Welcome to The Ultimate Consultant’s Resource, a ...

ABOUT US ……………………………………………………………………………….…....3

UCR OVERVIEW ……………………………..……………………………………………….4


. List Acquisition …………………………………………………………………….…..5

Lead generation & customer Engagement …………………………………….…...5

Diagnostic Tools & Training Needs Analysis ………………………………….……6

MEET THE NEED & SHOW RESULTS ……………………………………………………..8

Library of Workshop & Related Materials …………………………………………...8

Full Compliment of Assessment Units ………………………………………….…..10

MAINTAIN & GROW THE RELATIONSHIP ……………………………………………….12

UCR eNewsletter ……………………………………………………………………...12

Webstore ……………………………………………………………………………….13

A Day in the Life of a UCR Consultant……………….…………………………………….……………………………....14

The HRD Performance Technology Group (PTG), a division of HRD Press, is dedicated to building the business of independent, small practice soft skills consultants. As a PTG member, we promise to be more than a supplier to you, we are the partner that you need to build your business every step of the way.

Our goal is to help you build your business from the earliest stages of finding clients through fulfillment of services and maintaining client relationships.

At PTG, we don’t require you to hold inventory that you may or may not sell. That’s not a partnership, and long-term partnership with you is our mission. PTG does not prevent you from joining other networks. That’s your choice not ours. We feel the best way to earn your loyalty is to simply provide you the best products and services in the industry packaged for you in a way that you can use right away. We feel that we have found the perfect balance between supplying you with all the materials and services you need while giving you the flexibility to customize it, so you can provide superior performance to your clients. When your business grows, ours grows. It is truly a win-win-win situation.

Along with having staff & resources dedicated solely to supporting PTG consultants, you will have instant access to a 10 million dollar library of training workshop materials, state of the art marketing solutions and other services that can get you up and growing in a short period of time. And with our dedication to your growth you can be assured that we will continue to provide you with the very best products, solutions and services in the future.

HRD Press, Inc. is the largest off-the-shelf publisher of soft skills training material in the world. With over 800 products including books, training courses, print assessments, online assessments, training aids, workbooks, and videos – covering over 50 subject areas like: Leadership, Management, Team Building, Coaching, Conflict Resolution and more. HRD Press is truly a training superstore.

Welcome to The Ultimate Consultant’s Resource, a customizable toolkit for your soft skills consulting business. The UCR will provide you with everything you need to run your business, from lead generation to diagnostic tools, workshop materials, assessments and back-end marketing resources for relationship maintenance.

We have put together a package that supports you throughout the complete consulting lifecycle. As a small- or mid-sized consulting firm, you are in competition with large organizations that have flexible and far-reaching resources for lead generation, marketing tools, workshop and training materials and client relationship resources. With the new UCR, now you do, too!

Simple and Effective Lead Generation

• Pick and download a list of quality names Quick & Easy. Viola! You’re Done!

• Automated top-notch online marketing program. One Click is All It Takes!

• Branded web pages, letters, & promotions designed to generate interest!

• 50 free leads and guidance on building a highly profitable lead generation list

• Free online training sessions on systems & best practices!

Turn Leads into Customers

• Entice prospects to sign up for your FREE reports, assessments, or other offers!

• Offer extreme discounts up to 90% off - on the hottest new books and programs

• Conduct a free corporate-wide needs analysis – quickly and easily!

• Track response rates & click-through information, and follow up instantly!

• Custom branded & stocked web-store and assessment center!

Turn Customers into Lifelong Clients

• Enjoy access to a $10 million soft skills library!

• Automatically match prospects needs to the correct product

• Provide measurable results with the Gap Analysis and prescription

• Stay in front of your clients & prospects via your highly interactive newsletter!

• Choose from between 1,000 to 10,000 online assessment units!


Finding the Names that Help You Get Started

Your UCR supplies you with a superior List Acquisition Tool, in order to give you a jump start. We have negotiated an arrangement with Jigsaw, a unique online business listing directory.

Jigsaw is different from most other list generation vehicles in that you are able to drill down to exactly the kind of leads that match your market. Leads are updated and added daily! This program emphasizes not just list acquisition, but acquisition of leads that are most likely to become clients. Jigsaw only accepts confirmed information, and you are given a complete business card, not just an email address.

At this stage, you will also want to add your own contacts to the system. Dust off your list of contacts or cull through your email address list. These are also important to add into your marketing activities. As you read further, you will find out that they can all be utilized in a number of ways. This multi-pronged approach is at the core of the UCR, and your business success!

