|Written By: |Approved By: |

| | |

| | |

|Adriana Spina |Stephanie Leighton |

|Marketing Services Supervisor |Strategic Information Manager |

|Issue Date : 3/10/2013 |Issue No. 9.0 |Issued by: |Doc. Index Updated|

|Supersedes Issue: 8.0 | |Document Controller |Y |

| | |Wendy Holden | |

|Reason For Issue: |

|Change NF31 form to NF61, NF62 and NF63 as well as changes to job handling process |



Marketing Services Coordinator


Product Managers, ANZ

Group Product Managers, ANZ

National Business Managers

Business Unit Managers (NZ)

Regulatory Affairs/Quality Assurance Manager (ANZ)

Regulatory Affairs/Quality Assurance Coordinator (NZ)

Marketing Director, ANZ

Sales Director, AUST

Strategic Information Manager

Document Controller (Master)


To ensure we have clear, focused and accessible sales and marketing tools, which are delivered to specification and deadline, aligned with business requirements and branded through Marketing Services.


The scope of this procedure covers Project Requests for the design, production and on-line approval of promotional and technical material to aid selling and marketing execution. The overall aim of this procedure is to reduce the average turnaround time for Project Requests and to ensure the following:

• All internal and external material generated by Marketing/ Sales carries Smith & Nephew and BSN branding guidelines

• Accurate job logging/capturing

• Marketing Services resource efficiency (in line with business needs)

• Regular communication of job request status

• Timely job completion

• Job handling procedure review (statistical)

• Client satisfaction


The following pages describe each stage in the process, which are represented in document N11-01 as a flowchart explaining the sequence of steps required in the process.

3.1 Job Handling Procedure: Stages

Stage 1 – Sales (optional)

New Project Requests

• All Sales Executive driven jobs are to be filtered via their Line Manager then to the appropriate Product Manager, National Business Manager, Business Unit Manager (NZ)

Stage 2 – Job Requestors

New Project Requests

All new project requests (NF61, NF62, NF63), conforming to the brief specifications, can be generated by either a Product Manager, National Business Manager Business Unit Manager, Marketing Services Supervisor, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Strategic Information Manager, ANZ Marketing Director, Sales Director Aust, Country Manager NZ or Health Economics Specialist and delivered complete and pre-approved to the Marketing Services Coordinator

• NF61 via the Smith & Nephew on-line approval system to ANZ Marketing Services Job Lodgment Services [anzmarketingservices@smith-] (If on-line system is not available due to technical issues the Marketing Services Coordinator will advise alternative methods)

• NF62 and NF63 via email anz.marketingservices@smith-


7 Pre-approval must be obtained prior to lodging a request for the creation of artwork (NF61). This process is covered in procedure N08.


• Requestors will need to advise if new project request will replace or delete any existing marketing material. (see NF61)

Stage 3 – Marketing Services

Project Logged

• If the request is fully completed and pre-approvals are confirmed it is processed. If it requires amendments it is returned to the requestor for alterations/additions.

• Project Requests containing the required information are logged by the Marketing Services Coordinator Job Log database and become “Jobs”. Each new logged Job will be allocated an identification number which will be referenced on the artwork e.g. SN00000

• Job requestor will receive an email from the Marketing Services Coordinator acknowledging receipt of their request and providing an estimated completion date.

• Jobs will queue in the database until allocated to a Job Owner (Marketing Services Resource) and work commences for the job.

Resource Allocated

• Level of creativity, job urgency, complexity and length will be considered, and based on these factors an appropriate Job Owner will be allocated to ensure that the job is completed on time and to specification

Work Performed

• As per the request form, work is performed by the Job Owner – briefing and ongoing communication directly with the requestor is encouraged.

Final Approvals

• When artwork relating to an NF61 is completed, it will be sent to the following people for final approval via Smith & Nephew on-line approval system. To ensure all final content is reviewed and approved to meet regulatory and compliance codes prior to publication a two stage hierarchy is as follows.

o Stage One (all approvals from this group must be provided prior to going to stage two)

• Job Requestor

• Relevant Product Manager

• Brand Management (Marketing Services Supervisor)

• Marketing Director, ANZ

o Stage Two (version submitted to this group must include all changes required by the group of approvers in stage one)

• Regulatory Affairs Manager (AUST & ANZ specific jobs)

• Regulatory Affairs Coordinator (NZ specific jobs)

• If amendments are required, these need to be actioned before final approval is granted

Job Printed and/or Distributed

• The Job Requestor will be advised by email when work is completed, if this involved the creation of artwork and a PDF was requested, this will be forwarded at that time.

• Job Requestor will be responsible for organising printing (if relevant) and raising a purchase order. The Job owner will forward artwork to the printer nominated by the Job Requestor.

• If the work involved the retrieval and provision of images only, then these will be forwarded onto the recipient designated by the Job requestor in the manner requested (i.e. CD, USB etc.)

Closed and Archived

• The job is closed by the Job Owner

• The Job Requester will receive an email from the Job Owner acknowledging completion of the job.

• Details entered into the database at this time are:

o Time spent on Job

o Date Closed

o Job is then archived in line with business and audit requirements

3.2 Job Requests: Outputs

As part of the Handling Procedure, the following outputs will be produced to communicate to users the current status of jobs and the efficiency of the job handling process:

Job Status Report

• This report will be made available on request.

Job Log Database: Queries on Demand

• Based on the variables contained in the database, reports can be produced on demand to meet specific requirements

• Queries of this nature should be forwarded to the Database Owner (Marketing Services Coordinator)

• Weekly update on jobs outside delivery date

• Email to Job Requestor acknowledging receipt of request

• Email to Job Requestor advising completion of job


Appendix 1 – Flow chart (N11-01)

Appendix 2 – Request for Artwork Creation (NF61)

Appendix 3 - Request Image Supply (NF62)

Appendix 4 - Request Artwork Re-size (NF63)

End of Document


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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