University of Texas at El PasoUNIVERSITY SEMINAR 1301FALL 2010Technology & ChangeSection: 16015, MWF 7:30-8:20 am, EDUC313Section: 14158, MWF 8:30-9:20 am, EDUC313INSTRUCTOR: Cinthia JimenezPeer Leader: Librarian: Lilia FernandezOffice: Academic Advising Bldg.Office: Phone: 747-6716Office Hrs: Tue. 1:00-2:30 pmOffice Hrs:Email: lfernand@utep.eduWed. 2:30-3:00 pmPhone: 747-8811Phone: Email: cjimenez9@utep.eduEmail: REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Borders: Crossing Into Your Future. Third Edition. Kropp Joanne, et al. UTEP.COURSE DESCRIPTION: Have you seen a billboard looking back? These billboards are equipped with tiny cameras that collect information on people passing by. Did you know that BMW used to design and model their cars by sculpting clay? This is how BMW’s models were built before they incorporated computer software. Students will examine the practices and processes conducted before and after the integration of new technologies, predominantly into the Human Resource field. Businesses have proactively changed their operations by employing software models and prototypes that impact the business as a whole.? Students will analyze the benefits gained with the development of new technologies, as well as?the types of resistance to these innovations that businesses had to overcome. In this course students will also improve their academic skills in order to facilitate a successful academic career. Students will learn how to proactively respond to the changes and transitions they face as entering students by practicing the basic academic skills taught in this course.COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES:Methods for addressing GoalsGoal 1. Students will begin to understand their roles, opportunities, and responsibilities that impact their success within the context of the university. Students will view a “College Classroom Etiquette” presentation that will help them understand college classroom behavior.Students will meet with their academic advisors for the upcoming semester. They will turn in a copy of their Student Advising Form, TSI Form (if applicable), and a printout of their CAPP Degree Evaluation or Degree Plan. Goal 2. Students will learn about and practice essential academic skills in order to strengthen performance in the university setting.Students will practice critical analysis through discussion and evaluation of assigned articles related to the theme. Students will be required to cite all sources when submitting research papers.Students will learn and practice note-taking, test-taking, public speaking and time management through various assignments and by reading Borders.Goal 3. Students will begin to build a network of faculty, staff, and peers in order to create a supportive and positive learning experience/environment.Students will meet with the professor and with the peer leader at least twice during the semester to discuss academic progress and transition to UTEP. Meetings with the instructor and peer leader will be scheduled throughout the semester.I will schedule an advising session with the Academic Advising Center for my entire classroom during our class hour. I will invite student representatives from various organizations to give presentations to the class. I will ask the peer leader to announce any on campus events and opportunities for student involvement. Students will complete a scavenger hunt and gather information on the university’s organizations, services, and departments. Goal 4. Students will begin to assess and better understand their own interests, abilities, and values in order to more efficiently pursue their academic, career, and life goals. Students will complete the Career Exploration Tool DISCOVER after Census Day and again before the semester ends. Students will access Job Mine, create a student profile, and view current job positions. They will pick a position they find interesting in order to participate in the Job Mock Interview.Students will participate in Mock Job Interviews and will randomly be picked for an individual or a group interview.Students will turn in a Job Portfolio for the position they picked with the following documents: Résumé, Cover Letter, three professional references and a Thank You Letter.Students will complete the VARK Learning Styles for self assessment.Goal 5. Students will become involved in UTEP activities and utilize campus resources. Students will attend and participate in various UTEP events for a grade and for extra credit. Two (2) UTEP events are going to be assigned and any extra attended events will count towards extra credit.Students will turn in a narration of an event describing what they learned and how the event added to the student’s transition to college life.Representatives from the student support centers will present and explain the services they provide.COURSE POLICIES & PROCEDURESAttendance & Participation: Class attendance and active participation are mandatory and necessary for academic