Generating Leads & Engaging Customers

All good marketing campaigns begin with a good list, but the next step is turning those lists into leads. Large organizations have access to the tools needed for making offers and rolling out substantial marketing campaigns. The "big firm" advantage has disappeared.

Combining this list with your own personal contacts into our online eMarketing system, you will be able to invite all of them to receive your customized eMarketing offers and invitations to engagement.

There is no limit to the number of offers you can create or send in this system. Follow-up emails are fully customized to your business, and are automatically generated. Best of all, the first 5,000 contacts are free with the purchase of the UCR!

Newsletters, free reports and free online assessment trials are proven marketing promotions but can be a resource drain, out of reach for most independent consultants—until now. Turn prospects into customers by making offers of free industry reports, newsletters and assessments. All of these are added to your eMarketing system, and are ready for you to send out. PTG supports your campaigns by providing all of the content and the communication vehicle itself. These offers give you a segue for client communication, provide real value, and build your bank of marketing leads at the same time. —Providing you better results, using less of your time and money!

Moreover, you will be able to send any kind of communication to your clients or potential clients; one of our high-impact email promotions, one of your webinars or an event invitation, or create a marketing piece of your own and deliver them through our system.

The eMarketing system is a complete list management system which provides a variety of predesigned templates, so you can create professional messages with ease! PTG is committed to helping you build and manage your contacts list, and in turn, build your network of leads and expand your presence in the market.

Diagnostic Tools & Training Needs Analysis

Once you begin to use the eMarketing system, you will have generated or reinvigorated customer leads and business relationships. Now, how do you connect customer engagement to a purchase of products and services? When your opportunity arises, how do you begin to talk with a prospective client about what their training needs might be? This is where Diagnostic Tools and the Training Needs Analysis come in.

The UCR provides a variety of embedded Diagnostic Tools to assist in initial engagement with your new clients. GAPM™ (Generally Accepted People Metrics™), a complete Training Needs Analysis survey. This turns the typical training consulting sale inside out by allowing the client to help the client determine their organization's training targets.

GAPM™ also covers key employee cultural metrics for when organizational development interventions are a more appropriate solution. Utilizing GAPM™, you can show your client both their immediate needs and a proprietary trend-over-time analysis of growth in their key areas. It is consulting ROI made easy!

The Diagnostic Tools will help you to engage your leads through the UCR eMarketing system. This is accomplished by using web pages that are customized to your business, giving you a door way to communication with prospective clients.

Your leads or clients are able to respond by simply adding their name and email address. They will be sent a follow-up email, and their name will automatically be added to your leads list.

You will now have your foot in the door to a low-pressure follow-up appointment, explaining the results and helping the client or potential client make the determination themselves about quantifiable organizational needs.

All of these tools taken together represent a powerful shift in the tone of the conversation you will have with clients and potential clients. When you sit down with them to talk over the results of the free assessments or to walk through the GAPM Training Needs Analysis, your conversation will now be positioned as an interview to identify real organizational needs, lend support, give guidance, and help them respond to the needs areas that were revealed in the GAPM™ Training Needs Analysis or to funnel the results of the free assessments their employees took into workshops that will offer true value to their organization.


Library of Workshops & Related Materials

So, how do you connect the results of the Diagnostic Tools to all of the workshops in the UCR? We have done this work for you! Each needs area has been linked to the complete workshop designed specifically to address that particular soft skills area.

You will be able to make an offer of the most appropriate workshop, tailor it to the client and fulfill their needs more quickly and easily than ever before.

We have organized all of the UCR materials into 104 workshops and our library is growing! Here are the workshop areas that are covered:

▪ Leadership

▪ Change Management

▪ Emotional Intelligence

▪ Coaching & Mentoring

▪ Creativity

▪ Teams

▪ Personality & Communication

▪ Sales and Service

▪ Hiring, HR, and Performance Management

▪ Management

▪ Training and Development

▪ Conflict

Each complete workshop kit includes:

• Facilitator Materials

• Participant Booklet and/or Assessment Activities

• PowerPoint presentations

• Countless additional resources

Customizable Content

This outstanding library gives you all of the necessary pieces to run over 100 training workshops. The UCR is unique in that it gives you professionally published materials with the added ability to customize your content in a variety of ways. You may want to brand the materials to your own organization. You may want to give the materials a spin toward your client organization. How about adding real life scenarios that apply directly to your client's work environment or current issues? This is one more feature of the UCR library that makes it completely unique, giving you a portfolio which is unlike any of your competitor's offerings! This saves you the time and energy of creating a course from scratch and gives you the ability to offer professionally designed materials that meet specific client needs!

