
Super Smash Bros.

Move List/Strategy Guide

by Ed the Moogle

Final Version

Copyright 1999-2002 Ed the Moogle

Not official in any way. Don't copy or alter this FAQ without permission. If you wish to copy this FAQ, you may not change it from its original TXT format, and it must not appear within a frame or with a pop-up window or ad banner of any kind. I am not to be held responsible for any damages done with this file or it's contents. Latest version is at . Check the latest version before you e-mail me with questions or comments, or before telling me I'm an idiot because I made a mistake. Failure to do this will result in your e-mail being ignored.

Well, finally it happened. An official game with all of Nintendo's best characters beating each other down with their trademark weapons (there was a pirated game for the NES called Kart Fighter, but that game only had Mario characters). There are eight standard characters and four secret characters.

Note: Unlike most fighting games, the only way to defeat your opponent is to knock him out of the arena in any way possible. When they sustain damage, they can still fight, but are easier to knock out of the arena. If an enemy is knocked into the foreground or background, they cannot get back in. If they are knocked to the side, they may be able to get back in by use of a double jump or special move.

Note: The select screen is in an odd format. You must "pick up" your chip with the A button and release it on a character you want. If you want a different character, you can pick up the chip again and drop it on them. Press any of the C buttons to change a character's clothing color.

"I told my kid to study, then play Nintendo games. Those are the rules around my house!"

Very cool mother, EarthBound Zero.


Graphics: 8/10 Very good graphics. Almost look 3d at times. The characters are slightly blocky and the backgrounds look flat sometimes, though. The boss characters look pretty cool (Master Hand''s background and Metal Mario's shiny surface).

Sound: 8/10 Nice sound effects. Explosions and the "Ring" noise that goes with some attacks are nicely done. Some music gets old.

Control 8/10 Some B button movements can be difficult and blocking and throwing are sometimes hard to control. But the special moves are very simple, so that you don't have to think of that Back, Back, Forward, Forward, Punch crap when your opponent's beating the snot out of you.

Fun 10/10 VERY good multiplayer game. Blows that wussy Mario Party off the charts! Even the single player mode is fun (or just VS mode while fighting computer controlled opponents)

Basic Moves (everyone has these)

A- Standard attack. These range from kicks to headbutts, depending on which way the Control Stick is pressed. Also picks up and uses items. Also does a different attack if you're in the air.

Run+A- Charging attack.

Forward+A- Smash Attack. Your basic knocker-outer attack. You can also parry attacks by pressing it right before your opponent hits you.

Up+A- Upward smash. Good for juggles.

Down+A- Lower attack. Catches most opponents off guard.

Walk+A- A different form of attack, often a kick attack.

L- Taunt. It doesn't do anything to help in the fight, but it's kind of cool.

Z- A force field surrounds your character to block enemy attacks.

Z+Direction- Your character rolls on the ground and becomes temporarily immune to attack.

R- A throw in one form or another.

R+Back- Another throwing attack.

R, then Left or Right- Roll away/toward your opponent.

C Buttons- Jump. Tap again at the top of the jump to do a double-jump. Pressing up on the Control Stick does the same thing.

Down- Duck. It's useful for avoiding projectiles. If in the air, you fall faster.

Down twice- Drop down to the lower level, if you're on a higher platform.

Forward/Backward- Walk forward or backward. Tap twice in the same direction to run.

While on the ground, you can recover in several ways.

A or B- Do that characters Down+A attack, then stand up.

Forward- Roll forward.

Backward- Roll Backward.

When on a ledge

Z- Jump up onto the ledge and roll forward. Useful when an opponent is waiting for you right at the edge.

A or B- Jump up and pull off a quick attack.

In the air

Down+A- Downward smash attack. Good for when you and an opponent are about to fall off. You can kick them down and jump back up to the ledge.

Back+A- A powerful backward attack. Useful for aerial battles.


These are the various items you can pick up during the fight.

Bob-Omb- From Super Mario Bros. Extremely powerful explosive. If it's not picked up after a few seconds, it will run around for a while and explode on impact. Eventually it self destructs. Does about 30 damage each hit and can easily knock out damaged opponents.

Hammer- From Donkey Kong (the original arcade game). It works on more than just barrels this time. Very powerful weapon, can knock out an opponent with no damage in just two or three hits! It even plays the music from the original DK and does 15-30 damage each hit! You also become temporarily invulnerable to almost everything.

Star Rod- From Kirby's Adventure (NES). Fires a star. You can also whack enemies with it. Press forward and A to fire a star. Stars can be fired up to 20 times. The staff itself does about 10 damage while the star does about 15. Get up close and push Foward+A to do a nasty 2-hit combo.

Star- From Super Mario Bros. Grants temporary invincibility. Even plays the classic Mario music! Too bad you can't damage characters on impact, like in the original Super Mario Bros. That would make it the ultimate in invincibility. But being immune to damage is still a very good thing, and it would be wise to do so whenever possible.

Green Shell- From Super Mario Kart. Goes in a straight line and stops when it hits something, so you can throw it again. It's fairly powerful, and good for fending off an opponent. It does about 15 damage each hit.

Red Shell- From Super Mario Kart. Chases around an enemy and hits them, then bounces back and comes at them again. Be careful, it may come after you instead if no one is nearby! Does roughly 10 damage each hit and can hit multiple times, making it very dangerous.

Maximum Tomato- From Kirby's Dream Land. Recovers 100% of your damage (ex: if you have 127% damage and grab it, you'll have 27% damage).

Heart Container- From the Legend of Zelda. Recovers all damage inflicted upon the person who grabs it.

