Bibliography for Trans Issues

Bibliography for Trans Issues

Boenke, M. (1999). Trans forming families: Real stories about transgendered loved ones. Waterford Press.

Bornstein, K. (1995). Gender outlaw: On men, women, and the rest of us. Vintage Books.

Bornstein, K. (1998). My gender workbook: How to become a real man, a real woman, the real you, or something else entirely. Routledge Press.

Boyd, H. (2004). My husband Betty: Love, sex, and life with a crossdresser. Thunder's Mouth Press.

Bullough, V. L., & Bullough, B. (1993). Cross dressing, sex, and gender. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Brown, M. L., & Rounsley, C. A. (1996). True selves: Understanding transsexualism–For families, friends, coworkers, and helping professionals. Jossey-Bass.

Burke, P. (1996). Gender shock: Exploding the myths of male and female. Doubleday.

Califia, P. (2003). Sex changes: The politics of transgenderism. Cleis Press.

Colapinto, J. (2000). As nature made him: The boy who was raised a girl. Harper Collins.

Cromwell, J. (1999). Transmen and FTMs: Identities, bodies, genders, and sexualities. University of Illinois Press.

Devor, H. (1997). FTMs: Female to male transsexuals in society. Indiana University.

Evelyn, J. (1998). Mom, I just need to be a girl. Walter Trook Publications.

Feinberg, L. (1993). Stone butch blues. Firebrand Books.

Feinberg, L. (1996). Transgender warriors. Beacon Press.

Green, J. (2004). Becoming a Visible Man. Vanderbilt University Press.

Howey, N. (2003). Dress Codes: Of Three Girlhoods---My Mother's, My Father's, and Mine. Picador.

Jennings, K., & Shapiro, Pat. (2003). Always My Child: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered or Questioning Son or Daughter. Simon & Schuster.

Kirk, S. (1995). Medical, legal and workplace issues for the transsexual. Together Lifeworks.

Levithan, D., & Merrell, B. (2006). The Full Spectrum: A New Generation of Writing About Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Other Identities. Knopf Books for Young Readers.

Lindenmuth, E. (1998). Mom, I Need To Be A Girl. Walter Trook Publishing.

McCloskey, Deirdre (2000). Crossing: A memoir. University of Chicago Press.

Miller, N. (1996). Counseling in genderland: A guide for you and your transgendered client. Different Path Press.

O’Keefe, T., & Fox, K. (1997). Trans-X-U-All: The Naked Difference. Extraordinary People Press.

PFLAG. Our Trans Children (pamphlet): Published by the PFLAG Transgender Network. Available from maryboenke@ or pflagtnet@triad..

Roberts, J. (1995). Coping with crossdressing (3rd edition). Creative Design Services.

Rottnek, M. (Ed.), (1999) Sissies & Tomboys: Gender Nonconformity and Homosexual Childhood. New York University Press.

Rudd, P. (1999). My Husband Wears My Clothes: Crossdressing from the Perspective of a Wife. PM Publisher.

Scholinski, D. (1998). The last time I wore a dress: A memoir. Penguin.

Stuart, K. E. (1991). An uninvited dilemma: A question of gender. Metamorphous Press.

Sullivan, L. (1983). Information for the female to male: Cross-dresser and transsexual. Ingersoll Gender Center.

Vanderburgh, R. (2007). Transition and Beyond: Observations on Gender Identity. Q Press.

Vera, V. (1997). Miss Vera’s finishing school for boys who want to be girls. Doubleday.

References about Children for Therapists (non-therapists could also benefit from the information)

Bartlett, N. H., Vasey, P.L., & Bukowski, W.M. (2000). Is gender identity disorder in children a mental disorder? Sex Roles, 43, 753-785.

Coates, S., Friedman, R.C., Wolfe, S. (1991). Boyhood gender identity disorder. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1, 481-523.

Cohen-Kettenis, P., & Pfäfflin, F. (2003). Transgenderism and Intersexuality in Childhood and Adolescence: Making Choices. Sage Publications.

DeCrescenzo, T, & Mallon, G.P. (2002). Serving Transgender Youth: The Role of the Child Welfare System: Proceedings of a Colloquium. Child Welfare League of America.

James, A. (1998). The contribution of social anthropology to the understanding of atypical gender identity in childhood. In D. DiCeglie (Ed.), A stranger in my own body: Atypical gender identity development and mental health (pp. 79-94). London: Karnac Books.

Johnson, L. L., Bradley, S., Birkenfeld-Adams, A.S., Kuksis, M.A.R., Maing, D.M., & Mitchell, J.N., et al. (2004). A parent-report gender identity questionnaire for children. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33, 105-116.

Langer, S.J. & Martin, J.I. (2004). How dresses can make you mentally ill: Examining gender identity disorder in children. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21, 5-23.

