Base notes for the presentation, add or remove as you see fit, but this is the basis.Slide 1-Explain who you are and what the presentation is about.(Click)Slide 2-(Click)What is animation?(Click)Animation is simply a large amount of images put together to imitate movement(Click)Animation uses the human brains persistence of vision, which means that we see the last images despite the fact we only saw them for a fraction of a second, and because of this we see movement, or rather, the illusion of movement.(Click)While we start seeing animation around 15 frames per second, tv and film tend to use around 24-29, and games aiming for either 30, or in better quality cases 60.Slide 3-(Click)Animation is made up of a lot of images, also known as frames(Click)Frames per second, or FPS is the count of how many frames make up a second of animation(Click) Or known as a frame rate(Click)So a higher frame rate usually means better quality animation(Click)Some frames are known as keyframes, and they tend to be the start or an end of a transition, and what animators use to animate a lot of sequences.(Click)Animators also use a technique called onion skinning, which is when previous frames appear under the frame being animated to make the best quality animation. Onion skinning comes from the onion skin-esque paper that animations used to draw on.(Click)Tweening is when the software generates the frames in-between the keyframes for you, which is a really quick way to animate. Slide 4-(Click)Like most kinds of media, animation has had a varying and long history.(click)At first there were a lot of hypothetical ideas of animation, but arguably the first was (click)The Thaumatrope was simply a wooden disc attached to some string, with a drawing on each side. The disc would be spun and show the illusion of movement.(Click)Next, in 1832 was the Phenakistiscope. A cardboard disc attached to the handle was covered in drawings in order to emulate movement.(Click)Next in 1868 was the kineograph, otherwise known as a flip book. It’s simply lots of drawings in a book, one on each page that gets flipped through and makes animation(Click)The next was Cinémaographe, a French projector esque machine that would show a projection of some moving images onto a wall, it is essentially the father of all projectors.(Click)In 1900 there was the first animated sequence in a silent film, where it shows a man drawing a carton face and some other props, that eventually moves around. (Click)6 years later in 1906, the first entirely animated short film was made, under the name “Humorous Phases of Funny Faces”, where hand drawn people and animals move around for a total of 3 minutes.(Click)in the 1910’s, the cartoon industry was created as more short animated shorts were produced for showing in movie theatres. The most successful producer of all time John Randolph Bray patented the cel animation process, which is why he dominated the animation industry.(Click)In 1917, the producer Fedrico Valles made the world’s first animated feature film “The Apostle”. Unfortunately, a fire destroyed the only copy of the movie, and it is now considered a lost film.(Click) 41 years later, in 1958, Hanna-Barbera released Huckleberry Hound, the first 30 minute tv show to be entirely animated, this severely decreased the public’s attention to the animated shorts being shown in theatres.(Click)The animation industry slowly evolved to 1995 when Disney Pixar’s Toy Story released, the first feature length film released in fully computer made animation, and of course that became more popular.(Click) This has lead to a huge animated industry that has reached so many different fields.Slide 5-Tradition animation(click)Otherwise known as cel shaded animation(Click)The animator draws each frame on a special piece of paper (click) unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) this method is becoming less and less popular, as it is takes more time and materials to make an animation by hand than digitally. (click)Now adays, in order to put animation on the web, people tend to use DHTML (click)DHTML is a group of different technologies and this allows for animation n the web, of course their other languages (click)such as the XHTML(click)which is just an extension of the regular and popular HTML.Slide 6As previously mentioned the cel shaded animation method has become less popular(click)computer generation is the most popular, which can be split into(click)2d and(click)3d. Another popular way of animation is stopmotion(click) when animators take pictures of models and move tiny amounts. One of the most popular ways of stop motion is (click)Claymation, when the modellers use clay models.Slide 7(click)Now, web animation has a huge variety of uses, such as (click)Banner ads, these adverts tend to be at the top of pages and have some kind of movement.(click)Instruction animation is when some kind of animation shows people how to complete a task. (click)Animated Interface Elements are parts of websites that have some kind of movement or animation.(click)Promotion is animated adverts on the web.(click)And of course there’s also online entertainment. Slide 8(click)(click)One kind of making assets for 2d animation is through vectors(click)Of course this means that the assets are made of vectors(click)which can be resized and edited without compromising quality of the animation (click)Which means you tend to have a crisper movement. This is opposed to(click)Raster animation, otherwise known as bitmap animation.(click)The assets are made of pixels, that aren’t changed in any way when resizing, which results in pixelated and (click)lower quality images and animation, as opposed to vector animation.Slide 9(click)Now, you probably must know that any file on a computer is of a certain size, depending on what’s in it. For example, a video might be a few gigabytes, while a word document might be a few kilobytes. The file size of course effects a few things. (click)Compression is when you lower the file size, at the price of some quality (click)The higher you compress the file, the worse the quality becomes(click)The more you compress, the smaller the file size, which has advantages, such has…(click)The download speed. I’m sure most people have downloaded a file, whether it’s a computer program, a song, a game, or just a document from an email. You’re also probably aware that these downloads take different amounts of time.(click)The smaller the file size, the quicker it might become, of course it also depends on your internets download speed.(click)But overall you may want a smaller file size, for accessibility when moving and editing and changing the loctation.Slide 10(click)Animations can come in multiple different files types, (start clicking through) all of which are for different programs, as you can see on the screen.Slide 11(click)There are a lot of different kinds of software that you can use to animate. (click)Authoring, or making the animation you can use software such as(click)Amara, flash, or swishzone, among other software. However, swishzone has recently shut down(click)There are also differnet animation players to watch animations(click)Such as flash, quicktime, realplayer and shockwave.(click x3)however, all of these methods are becoming obsolete, due to adobe’s flash (click)As adobe does have a good view over the entire digital creative industry (click)However adobe is changing the flash program(click)And replacing it with Adobe Animate.Slide 12Thank you, any questions. ................

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