CSI4118 (Fall 2003)

CSI4118 (Fall 2003)

Assignment 3

Posted on:Nov.19, 2004

Due: Dec. 3, 2004

The following questions are intended to be answered with very short, specific answers.

Choose any combination of questions whose marks add up to 12, and answer those

questions only.

1. Can a client and server both use protocol port 5193 on the same computer at the same time? Why or why not? [4]

2. What is the advantage or disadvantage of using INADDR_ANY instead of the IP address of the computer running the server? [2]

3. Some sites run a program called mailer that allows a user to create arbitrary aliases for their own email address. The user will receive mail sent to any of the aliases. What is the chief advantage of allowing such aliases? The chief disadvantage? [4]

4. In Voice over IP, do signalling protocols have to run over UDP? Why or why not? [4]

5. What is the chief advantage of allowing HTML to choose display details such as the size of items on the display? What is the chief disadvantage? [4]

6. Suppose a CGI program requires thirty seconds of CPU time to compute the answer to a request. Explain what happens if two or more clients make a request within thirty seconds. (Assume that the CGI program runs on the concurrent WWW server) [2]

7. Can dynamic document technologies (e.g. CGI) provide functionality that cannot be achieved with active document technologies? Explain. [4]

8. Can a Java applet act as a server? Explain. (Hint: look at the Java socket functions available in the applet runtime library) [4]

9. When an applet stores long-term state information in a file, where is the file located? [2]


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