
Introduction:Welcome to Capital Hornet!Dear Employee: Capital Hornet has decided to contribute you to our success, and you’ve decided that Capital Hornet is the organization where you can pursue your career productively and enjoyably.We believe we’ve made the right decision, one that will result in a profitable relationship. The minute you start working here, you become a very important part of Capital Hornet and its future. Every job in our company is important, and you will play a key role in our continued growth. As you will soon discover, our success is based on delivering high quality products and providing the best customer service. How do we do it? By working hard and thinking about our customers’ needs. We do it by treating each other and our customers with respect. We do this by acting as a team. Should you have any questions concerning this handbook, your employment or benefits, please feel free to discuss them with your supervisor or manager. We hope you enjoy working with us at Capital Hornet!Confidentiality All employee’s records will not be given to anyone this is personal information that no one but the employee and the person ahead of keeping records will see. Conflict of InterestEmployees must avoid any interest, influence or relationship which might conflict or appear to conflict with the best interests of Capital Hornet. You must avoid any situation in which your loyalty may be divided and promptly disclose any situation where an actual or potential conflict may exist.Examples of potential conflict situations include: Having a financial interest in any business transaction with Capital Hornet Owning or having a significant financial interest in, or other relationship with, a Capital Hornet competitor , customer or supplier Accepting gifts, entertainment or other benefit of more than a nominal value from a Capital Hornet competitor, customer or supplier Anyone with a conflict of interest must disclose it to management and remove themselves from negotiations, deliberations or votes involving the conflict. You may, however, state your position and answer questions when your knowledge may be of assistance to Capital Hornet. Harassment Harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace if any act of harassment is to be displayed it will result in consequences that will be later determined by the extremity of the harassment. We require ALL employees to treat each other with respect, dignity, and courtesy. Harassment by Non-Employees Capital Hornet will also endeavor to protect our employees, to the extent possible, from reported harassment by non-employees in the workplace, including customers, clients and suppliers. Prohibited Behavior Capital Hornet does not and will not tolerate any type of harassment of our employees, applicants for employment, or our customers. Discriminatory conduct or conduct characterized as harassment as defined below is prohibited. The term harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct relating to a person’s gender, ethnicity, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military status, or any other protected classification that unreasonably interferes with a person’s work performance of creates an intimidating, hostile work environment.Sexually harassing behavior includes unwelcome conduct such as sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, offensive touching, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment when it:is made an explicit or implicit condition of employmentis used as the basis for employment decisionsunreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or Creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.The types of conduct covered by this policy include: demands or subtle pressure for sexual favors accompanied by a promise of favorable job treatment or a threat concerning employment.Specifically, it includes sexual behavior such as:repeated sexual flirtations, advances or propositionscontinued and repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, sexually related comments and joking, graphic or degrading comments about an employee’s appearance or displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures including cartoons and vulgar email messages, andAny uninvited physical contact or touching, such as patting, pinching or repeated brushing against another’s body.Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment regardless of whether the conduct is between members of management, between management and staff employees, between staff employees, or directed at employees by nonemployees conducting business with the Company, regardless of gender or sexual plaint Procedure and InvestigationAny employee who wishes to report a possible incident of sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment or discrimination should promptly report the matter to President. If that person is not available, or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person, contact the Vice President or HR Director.Capital Hornet will conduct a prompt investigation as confidentially as possible under the circumstances. Employees who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal; at the same time employees have an obligation to cooperate.Capital Hornet in enforcing this policy and investigating and remedying complaints.Any employee who becomes aware of possible sexual harassment or other illegal discrimination against others should promptly advise President or any other appropriate member of management.Anyone found to have engaged in such wrongful behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, which may include termination. Retaliation Any employee who files a complaint of sexual harassment or other discrimination in good faith will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment and will not be retaliated against or discharged because of the complaint.In addition, we will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, cooperates in the investigation of a complaint. Anyone who engages in such retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination.TrainingCapital Hornet will establish proper training for all employees concerning their rights to be