success. Attendance will be taken every class period. If you attend class without being tardy and participate in class discussion, you will receive 100 points for the day; attendance and participation points count towards 15% of your grade. If you are tardy (being late 10 minutes or more) or leave class early, you will not obtain the total attendance points for the day (50 pts). Furthermore, if you are not actively participating in class discussion, you will not obtain the total participation points for the day (50 pts).Should you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what you missed and submitting any assignment that is due. Students can incur 3 absences without penalty. If you are absent from class more than 4 times before the drop date, October 29, 2010, the instructor has the right to withdraw you from this course; you will receive a ‘W.’ Any absences beyond those allotted, after the drop date, may result in your failure (‘F’) of this course.Exemptions to this policy: Students engaged in official, verifiable University sanctioned business, or observing a religious holiday recognized by UTEP, or having a verifiable medical emergency. Bring all questions or concerns regarding this policy to my attention.Quizzes:You will have a quiz every week at the beginning of class. Students that are tardy (being late 10 minutes or more) or absent will not be allowed to make up any missed quiz; the lowest 3 quiz grades will be dropped. You will be able to use your notes, take good notes!To prepare for the quiz, you need to read the assigned article and/or the assigned chapter(s) from the Borders book listed on the tentative schedule.Extra Credit: Extra credit will be posted on Blackboard throughout the semester as different UTEP events become available.You will also be able to obtain extra credit by participating in classroom activities, please see tentative schedule.Absences: 0 days = 5 points; 1 day = 2 points; 2 days = 1 point; 3 or more days = 0 points to FINAL GRADE!Assignments: All work must be submitted on the day it is due, even if you cannot be in class when the assignment is due.Assignments not submitted via Blackboard must be turned in at the beginning of class inside the assignment folder. Late assignments will have a 20 point deduction per day. Save all your work, if I ask for a second copy, it’s your responsibility to have a copy available.Email Communication:All communication will be done via Blackboard!To access Blackboard go to, log-in using your username and password, then select Blackboard. When sending an email to your professor (not in Blackboard), please include your name, #800, the days and times we meet, e.g. Pancho Pantera, 800XXXX, MWF 7:30-8:20 am.Check Blackboard on a regular basis for any updates, announcements, assignments and assigned readings. Writing Assignments: Follow the instructions below for all typed documents. Failure to comply with this format will result in point deductions. Usage of word processor application.Typed assignments need to be revised by the Writing Center, please take your assignment description sheet.All papers need to have a cover page and a works cited page, if applicable. The cover page should include your full name, due date, course CRN, and assignment name. Please see Blackboard for a sample cover page. DO NOT print on the back of your cover page.Format: Double space, font size-12, any serif or sans serif font, left alignment, black ink on white paper; do not alter default page margins. Please check your paper for mechanical or grammatical errors before submitting. Further instructions will be given as to how an assignment should be turned in, either in class or via Blackboard. TEACHING METHODStudents will come to class prepared and on time, ready to turn in any assigned material and to participate in class discussion. It is the responsibility of the student to learn and practice the Student Standards of Conduct. Students will utilize Blackboard to communicate with the professor and the peer leader in a timely manner. Students will also utilize Blackboard to check for any updates, announcements, assignments and assigned readings on a regular basis. Students will receive feedback from the instructor regarding their academic progress. Students will learn the skills necessary to stay in good academic status and avoid academic peril. The instructor will create a comfortable and professional learning environment where all are able to, without hesitation, ask questions and gain knowledge.DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS & EXAMINATIONSCourse Grades WorkbookThe Course Grades Workbook will be done in three phases throughout the semester. The workbook will have three worksheets. The first worksheet will have the Core Curriculum divided into semesters; it will also include grade point averages (GPA) for each semester and an overall GPA, an estimation of tuition cost, and a funding description. The second and third worksheets will be utilized for tracking your