Minter, S. (1999). Diagnosis and treatment of gender identity disorder in children. In M. Rottnek (Ed.), Sissies and tomboys: Gender non-conformity and homosexual childhood (pp. 9-32). New York: New York University Press.

Pleak, R.R. (1999). Ethical issues in diagnosing and treating gender-dysphoric children and adolescents. In M. Rottnek (Ed.), Sissies and tomboys: Gender non-conformity and homosexual childhood (pp. 34-51). New York: New York University Press.

Rosenberg, M. (2002). Children with gender identity issues and their parents in individual and group treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 619-621.

Stone Fish, L., & Harvey, R. G. (2005). Nurturing Queer Youth: Family Therapy Transformed. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Wilson, P. (1998). Development and mental health: the issue of difference in atypical gender identity development. In D. DiCeglie (Ed), A stranger in my own body: Atypical gender identity development and mental health (pp. 1-8). London: Karnac Books.

Zucker, K.J. & Bradley, S.J. (1995). Gender identity disorder and psychosexual problems in children and adolescents. New York: The Guilford Press.

Zucker, K.J., Bradley, S.J., & Sanikhani, M. (1997). Sex differences in referral rates of children with gender identity disorder: Some hypotheses. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25, 217-227.

References about Adults for Therapists (non-therapists could also benefit from the information)

Anderson, B.F. (1997). Ethical implications for psychotherapy with individuals seeking sex reassignment. In G.E. Israel, and D.E. Tarver, II. Transgender care: Recommended guidelines, practical information, and personal accounts (pp. 185-189). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Anonymous. (2004). The psychoanalytic treatment of gender dysphoria: A personal reflection. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8, 19-24

Bailey, M. (2003). The man who would be queen: The science of gender-bending and transsexualism. Joseph Henry Press. Online: (a controversial book)

Benjamin, H. (1966). The transsexual phenomenon. New York: Ace Books.

Bieschke, K.J., Perez, R.M., DeBord, K.A. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients, Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

Blanchard, R. (1989). The concept of autogynephilia and the typology of male gender dysphoria. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 616-623.

Blanchard, R. (1993). Varieties of autogynephilia and their relationship to gender dysphoria. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 22, 242-251.

Bockting, W., Huang, C-Y.; Ding, H.; Robinson, B.; Rosser, B. R. S. (2005). Are transgender persons at higher risk for HIV than other sexual minorities? A comparison of HIV prevalence and risks. International Journal of Transgenderism, 8, 123-131.

Bockting W., Robinson B, Benner A, & Scheltema K.(2004). Patient satisfaction with transgender health services. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 30, 277-294.

Broad, K.L. (2002). Is it G,L,B and T?: Gender/sexuality movements and transgender collective identity (de)constructions. International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, 7, 241-264.

Brown, M. & Rounsley, C.A. (1996). True selves: Understanding transsexualism for family, friends, coworkers, and helping professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Cantor, C. (2002). Transsexualism – Need it always be a DSM-IV disorder? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36, 141-142.

Carroll, L., & Gilroy, P. J. (2002). Transgender issues in counselor preparation. Counselor Education and Supervision, 41, 233-242.

Carroll, L., Gilroy, P.J., & Ryan J. (2002). Counseling transgendered, transsexual, and gender-variant clients. Journal of Counseling & Development, 80, 131-139.

Clements-Nolle, K., Marx, R., & Katz, M. (2006). Attempted suicide among transgender persons: The influence of gender-based discrimination and victimization. Journal of Homosexuality, 51, 53-69.

Cole, C.M. and Meyer III, W.J. (1998) Transgender behavior and DSM-IV. In D. Denny (Ed.), Current concepts in transgender identity (pp. 227-236). New York: Garland Press.

Cole, S.S., Denny, D., Eyler, A.E., & Samsons, S.L. (2000). Issues of transgender. In L.T. Szuchman & F Muscarella (Eds.) Psychological perspectives on human sexuality (pp. 149-1954). New York: John Wiley.

Coleman, E., & Bockting, W.O. (1988) 'Heterosexual' prior to sex reassignment, 'homosexual' afterwards: A case study of a female-to-male transsexual. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 1, 69-82.

Cromwell, J. (1999). Transmen and FTMS: Identities, bodies, genders and sexualities. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Daskalos, C. D. (1998). Changes in the sexual orientation of six heterosexual male-to-female transsexuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior 6, 605-614.


Devor, A. (2004). Witnessing and mirroring: A fourteen stage model of transsexual identity formation. Transgender subjectivities: A clinician’s guide. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8, 41-68.

Devor, H. (1989) Gender Blending: Confronting the limits of Duality. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Devor, H. (1993). Sexual orientations identities, attractions, and practices of female-to-male transsexuals. Journal of Sex Research, 30, 303-315.

