |

|Information |- |* |

|Block Design |- |* |

|Matrix Reasoning |- |* |

|Visual Puzzles |- |* |

|Digit Span |- |* |

| Forward |* |T = * |

| Backward |* |T = * |

| Sequential |* |T = * |

|Arithmetic |- |* |

|Symbol Search |- |* |

|Coding |- |* |

|Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test – 4th Edition Indices |Standard Score3 |Demographic Score1 |

|Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) |* |* |

|Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) |* |* |

|Working Memory Index (WMI) |* |* |

|Processing Speed Index (PSI) |* |* |

|Global Ability Index (GAI) |* |* |

|Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) |* |- |

|Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) |* |* |

|Auditory Verbal Learning Test |Raw |T-score2 | | |Brief Visual Memory Test |Raw |T-Score3 |

|List B |* |- | | |Delayed Recall |* |* |

|Short Delay |* |- | | |Percent Retained |* |- |

|Long Delay |* |* | | |Recognition |* |- |

|Recognition |* |- | | |False Positives |* |- |

|False Positives |* |- | | |Copy |* |- |

|Verbal Paired Associates |Raw |T-Score3 | | |Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure |Raw |T-Score3 |

|Verbal Paired Associates II |* |* | | |Delayed Recall |* |* |

| Easy |* |* | |

| Hard |* |* | | |Finger Tapping |Raw |T-Score1 |

|False Positives |* |* | | |Non-Dominant Hand |* |* |

|Verbal Fluency |Raw |T-Score1 | | |Trail Making Test |Raw |T-Score1 |

|Semantic |* |* | | |Trails B (* errors) |* |* |

| | | | | | | | |

|Naming |Raw |T-Score1 | | |Effort |Raw |BR |

|Auditory Naming Test |* |* | | |Reliable Digit Span – Revised |* |* |

| Tip of Tongue |* |* | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Wide Range Achievement Test |SS3 |Grade3 | | | | | |

|Personality Assessment Inventory |

|ICN * |INF * |NIM|PIM *|SOM * |ANX * |

| | |* | | | |

|Epworth Sleepiness Scale |* | | |GAI * CPI |* |




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