grades in this class and another course you are taking this semester. You will turn in a copy of the syllabus for the other course you select.UTEP Mine Tracker Co-CurriculumStudents will be completing one activity for the Entering Student Stage for all four Learning Dimensions: Career Development, Civic Engagement, Global Perspective and Personal Enrichment. Each student will turn in a print out of their entire profile indicating their participation in one activity for each dimension.UTEP Group Scavenger HuntIn your teams, you will research and present on the assigned resources. Groups will present in class and turn in a summary of the assigned resources.Borders Chapter Summary on MS OneNoteStudents will turn in a typed summary on the assigned chapters from the Borders book utilizing MS OneNote. Refer to the tentative calendar for assigned chapters to be summarized and the due dates.UTEP Event Reflection PapersStudents are required to attend two campus activities open to all UTEP students. Only one may be athletic, the other one must consist of a cultural or academic event. Job PortfolioStudents will access Job Mine, create a student profile, and view current job positions. You will pick a position you find interesting and will turn in a portfolio with the following documents: Resume, Cover Letter, List of 3 professional references and a Thank you letter.Mock Job InterviewStudents will participate in a mock job interview. You will randomly be picked for an individual interview or a group interview on an assigned job posting. You will also dress appropriately for the interview and practice interview etiquette.Research Paper/PresentationThe research paper will be done in groups on a topic of their choosing related to technology in the HR environment. The length of the paper needs to be 3-5 pages long with at least 3 academic sources using Chicago style citation. At the end of the semester, every group will give an oral presentation; the presentation needs to be at least 5 minutes in length.Exams Students will complete three (3) exams. The exams will be composed of multiple-choice, True or False and essay questions. The lowest grade will be dropped, please notice: All three exams need to be completed in order to get the lowest exam grade dropped.STUDENT CONDUCT As courtesy to your instructor, peer leader and classmates, you need to arrive on time to class and be prepared to participate having completed your assignment(s). Please silence and put away any electronic device before class starts. No texting permitted in class. You do not need to agree with all of the views and opinions expressed in this classroom, BUT YOU DO NEED TO BE respectful and courteous at all times. Please refrain from any rude and unacceptable behavior; it will not be tolerated. [from the Handbook of Operating Procedures] Each student is responsible for the notice of and compliance with the provisions of the Regents Rules and Regulations available electronically at . NO eating and drinking allowed in the classroom.OTHER POLICIESScholastic Dishonesty: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures: Student Affairs]It is the official policy of the University that all suspected cases or acts of alleged scholastic dishonesty must be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation and appropriate disposition. It is contrary to University policy for a faculty member to assign a disciplinary grade such as an "F" or zero to an assignment, test, examination, or other course work as a sanction for admitted or suspected scholastic dishonesty in lieu of normally charging the student through the Dean of Students. Similarly, students are prohibited from proposing and/or entering into an arrangement with a faculty member to receive a grade of "F" or any reduced grade in lieu of being charged with scholastic dishonesty. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.Plagiarism: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures: Student Affairs]"Plagiarism" means the appropriation, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another's work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one's own academic work offered for credit, or using work in a paper or assignment for which the student had received credit in another course without direct permission of all involved instructors. Copyright Policy: Some of the materials in this course are copyrighted. Violation of US copyright law can result in civil damages up to $100.000 for each work copied. Copying of textbooks is not “fair use” under the Copyright Act. The “fair use doctrine” only permits non-commercial copying of part (in general, not more than 10%) of a copyrighted work. Do not bring a copied textbook to this class. Your cooperation is expected.FHARFoster Homeless Adoption ResourcesWere you ever in Foster Care in Texas? Were you ever involved with the Juvenile Probation Department? Are you currently homeless? Were you adopted in the state of Texas? If you answer yes to any of