The UCR workshops have been designed for courses that last between a half day and two days. They focus on building practical skills in the target area through the use of experiential activities, interactive role plays, and high-engagement games; proven components of building competence in key soft skill areas.

You will also be able to further tailor your workshops by augmenting them with the many additional resources that are included in the UCR, such as volumes of training activities, our most recent best selling books, job aides and much more.

All of your UCR materials will be provided to you electronically, giving you the flexibility and instant access that you need.

Full Compliment of Assessment Units

Along with the workshop and resource materials, the new UCR also includes over 100 assessment types, 20 of which are available as online self-scoring instruments. They can be used independently or in conjunction with the workshops. The assessments come with complete related facilitator and participant materials to round out the training goals that have been set by you and your clients.

Here are highlights of just a handful of leading assessment products:

DISC is the premier behavioral style assessment available today. It gives you the ability to sell a universally accepted model at a higher profit margin than ever! The DISC is straightforward to facilitate; the report is approachable and simple, and we’ve got the easiest to use online administration in the industry!

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) determines the degree to which your clients use coaching, instructing, relating or delegating styles correctly according to the capability and motivation of employees. They will be able to create a structured framework for leadership development and improve leadership ability across the whole organization.

You will be able to address one of the most serious issues facing organizations today; lack of training for the developing management and executive class. This is a higher profit alternative to similar quadrant leadership models. You will get increased flexibility, easier facilitation and more profit. Best of all, you will have a set of units available to you, as part of the UCR package!

The Psychological Type Indicator (PTI) offers your clients a Jungian personality measure that focuses on providing individuals and their managers with an understanding of personality and its effect on performance both inside and beyond the workplace. It is specifically developed for business settings. Adding the PTI to your portfolio will automatically increase your flexibility and profit margin!

PS Leader provides an objective analysis of leadership effectiveness. It not only measures competence, but the importance of those competencies to the position itself, which is critical for creating effective leadership development plans. This indicator is often used in succession planning to benchmark key success indicators of current leadership, and identify what needs to be developed in new leadership. Using this well-researched, world class tool with a history of success in major organizations will raise your credibility. Again, you will spend less and make more with the assessment units that you receive as part of the UCR package!

Dealing with Conflict Instrument (DCI) helps shift workplace conflict toward increased collaboration in order to create win/win outcomes. Conflict instruments are one of the best selling products in the training arena. This industry-leading product improves on other conflict instruments of its kind by providing a short assessment that is effective and easy to use. The DCI is easy to integrate into any conflict management training program. This is our best-selling product, and now you can offer it to your clients at no extra cost to you!

Additional Assessments

Any of the workshops can be augmented by the additional assessments that are included in the UCR. These 24 additional assessments are a sampling of the types that will now be part of your portfolio!

• Change Management Effectiveness Profile

• Coaching Effectiveness Profile

• Communication Effectiveness Profile

• Creativity and Innovation Effectiveness Profile

• Customer Service and Commitment Profile

• Diversity & Cultural Awareness Profile

• Goal/Objective Setting Profile

• Leadership Effectiveness Profile

• Listening Effectiveness Profile

• Management Effectiveness Profile

• Networking & Relationship Building Profile

• Personal stress & Well-Being Assessment

• Problem Solving & Decision Making Profile

• Sales Effectiveness Profile

• Service Skills Profile

• Teambuilding Effectiveness

• Time Management Effectiveness Profile

• Emotional Intelligence Profile

• Assertiveness Styles Profile

• Management Styles Questionnaire

• Influence Styles Clock

• Generational Style Assessment

• Learning Styles Profile

• Negotiation Styles Profile


UCR eNewsletter

Now that you have found new clients, generated interest, provided them with value through the Diagnostic Tools, engaged them in a workshop or series of workshops, and have fulfilled the contract, you have certainly gained a lifelong customer. How do you maintain the client interest in your brand and offerings? This is where the UCR eMarketing system comes back into play.

The UCR eNewsletter is a fully customized, content-rich newsletter that includes timely and valuable industry-specific articles. It is different from other newsletters in that it offers take-away value for your subscribers. Each article includes Action Steps and Exercises that subscribers can print out and use immediately.

It also contains a Situation Room article that focuses on a real-life situation, typically faced by managers and executives, with an invitation to send in a solution to you, giving you another window of opportunity for client engagement!

