ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary

ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary Executive Summary and Tables

Guaranteed Annual Salary: 2008-09 Total Compensation: 2008-09

Table of Contents

List of Tables Introduction Methodology Confidentiality of Data Description of Executive Summary and Tables Selected Findings Appendix

List of Tables

Table 1: Full-Time Versus Part-Time Status by Administrative Title or Academic Rank, 2008-09

Table 2: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and School Type, 2008-09

Table 3: Guaranteed Annual Salary Per Half Day of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and School Type, 2008-09

Table 4: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and Region, 2008-09

Table 5: Guaranteed Annual Salary Per Half-Day for Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and Region, 2008-09

Table 6: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Discipline and School Type, 2008-09

Table 7: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Part-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and School Type, 2008-09

Table 8: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Part-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and Region, 2008-09

Table 9: Total Compensation of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and School Type, 2008-09

Table 10: Total Compensation of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and Region, 2008-09

Table 11: Total Compensation of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Discipline and School Type, 2008-09

Table 12: Guaranteed Annual Salary of Full-Time Faculty by Primary Appointment and Gender, 2008-09

Appendix: Dental Schools by Type and Region

ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary Executive Summary and Tables 2008-09 (modified 3/5/21)



The Executive Summary and Tables of the American Dental Education Association's annual Dental School Faculty Salary Survey provide information on the 2008-09 "guaranteed annual salary" and "total compensation" of full-time and part-time U.S. dental school faculty.

Guaranteed annual salary provides a basic comparison of faculty salaries among dental schools because it does not include factors that vary greatly between schools, such as fringe benefits (including health and retirement benefits) or the percentage of guaranteed salary that will be added as a fringe benefit.

Guaranteed annual salary also does not include diverse income from faculty practices, incentives, or bonuses. Guaranteed annual salary and these other diverse sources of income are included in total compensation, which is the sum of guaranteed annual salary, fringe benefits, income from faculty practice, incentives, and bonuses.

Total compensation provides a more appropriate comparison of net faculty compensation with net income of private practice dentists. Comparing total compensation and guaranteed annual salary data indicates that total compensation routinely exceeds guaranteed annual salary.

For the Executive Summary and Tables, information about guaranteed annual salary and total compensation is categorized by administrative title, primary appointment, and academic rank of faculty members.

The categories are grouped and presented by school type, i.e., public or private and private state-related (see Appendix). (Because of the small number of private state-related schools, data from these schools are combined with data from private schools to maintain institutional and individual confidentiality).

Salary information is also displayed by region of the United States.


The Executive Summary and Tables of the American Dental Education Association's annual Faculty Salary Survey provide information and analysis on the wages earned by U.S. dental school faculty during 2008-09.

Of the 59 dental schools eligible to participate in the survey, 58 submitted responses (98% participation rate), and 44 submitted faculty salary data within those responses (92% complete data submission rate).

The Appendix of this summary identifies the 58 schools that responded to the survey. Prior to analysis, collected survey data was rigorously cleaned to reduce and eliminate inconsistencies, discrepancies, and errors.

Throughout the Executive Summary and Tables, salary data are presented in two formats:

1. Guaranteed Annual Salary: A faculty member's Guaranteed Annual Salary is his or her (gross) base salary, not including any benefits (e.g., health and retirement benefits), bonuses, or other sources of income from the dental school. Because such fringe benefits

ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary Executive Summary and Tables 2008-09 (modified 3/5/21)


and alternate forms of compensation often vary significantly across dental schools, the Guaranteed Annual Salary measure enables the reader to conduct a basic comparison of faculty salaries.

2. Total Compensation: A faculty member's Total Compensation includes his or her Guaranteed Annual Salary, benefits, income from faculty practice, incentives, bonuses, and other forms of remuneration from the dental school.

Salary data are subsequently sorted and presented according to the following categories and sub-categories:

? Dental School Type (Public Versus Private or State-Related Institution): A list of dental schools, sorted by type, is provided in the Appendix of this summary.

