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Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions

LOTE Department

Spanish 2 PreAp Syllabus- Fall Semester 2020

Teacher: Sra. Boyd


Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, it is important for every person to acquire the skills necessary for effective communication and cross-cultural understanding. A Texas Framework for Languages Other Than English presents a curriculum framework for learning and teaching languages aimed at helping all students reach high and challenging standards. The following are the five program goals upon which TEKS for LOTE are based:

Goal 1: Communication

Students develop communicative abilities in the three modes: interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational, integrating the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and showing.

Goal 2: Cultures

Students learn about and experience other cultures

Goal 3: Connections

Students use language to acquire new information and knowledge in other subject areas.

Goal 4: Comparisons

Students learn the nature of language and culture by comparing other languages and cultures with their own.

Goal 5: Communities

Students use language to participate in communities both at home and around the world.

Required Course Materials provided by LOTE DeBakey HSHP

• Textbook: Avancemos (digital version). This online resource includes text, videos/telehistorias, student book audio, workbook audio, Lecturas & flashcards with audio, interactive student edition which includes scorable activities, animated grammar, online review & .

• : Students will have their own account which will assist in supporting learning through practice activities, games and quizzes.

• : Through the HUB students will access teacher chosen videos to assist in acquisition of multiple concepts.

• The HUB through HISD: Students will access all classroom content through the HUB

• Microsoft TEAMS: Students will attend class sessions through TEAMS meetings online.

• Additional Reading and Writing sources provided to students digitally and physically throughout the year from my own library of content.

The Spanish II Diagnostic Exam

It is most important that parents/guardians understand that we administer a diagnostic exam for students in the first week of instruction. This is to help us, as professionals better understand what it is your student retained from Spanish I. If your student did not earn credit from DeBakey HSHP for Spanish I this diagnostic allows us to comprehend your student’s potential needs with regards to review materials.

DeBakey is a rigorous institution and when having graduated from DeBakey HSHP we know that all students can achieve excellence on a competitive national and even global sphere. We are committed to your student/s having a working knowledge of the language therefore, we feel a diagnostic will assist students and parents in comprehending where students need to improve in the review period of DeBakey instruction prior to the acquisition of new curriculum.

Evaluation: Determining your students’s proficiency.

Evaluation is conducted by using varied methods and techniques that reveal what the student has attained and to what degree he or she can successfully implement key concepts and ideas.  Methods include standardized testing, written response testing (both open and closed response) projects and research both independent and collaborative.  Grades are proportioned as follows.   


|Tests and Cross Cultural Projects | 40% |

| | |

|Quizzes |35% |

| | |

|Daily Class Assignments: Inclusive of Cultural Openers, Grammatical|25% |

|Practice in comprehension and production, Verbal communication in | |

|both verbal comprehension and oral production. | |

Fall Semester Contents:

Cycle 1-

Administration of School-wide level appropriate pre-test and follow-up for each student. El Silabeo, Lección Preliminar- Tema: Mis Amigos y yo (Florida)

1. Take a diagnostic test for correct placement level

2. Identify and describe people

3. Talk about likes and dislikes

4. Say where you and your friends go

5. Describe how you and others feel

6. Talk about what you and your Friends do


o Definite and indefinite articles

o Subject pronouns and ser

o Adjectives

o The verb-tener

o The verb-gustar

o Ir + a + place

o Ser or estar

o Regular present tense verbs

o Stem-changing verbs

o Ir + a + infinitive

7. Division of words into syllables- el Silabeo

8. Learn about the culture of Spanish-speaking people in Florida

9. Writing exercises- Journal- “Mi Diario”

10. Oral presentations- Image mapping, dialogues with partner or in groups.

11. Reading selections- Level 2

Cycle 2- Unidad 1-A conocer nuevos lugares- (Costa Rica)

Leccion 1 Tema: Vamos de viaje

1. Discuss travel preparations

2. Talk about things you do at an airport

3. Ask how to get around town


o Personal a

o Direct object pronouns

o Indirect object pronouns


o Possessions

o Prepositions

o Places around town

o Daily activities

Learn about:

o Culture in Costa Rica- Pura vida and the art of Adrian Gomez

o A nature preserve in Costa Rica

o Eco-adventure activities in Costa Rica

Leccion 2 Tema: Cuéntame de tus vacaciones

a. Say where you went and what you did on vacation

b. Ask information questions

c. Talk about buying gifts and souvenirs


o Interrogatives

o Preterite of -ar verbs

o Preterite of – ir, ser, hacer, ver and dar


o Foods, days of the week

o parties

4. Cycle Project : Presentations on Costa Rica y Chile

5. Writing exercises- Journal- “Mi Diario”

6. Oral presentations- skits, dialogues, etc.

7. Reading selections- Level 2

Cycle 3 -

Unidad 2- Argentina

Leccion 1 Tema: La copa Mundial

1. Learn about Argentine culture

2. Talk about sporting events and athletes

3. Discuss ways to stay healthy

4. Point out specific people and things

5. Retell events from the past


o Adverbs with -mente

o Preterite of -er and -ir verbs

o Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns


o Food

o Sports equipment

o Colors

o Clothing

o Classroom objects

Leccion 2 Tema: ¿Que vamos a hacer?

6. Discuss your daily routine

7. Clarify the sequence of events

8. Say what you and others are doing right now or intend to do


o Pensar + infinitive

o Reflexive verbs

o Present progressive tense


o Parts of the body

o Telling time

o Places in school and around town

9. Cycle project – Final vocab/gram/culture unit group presentations

10. Writing exercises in Journal- “Mi Diario”

11. Oral presentations

12. Reading selections - Level 2


The language will be practiced and promoted through a variety of oral and written activities and students will be encouraged to respond in the target language. Reading skills will be enhanced by using short stories and authentic materials. The students will be exposed to many different styles of speaking in order to facilitate their oral discrimination and to improve their ability to pick up salient facts and ideas presented orally.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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