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1. Products that are sold to the individual(s) who will make personal use of them are being sold for

A. ultimate consumption. C. industrial purposes.

B. eventual resale. D. promotional purposes.

2. Customers are more likely to trust businesses and products when the salesperson is

A. aggressive. C. insistent.

B. talkative. D. self-confident.

3. Which of the following sells intangible products:

A. Retail chains C. Service companies

B. Producers D. Wholesale outlets

4. To explain a product's quality to customers, a salesperson should stress the product's

A. warranty. C. construction.

B. style. D. uses.

5. Duane makes sure that as he is interacting with customers, he is also actively listening so that he can better respond to their questions and objections. Which characteristic of a successful salesperson does Duane display?

A. Education and training C. Persistence and patience

B. Ethics D. Communication skills

6. The investment made by companies in building goodwill is partially repaid by

A. increased selling costs. C. decreased sales volume.

B. the loyalty shown by repeat customers. D. the use of effective follow-up techniques.

7. When salespeople show a strong commitment to a client and his/her needs, they are demonstrating

A. an attitude of service. C. patience.

B. friendliness. D. high-pressure sales tactics.

8. When customers believe that salespeople know the facts about the products they sell, customers view the salespeople as having

A. a sense of values. C. a sense of humor.

B. tactfulness. D. credibility.

9. Salespeople can show that they are giving customers their full attention by

A. offering to do favors. C. having an interested expression.

B. avoiding controversial topics. D. making a lot of jokes.

10. Which group of employees is most instrumental in building customer goodwill:

A. Managers C. Stockkeepers

B. Directors D. Salespersons

11. Which of the following are the general rules set down by management to guide the personal selling effort:

A. Selling policies C. Buying motives

B. Probes D. Follow-up techniques

12. What do many businesses offer salespeople in order to make sure that they fully understand the business's selling policies?

A. Employee handbooks C. Training programs

B. Operating manuals D. Professional seminars

13. What is the advantage in establishing a written set of selling policies for a company's sales department?

A. Written sales policies encourage more competition among the company's sales staff.

B. Written policies often change to accommodate different clients and situations.

C. Sales representatives often function more efficiently with written direction.

D. Sales representatives find that written policies provide a lot of flexibility when closing a sale.

14. When a customer brought back a coffee maker without a sales receipt, Tallman's department store applied the current selling price of the item to a gift card for the customer to use in the store. This is an example of a(n) ___________ policy.

A. guarantee C. terms-of-sale

B. discount D. return

15. Which of the following are common types of selling policies:

A. Distribution policies C. Purchasing policies

B. Advertising policies D. Selling-activity policies

16. A new salesperson can learn valuable information about how to demonstrate and promote company products from the company's

A. stockholders. C. carriers.

B. prospective customers. D. experienced salespeople.

17. Descriptive terms on a product's label, such as water-repellent and chrome-plated, refer to the product's

A. size. C. finish.

B. care. D. safety.

18. Jan's supervisor suggests that she become familiar with a new line of cosmetics by studying the line and personally using the products. What main source of product information has the supervisor suggested?

A. Direct experience C. Purchasers of the product

B. Manufacturer's representative D. Product literature

19. A salesperson for a company that advertised "no finance charges for six months" could use this information

A. to pressure customers. C. to reduce prices.

B. as a selling point. D. for personal gain.

20. What type of company promotional material might a salesperson use as a source of information for selling?

A. Advertisement C. Warranty

B. Local newspaper D. News magazine

21. Sizing up customer needs/wants helps to reduce selling time and customer dissatisfaction, as well as enabling salespeople to

A. concentrate on a few customers. C. prevent problems from arising.

B. hold down their commissions. D. call on/serve more customers.

22. After greeting the customer, a salesperson should continue the selling process by attempting to

A. discover the customer's needs. C. reach closure with the customer.

B. reaffirm the buyer/seller relationship. D. establish a relationship with the customer.

23. A selling technique that is used in both retail and industrial selling is to

A. schedule an appointment by telephone.

B. prepare a plan for selling to a customer.

C. do an advance survey of the customer's needs.

D. point out the benefits of the product to the customer.

24. Which of the following is a technique that a salesperson can use to reaffirm the buyer-seller relationship:

A. Develop a scripted sales presentation

B. Follow up with the customer to ensure satisfaction

C. Put the customer at ease by being objective

D. Handle the customer's objections quickly

25. Which of the following is a question that a salesperson is most likely to ask during the reaching closure phase of a sale:

A. Would you like to use your credit card to pay for the camera?

B. Will you be using the printer to fax and copy documents?

C. How can I help you today, Mrs. Watson?

D. Would you like me to show you the features of the boat, Mr. Conrad?

26. A sales representative for a college textbook publisher has put together a list of possible new purchasers of the firm's books from lists of college faculty members. This salesperson is engaged in

A. referral. C. prospecting.

B. qualifying. D. follow-up.

27. Which of the following is information that a telephone order processor should give a customer when answering the customer's call:

A. Amount of charge C. Mailing address

B. Company name D. Delivery time

28. What method of prospecting involves asking every prospect to whom you make a presentation to give you the names of others who might be interested in your products?

A. Center of influence C. Cold calls

B. Personal observation D. Endless chain

29. Salespeople should find out if the businessperson with whom they are talking has the authority to buy in order to

A. maintain a lead file. C. identify prospects.

B. build a prospect list. D. qualify a lead.

30. Which of the following might salespeople offer to current prospects to encourage them to participate in endless chain prospecting:

A. Commissions C. Rebates

B. Incentives D. Discounts

31. Why should salespeople create favorable impressions during the initial contact with customers?

A. First impressions are difficult to change. C. First impressions seldom last very long.

B. Customers want to ask for assistance. D. Customer rapport is unimportant.

32. When a customer is not focusing attention on any particular item of merchandise and seems to be "just looking," a salesperson would probably use the __________ approach.

A. merchandise C. service

B. greeting D. combination

33. A customer enters a department, stops to look at a display, checks the price tag on one item, and then turns to leave. The most appropriate time for the salesperson to approach this customer would be when the customer

A. stops at the display. C. turns to leave.

B. enters the department. D. checks the price tag.

34. "That tennis outfit is our best seller this year," is an example of a __________ sales approach.

A. welcome C. service

B. merchandise D. last-chance

35. Which of the following is the correct way for a salesperson to address a buyer the first time they meet:

A. "Let me take you to lunch today." C. "Good morning, Ms. Jones."

B. "Nice to see you, Susan." D. "I want to show you our new product."

36. The number of questions the salesperson asks the customer should be

A. as many as the salesperson wants to ask.

B. determined by the number of customers who are waiting.

C. determined by the situation and by the salesperson.

D. limited to a total of 10 during the presentation.

37. If you feel you are asking too many questions but have not determined the customer's need or want, what can you do to vary your approach?

A. Ask questions more slowly. C. Use questioning statements.

B. Wait for the customer to ask questions. D. Speed up the pace of your questions.

38. Which of the following techniques would help in selling to an uncommunicative customer:

A. Give the customer your opinions. C. Take a lot of extra time.

B. Close the sale quickly. D. Ask open-ended questions.

39. Salespeople who ask inappropriate questions may hurt a customer's feelings and also

A. lose the sale. C. get a raise.

B. sell more goods. D. earn more commission.

40. A salesperson asked the customer, "Will you need this altered by the weekend in time for the dance?" This type of question is an __________ question.

A. interpretive C. open-ended

B. assumptive D. inappropriate

41. Most businesses have times when stock of a particular item is in short supply. If this occurs, the salesperson should utilize

A. product substitution. C. trading-up.

B. suggestion selling. D. nonpersonal selling.

42. A salesperson might be able to save a customer money by recommending a(n) __________ item.

A. alternative C. superior

B. duplicate D. requested

43. Which of the following is one way that businesses can benefit from substitute selling:

A. Added convenience C. More contentment

B. Increased satisfaction D. Improved reputation

44. What do salespeople often need to do when suggesting that a customer purchase a more expensive substitute item?

A. Justify the price C. Criticize the lower priced item

B. Offer a discount D. Exaggerate features and benefits

45. Why might a salesperson offer a customer a different product even when the requested product is in stock?

A. A different product will earn higher commissions for the salesperson.

B. A different product is more popular.

C. A different product will better meet the customer's needs.

D. A different product is easier to reach.

46. Which of the following would be the most effective way to involve customers in a product demonstration of a bread-making machine:

A. Pointing out how good the bread smells

B. Giving away samples of freshly baked bread

C. Giving away recipes for baking bread

D. Asking whether customers like home-baked bread

47. When demonstrating a product that is too large or too heavy to hold, a salesperson can show respect for the product by