Dixen J. M., Maddever, H., Van Maasdam, J., & Edwards, P.W. (1984). Psychosocial characteristics of applicants evaluated for surgical gender reassignment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 13, 269-276.

Docter R.F. & Fleming J.S. (2001). Measures of transgender behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 30, 255-271.

Ekins, R. (2005). Science, politics and clinical intervention: Harry Benjamin, transsexualism and the problem of heteronormativity. Sexualities, 8, 306-328

Ekins, R. & King, D. (2001). Pioneers of transgendering: The popular sexology of David O. Cauldwell. International Journal of Transgenderism. 5. Retrieved on August 3, 2005, from

Ettner, R. (1999). Gender loving care: A guide to counseling gender-variant clients. W. W. Norton & Co.

Feinberg, L. (1992). Transgender liberation: A movement whose time has come. New York: World View Forum.

Fitzpatrick, K.K., Euton, S.J., Jones, J.N., & Schmidt, N.B. (2005). Gender role, sexual orientation and suicide risk. Journal of Affective Disorders, 87, 35-42.

Freud, S. (1919). A child is being beaten: A contribution to the origin of the study of sexual perversions. The standard edition of the complete works of Sigmund Freud (vol. 17, pp.175 204). London, Hogarth Press.

Gelder, M. G., & Marks, I. (1969). Aversion treatment in transvestism and transsexualism. In R. Green & J. Money (Eds.), Transsexualism and sex reassignment (pp. 383-403). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press.

Gonzalez Torres, M.A. (1996). Transsexualism: Some considerations on aggression, transference and countertransference. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5, 11-21.

Guze, Henry (1969). Psychosocial adjustment of transsexuals: An evaluation and theoretical formulation. In R. Green & J. Money (Eds.), Transsexualism and sex reassignment. (pp 171-181). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press.

Green, R., & Fleming, D. T. (1990). Transsexual surgery follow-up: Status in the 1990s. Annual Review of Sex Research, 1, 163-174. (Most current review on outcomes of SRS)

Hansbury, G. (2005). Mourning the loss of the idealized self: A transsexual passage. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 12, 19-35.

Haraldsen, I.R. and Dahl, A.A. (2000) Symptom profiles of gender dysphoric patients of transsexual type compared to patients with personality disorders and healthy adults. Acta Psychiatr. Scand., 102, 276–281

Hussey, W. (2006). Slivers of the journey: The use of photovoice and storytelling to examine female to male transsexuals’ experience of health care access. Journal of Homosexuality, 51, 129-158.

Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) (2006). Why is ISNA using "DSD"? Retrieved September 1, 2007, from

ISNA (n.d.). What is intersex? Retrieved September 1, 2007, from

Israel, G. E., & Tarver, D. E. (2001). Transgender care: Recommended guidelines, practical information and personal accounts. Temple University Press.

Kersting, A., Reutemann, M., Gast, U., Ohrmann, P., Suslow, T., Michael, N., & Arolt, V. (2003). Dissociative disorders and traumatic childhood experiences in transsexuals. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 191, 182-189.

Kohlberg, L. (1966). A cognitive developmental analysis of children's sex role concepts and attitudes. In E. E. Maccoby (Ed.), The development of sex differences. Stanford. CA: Stanford University Press

Korrell, S.C. & Lorah, P. (2006). An overview of affirmative psychotherapy and counseling with Transgender Clients” in Bieschke, K., Perez, R.M., & DeBord, K.A.(Eds.) Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clients (pp. 271-287). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Lev, A.I. (2004). Transgender emergence: Therapeutic guidelines for working with gender-variant people and their families. New York: Haworth Clinical Practice Press.

Limentani, A. (1979). The significance of transsexualism in relation to some basic psychoanalytic concepts. The International Review of Psychoanalysis, 6, 139-153.

Martin, J.I. & Yonkin, D.R. (2006). Transgender identity. In D.F. Morrow & L. Messinger (Eds.). Sexual orientation & gender expression in social work practice: Working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender people. (pp. 105-128). New York: Columbia University Press.

Mason-Schrock, D. (1996). Transsexuals’ narrative construction of the true self. Social Psychology Quarterly, 59, 176-192.

Mathy, R.M. (2002). Transgender identity and suicidality in a nonclinical sample: Sexual orientation, psychiatric history, and compulsive behaviors. Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality, 14, 47-65.

McCauley, E., & Ehrhardt, A. (1980). Sexual behavior in female transsexuals and lesbians. The Journal of Sex Research, 16, 202-211.

Melendez, R.M., Exner, T.A., Ehrhardt, A. A., Dodge, B., Remien, R. H., Rotheram-Borus, M., Lightfoot, M., & Hong, D. (2006) Health and health care among male-to-female transgender persons who are HIV positive. American Journal of Public Health. 96, 1034-1037.