? Dental School Region: A list of dental schools, sorted by region (Northeast/South/Central/West), is provided in the Appendix of this summary.

? Faculty Employment Status (Full-Time Versus Part-Time): Faculty are considered full-time if they worked more than eight half days per week and more than nine months per year. Conversely, faculty are categorized as part-time if they worked less than eight half days per week and nine months or less per year.

? Primary Appointment (Including Administrative Title or Academic Rank): This measure captures the primary area in which a faculty member works (Administration, Allied Dental Education, Basic Science, Behavioral Science, Clinical Science, or Research).

Because a faculty member can hold more than one position at a school, ADEA adapted the following categorization guidelines to ensure consistency in reporting and no double counting of faculty within a given table:

o Faculty with an administrative title are included solely in Administrative categories, regardless of their primary appointments or academic ranks.

o Within the Academic Rank categories, faculty with Department Chair positions are categorized exclusively as such and not with any other rank (e.g., Professor or Associate Professor).

? Primary Disciplines: To provide the reader with a deeper understanding of faculty salaries in specific fields of dental education, we organized some of the tables according to primary disciplines, which include Dental Public Health, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, General Practice Residency/Advanced Education in General Dentistry, and General/Operative/Restorative Dentistry.

Median salary data are reported within each category, unless no salary data (---) or too few cases (three or less) of salary data to preserve confidentiality (***) are available. The median figures provide the reader with the mid-point among all salaries within a given category. Using median salary data is also preferable to using mean salary data, because the latter are often susceptible to influence by outlier salaries.

ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary Executive Summary and Tables 2008-09 (modified 3/5/21)


The Executive Summary and Tables also illustrate the number of faculty with valid salary data available within each category (#). Using this "valid n" figure is a departure from past years' reports, in which (#) equated the total number of faculty within each category, regardless of whether or not their reported salaries were included in the analysis. We believe that using the "valid n" figures will give the reader a more accurate understanding of how many salaries are represented within each category of analysis.

Confidentiality of Data

Throughout the Executive Summary and Tables, three asterisks (***) are used wherever the amount of data is insufficient--i.e., three or fewer valid salary figures--to preserve confidentiality. Three hyphens (---) are used where no salary information exists.

While the ADEA database of dental educators is used to generate faculty rosters by individual school for the collection of salary data, the information is maintained in a separate database, without faculty names.

These two databases are not part of the shared components of ADEA's computer network. Access to these data is limited to authorized ADEA staff who analyze the data and prepare specific summaries or reports.

Individual and confidential data are maintained only in an electronic format. They are not maintained or accessible in a print format. Only aggregated data that maintain confidentiality are part of ADEA summaries, reports, and documents.

Description of Executive Summary and Tables

Tables throughout the Executive Summary and Tables present full- and part-time salary information (as provided by schools) from a number of perspectives, including by school type, by region, by primary appointment, by primary discipline, and by salary per half-day.

Salary per half-day was calculated by dividing each faculty's guaranteed annual salary by the total number of half-days worked per week, as reported by the dental school. Reporting annual salary as annual salary per half-day can create a more accurate base for presenting and comparing guaranteed faculty salaries.

Selected Findings

The following findings are based on analysis of median salary data for the largest primaryappointment categories for full-time faculty: Administration: 1,203; Clinical Science: 2,248; Research: 450; and Basic Science: 250.

Guaranteed Annual Salary of Full-Time Dental School Faculty (see Table 2)

Variations in faculty salary are related to academic rank (such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, etc.) and primary appointment (such as Clinical Science, Basic Science, Research, etc.). Not surprisingly, the higher the rank, the higher the salary.

Each academic rank's uniqueness lies in median salary variations across primary-appointment categories. Median salaries for Department Chairs ranged from $183,394 for those in Research to $145,092 for those in Clinical Science.

ADEA Dental School Faculty Salary Executive Summary and Tables 2008-09 (modified 3/5/21)



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