REV. JERRY W. ·Revival al Bear Swamp

[Pages:4]REV. JERRY W.

?Revival al

Bear Swamp

The Rev. Jerry W. Townsend of Maxton will be the guest minister in revival services at 13ear Swamp Baptist Church near Lake Vie~ Services will begin Sunda~ November 24,at 7:30 pm and continue each evening through Wednesday: On Wednesday evenjng a Thanksgiving Service will also be observed.

Mr. townsend is a native of Wagram and received his education at Philadelphus High School,Campbell College ,Ca rs on-Newman College and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He has held pastorates at Bethel Baptist Church, Parrottsville.Tenn.; Dilworth Baptist Cburch,Charlotte,and is presently pas-. tor at the First Baptist Church in Maxton.

He is married to the former Elsa Tyner of Lumber- ~ ton and they have three children.

The Rev. John 0. Wilkinson is pastor of 13ear Swamp Church.

umoErr h.?n r-ost ~adison Messenger

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Page S-The Robe~~Wednesday,Sept. 11, 196S """\.. 1



,Maxton Baetist Church

ed a church in Tennessee before moving to Charlotte 'in 1962. He and his family will

- To Get New ~li11ister


move to Maxton on September 25 and he will conduct his" iirst service on Sunday, September 29.

i MAXTON - The Rev. Jerry The Rev. Mr. Townsend, a His letter of acceptance

IU William Townsend of Charlotte native of Robeson County, has to the Maxton pulpit was read

. has accepted a call to become been pastor of the Dilworth to the congregation Sunday by

r I pastor of the First Baptist chur- Baptist Church in Charlotte for Dr. John T. Wayland. wbo has

v 1 ch of Maxton and will assume more than six years. T'ne 39? served as interim pastor\ 10r

I his new duties later this month, year-old minister is from the several months. Dr. Wayland is

according to W. A. Ivey, chair- Raft Swamp community, and a professor at Southeastern

;?I? ' man of the pulpit committee. his wife is also a Robesonian. Baptist Theological Seminary

He will succeed the Rev. They have three children.

at Wake Forest.

? Phillip H. King who became The Rev. Mr. Townsend gra- Serving on the pulpit com-

' pastor of the Burgaw Baptist duated from Philadelphus. High mittee with Ivey were Mr.S. D.

church in April after a five year School, Wingate Junior College, L. Stone, Mrs. Lawton Kitchen,

_ pastorate in Maxton.

and Carson Newman College in Gary Monroe and H. B Har-

~~~=::~::;;~~~=;t~nnessee. He worked with Ca- dee. Mrs. Elbert Jones and Rorolina Power and Light Comp- bert Capps served as alternate

any for eight years before he members.

decided to enter the ministry.

The Dilworth Church is his second pastorate, and he serv-:

First Servic~

By New Past~

The Rev. Jerry Townsend will conduct his first service as the new pastor of the First Baptist church of Maxton on Sun~ Sept. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend and their three children moved into the Maxton pastortum this week from Charlotte where they had lived for the past six years.

A native of Robeson county,

the new Baptist clergyman will be preaching his first sermon to the Maxton congregation at the 11 o'clock worship service. The church has been without a pastor since the Rev. H. Phillip King resigned to become pastor of the Burgaw Baptist church on April l after five years in Maxton.

Mr. Townsend has sereved as pastor of the Dilworth Baptist church in Charlotte for more than six yers. Prior to that, he held his first pastorate in Tennessee. Before entering the ministry, he was employed with Carolina Power and Light Co.

A former resident of the Raft Swamp community in Robeson county, Mr. Townsend graduated from Philadelphus high school, Wingate Junior college and Carson Newman college in Tennessee.

Dr. John T. Wayland of Wake Forest has served as interim pastor at the Maxton church for several months. W. A. Ivey was chairman of the pulpit


Kings Mountain Herald Kinston: Lenoir Co. News LaGrange: Weekly Gazette Laurinburg Exshance

fee =teaksVllie News ~berty News



SEP 27 1968


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Page 6, Richmond County Daily Journal, Rockingham, N.C.,Friday, Nov. 26, 1975

Beverly Hills ~aEtist _ ..

Has Called New Pastor

The Rev. Jerry W. Townsend has been called as pastor of Beverly Hills Baptist Church, Rockingham, and he began his ministry here November 14.

Mr. Townsend, 47, is a native of Wagram. He served in the United Stales Army (1948-52) where he attained the rank of sergeant. He then worked for Carolina Power & Light Co. ( 1952-56). He surrendered to the call to the ministry and was ordained by the Long Leaf Baptist Church, Wilmington, in 1957.

Mr. Townsend attended Campbell College and holds degrees from CarsonN ewman College and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has ' pastored churches in Tennessee, Charlotte and Maxton. Having served as pastor of First Baptist Church, Maxton, for eight years before coming to Beverly Hills.

He is married to Elsa T. Townsend and they have three children: Elsa Benita, 15; Jerry, Jr., 12; Rosalyn Lee Nora, 1.


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