free from sexual harassment and other discrimination and steps they can take to stop it. Employment at WillUnless expressly proscribed by statute or contract, your employment is "at will." All Capital Hornet employees are employed at will, which means they may be terminated at any time and for any reason, with or without advance notice. Employees are also free to quit at any time. Any employment relationship other than at will must be set out in writing and signed by Capital Hornet’s General Manager.Attendance & PunctualityEvery employee is expected to attend work regularly and report to work on time. If you are not able to make it to work on time or if you cannot work at all please, if you now ahead of time, let HR know at least a day ahead. If you are absent please note that you not get paid for that work day (8 hours). You will get a paid sick day if you are not absent three weeks in a row. Tardies We will not accept ANY tardies unless you have a pass from an administrator of another teacher.***if you are tardy please be aware that we will take an hour pay. Pay ScheduleEmployees will get paid every two weeks. Your pay depends on dress for success, tardies, absences, and other factors.Performance EvaluationsSupervisors and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals informally any time. Additional formal performance reviews will be conducted to provide both supervisors and employees with the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals. These formal reviews will be conducted Annual.These evaluations will be done every week and they are a grade. They do affect your pay and whether or not you get promoted. Work Hours Work hours are from 8:15 to 3:pany PropertyPlease keep your work area neat and clean and use normal care in handling company property. Report any broken or damaged equipment to your manager at once so that proper repairs can be made.You may not use any company property for personal purposes or remove any company property from the premises without prior written permission from CEO.Dating In the Work PlaceSupervisors and employees under their supervision are strongly discouraged from forming romantic or sexual relationships. Such relationships can create the impression of impropriety in terms and conditions of employment and can interfere with productivity and the overall work environment. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of an interaction with another employee of the Company, contact President for guidance. If you are encouraged or pressured to become involved with a customer or employee in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable and is unwelcome, you should also notify President immediately. No customer or employee of this company has the right to subject any employee to sexual or other unlawful harassment, including requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, offensive touching, and any other unwanted verbal, graphic, conduct or communications of a sexual nature. You should also be aware of, and are expected to comply with, Capital Hornet’s policy against sexual and other forms of illegal harassment in the workplace.Appropriate action, which may include a transfer or reassignment, leave of absence, suspension or termination, will be taken against those who violate this policy.Dress For SuccessGirlsDress for success is every WednesdayPants suit, skirt, or dress is requiredMay go with dress pants or skirtsSweater vest, collared shirts, nice looking shirts.Skirts should be knee length or to your middle fingerNo flashy or gaudy jewelry.Plain, nice looking earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.Hosiery is recommended mostly in winter.BoysSuits, Collared shirts with kakis, sweater vest.Ties are required when wearing a suit.Belts are required. No huge belts.Shirts must be tucked in.Dress shoes. No tennis shoes.No gaudy Jewelry, No chains or grills, only small earrings.AllEveryone should come to work with nice, neat, clean hair Entering and leaving the premisesEnter and leave the premises in an orderly manner. Grievances & suggestions Be presented to management within three business days of the date the employee experienced the indent.Contact your VP with your problem (if problem can’t be solved at this point the CEO will be contacted).The Grievance procedure is not to be used to harass or otherwise impede the efficient operations of government.Once the issue has been brought to the CEO and Mr. Phillips. There is nothing else that your VP can do for your problem.The CEO will handle each grievance issue on an unbiased platform.If you continue to experience these problems then measures will be taken to assist you with this issue.Housekeeping Keep your area clean on your own: housekeeping will not be provided. ManagersCEO Robert DavisVP Brittany DavisVP Aaron WhittelHuman Resources Raquel AldreteAccounting Brandon HalsteadWeb Design 1, Whitney parkerWeb Design 2, Ross StoneSales in SC Alex DealSales out of SC Joshua DyerAccounting and Financial ReportsCapital Hornet's financial statements and all books and records on which they are based must accurately reflect the Company's transactions. All disbursements and receipts must be properly authorized and recorded. You must record and report financial information accurately. Reimbursable business expenses must be reasonable, accurately reported and supported by receipts.Those responsible for handling or disbursing funds must assure that all transactions are executed as authorized and recorded to permit financial statements in accord with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Account and Customer InformationEmployees are prohibited from distributing account, client, and/or customer information to anyone, in any form, except the named account holder, client or plianceEmployees who fail to comply with this policy will be disciplined, which may include a demand for reimbursement of any losses or damages, termination of employment and referral for criminal prosecution. Action appropriate to the circumstances will also be taken against supervisors or others who fail to report a violation or withhold relevant information concerning a violation of this policy. GrievancesEmployees