Disclaimer – Words may be used in multiple domains

Key Terms/Concepts

English/Language Arts

10th Grade

CAUTION: The list is intended as a supplementary resource to be used with the Georgia Performance Standards; however, it is neither exclusive nor inclusive. It a suggested list of terms across strands of the Georgia Performance Standards for the ninth grade.

Reading and Literature

| | |

|allusion | |

| | |

|archetypal characters | |

|good mother | |

|hero | |

|sage | |

|trickster | |

|archetypal patterns | |

|journey of initiation | |

|search for the father | |

|archetypal symbols | |

|colors | |

|light/dark | |

|water | |

|author’s purpose | |

|author's use of stylistic devices | |

|author's word choice | |

| | |

|autobiography | |

| | |

|bibliography | |

| | |

|biography | |

| | |

|character development | |

| | |

|character motivation | |

|classical literature | |

| | |

|climax | |

| | |

|cognates | |

|contemporary context | |

|controlling images | |

| | |

|denouement (resolution) | |

| | |

|dialogue | |

| | |

|diary | |

| | |

|diction | |

| | |

|drama | |

|dramatic elements | |

|aside | |

|chorus | |

|deus ex machina | |

|dramatic irony | |

|recognition | |

|reversal | |

|tragic hero | |

|unity of time, place and action | |

| | |

|dramatic literature types | |

|classical tragedy | |

|history play | |

|modern drama | |

| | |

|editorial | |

| | |

|essay | |

|evidence | |

| | |

|exposition | |

| | |

|falling action | |

| | |

|figurative language | |

|hyperbole | |

|imagery | |

|metaphor | |

|personification | |

|simile | |

|symbolism | |

|synecdoche | |

| | |

|figurative meaning | |

| | |

|poetic forms | |

|fixed form poem | |

|free form poem | |

|lyric poem | |

|narrative poem | |

| | |

|foreshadowing | |

| | |

|genre | |

|historical background | |

| | |

|hyperbole | |

| | |

|idioms | |

| | |

|imagery | |

| | |

|irony | |

| | |

|literal meaning | |

| | |

|lyric poetry | |

| | |

|memoir | |

| | |

|metaphor | |

| | |

|monologue | |

| | |

|mood | |

|mythology | |

|(mythical literature) | |

| | |

|narrative poetry | |

| | |

|non-fiction | |

| | |

|novel | |

| | |

|onomatopoeia | |

|paradox | |

| | |

|periodical | |

| | |

|personification | |

|plot events | |

| | |

|poetry | |

| | |

|point of view | |

| | |

|prefix | |

| | |

|prose | |

| | |

|rhyme | |

| | |

|rhyme scheme | |

| | |

|rising action | |

| | |

|root | |

| | |

|setting | |

| | |

|Shakespearean comedy | |

| | |

|Shakespearean tragedy | |

| | |

|short story | |

| | |

|simile | |

| | |

|soliloquy | |

|sound | |

|alliteration | |

|assonance | |

|consonance | |

|end rhyme | |

|internal rhyme | |

| | |

|specialized dictionary | |

| | |

|structure | |

|chronological | |

|flashback | |

|frame narrative | |

|in medias res | |

| | |

|suffix | |

| | |

|symbolism | |

|syntax | |

| | |

|technical document | |

| | |

|theme | |

| | |

|thesaurus | |

| | |

|topic | |

|understatement | |

|universal connections | |

|making choices | |

|relationships | |

|self and other | |

|winning/losing | |

| | |

|universal theme | |

| | |

|unrhymed | |

| | |

|works cited | |

| | |

| | |


|action verbs | |

| | |

|active voice | |

| | |

|arguable topics | |

| | |

|audience | |

|biases | |

| | |

|closure | |

|detailed summary of main points | |

|restating the thesis | |

|generalizing the thesis | |

|quotations | |

|coherence | |

|context | |

| | |

|controlling idea | |

|counterclaims | |

| | |

|critical thinking skills | |

| | |

|e-mail | |

|engage | |

|evidence (types of) | |

|expert opinions | |

|expressions of commonly accepted beliefs | |

|facts | |

|quotations | |

| | |

|expository | |

|expectations | |

|focus | |

| | |

|font | |

| | |

|highlighting | |

| | |

|letter | |

| | |

|memorandum | |

|multiple sources | |

|organizational structure | |

| | |

|page format | |

|paraphrase | |

| | |

|passive voice | |

| | |

|persuasive writing | |

| | |

|precise language | |

|primary sources | |

|purpose | |

|research terms | |

|almanacs | |

|complexities | |

|discrepancies | |

|in-depth field studies | |

|in-text citations | |

|journals | |

|microfiche | |

|news sources | |

|quotations (direct quotations) | |

|speeches | |

|style manuals (examples) | |

|American Psychological Association | |

|Chicago Manual of Style | |

|Modern Language Association Handbook | |

|synthesize | |

|technical documents | |

| | |

|research questions | |

|research venues | |

|electronic media | |

|library | |

|personal interview | |

|survey | |

|resume' | |

|rhetorical devices | |

|analogy | |

|appeal to emotion | |

|appeal to ethical belief | |

|case study | |

|logical reasoning | |

|personal anecdote | |

| | |

|secondary sources | |

| | |

|sensory details | |

| | |

|spacing | |

|steps of writing process | |

| | |

|prewriting | |

| | |

|drafting | |

| | |

|revising | |

| | |

|editing | |

| | |

|style | |

| | |

|survey | |

| | |

|thesis | |

| | |

|tone | |

|topic | |

| | |

|types of support | |

| | |

|anecdotes | |

| | |

|descriptions | |

| | |

|facts and statistics | |

| | |

|specific examples | |

| | |

|unified paragraphs | |

| | |

|user manual | |

| | |

|variety of genres | |

| | |

|historical and investigative reports | |

| | |

|literary analyses | |

| | |

|reflective compositions | |

| | |

|writing structures | |

| | |

|cause and effect | |

| | |

|chronological order | |

| | |

|similarity and difference | |

|posing and answering a question | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|clauses – main and subordinate | |

|consistency of verb tense | |

|manuscript | |

|mechanics of punctuation | |

|colons | |

|commas | |

|ellipses | |

|end stops | |

|hyphens | |

|quotation marks | |

|semicolons | |

|format requirements | |

|margins | |

|pagination | |

|spacing | |

|modifiers | |

|paragraph structure | |

|phrases | |

|gerund | |

|infinitive | |

|participial | |

|sentence construction | |

|parallel structure | |

|proper placement of modifiers | |

|subordination | |

|Standard English usage | |

|agreement | |

|consistency of verb terms | |

|syntax | |

Listening, Speaking and Viewing

arguments (types of)

• analogy

• authority

• causation

• emotion

• logic

group decision-making techniques

• brainstorming

• problem solving sequence

- recognizes problem

- defines problem

- identifies possible solutions

- selects optimal solution

- implements solultion

- evaluates solution

logical fallacies

• ad hominem

• attack

• band wagon effect

• false causality

• overgeneralization

• red herring

media presentations

• documentary films

• news broadcasts

• taped interviews

propositions (types of)

• fact

• policy

• problem

• value


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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