A. creatively displaying the product. C. showing the product in use.

B. touching the product with care. D. allowing customers to use the product.

48. The purpose of asking the customer how s/he intends to use a product is to determine

A. how to influence customer preferences.

B. whether to show a substitute product.

C. which product features will interest the customer.

D. whether the customer wants a product demonstration.

49. Which of the following often communicates to a customer a salesperson's enthusiasm for a product:

A. Fast demonstrations C. Personal questions

B. General comments D. Body gestures

50. Which of the following should a sales representative consider when determining which car stereo systems to demonstrate for a customer:

A. Evaluating price range and selecting appropriate use

B. Showing unknown brands and evaluating product use

C. Limiting choices and evaluating price range

D. Showing a large variety of products and unknown brands

51. Which method would be most appropriate for converting the following objection into a selling point: Customer: "I know it's supposed to be unbreakable, but it certainly looks fragile."

A. Try it! C. Show 'em

B. Deny it D. Yes, but . . .

52. When a customer raises an objection about an item being shown, the salesperson should consider the objection as an

A. indication that the customer will probably not buy this time.

B. opportunity to remove a barrier to the completion of the sale.

C. excuse for the customer to leave without making a purchase.

D. indication that s/he has not done an effective sales demonstration.

53. A customer's objection that is based on not being familiar with a certain brand is which type of objection?

A. Product C. Time

B. Price D. Place

54. What should salespeople try to establish if customers object to buying products they want?

A. Motive C. Cost

B. Need D. Purpose

55. During the initial presentation, a new prospect confronts you with a completely unjustified objection to your product line. How should you respond?

A. Stand firm and base your position on facts.

B. Argue with the customer.

C. Use company policy as the reason for your position.

D. Give in to the demand in order to gain a new customer.

56. What closing technique can be used effectively when a product is in very limited supply?

A. Narrative C. Standing-room-only

B. Assumption D. Contingent

57. Which close would be most appropriate for the following situation: Customer: "I really like the fabric of this shirt, but it has a loose button."

A. Bonus close C. Closing on an objection

B. Related merchandise close D. Summary close

58. Which of the following methods of closing a sale would be most appropriate after the salesperson has demonstrated a very complicated product with a variety of features and benefits:

A. Silence close C. Summary close

B. Assumption close D. Bonus close

59. The salesperson can tell when it is time to try to close the sale by the

A. amount of time that has passed. C. customers' loss of interest.

B. customers' buying signals. D. number of objections handled.

60. Which of the following statements would be least effective in the closing of a sale:

A. "We accept all major forms of payment." C. "Let us know if you happen to like this."

B. "The product includes a warranty." D. "I know you will like this."

61. Suggestion selling should be

A. a sincere effort by the salesperson to be of service.

B. reasonably high-pressured to be successful.

C. limited to items related to the primary purchase.

D. passive, patient, and follow the lead of the customer.

62. Which of the following is an example of a related item to be used in suggestion selling:

A. T-shirt with jeans C. Snow shovel with a lawn mower

B. Pair of shoes with a pair of sunglasses D. Top coat with a bathing suit

63. Which of the following best illustrates suggestion selling in a restaurant:

A. "Are you all finished?"

B. "Can I get anything else for you?"

C. "Our award-winning cheesecake is delicious."

D. "Do you want dessert?"

64. Salespeople should make suggestions for additional purchases before the original item has been

A. identified. C. paid for.

B. selected. D. demonstrated.

65. When using suggestion selling, the salesperson should make sure that the "add-on" item

A. can be delivered the same day.

B. costs less than the original item.

C. creates the same gross profit as the original item.

D. is on sale.

66. Which of the following is the overall consideration in using follow-up in selling:

A. To provide management a basis for promoting salespeople

B. To help in establishing long-term buyer-seller relationships

C. To give accounting the customer's current account balance

D. To determine which products are the firm's best-sellers

67. A business would like to determine how satisfied customers are with its service department. What follow-up activity would be the most efficient way to collect this information from more than 1,000 customers?