these questions, please contact a FHAR advisor at:Phone: 915 747-6674E-mail: WITH DISABILITIESReasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities. Please let me know if you have a documented disability, including learning disability, during the first two weeks of class. If you require a specific accommodation, please contact:The Disabled Students Services OfficeEmail: dss@utep.eduEast Union Bld. Room 106 URL: : 915 747-5148 Fax: 915 747-8712GRADING CRITERIAGRADING SCALEA90 - 100B80 - 89C70 - 79D60 - 69F0 - 59Assignments 25% Quizzes 15% Attendance & Participation15% Exams (3) 45%You must pass this course with a ‘C’ or better. If you do not pass, you will be required to retake this course.HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR FINAL GRADEAssignments:=AVERAGE (Assignment1 + Assignment2 +…+Last Assignment) X 25% = Quizzes:=AVERAGE (Quiz1 + Quiz2 + Quiz3 + …… + Last Quiz)X 15% = Attendance & Participation:=AVERAGE (DY1 + DY2 + …… + LAST DAY)X 15% = Exams:=AVERAGE (Exam1 + Exam2 + Exam3)X 45% = (I will exclude lowest grade- ONLY if you complete all 3 exams)Final Grade For the Course Grade workbook, test your formulas for accuracy, add 100 to all parts, your final gradeshould be 100.Group Assignments: Every student will be assigned into three set of groups. Each group will have a leader; a student picked for a leader in one group cannot be a leader for another group. I will let you know the group you’ll be working with for different group assignments and class activities. Group:Name:Phone:E-mail:Group:Name:Phone:E-mail:Group:Name:Phone:E-mail:TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR: This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice, what will not change is the grading criteria and grading scale.WKDATESASSIGNMENTS1aug23aug25aug27Class discussion for this week: WELCOME TO UTEP & UNIV1301! Ice-breaker, Course Syllabus, Borders: Introduction and Ch.1. An introduction to Borders, academic advising and TSI.Presentation: College Classroom EtiquetteVideo: Kevin Kelly tells technology’s epic story (TED Ideas worth spreading)Homework: Purchase Borders, activate UTEP e-mail, log into Blackboard and reply to Journal Topic, then reply to a student’s thread. Assignment Due: (aug27) Plagiarism Contract & Syllabi Matrix* Syllabus Quiz: aug27 ** * * AUG. 26- NOV. 13 - Two new exhibitions marking the 2010 anniversaries of Mexico's centennial and bicentennial @ Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center (Free Admission) * * *2aug30sep01sep03Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 2: time management, semester and overall GPA calculation, diversity and article mentioned for this week. Students will be assigned to their groups.Reading Assignment: Borders: Ch. 2 & Article: “Harvard FSS: How Does IT Matter?”Blackboard usage/navigation: (sep03) Hugo Gomez, meet in Atlas Lab (UGLC 202)Assignment Due: (aug30) Blackboard: Journal Topic (my thread and a student’s thread)(sep03) Course Grades Workbook—1st Upload(sep03) Blackboard: Groups Topic* GPA & Borders Chap. 2 Quiz: sep03 ** * * SEPT. 3 - - MINERPALOOZA 2010 (Free Admission, 6pm-midnight) * * *3sep6 (No classes-Labor Day)sep08sep10Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 10: Review of campus resources, student clubs and organizations in preparation for the campus resource scavenger hunt (sep08) and presentation. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignment: Borders: Ch.10 and Article: “When IT & HR Collide: Monitoring Social Media Usage”Library Visit: (sep10) Meet in Rm. 204A- Complete ONLINE Library Tutorials before library visitAssignment Due: (sep08) Blackboard: Time Management(sep10) Library Tutorials (Modules A, B & C)- (sept10) First Outside Activity Paper(sept10) Scheduled & met with peer leader/instructor* Article Quiz: sep10 ** * * SEPT. 8 - - CENSUS DAY- LAST DAY TO DROP WITHOUT A “W” * * *4sep13sep15sep17Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 5: Review of campus resources and Jeopardy Game (sep15) with groups on Borders Chapter 5 & 10. Group with the most points will receive EXTRA CREDIT. Article mentioned for the weekReading Assignment: Borders, Ch. 5 and Article: “Billboards that look back”Guest Speaker: (sep17) Jennifer M. Rodríguez-Mine Tracker. Meet in library, Rm.336 UNIV LabAssignment Due: (sep13 & 15) UTEP Scavenger Hunt Group Presentations(sep17) Case Study and Annotated Bibliography* Article Quiz: sep17 *5sep20sep22sep24Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 8: Review of career exploration, correlation between majors and careers and importance of community service. Jeopardy Game (sep24) with groups on Borders Chapter 8. Group with the most points will receive EXTRA CREDIT. Article mentioned for the week. (more on this week, see next page)Reading Assignment: Borders: Ch. 8 and Article: “Herding Social Media”DISCOVER PROGRAM: (sep20) MEET IN LIBRARY, Rm. 336 UNIV LabAssignment Due:(sept20) Campus Resource Pamphlet(sep22) DISCOVER Results (sep24) Borders Chapter Summary (Intro, Ch.1, 2, 5, 8 & 10)* Article & Borders Quiz: sep24 ** * * SEPT. 23 & 24 - - CAREER EXPO- DON HASKINS CENTER * * *6sep27sep29oct01Class discussion for this week: Review of Exam I and the administration of the exam.Guest Speaker: (oct01) Anita Gonzalez- National Marrow Donor Program * NO QUIZ ** * * EXAM I: SEP29 * * * 7oct04oct06oct08Class discussion for this week: Continue review of Borders Chapter 8. Borders Chapter 6: Being present, avoiding procrastination, academic integrity policies and academic standing. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignments: Borders: Ch. 6 and Article: “Raising Engagement”Guest Speaker: (oct04) University Career Center, Meet in Library, Rm 336 UNIV Lab(Create job mine account Josue LaChica- FHARAssignment Due: (oct04) Case Study and Annotated Bibliography(oct04) Job Mine Account (oct06) DISCOVER Analysis Paper (oct08) Mine Tracker Activity Report I*Article & Borders Quiz: oct04 *8oct11oct13oct15Class discussion for this week: Continue review of Borders Chapter 6. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignment: Article: “Let them communicate”Mock Job Interviews: (oct13 & 15) Cynthia Holguin, Academic Advising CenterAssignment Due: (oct11) Mosaic Activity Results(oct15) Job Portfolio (oct15) Blackboard: Mosaic Activity Discussion (my thread and a student’s thread)*Article & Borders Quiz: oct11 *9oct18oct20oct22Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 3: Active Learning, learning styles and critical thinking skills. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignment: Borders: Ch. 3 and Article: “Ready or not?”Guest Speaker: (oct18) Erika Portillo, SDC- How to give oral presentationsAssignment Due: (oct18) Course Grades Workbook—2nd Upload(oct20) VARK(oct22) Blackboard: VARK Discussion (my thread and a student’s thread)*Article & Borders Quiz: oct22 ** * * * OCT. 18 - - Mid-term grades e-mail to Freshmen via UTEP e-mail address * * * *10oct25oct27oct29Class discussion for this week: How to deal with change and the opportunities change brings; how to set up long term and short term goals. Article mentioned for the week.Video: “Who moved my Cheese?”Reading Assignment: Article: “Social media: how many should you use?”MAZE Presentations: (oct27 & 29)Assignment Due: (oct25) Library Assignment(more on this week, see next page)(oct27) Mine Tracker Activity Report II(oct29) MAZE Journal Paper(oct29) Scheduled & met with peer leader/instructor*Article Quiz: oct25 ** * * * OCT. 29 - - COURSE DROP DEADLINE - LAST DAY TO DROP WITH A “W” * * * *11nov01nov03nov05Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 4: note taking, test taking, reading process, writing skills and public speaking skills. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignments: Borders: Ch. 4 and Article: “Business ethics and the HR role: past, present, and future.”Assignment Due: (nov05) Group Research Paper (Phase I)*Article& Borders Quiz: nov05 *12nov08nov10nov12Class discussion for this week: CAPP, review of Exam II and the administration of the exam.Guest Speaker: (nov12) Jesus Smith-Miner Initiative Assignment Due: (nov08) Advising Assignment* NO QUIZ ** * * EXAM II: NOV10 * * * 13nov15nov17nov19Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 7: Create a healthy lifestyle, mental fitness, dating, managing stress and dealing with depression. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignments: Borders: Ch. 7 and Article: “Has technology changed the way we conduct business?”Assignment Due: (nov017) Group Research Paper (Phase II)(nov19) Mine Tracker Activity Report III*Article & Borders Quiz: nov019 *14nov22nov24nov26(no classes)Class discussion for this week: Borders Chapter 9: Student Loans, grants, scholarships and credit cards. Jeopardy Game (nov22) with groups on Borders Chapter 7. Group with the most points will receive EXTRA CREDIT. Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignments: Borders: Ch. 9 and Article: “Employees' social networking raises employers' liability risk”Guest Speaker: (nov24) Juan A. Contreras, New York Life Assignment Due: (nov22) Second Outside Activity Paper(nov22) Borders Chapter Summary (Ch. 3, 4, 6, 7 & 9) (nov24) Group Research Paper (Phase II)*Article & Borders Quiz: nov24 *15nov29dec01Class discussion for this week: Group presentations on research paper (nov29 & dec01). Article mentioned for the week.Reading Assignments: Article: “RECRUITMENT: Help Wanted”Assignment Due: (nov29) Course Grades Workbook—3rd Upload (Final)(dec01) ESP Student Feedback Survey(dec01) Group Research Paper/Presentation*Article Quiz: dec01 ** * * * DEC. 2 - - Last day of classes and complete withdrawal from the University * * ** * * * DEC. 20 - - Final grades officially available to students via Touchtone, Online and UTEP e-mail * * * *16FINAL EXAM WEEKMWF 7:30am: Friday, Dec. 10th, 7:00am - 9:45 amMWF 8:30am: Monday, Dec. 6th, 10:00am - 12:45 pm ................

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