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Which exercises can you use to help your students prepare for NAPLAN?LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS1a. The Literacy Planet menu in each year level has Spelling exercises with a variety of games providing the learner with practise in spelling a large variety of words. You can choose words already entered into the program or create your own custom spelling list, then simply apply words to the following spelling programsFor a full list of available spelling exercises click here1b. Grammar and Punctuation exercises are found under each year level and these exercises provide the student with practise in applying the rules of grammar and punctuation in the English language.For a full list of available grammar and punctuation exercises click hereREADING COMPREHENSION2a. The Literacy Planet menu in each year level has Reading Comprehension exercises with a variety of texts providing the learner with practise in applying reading comprehension strategies. 2b. Reading fluency exercises are found under Reading in each year level and these exercises provide the student with practise at reading at a fluent rate with a variety of texts. 2c. For those readers that need to develop their accuracy skills through phonics instruction, there is a comprehensive Phonics program available in the Prep- Year 3 level menus.For a full list of available READING COMPREHENSION exercises click hereHow do these exercises help my students?The language conventions tests assess spelling, grammar and punctuation. Literacy knowledge and skills are essential to effective communication across all learning areas. However, the tools of language, including language conventions, are explicitly developed in the English learning of each state and territory curriculum, and the language conventions tests are underpinned by the?Statements of learning for English?(MCEECDYA 2005). National minimum standards describe some of the skills and understandings students are generally expected to demonstrate at their particular year of schooling. There are two sets of minimum standards for language conventions –?minimum standards for spelling, and?minimum standards for grammar and punctuation. This is because it is not possible to establish a single assessment scale for all these areas. The standards are intended to be a snapshot of typical achievement and do not describe the full range of what students are taught or what they may achieve.The NAPLAN reading tests measure literacy proficiency across the English learning area in line with the?Statements of learning for English?(MCEECDYA 2005).In the Reading tests, students are provided with a magazine containing a range of texts that illustrate different writing styles. Students read the texts provided then answer related questions in a separate booklet.The skills demonstrated in reading are dependent on the complexity and accessibility of the text. Typically students engage with more complex texts as their reading comprehension skills improve. There is a very wide range of reading ability levels at each school year level so the tests start with simple, short texts and get increasingly longer and harder.Types of skills and understandings that students are generally expected to demonstrate at their particular year of schooling are described in the?minimum standards for reading.Why LiteracyPlanet Spelling Exercises are (games) so effective?Similarly to other effective spelling programs like Words Their Way, we know at Literacy Planet that learning to spell is developmental. Our approach to spelling incorporates the development of phonological knowledge; morphemic knowledge and etymological knowledge about words. Our exercises provide students with practise in applying all of the essential skills that they require to become effective spellers. These include segmenting and blending letters phonemically as well as identifying the visual graphic patterns in words for easy recall. (Exercise descriptions below)Our spelling lists have been compiled together beginning with words with similar phonetic principles in the early years. Lists are then compiled to group together words with similar semantic connections including prefixes, suffixes, meaning patterns, homophones and compound words for the middle years. Finally, the lists in the upper levels are grouped together based on their derivations. Therefore, the lists of words compliment the development of spelling (see attached overview). Our program is aligned to the Australian curriculum and specifically correlates to the national minimum standards assessed in NAPLAN.We know that all learners develop at different rates. We understand that providing differentiated learning for students is a complex and demanding task for teachers. By using our teaching matrix, teachers can assign spelling tasks to their students that match their levels of spelling development.However, this is where we can provide schools with benefits that other programs can’t. We provide a paperless, engaging platform for your students to work in. We provide immediate feedback to students and we collate data for you to easily assess and track the progress of