
Mr. Riggs’s Classroom Policies

Algebra 1

1) Students will respect each other and the teacher. Talking and paying attention will be enforced. This means that any students talking while the teacher or others are talking will be enforced.

2) All students will be required to work for the whole hour. This means that during work time the students will not quit working until the bell rings.

3) Students will keep things rated G. This means that if Snow White from the Disney movie would not say it, neither should the students. This includes any kind of swearing or remarks that have double meaning.

4) Students will not use the word “Gay” or “Lesbian” or any other word or phrase that is disrespectful to describe anyone or any activity, including school work.

5) Spelling out swear words will be considered swearing.

6) Phrases like: What the F?, and What the H?, will be considered swearing.

7) Masks must be worn.

Actions Taken

One or more of the following will be taken, not necessarily in order.

• Any student refusing to wear a mask will be sent to Mr. Pruett’s or Mrs. DeMaio’s office and action will be taken from there.

• Verbal warning.

• More homework or classwork for student or class

• The student will spend a little time after class to discuss behavior.

• Student will have to make up a 15 minute detention in the morning. This will have to be made up within two days.

** If not made up in two days, it becomes an automatic one hour after school detention.

• Student will be sent to the office and a call home will be made.

Homework Policy

We will be doing common grading called True North grading. This is grading based on what a student knows. The policy is as follows:

• Late work can be accepted until the end of the semester

o There will be a 30% penalty for late work from what they earn

o For example if a student would earn a 9 out of 10 if it were turned in on time after being graded, the new score if it was late would be 6.3 out of ten, but I will round to nearest half percent so the actual grade that will go in the book is a 6.5 out of 10.

• Assignments will be graded for correctness.

• Students will grade them in class and give a point total on the paper. I will spot check for accurate grading. If a student is caught just writing correct answers and not grading correctly, then the student’s paper will be thrown away and a new assignment will be given.

Cheating Policy

The cheating policy is outlined in the student handbook. Please familiarize yourself with this policy as it stays on file during your high school career.

Test Taking Policy

Teacher will use discretion if a student is absent for multiple days during a chapter to decide if a student will take the test on the scheduled day or not. If you are absent ON test day, students will make up the test in the detention room after school whenever it fits into their schedule. I will NOT be tracking students down to take tests or quizzes. It is their responsibility to get the test or quiz made up. If a student is absent on test review day, then they will work on the review the next day and have to take the test in the detention room when it fits into their schedule. A student can still take the test if they want if they missed the review day. Students have to option to retake a test or quiz as long as the student fulfills certain requirements. The requirements are:

o Student must make up all missing work in the chapter.

o Student must do the review and turn in to be checked.

o Student must set up a time to do the retake

o It is the responsibility of the student to request a retake and set up a time.

Students while taking tests and quizzes will not cheat. Students will also not talk until all tests or quizzes have been turned in or collected. Actions taken will not necessarily be in this order.

• Student will be given a verbal warning.

• Students will LOSE points on the test or quiz.

- Students will lose up to 20 points

• Student will be given a detention for being a disruption to class.

• Student will be sent to office.


Students will be expected to use their chromebook at all times. Students that cannot use their chromebook due to damage, did not sign the Acceptable Use Policy by parents request, or not allowed to have technology by the school will be allowed to check out a book for the year. I am not assigning books to everyone anymore. Students that check out a book can return it at anytime when they get their technology to use in the class. If a student breaks their technology or it is taken away, then they may ask to checkout a book.


BHS offers an online grade program. Each student can access their grades in any class through this website. Parents can access their student’s grades from home after an account is set up through student services, 695-8405. All teachers update PowerSchool weekly for current grades and assignments.

Grade Breakdown

Warm Up/Exit Tickets 5%

In Class Work 10%

Quizzes 25%

Tests 35%

Keytrain/Projects 10%

Final 15%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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