Meyer III, W., III (Chairperson), Bockting, W., Cohen-Kettenis, P., Coleman, E., DiCeglie, D., Devor, H., Gooren, L., Hage, J., Kirk, S., Kuiper, B., Laub, D., Lawrence, A., Menard, Y., Patton, J., Schaefer, L., Webb, A., and Wheeler, C. (2001) The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders - Sixth Version. International Journal of Transgenderism, 5. Retrieved August 3, 2005, from

Miach, P. P., Berah, E. F., Butcher, J. N., & Rouse, S. (2000). Utility of the MMPI-2 in assessing gender dysphoric patients. Journal of Personality Assessment, 75, 268-79.

Moorhead, C. (1999). Queering identities: The roles of integrity and belonging in becoming ourselves. Journal of Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Identity. 4, 327-343.

Oquendo M.A., Ellis S.P., Greenwald S., Malone K. M., Weissman M.M., & Mann J.J. (2001). Ethnic and sex differences in suicide rates relative to major depression in the United States. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1652-1658

Oriel, K.A. (2000) Medical care of transsexual patients. Journal of the Gay and. Lesbian Medical Association 4, 185–194.

Pauly, I.B. (1974) Female transsexualism: Parts I and II. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 3, 487-507; 509-525.

Pauly, I. B. (1998). Gender identity and sexual orientation. In D. Denny (ed.), Current concepts in transgender identity (pp. 237-248). New York: Garland Press.

Pfafflin, F. (1997). Sex reassignment, Harry Benjamin, and some European roots. International Journal of Transgenderism, 1. Retrieved August 3, 2005 from

Rachlin, K. (1999) Factors which influence individual’s decisions when considering female-to-male genital reconstructive surgery. International Journal of Transgenderism, 3. Retrieved August 15, 2006, from

Rachlin, K. (2002). Transgender individuals’ experience of psychotherapy. International Journal of Transgenderism 6(1): 1-17. . Retrieved August 3, 2005 from

Raj, R. (2002). Towards a transpositive therapeutic model: developing clinical sensitivity and cultural competence in the effective support of transsexual and transgendered clients. International Journal of Transgenderism, 6. Retrieved September 4, 2007 from

Ringo, P. (2002). Media roles in female-to-male transsexual and transgender identity formation. International Journal of Transgenderism, 6. Retrieved August 3, 2005 from

Rubin, H. (2003). Self-made men: Identity and embodiment among transsexual men. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

Rudacille, (2006). The riddle of gender. New York: Anchor Books.

Schilt, K. (2006). Just one of the guys? How transmen make gender visible at work. Gender & Society, 20, 465-490.

Sjoberg, M.D., Walch, S.E., & Stanny, C.J. (2006). Development and initial psychometric evaluation of the Transgender Adaptation and Integration Measure (TG AIM). International Journal of Transgenderism, 9, 35-44.

Smith, Y. L. S; van Goozen, S. H. M; K., A. J; & Cohen-Kettenis, P.T. (2005). Transsexual subtypes: Clinical and theoretical significance. Psychiatry Research. 137,151-160.

Stoller, R.J. (1968). Sex and gender (vol. 1): The development of masculinity and femininity. New York: Jason Aronson.

Stoller, R.J. (1975). Sex and Gender (vol 2): The Transsexual Experiment. New York: Jason Aronson.

Stone, S. (1991). The 'empire' strikes back: A posttranssexual manifesto. In J. Epstein & K. Straub (Eds.) BodyGuards: The cultural politics of gender ambiguity. (pp. 280-304). New York: Routledge.

Walker, P.A. (Ed.). (1990). Standards of care: The hormonal and surgical sex reassignment of gender dysphoric persons. Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association.

Wilchins, R.A. (1997). Read my lips: Sexual subversion and the end of gender. Ithaca, N.Y.: Firebrand Books.

Wilson, K. (2002). Challenging psychiatric stereotypes of gender diversity. Retrieved May 28, 2007, from,

Wyndzen, M. H. (2003). Autogynephilia & Ray Blanchard’s mis-directed sex-drive model of transsexuality. Retrieved May 27, 2007, from autogynephilia/ray_blanchard/

Zandvliet, T. (2000) Transgender issues in therapy. In C. Neal & D. Davies (Eds.) Pink therapy 3: Therapeutic perspectives on working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients (pp 176-189). Buckingham/Philadelphia: Open University.

Updated 10-07 Created by Lee Beckstead, Ph.D. and pulled from various sources (most of the clinical references are from Sean Moundas).

Disclaimer: Lee has not read all these books or articles, but others have recommended them as helpful. Please email Lee if you have any questions or concerns about them: leebeckst@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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