
FIRST PRE BOARD EXAMINATIONSUBJECT:INFORMATICS PRACTICESSESSION:2016-17CLASS:XIIMM:70TIME:3 hrsQ1:Give the answers of the following:(a)A school with 20 stand-alone computers is considering networking them together and adding a server. State 2 advantages of doing this.1(b)Distinguish between LAN and WAN.1(c)What is the purpose of Modem in network ?1(d)Write one example of IP Address.1(e)Define ‘Domain Name Resolution’.2(f)Name two threats to security in a network. What is the role of Firewall in Network security?2(g)Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Open Source software over Proprietary software.2Q2:Give the answers of the following:(a) In a SWITCH statement, what is the purpose of ‘default’ section ?2(b) Write Java code to assign the value 500 to variable x. Increase the value of x by 50 and store it in variable y.2(c)What is the difference between isSelected() and setSetelected() method in JCheckBox in java.2(d)How many times the following loops will be execute the statements inside it.Which one of them is exit control and which one is entry control.2(e)What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after the execution of the following loop?2int Total=0,End=10;for(int Turn=1;Turn<=End;Turn+=2)Total++;jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(Total));jTextField2.setText(Integer.toString(Turn));Q3:Give the answers of the following:(a) Distinguish between ALTER TABLE and UPDATE commands of MySQL.1(b)Mention two categories in which MySQL commands are broadly classified. 1(c)Give two characteristics of Primary Key.1(d)A table FUNFOOD has 3 rows and 7 columns.Another table SHOP has 5 rows and 5 columns .after Cartesian product what will be the cardinality and degree of the resultant table ? 1(e)A numeric column MONEY contains 34567.7896. Write a command to truncate MONEY2(i)Up to 2 decimal places.(i.e. expected result 34567.78)(ii)Up to -3 places.(i.e. expected result 34000)(f)What happens when ‘‘ROLLBACK’’ command is issued in a transaction process ? 2(g)Shanya Khanna is using a table Employee. It has the following columns.2Admno,Name,Agg,Stream[column Agg contains Aggregate marks]She wants to display highest Agg obtained in each Stream.She wrote the following statement :SELECT Stream, MAX(Agg) FROM Employee;But she did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help her get the desired output.Q4:Give the answers of the following:(a)What will be the content of jTextAreaa1 and textFiled1 after the execution ofthe following statements?2(i)jTextArea1.setText(“Go\tGreen\nIndia”);(ii)String Message=”All the best”;jTextField1.setText(Message.length()-6)+””);(b)Rewrite the following programme code using a while loop statement:2Int last=Integer.parseInt(jTxtField1.getText());For(int c=1;c<=last;c++)jTextArea1.setText(Integer.toString (c ));(c)Observe the following code carefully and find which statement will never get executed in the code.1int count=1;//statement 1do//statement 2{//statement 3if(count<15)//statement 4jTextField1.setText(“Jump”);//statement 5else//statement 6jTextField1.setText(“Stop”);//statement 7count+=4;//statement 8}//statement 9While(t<=15);//statement 10(d)Write java statement to make jButton1 disabled.1(e) Rewrite the following program code using a Switch statement. 2if (code ==1) Day = "Monday" ; else if (code == 2) Day = "Tuesday" ; else if ( code ==3) Day = "Wednesday" ; else if ( code == 4) Day = "Thursday" ; Else Day = "No Match" ;(f) The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made: 2int Total = 0, Jump = 5;int I;for (i = 0, I =<5, i ++){Jump+ =5,Total +=Jump;}jTextAreal.showText (" " + Total) ;(g)Ram works as a programmer in “ABC Marketing Company” where he has designed a salary generator software to generate the salary of salesman in which name and salary are entered by the user. Help him in witing the code to do following:i.After selecting appropriate Radio Button,when ‘Commission’ button is clicked commission should be displayed in the respective text field as each Salesman will get a commission based on the units sold according to the following criteria:2ii.When ‘Gross Salary’ button is clicked,Gross Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formula:1Gross Salary=Salary+Comissioniii.After required selection of checkbox(es),when’Facility Charges’ button is clicked,Facility charges will be displayed