Annotated BibliographyPrimary Source Supersize Me. Directed by Morgan Spurlock. Performed by Morgan Spurlock. 2004. DVD. This video is interesting because it is a primary source, even though it is a doucmentry. This will be very beneficial to me because it shows a real story of a man who ate McDonald’s every day for a month, and the affects on his body. This video will give me an insight as to what the food served at fast food restaurants can to one’s body and health, and will give me a view on what fast food is made of, how it affects someone, and the health problems associated with it. I can use this information to explain that the FDA does not regulate certain chemicals and things used in foods, and it should. Morgan’s story will help me to show the real facts on the effects of fast food.Secondary Sources:"13 Things Your Fast Food Worker Won't Tell You?|?Reader's Digest." Readers Digest. 2016. Accessed March 06, 2016. article will help to get a clear understanding of what it is actually like to work in a fast food restaurant. This will help to show exactly what you are eating when you go to a fast food establishment, and will give me information as to how the fast food places are not the best places to get food at."17 Fast Food Horror Stories That Will Make You Want To Eat At Home." BuzzFeed. Accessed March 06, 2016. article will help me to see a clear understanding of the gross things that happen in a fast food restaurant. The stuff I read, made me want to throw up, it was disgusting at what the employees did to people’s food and the things that were experienced. This will be a key article to tell the real truth of what goes on in a fast food establishment. "Fast Food, Fat Profits Obesity in America Documentary HD 2015 720p." YouTube. Accessed February 07, 2016. . This documentary gives an insight to the growing problem of obesity in America, largely due to fast food becoming a big success financially. The video will help me to be able to explain the health problems and nutritional aspects about fast food, such as how it is made, what the ingredients are, and how the food is being prepared. This video shows in detail the issues that can occur when eating too much fast food, and it shows that the obesity problem is America is heavily influenced on fast food. "FAST FOOD: The Fast Lane of Life [ MODERN MARVELS FULL DOCUMENTARY}." YouTube. Accessed February 07, 2016. . This documentary will give insight to the reasons for fast food restaurants, and how other businesses are adapting off of the fast food procedures, such as the drive through. This video will also help me to convey the message that while fast food is not as “real” as one might think, the industry does have very strong business strategies and financial smarts to make the fast food empire what it is today. Fitzpatrick, Hayley. "The 20 Most Successful Fast Food Chains in America." Business Insider. 2015. Accessed April 21, 2016. . This website gave me a list of 20 fast food chains, so I could have a detailed list of some of the brands I wanted to highlight in my project. It also helpsto show some of the rankings of what consumers buy when it comes to the brands of fast food that they can purchase.Furdyk, Brent. "14 Scary Ingredients Lurking in Fast Food." Food Network Canada. June 26, 2015. Accessed April 10, 2016. website is great for talking about the chemicals that are in fast food. It was perfect for talking about the health concerns and risks, and also to point of the harmful chemicals used to preserve the food and to make it taste better. This site is somewhat graphic when describing the chemicals, but it still really helped to convey that there are so many chemicals in the fast food items."How Meat Made Fast Food McDonalds KFC Taco Bell Subway Chick-fila Burger King Walmart Why Vegan." YouTube. Accessed February 07, 2016. . This video almost made me throw up, literally. This video shows how animals are treated and their living conditions, and how they are slaughtered to be used for meat in fast food restaurants. While I am not an animal lover, I feel disturbed knowing that someone could do this torture to animals and do not even care about it. This video will help me to explain another problem in the fast food industry and will show the true story about where the meat is coming from, and what is in what you eat.Jacques, Renee. "These Disturbing Fast Food Truths Will Make You Reconsider Your Lunch." The Huffington Post. Accessed March 06, 2016. source gives me information on how poor the quality is in fast food, and what some of the chemicals are in the food that many people eat on the daily. Also, it will portray the real chemicals and pictures of false advertising with what the consumer is actually getting. The other thing that was interesting was that a lot of the chemicals were in non-food items, and people are consuming them.Nutritionfacts. PDF. McDonald's, 2016.This pdf was McDonald’s nutritional facts for all their items sold in their stores. This is very beneficial to me because I can use this data to put together a sample day of eating fast food at McDonald’s to show how much people are really eating, even in one meal there. This is very crucial to giving a representation and conveying that the fast food is in fact very harmful to your body, and not healthy for you to eat."The History of Fast Food in America." AccuPOS. Accessed February 07, 2016. . This source gives information on how the fast food industry began in the U.S. It gives information on the first fast food establishments, the original menus, and the demographics of customers that ate there. It will help me to convey how the fast food industry became a growing empire in a short amount of time. This source will also help me to explain what makes fast food a target for consumers to buy, and why it has become so successful. Wilson, Tracy V. "The History of Fast Food." HowStuffWorks. Accessed February 07, 2016. . This article will help to back up the previous article on the history of fast food, and to make the information credible. This article also talks about the first fast food establishments and the reasons for the fast food industry to begin. This article will also help me to give a thorough background of how the fast food industry became so prosperous, and give an understanding as to why the fast food industry practices the procedures that they do. ................

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