Although the eNewsletter already offers much more than most electronic newsletters, we include an author interview and book review. As you can see, the rich content itself offers value to your subscribers!

The eNewsletter is delivered biweekly, keeps your name in front of clients and potential clients, provides them with real value, and helps you maintain and grow your relationships, both on the front and back end of providing service. HRD PTG will also provide you with the code to put a subscriber box right on your website!

Web Store

Along with all web-based components of the UCR, you will also have a branded web store, further increasing your presence to your readership, which consists of both current and potential clients.

You don't even have to worry about fulfillment or inventory! PTG takes care of the whole process for you. You will receive commission on each order. This is one more way to engage your clients and show total value and increased presence to your clients.


We have completed the process of more effective, higher profit consulting. We have walked through the process of simple and effective lead generation, turning leads into customers, and turning customers into lifelong clients. With all of these resources your organization will be able to take its place on a bigger stage, and compete with organizations that are much larger than your own. PTG is thrilled about working with you to build your consulting business.

8:30 a.m.

You settle in at your desk, put down your coffee and go about marketing your business--which you used to hate, but now you love… it has literally gone from something you dread to something you enjoy enormously. Why the change?

Because your marketing efforts begin with sending out offers by email that give your clients or potential clients the opportunity to sign up for a free assessment or receive a white paper about one of the industry leading products that you use in your workshops. No more cold calling. No more wrestling to get the wording right. The Hard Part is Already Done!

10:00 a.m.

After making some of your daily follow up calls to your warm prospects, you check your email to find out that some respondents have signed up for one of the offers you sent out earlier, a free DISC assessment. You send them a link to the assessment, and add their names to your eNewsletter list. The tasks takes all of about 5 minutes. You sip, and smile.

In the meantime, you contact another client who signed up for a free training needs analysis that is part of the UCR. You set up an appointment to meet with him and walk through the training needs analysis, a unique tool that puts the client in the driver's seat; this simple survey will help your client determine his organization's training needs. This will change the tone of your conversation from product and service sales to advising and supporting.

12:00 p.m.

The newsletter has been added to your online account by PTG. It is branded to your organization and ready to be sent to your client and leads lists. On a whim you decide to make an additional copy of the newsletter, one version to be sent to your current clients and the other to be sent to prospects. On the newsletter to prospects you add a paragraph stating that the first person to purchase one of the featured products in the newsletter will receive a free one-hour training webinar on the topic of their choice. By the time the lunch hour is over, you have reached out to all of the people on your current and potential client list by putting the newsletter in their "Inbox."

2:00 p.m.

You meet with the client whom you contacted this morning to walk through the training needs analysis. His organization's training needs actually fall in the area of leadership development and conflict resolution, not diversity training, as he had thought. He offers to buy you lunch for helping to properly identify the need, and asks what his first steps might be to correct them. You set a lunch appointment for next Thursday, and another visit to the office to immediately follow.

The GapM system used for the assessment automatically matches their development needs and points you to: the Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) and the Dealing with Conflict Instrument (DCI). You also have workshop materials ready to go in both areas and will set aside an hour to customize the look and feel of the program. You offer to conduct a guaranteed pilot in both needs areas.–You will conduct the pilot with a sample group and if they are not satisfied, they owe you nothing. Since everything you need is already in your UCR, it costs you nothing but time to provide the assessment, participant workbook and any other materials that you need for the training session.


When you get back to the office, you follow up your appointment by sending him an email offer of free information and sample reports from both assessments and an offer for a full training program, fully customized to his organization, taking into account the results of the diagnostic analysis.

4:00 p.m.

You put in your UCR CD and bring up the two programs you’ll be working on with the client. Before you sit down you pour yourself one more cup of coffee and begin preparing for your engagement… It is almost time to call it a day. You check your email one more time and find that the respondents to the DISC offer from this morning have taken the assessment. Great News!

You print out their reports and put them next to your desk–They will be first on your list tomorrow morning. With a quick call, you will be able to explain the results of their DISC assessment and explain why so many organizations use it. You make a note reminding yourself to offer a free one hour webinar on how to use the DISC to increase the bottom line for their organization. This gives you another opportunity to engage with a potential client, learn about their organization and make plans for more work in the future!

5:00 p.m. Your work day is over and you have come full circle; the innovative eMarketing activities, the diagnostic tools and training materials followed by back end follow-up eMarketing activities framed your day and gave you multiple opportunities for client engagement – and you have signed a new client… Maybe Two! Welcome to the new world of running your soft skills consulting business with the UCR.



Your Soft Skills Consulting Solution

















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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