in the respective text field according to the following criteria:1iv.Money will be deducted from the Gross Salary according to the facilities opted by the employee.When ‘Net Salary’ button is clicked,Net Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formula:1Net Salary= Gross Salary-Deductions.Q5:Give the answers of the following:(a) Distinguish between Single Row and Aggregate functions of MySQL. Write one example of each. 2 (b) Consider the following table named ‘‘SOFTDRINK’’. Write commands of SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v) to (vii). Table : SOFTDRINK (i) To display names and drink codes of those drinks that have more than 120 calories. 1 (ii) To display drink codes, names and calories of all drinks, in descending order of calories. 1 (iii) To display names and price of drinks that have price in the range 12 to 18 (both 12 and 18 included). 1 (iv) Increase the price of all drinks in the given table by 10%. 1 (v) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(PRICE)) FROM SOFTDRINK; 1 (vi) SELECT MAX (CALORIES) FROM SOFTDRINK; 1 (vii) SELECT DNAME FROM SOFTDRINK WHERE DNAME LIKE “%Mango%”; 1 (c) What is the degree and cardinality of ‘SOFTDRINK’ TABLE ? 1Q6:Give the answers of the following:Write MySQL command to create the Table ‘LIBRARY’ with given constraints. 2 Table : LIBRARY(b) In a Database Company, there are two tables given below : Table : SALESWrite SQL Queries for the following:To display SalesmanID,names of salesman,LocationIDwith corresponding location names.2(ii)To display names of salesman,sales and corresponding location names who have achieved sales more than 1300000.2(iii)To display names of those salesman who have ‘SINGH’ in their names.2(iv)Identify Primary Key in the table SALES .Give reason for your choice.1(v)Write SQL command to change the LocationID to 104 of the Salesman with ID as S3 in the table ‘SALES’.1Q7:Give the answers of the following:(a)How popularity of e-Commerce has benefitted a common man?Give the domain name of one popular e-Commerce site.2(b)Give two address of most commonly used e-Learning sites.1(c )ram is craing a form for his company.Help her to choose most appropriate controls from ListBox,ComboBox,TextFiled,TextArea,adioButton,CheckBox,Lable and Command Button for the following entries.2S.NoFunction1To select citizenship from a list of countries2To allow to input grade out of ‘A’ to ‘D’3To allow selecting one or many food items4To allow entering Feedback in the form of a paragraphFIRST PRE BOARD EXAMINATIONSUBJECT:INFORMATICS PRACTICESSESSION:2016-17CLASS:XIIMARKING SCHEMEQ.NoMarks Distribution1(a)1 mark for the correct advantage(b)? mark for each correct definition or difference(c)1 mark for the correct answer(d)1 mark for correct ip address(e)2 marks for the correct definition(f)1 mark for correct threat’s names and 1 mark for role of firewall(g)1 mark for advantage and 1 mark for disadvantage2(a)2 marks for the correct use of ’ default ‘ in switch statement(b)2 marks for the correct code(c)2 marks for the correct difference(d)1 mark for the correct answer and 1 mark for categorization of the loops(e)1 mark for correct answer in jTextField1 and 1 mark for value in jTextField23(a)? marks for each(b)? marks for each category(c )? mark for each characteristics(d)? mark for degree and ? mark for cardinality(e)1 mark for each correct truncate(f)2 marks for correct answer(g)2 marks for correct query4(a)1 mark for each correct output(b)2 marks for correct code(c )1 mark for correct identification of unexecuted statement(d)1 mark for correct statement(e)2 marks for correct conversion(f)? mark for each four corrections(g)(i)2 marks for the correct code(ii)1 mark for the correct code(iii)1 mark for the correct code(iv)1 mark for the correct code5(a)1 mark for each correct definition and ? mark for each correct example(b)(i)-(vii)1 mark for each correct query(c)1 mark for correct query6(a)2 marks for the correct create query(b)(i)-(iii)2 marks for each correct query(iv)-(v)1 mark for each correct query7(a)1 mark for benefit of e –commerce and 1 mark for domain name(b)? mark for each correct website addresses(c)? mark for each correct selection of the controlsFIRST PRE BOARD EXAMINATIONSUBJECT:INFORMATICS PRACTICESSESSION:2016-17CLASS:XIIBLUE PRINT ................

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