A. Telephoning customers who use the service department

B. Mailing a service questionnaire to current customers

C. Sending greeting cards and coupons to current customers

D. Visiting customers who have used the service department

68. What is an advantage of offering product samples?

A. Useful for customers who are decided about a product

B. Provides information about the customer

C. Gives customer an opportunity to learn more about the product

D. Reaffirms customer's buying decision

69. What is a factor that often encourages salespeople to follow up regularly with their customers?

A. Increased competition C. Advanced information

B. Improved technology D. Expanded territory

70. One of the most effective, but expensive, methods of following up a sale is to

A. send letters. C. visit customers.

B. explain services. D. maintain records.

71. As a salesperson, you should treat your customers

A. rationally and objectively. C. indiscriminately.

B. as individuals. D. according to income.

72. The salesperson explained the features of the item and pointed out that it came with a lifetime guarantee. Which of the following kinds of customers is s/he handling:

A. Practical C. Difficult

B. Decisive D. Impulsive

73. In order to learn as much as possible about individual customers, salespeople need to

A. attend meetings. C. receive training.

B. read magazines. D. ask questions.

74. Katherine is very interested in fashion and always buys the newest styles, regardless of the price. Which of the following personality types is Katherine demonstrating:

A. Difficult C. Decisive

B. Impulsive D. Informed

75. One characteristic of impulsive buyers is that they tend to

A. be direct in manner. C. want specific items.

B. ask very few questions. D. shop in a methodical manner.

76. When customers determine when to buy, they are making the __________ decision.

A. need C. price

B. product D. time

77. Customers choosing products to buy are affected by each product's uniqueness, features and benefits, warranty, customer service, and brand as they try to reach a __________ decision.

A. place C. need

B. time D. price

78. A salesperson explaining the features and benefits of a good or service to a customer should avoid using __________ terms.

A. accurate C. precise

B. specific D. general

79. A company decides it must purchase a piece of equipment in order to stay competitive. This is an example of a buying decision based on

A. place. C. need.

B. price. D. product.

80. When a customer gathers information about various brands and features of a product before choosing one to buy, s/he is making a __________ decision.

A. product C. time

B. price D. need

81. A client tells the salesperson that s/he is not interested in this particular model. By asking some type of "why" question, the salesperson may be able to

A. stop two-way communication. C. reverse any negative reactions.

B. avoid offending the customer. D. uncover the real purchasing barriers.

82. The use of probing in a sales presentation should help to __________ customers.

A. constrain C. identify

B. manipulate D. involve

83. Which of the following situations would probably require the most in-depth probing by a salesperson:

A. The customer is buying notebooks. C. The customer is buying shampoo.

B. The customer is buying a broom. D. The customer is buying a car.

84. Enhancing the image and reputation of the business and the sales force is a benefit of the selling technique of

A. mediating. C. meeting.

B. talking. D. probing.

85. Which of the following customer actions might tell a salesperson that a customer is losing interest in the sales presentation:

A. Sitting still C. Shuffling papers

B. Taking notes D. Leaning forward

86. A salesperson said, "By using this insulation, you can cut your winter heating bills by one third." The salesperson has identified a(n) __________ of the product.

A. benefit C. need

B. objection D. feature

87. Customers or clients are more likely to buy a good or service when the

A. customers/clients have heard a description of its features.

B. salesperson explains its technical features.

C. salesperson points out its obvious features.

D. customers/clients understand how it will benefit them.

88. Your customer plays tennis regularly and wishes to stay within a yearly budget for tennis shoes. Which of the following would be the most meaningful feature-benefit statement the salesperson could make about the brands the customer is considering:

A. Brand A has a cushioned arch support.

B. Brand B will wear longer than Brand A.

C. Brand A has a leather upper that's easy to clean.

D. Brand B has a rubber sole that grips the surface.

89. Arundhati is always completely upfront and honest with her customers about product information. Which characteristic of a successful salesperson does Arundhati display:

A. Ethics C. Self-motivation

B. Creativity D. Persistence and patience

90. During which phase of the selling process do salespeople try to prove to customers that their goods or services will satisfy the customers' wants and needs?

A. Addressing individual needs C. Trading-up selling

B. Feature-benefit selling D. Suggesting substitute items

91. A customer who wants to buy tickets for a white-water rafting trip in order to experience the adventure of the rapids has __________ buying motives.

A. rational C. patronage

B. emotional D. traditional

92. Which of the following is a customer benefit of using buying motives effectively:

A. A selling skill is acquired. C. Income is increased.

B. Needs and wants are satisfied. D. Sales are successfully completed.

93. A customer wishes to purchase a product that will give good service, rather than a luxury model. Which of the following types of buying motives is the customer exhibiting:

A. Rational C. Conditional

B. Emotional D. Industrial

94. Salespeople are able to sell to different types of customers more effectively by determining their

A. credit limits. C. disposable income.

B. ethical standards. D. buying motives.

95. Buying motives can be determined by

A. questioning and interrupting. C. observing and distracting.

B. questioning and listening. D. observing and interrupting.

96. A general guideline for employees who process telephone orders is to

A. use informal speech. C. record information accurately.

B. speak in a distinct monotone. D. use the customer's first name.

97. Newspapers, conversations, travel, changing seasons, and social gatherings can all be used to identify prospects through the __________ method of prospecting.