are encouraged to bring concerns, problems and grievances to management's attention. You are also obligated to report any wrongdoing of which you become aware to your manager or, if the situation warrants, to any Capital Hornet officer.Workplace SolicitationTo promote a professional and collegial workplace, prevent disruptions in business or interference with work, and avoid personal inconvenience, Capital Hornet has adopted rules about soliciting for any cause and distributing literature of any kind in the workplace.Employees may not solicit on Capital Hornet property or use company facilities, such as e-mail, voicemail or bulletin boards during working time for solicitation. This policy applies to collecting funds, requesting contributions, selling merchandise, gathering employee signatures and promoting membership in clubs or organizations.Working time means time during which employees are expected to be actively engaged in their assigned work; it does not include scheduled meal or break periods.You may solicit another employee only if both you and the other employee are not on working time, and you may distribute literature only in nonworking areas and while not on working time to other employees who are not on working time.Nonemployees may not make solicitations or distribute literature at any time. Company X may grant limited exemptions from these rules for charitable purposes at its discretion.Zero Tolerance for Workplace ViolenceCompany X has a zero-tolerance policy concerning threats, intimidation and violence of any kind in the workplace either committed by or directed to our employees. Employees who engage in such conduct will be disciplined, up to and including immediate termination of employment.Employees are not permitted to bring weapons of any kind onto company premises or to company functions. Any employee who is suspected of possessing a weapon will be subject to a search at the company's discretion. Such searches may include, but not be limited to, the employee's personal effects, desk and workspace.If an employee feels he or she has been subjected to threats or threatening conduct by a coworker, vendor or customer, the employee should notify his or her supervisor or another member of management immediately. Employees will not be penalized for reporting such concerns.General EmploymentEmployee ClassificationsEmployees at Capital Hornet are full-time.. Your supervisor will verify whether you are a full-time or part-time employee, and also whether you are exempt or non-exempt. Exempt employees are not entitled to overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act, while non-exempt employees can qualify for this pay.Employee RecordsAn employee's personnel file consists of the employee's employment application, withholding forms, reference checks, emergency information and any performance appraisals, benefits data or other appropriate employment-related documents. It is the employee's responsibility to notify the Payroll Department or Human Resources of any changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, military service status, beneficiaries or person to notify in case of an accident. Misrepresentation of any fact, which you have provided information for on your application, in your personnel file, or any other document, is sufficient reason for dismissal. Personnel records are considered company property and are not available for review by employees. Termination, Resignation and DischargeUnless expressly proscribed by statute or contract, employment with Capital Hornet is on an "at will" basis and may be terminated with or without cause or notice. Similarly, employees are free to resign their employment at any time. If at any time it is necessary for an employee to resign his or her employment with the Company, Capital Hornet requests at least two weeks’ notice. Failure to provide notice may lead to forfeiture of accrued vacation or other benefits at the discretion of Capital Hornet.Any employee who is discharged by Capital Hornet shall be paid only wages accrued to the effective date of the separation.SafetyCompany X is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all employees. Report all accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions and health and safety related issues immediately to your manager. If you or another employee is injured, contact your supervisor or manager immediately. Seek help from outside emergency response agencies, if needed. Contact information is posted HR Department.ALL employees at Capital Hornet must follow all Code of Conduct rules. We are still in school soall rules are still enforced in this classroom. HolidaysOctober 201229th Teacher workday in serviceNovember 20126th Election day (12 Mo. Staff)21st - 23rd Thanksgiving holidayDecember 201224th – 31st Christmas holiday January 20131st – 4th New Year’s holiday 18th Teacher workday in service21st Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday HolidayFebruary 2013 18th – Presidents day HolidayMarch 20131st – Teacher workday in service22nd – Teacher workday in service29th – Good Friday HolidayApril 20138th – 12th Spring Break HolidayMay 201327th – Memorial Day Holiday June 20136th – last day of schoolAcknowledgement of receipt and understandingI acknowledge that I have received the Capital Hornet Employee Handbook and that I have read and understand the policies. I understand that this Handbook represents only current policies and benefits, and that it does not create a contract of employment. Capital Hornet retains the right to change these policies and benefits, as it deems advisable.Unless expressly proscribed by statute or contract, my employment is "at will." I understand that I have the right to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause or notice, and that the Company has the same right. I further understand that my status as an "at will" employee may not be changed except in writing and signed by the President of the Company.I understand that the information I come into contact with during my employment is proprietary to the Company and accordingly, I agree to keep it confidential, which means I will not use it other than in the performance of my duties or disclose it to any person or entity outside the Company. I understand that I must comply with all of the provisions of the Handbook to have access to and use Company resources. I also understand that if I do not comply with all provisions of the Handbook, my access to Company resources may be revoked, and I may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.I further understand that I am obligated to familiarize myself with the Company's safety, health, and emergency procedures as outlined in this Handbook or in other documents.