your students. Why are the LiteracyPlanet Reading Comprehension Exercises so effective?LiteracyPlanet’s comprehension section is organised into levels from Foundation to Level 9. The overlap in the levels will provide for a wide range of abilities within each year level. Every comprehension exercise available in Foundation and Level One comes with audio support.The content in each level has been graded as closely as possible to Reading Recovery levels, PM Levels, Fountas/Pinnell Levels, DRA levels, Rigby Literacy levels, Lexile and Wings Reading levels.The twelve comprehension strategies covered in the exercises can be categorised into three main areas of reading:READING THE TEXTREADING BETWEEN THE LINESREADING BEYOND THE TEXTMain IdeaFacts and DetailsSequencing Cause and EffectComparing and ContrastingPredicting Words in ContextConclusions and InferencesComparing and Contrasting PredictingWord in ContextConclusions and InferencesHow do LiteracyPlanet exercises for NAPLAN link to The Australian Curriculum?The following tables outline the National minimum standards for Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation that are assessed in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in NAPLAN. You can use this table to match the individual learner needs to the year level that that are operating at, and then choose the appropriate exercises to develop their skills in these areas.Matching LiteracyPlanet SPELLING Exercises to National Minimum StandardsNAPLANYear LevelNational Minimum StandardsAustralian Curriculum Content Descriptors and how to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needs. Year 9In spelling, Year 9 students at the minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in most multi-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and some less frequently used words with irregular spelling patterns.Students can correct identified errors in:less frequently used one-syllable words with double or r-controlled vowelsless frequently used two-syllable wordsmulti-syllable words with the suffix ‘ance’.Students can identify and correct errors in:multi-syllable soft 'c' wordsmulti-syllable words with regular spelling patterns.Matching LiteracyPlanet GRAMMAR Exercises to National Minimum StandardsNAPLAN Year LevelNational Minimum StandardsAustralian Curriculum Content Descriptors and how to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needs. Year 9In grammar and punctuation, Year 9 students at the?minimum standard?generally identify in which tense a short passage is written and correctly use comparative adjectives. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as the correct form of contractions, and can identify the purpose of italics and dashes in sentences.In grammar students can:identify the tense of a short passageidentify the correct form of a comparative adjective in a sentenceidentify the word that functions as a verb in a sentence.In punctuation students can:identify the purpose of italics in a sentencelocate commas in a sentence to emphasise a clauserecognise that colons can be used to introduce lists.The following table outlines the National minimum standards for reading that are assessed in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in NAPLAN. You can use this table to match the individual learner needs to the year level that that are operating at, and then choose the appropriate exercises to develop their reading comprehension skills and reading accuracy skills.Matching LiteracyPlanet READING Exercises to National Minimum StandardsYear LevelNational Minimum StandardsHow to use Literacy Planet Exercises to personalise learning and match learner needsYEAR9When reading complex narrative, poems, complex biographical texts, complex information texts and persuasive texts such as arguments, students can:locate a directly stated detailconnect ideas across a paragraph or across the text to interpret a description or the motivation of charactersinfer the main ideainterpret and evaluate a character’s behaviour and attitudeinterpret dialogue to describe a characterinterpret the reasons for a character's responseconnect ideas to interpret figurative languageinterpret the effect of a short sentence.identify the main idea of the poem.locate a directly stated idea in the text.locate directly stated informationSpelling Exercises – Appendix 1Spelling ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise descriptionAlphabetical Word MonsterreadingdecodinggraphiccategorisingSelect the words in the correct alphabetical order Word OrderreadingdecodinggraphiccategorisingSelect the words in the correct alphabetical order Static Wordsreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written word that matches the spoken word.Word Snapreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the pairs of written words Floating Wordsreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written word that matches the spoken word Word Finderreadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Identify the written words in a word find puzzle Sentence Jumblereadingdecodinggraphicword recognitionGame -Listen to the spoken words and organise the corresponding written words into the correct