Central Bucks School District

Thursday, March 19, 2020Good morning, friends! Happy day three! Below is our plan for today. I hope you have a great day of “distance learning”! Don’t forget that you can reach me through email: mruth@, or send me a message on SeeSaw. Keep those fun SeeSaw posts coming! I love connecting with all of you!Also….Don’t forget to take breaks, exercise, eat healthy snacks and have fun with your family!!FINALLY… This is all OPTIONAL work. Don’t stress if you can’t get to it all! Please use the activities below as a menu to choose from.MathOverview:?Adding Multi-Digit Numbers???Estimated Time:?Approximately 45 minutes???Explanation:???You can use what you know about place value to help you add multi-digit numbers.?????Three quick things to know:?For tutorials on how to access online Math in Focus resources using?Ed Your Friend in Learning?visit? you cannot print activities, you may write the answers on a sheet of paper.??Please look at Student Workbook pages 41-42? if you need help?????Tasks:?Complete the sheet called?Gr 4 Day 3?Addition??With?Regrouping??This page is in your packet and on SeeSawPractice your fast facts by doing X-tra Math or Pet Bingo (free iPad app you can dowload). You can also practice with a non-tech option such as Top-it, flash cards, or having a grown-up or sibling quiz you on facts. Extra: Only do this activity if you want more practice.: Play Addition Snake?? challenge: Try out 2 more LOGIC PUZZLES! (packet in your folder, answers in the back) OR login to Prodigy! WritingOverview:?Passion Project time! Today you will continue your project! Use today to gather more info. about your topic.?Estimated Time:?Approximately 30 minutes?Explanation:??You are very skilled at conducting a passion project. For the remainder of this week, you will complete a project at home! Make sure to take your time through each step of the process. Each day I will provide guidelines for how long each stage should take you-but feel free to move at your own pace!?Quick things to know:You can still use the elementary library resources to research potential topics (The pdf has all the passwords that you need. I emailed this to your parents)If you are planning on a digital product, today would be a great day to start collecting pictures (if using an iPad)?Tasks:Look over what you did yesterday! Are you still happy with the subtopics that you chose? Let the research begin!!Don’t forget to use the library resources online and use World Book, Pebble Go, etc.Don’t forget to paraphrase those facts and put them in your own words.Spend about 20 minutes researching/taking notes. You will have more time to research tomorrow.Don’t forget to fill those notecards with facts!**If you moved ahead yesterday and took some notes, then feel free to take the day off today!Reading Part 1Overview:? Read and understand fiction texts, analyze a chapter, analyze a character Estimated Time:?Approximately 30-40 minutes?Explanation:??Let’s jump back into Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief (The book I sent home in your folder). You will read the second chapter today. Finally, you will create a character map of your favorite character so far.Three quick things to know:In Part 1 you will read ch. 2 and create a character map.In Part 2 you will be doing some spelling work.You can use any method to show your work (OPTIONAL)I uploaded the character map to SeeSaw. It is in the “Activities” tab.Or just use pencil and paper. I posted the file on my website. (labeled “character map”?Tasks:Part 1- Sammy Keyes (30-35 min.)Grab your Sammy Keyes book and find a cozy spot to read. You are also welcome to read with a family member too!Read chapter plete the character map of your favorite character(Sammy would be a great choice!). Be sure to add text evidence to support your chosen character traits.Share your picture( if you’d like) to SeeSaw.Part 2-Spelling (10 min.)left8064500Above is your spelling list for the week. For today, use a Bubble Letter page to practice them (in your packet) OR play hangman with a family member! Social Studies Overview:? Learn more about maps for your project-based map-making activity. Today you will make some final decisions in your map planning Estimated Time:?Approximately 20-30 min.?Explanation:??Today is the third day of your map project! You will do some final planningThree quick things to know:Today is day 3 of the project.This packet is in your s.s./math folderHave fun with this! The map-making possibilities are endless!?Tasks:Map Project Planning (20-30 min.)Read/complete the following pages in your Map packet:“My Map Design will be for…” (Yes, you are skipping some pages… that’s okay!)“Discover Research” -what will your map be for?“Map Design-First Draw”- Spend some time here. Create a detailed drawing of what your map will look like.**Remember, it is a bird’s eye view of your map”*** Remember is can be imaginary or real! Maybe you are mapping your house, neighborhood or even an imaginary land called Candyville. The possibilities are endless!Start getting excited for map-making…starting tomorrow!Quest (20 min.)-Head on over to Mrs. Jansen’s page for more info. cjansenGreat job with day three!! ................

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