___________________________________Signature Date___________________________________Please Print Your NameMarketing Determine the cost of the product or services, the brochure, and/or catalogDevelop projected sales, projected income and break-even point for company budget Prepare projected financial statements and projected ratio analysis Research and develop grievance producers Apply grievance producers Prepare a purchasing budget for all departments Identify the capital purchasing needs of the business Develop an office layout design for office furniture Research office furniture prices for the business Select a purchasing agentPrepare a purchase requisition form for capital equipment Develop major Equipment/Office Supplies” for internal userResearch maintenance contracts for capital equipment From Sales and Marketing Department Research potential for International TradeIdentify and identify consumers need Evaluate competitionResearch legal requirements for conducting international trade Identify your competitive advantage Prepare international trade budget Create marketing mix trade budget Research nature of international competitionIdentify and analyze target marketsDevelop producers for acquiring clients, filing orders, and processing payments.Develop and implement workflow for handling foreign sales or requestIdentify overseas target market and develop international promotion/marketing strategies Create marketing strategy or planDevelop logo and promotional designs Design the VE logoDesign and develop a brochureResearch the process and prepare images for print reproductionDesign and print a catalog Develop employee manuals for reproduction Explore the technologies in an audio system Design and develop a multimedia presentationDesign and develop marketing campaign Web design Create a web site (web site design, development, maintenance, and polices)Develop a logo and businessDetermine pricing objectives Analyze and select a pricing method Learn the foreign currencies and conversion techniques Design a sales brochure Translate sales/ marketing materials for foreign markets Design a sales catalog and order form Develop logo and promotional designs Design the VE logoDesign and develop a brochureResearch the process and prepare images for print reproductionDesign and print a catalog Develop employee manuals for reproduction Explore the technologies in an audio system Design and develop a multimedia presentationDesign and develop marketing campaign Accounting Establish the Accounting Department Determine start-up costs Determine the operating costsResearch and determine how to finance the businessPrepare the budget for the Accounting Department Construct a break-even chartDesign the Accounting system Outline the steps in the Accounting cycleUse computerized accounting package to record financial transactionsUse application software for Accounting Department Calculate and prepare the payroll and make the payroll entryPrepare and file the payroll tax forms and reports Develop and describe the internal and external controls to protect assetsResearch opening a checking account and other banking producers Maintain a checking account Prepare bank reconciliation and related entriesprepare and file the quarterly sales tax formsDetermine inventory method and maintain inventory records Prepare the interim and annual reports for the business Prepare and file the corporate income tax returnRevise and review the Accounting Department procedures Provide an orientation to the Accounting Department to visitors Implement and coordinate recording attendance, lateness, overtime, and sick leaveCreate a orientation presentation using presentation software for incoming employees Learn to handle all aspects of personal checking account Create a seminar on reconciling employee checking accounts CEOConduct a meeting (agendas, procedures, minutes)Develop Policy and procedures for facsimile and copy machines Conduct job interviews Human Resources Create an organization chartEstablish attendance procedurescreate company directoryDefine WorkflowDevelop business planConduct a meeting (agendas, procedures, minutes)Give a presentationmanage correspondenceEstablish conflict resolution policy Create employee self –assessment form Maintain company filesRevise firm’s goals and objectives Name and utilize the computer hardware and software Develop payroll policies Assemble payroll forms and identify their specific purpose Determine the fringe benefits, vacation days, sick days and pension planPrepare for successful job interview Analyze letters of applicationAnalyze and evaluate resumes of employeesWrite an effective letter of dismissal, demotion, undesired transfer, etc.Write an effective letter of appreciation or commendation Research and develop grievance producers Create an employee manual and welcome brochureDetermine invoice, delivery, and payment polices for foreign trade Demonstrate principles of selling demonstrated seven-step sales call and presentation Review product or service life cycle prepare a presentation foreign opportunitiesResearch the four major elements of the promotional mix Research sales promotion techniques to develop a promotional strategyResearch and uses types of advertising media research and use publicityIdentify resources, input and output processes and feedback Develop flow charts for delivery of message through print, video, audio, and mixed media systems collect data and information pertinent to the development of the message Research the appropriate media to reach the market Design and produce an annual Report 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