word order. Word Builder 1writingencodinggraphicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the correct grapheme and position to spell wordsWord Builder 2writingencodingphonemicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the grapheme from the keyboard and typing it to spell words.Spell This WordwritingencodingphonemicsegmentingListen to the spoken word, segment the phonemes and choose the correct graphemes from the keyboard to spell the words DictationwritingencodingphonemicsegmentingListen to the spoken word, segment the words and choose the correct graphemes from the keyboard to spell the words and reproduce the spoken sentencesFlash Cardwritingencodingword recognitionPractise spelling the words from visual memory using the Look, cover, write, check strategyMemory Gamereadingfluencygraphicword recognitionGame- identify the pairs of written words from memory JigsawwritingencodingphonemicblendingBuild the correct word by choosing the correct pairs of grapheme to spell words Grammar and Punctuation Exercises – Appendix 2Grammar/Punctuation ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 7 level or below the YEAR 9 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 8grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesComplete the interrogativeswritinggrammarsentencesinterrogativesIdentifying interrogative sentencesYear 8grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechAdverbs (Circumstance)Understanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 8grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechAdverbs (Circumstance)Understanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 8grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Sentence Jumble - 1writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)Understanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 8grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Sentence Jumble - 2writinggrammarparts of speechadjectives (attributes)Understanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 8grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesPunctuating Compound Sentences - 1writingpunctuationsentencessentences structureUsing semi-colons and commas to create compound sentencesYear 8grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesPunctuating Compound Sentences - 2writingpunctuationsentencessentences structureUsing semi-colons and commas to create compound sentencesYear 8grammarTypes of SentencesCompound-Complex SentencesIdentifying Clauseswritinggrammarsentencessentences structureIdentifying clauses in compound-complex sentencesYear 8grammarTypes of SentencesCompound-Complex SentencesCreating Compound-Complex Sentenceswritinggrammarsentencessentences structureIdentifying missing clausesYear 8grammarParts of a SentenceTheme and RhemeIdentify the Theme and Rhemewritinggrammarsentencessentences structureIdentifying theme and rhemeYear 8grammarParts of a SentenceTheme and RhemeTheme and Rheme Orderwritinggrammarsentencessentences structureOrdering theme and rhemeYear 8grammarParts of a SentenceDirect and Indirect ObjectChoosing the Direct and Indirect ObjectwritinggrammarsentencesobjectsSelecting direct and indirect objects to complete a sentenceYear 8grammarParts of a SentenceTransitive/Intransitive VerbsTransitive VerbswritinggrammarsentencesverbsSelecting transitive verbs to complete a sentenceYear 8grammarParts of a SentenceTransitive/Intransitive VerbsIntransitive Verbswritinggrammarsentencesverbsselecting intransitive verbs to complete a sentenceYear 8grammarTopic SentencesParagraph organisation and orderIdentifying Topic Sentenceswritinggrammarparagraphstopic sentencesIdentifying topic sentencesYear 8grammarTopic SentencesParts of a paragraphIdentifying Topic Sentenceswritinggrammarparagraphstopic sentencesIdentifying topic sentencesYear 8grammarWord AssociationsEllipsisEllipsis - 1writingvocabularymissing words?Completing sentences to replace an ellipsisYear 8grammarWord AssociationsEllipsisEllipsis - 2writingvocabularymissing words?Completing sentences to replace an ellipsisGrammar/Punctuation ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working at the expected YEAR 9 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 9grammarKinds of SentencesImperativesCategorising ImperativesIdentifying interrogative sentencesYear 9grammarKinds of SentencesInterrogativesIdentifying Interrogative TypesIdentifying interrogative sentencesYear 9grammarKinds of SentencesRevisionText TypesIdentifying interrogative sentencesYear 9grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Inserting AdjectivesUnderstanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 9grammarSentences BeginningsAdjectives (Attributes)Identifying SentencesUnderstanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 9grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Inserting AdverbsUnderstanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 9grammarSentences BeginningsAdverbs (Circumstance)Identifying SentencesUnderstanding how to use sentence endings on sentences that begin with an adjectiveYear 9grammarTypes of SentencesRevisionIdentifying TypesIdentifying clauses in compound-complex sentencesYear 9grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesCompleting Compound SentencesIdentifying missing clausesYear 9grammarTypes of SentencesCompound SentencesIdentifying Compound SentencesIdentifying missing clausesYear 9grammarTypes of SentencesComplex SentencesClauses in Complex SentencesIdentifying missing clausesYear 9grammarTypes of SentencesCompound-Complex SentencesIdentifying SentencesIdentifying missing clausesYear 9grammarParts of a SentenceDirect and Indirect ObjectIndirect Object Into Prepositional PhraseSelecting transitive verbs to complete a sentenceReading Comprehension Exercises – Appendix 3Reading Comprehension ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working above the expected YEAR 7 level or below YEAR 9 level should attempt the following exercises:Year 8Reading Comprehension After listening to text being read, answer comprehension questionsTopicTitleComprehension Strategies CoveredText TypeGenreCreaturesGiant PandasMain Idea (MI)Predicting (P)Author's Purpose (AP)Compare And Contrast (CC)Facts And Details (FD)Conclusions & Inferences (CI)Words In Context (WC)Sequencing (S)Fact & Opinion (FO)Cause And Effect (CE)ReportInformation ReportCreaturesThe PantherPoetryNarrative PoetryCreaturesAnimal FarmDescriptionNovella ExtractDisastersComing HomeNarrativeNovel ExtractDisastersSinking of the Titanic - Part 1DescriptionHistorical ReportDisastersSinking of the Titanic - Part 2DescriptionHistorical ReportDisastersA Midsummer Night's Dream - Where is Lysander?PlayShakespearean Comedy/FantasyDisastersA Midsummer Night's Dream - Hermia's PredicamentPlayShakespearean Comedy/FantasyDiscoveriesA Sea SongPoetryBalladDiscoveriesBeast From AirNarrativeNovel ExtractDiscoveriesThe PearlNarrativeNovella ExtractMysteriesThe Lost World - Professor Challenger's AdventureNarrativeNovel ExtractMysteriesLiamNarrativeShort StoryMysteriesTragedy in the GraveyardNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleOzymandiasPoetrySonnetPeopleFalling Leaves - The Tragic BeginningRecountAutobiographyPeopleFalling Leaves - Obeying and DisobeyingRecountAutobiographyPeopleThe Fire in the StoneNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleTom Meets BeckyNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleThe BreadwinnerNarrativeNovel ExtractBizarreWhat's in a RhymeReportInformation ReportBizarreWhat They Saw Through the WindowNarrativeNovel ExtractBizarreOne Bite is All It TakesRecountAutobiographySportDiverNarrativeShort StorySportFlying - Part 1NarrativeShort StorySportFlying - Part 2NarrativeShort StorySportMountain BikingReportSport ReportMiscellaneousAnyone For Pisa?ReportHistorical ReportMiscellaneousBalzac and the Little Chinese SeamstressNarrativeNovel ExtractMiscellaneousThe Merchant of VenicePlayShakespearean TragicomedyReading Comprehension ExerciseLiteracy knowledge and skill focusExercise DescriptionStudents working at the expected YEAR 9 level, should attempt the following exercises:Year 9Reading Comprehension After listening to text being read, answer comprehension questionsTopicTitleComprehension Strategies CoveredText TypeGenreCreaturesWage War On WhalingMain Idea (MI)Predicting (P)Author's Purpose (AP)Compare And Contrast (CC)Facts And Details (FD)Conclusions & Inferences (CI)Words In Context (WC)Sequencing (S)Fact & Opinion (FO)Cause And Effect (CE)ExpositionPersuasive SpeechCreaturesChild and InsectPoetryNarrative PoetryCreaturesThe JaguarPoetryNature PoetryCreaturesThe Healing Power of DogsArticleNewspaper ArticleCreaturesInland Taipan (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus)ReportInformation ReportDisastersMacbeth - O ye wicked onePlayShakespearean TragedyDisastersLady Macbeth - O ye evil ravenPlayShakespearean TragedyDisastersRomeo and Juliet EssayEssayAnalytical ExpositionDisastersMacbeth, The Tragic HeroEssayAnalytical ExpositionDisastersDulce Et Decorum EstPoetryDidactic PoemDisastersThe NecklaceNarrativeShort StoryDiscoveriesAwakeningNarrativeNovel ExtractDiscoveriesThe Lost World - Malone Interviews Professor ChallengerNarrativeNovel ExtractDiscoveriesMy Father Began as a GodPoetryDidactic PoemDiscoveriesThe GiftPoetryDidactic PoemDiscoveriesHelen Keller - Letters from Niagara FallsRecountAutobiographyMysteriesThe SleeperNarrativeNovel ExtractMysteriesDeath at the ExcelsiorNarrativeShort StoryMysteriesOsiris, King of the DeadReportHistorical ReportPeopleOf Mice and MenNarrativeNovella ExtractPeopleHellen Keller - My Childhood ExperiencesRecountAutobiographyPeopleTo Kill A MockingbirdExpositionClosing Argument SpeechPeopleOnceNarrativeNovel ExtractPeopleIspahan CarpetPoetryNarrative PoemPeoplePoints of ViewPoetryNarrative PoemBizarreThe House of NarcissusNarrativeFableBizarreHow It HappenedNarrativeShort StoryBizarreFrankensteinNarrativeNovel ExtractSportParental Sideline BullyingLetterLetter to the EditorSportMarion Jones: Disgraced HeroArticleFeature ArticleSportYear of the TigerNarrativeNovel ExtractMiscellaneousSpeech on Gen YExpositionPersuasive SpeechMiscellaneousTeen speakExpositionPersuasive SpeechMiscellaneousIn ShadowsNarrativeShort StoryMiscellaneousThe Story of Light and Karnak TempleReportHistorical Report ................

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