A. referral C. personal observation

B. endless-chain D. cold-call

98. Which of the following is information that an order processor should record accurately when accepting a telephone order from a customer:

A. Delivery instructions C. Personal finances

B. Place of employment D. Checking account number

99. An advantage to a business of processing telephone orders is increased

A. operating costs. C. staffing needs.

B. transaction time. D. sales efficiency.

100. What do computer stores often provide employees who process telephone orders so they can answer customers' questions?

A. Sales letters C. Fact sheets

B. Research reports D. Business plans

1. A |SE017MC027 | 31. A |SE110MC002 | 61. A |SE875MC008 | 91. B |SE883MC028 | | 2. D |SE017MC064 | 32. C |SE110MC012 | 62. A |SE875MC014 | 92. B |SE883MC057 | | 3. C |SE017MC070 | 33. D |SE110MC028 | 63. C |SE875MC075 | 93. A |SE883MC082 | | 4. C |SE115MC088 | 34. B |SE110MC046 | 64. C |SE875MC079 | 94. D |SE883MC097 | | 5. D |SE017MC137 | 35. C |SE110MC106 | 65. B |SE875MC121 | 95. B |SE883MC100 | | 6. B |SE828MC031 | 36. C |SE111MC011 | 66. B |SE057MC017 | 96. C |SE835MC023 | | 7. A |SE828MC035 | 37. C |SE111MC013 | 67. B |SE057MC024 | 97. C |SE001MC019 | | 8. D |SE828MC036 | 38. D |SE111MC030 | 68. C |SE057MC026 | 98. A |SE835MC047 | | 9. C |SE828MC038 | 39. A |SE111MC056 | 69. A |SE057MC071 | 99. D |SE835MC058 | | 10. D |SE828MC051 | 40. B |SE111MC086 | 70. C |SE057MC075 |100. C |SE835MC074 | | 11. A |SE932MC042 | 41. A |SE114MC042 | 71. B |SE810MC040 | | | | 12. C |SE932MC073 | 42. A |SE114MC073 | 72. A |SE810MC062 | | | | 13. C |SE932MC086 | 43. D |SE114MC080 | 73. D |SE810MC070 | | | | 14. D |SE932MC150 | 44. A |SE114MC085 | 74. D |SE810MC088 | | | | 15. A |SE932MC154 | 45. C |SE114MC127 | 75. B |SE810MC098 | | | | 16. D |SE062MC041 | 46. B |SE893MC029 | 76. D |SE811MC020 | | | | 17. C |SE062MC074 | 47. B |SE893MC038 | 77. D |SE811MC041 | | | | 18. A |SE062MC093 | 48. C |SE893MC071 | 78. D |SE811MC077 | | | | 19. B |SE062MC160 | 49. D |SE893MC089 | 79. C |SE811MC084 | | | | 20. A |SE062MC173 | 50. C |SE893MC105 | 80. A |SE811MC099 | | | | 21. D |SE048MC020 | 51. C |SE874MC017 | 81. D |SE113MC002 | | | | 22. D |SE048MC041 | 52. B |SE874MC047 | 82. D |SE113MC014 | | | | 23. D |SE048MC087 | 53. A |SE874MC071 | 83. D |SE113MC029 | | | | 24. B |SE048MC132 | 54. B |SE874MC079 | 84. D |SE113MC054 | | | | 25. A |SE048MC145 | 55. A |SE874MC091 | 85. C |SE113MC083 | | | | 26. C |SE001MC006 | 56. C |SE895MC018 | 86. A |SE115MC012 | | | | 27. B |SE835MC044 | 57. C |SE895MC036 | 87. D |SE115MC026 | | | | 28. D |SE001MC034 | 58. C |SE895MC077 | 88. B |SE115MC061 | | | | 29. D |SE001MC056 | 59. B |SE895MC083 | 89. A |SE017MC134 | | | | 30. B |SE001MC073 | 60. C |SE895MC106 | 90. B |SE115MC100 | | | |


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