Ray Gun- Shoots lasers. Similar to Fox's gun but slightly stronger. Fires up to 16 times. Does 5-10 damage. Note that blocked lasers will "deflect" off of shields, which is kind of a cool effect.

Paper Fan- Well... you hit the enemy with it. The weakest weapon item, but still good for fending keeping enemies at arms' length.. Does 2-4 damage. It makes a better thrown weapon, as it will pop an opponent into the air when it hits, which will leave them open for a moment.

Homerun Bat- I'll give you one guess as to what it does. Press forward and A to do a powerful smash attack, which often knocks enemies out in just a single hit. It takes a few moments to pull it off, though, which means that you'll have to time it just right or be in a world of hurt...

Motion Sensor Bomb- From... Goldeneye 007? Similar to a land mine. Sticks to the ground until some unfortunate sap steps on it or does damage to it. Inflicts 30 damage on an opponent.

Light Saber- Powerful weapon. Useful for knocking opponents out of the arena. Press Forward and A to do a strong slash attack. Does 10-20 damage. Good for cornering opponents and pummeling them, and then doing a power slash to get rid of them.

Fire Flower- From Super Mario Bros.. Shoots a big cloud of flame. Throw it at an opponent and they will take some damage. Good for quickly inflicting a lot of damage. Damage varies depending on how long you keep them in the area of the flame.

Bumper- Useful for annoying opponents. Touch it and you'll be thrown backwards. Does 1 damage. Plant it on the edge of the platform to nail your opponents when they try to grab the edge and get back in.

Poke'Ball- From Pokemon. A random Pokemon pops out and does it's signature attack. It also makes a good thrown weapon. (Words in parentheses are what the attack is called in the Game Boy game)

Onix- A big rock snake. Floats into the air and drops rocks on the enemy. (Rock Throw) Each rock does about 5-10 damage.

Goldeen- A badly drawn goldfish-looking thing. Flops around and doesn't attack. (Splash...hehe) No damage. The worst possible Poke'mon. But you can still get something out of it by throwing the Poke'ball.

Meowth- A little cat that floats. Throws coins in every direction, juggling everyone nearby. (Pay Day) Each coin does about 3 damage.

Charizard- A red dragon. Spews fire to the left and right. (Flamethrower) Damage varies.

Blastoise- A huge blue turtle with guns protruding from his shell. Fires huge blasts of water in the direction he is facing. (Water Gun) About 10 Damage each hit. With every shot, he edges back a little bit more, so he can fall off platforms and such.

Beedrill- A bee with spears for hands. Flies off, and a bunch of Beedrills swarm the screen at roughly the horizontal height the first one left and stab any opponents they make contact with. (Twineedle). About 5 damage each hit.

Snorlax- A huge, chubby bear-looking thing. Floats up, and slams down on a large area of the field. (Body Slam???) About 25 damage. Difficult to avoid if used in the center of small arenas.

Mew- A tiny little cat. Appears, says "Mew!" and floats away. (Teleport???) No damage. But it's cool because you get points for it! Consider it the cool version of a Goldeen.

Chansey- I have no idea what Chansey is supposed to be. It's big and pink and has dreadlock-looking things coming off it's head. Throws out some eggs that either contain items (like an item capsule) or explode (like a Bob-omb). (Egg Bomb/Softboiled) (thanks to Cartunrama@ for this bit) Egg Bomb does about 30 damage, like all explosives.

Clefairy- A little white Poke'mon with big ears. Imitates one of the other's attacks. (Metronome) Damage varies, depending on what attack is done. For the most part, Clefairy's imitations are faster than the actual users' but don't last as long as a result (for example, Clefairy, when mimicing Charizard, will throw out fire faster but dissapears faster as well).

Starmie- A purple starfish-looking thing. Floats towards the nearest opponent and showers them with stars. (Swift) Each one does 3-5 damage. This is useful on air opponents because you can juggle them. Starmie tends to fly right past fast moving opponents and fire at nothing, so it's more useful on slower characters.

Item Note: You can pick up a barrel or crate and throw it farther and faster using Forward+A. This is good for catching your opponents off guard.

Ratings info

All ratings are out of five stars.

Skill- How much skill you will need to successfully use that character. The lower, the easier they are to learn.

Power- How strong their attacks are in general.

Jump- How high they can jump.

Speed- How fast they move.

Defend- How well they defend against attacks.

Size- How tall they are. The smaller they are, the easier it is for them to avoid attacks.

Overall- An average of all the characters' abilities in general.

Characters and their Special Moves (a * means it's powerful enough to knock out a damaged opponent. I'll refer to these as "SMASH" moves.)

Each and every character's special moves, which took them years to perfect...


Mario- Well, you couldn't have a fighting game without him, could you? Mario is one of the most well-rounded characters, and is good for getting a feel of the game. He is also quite easy to learn. His multi-hit combos also make him a good character.

Skill **

Power ***

Jump ***

Speed ***

Defend ***

Size ***

Overall ***

1. The colors he always has, Red and Blue.

2. Red and blue switched. Looks sorta like the one in Mario Bros.

3. Dark red and yellow. Firey Mario! It also sorta resembles the Mario from SMB.

4. Yellow and Purple. Why is he wearing Wario's colors? Maybe because Wario didn't make the cut in SSB?

Special Moves

B- Fireball. He throws a fireball that bounces along the ground. It even has the old SMB sound!

Up+B- Uppercut. This one is cool because coins fly off with each hit. Hits up to 14 times. You also become temporarily invulnerable to attack.

Down+B- Spin attack. Hits multiple times, but has short range. Hits up to 14 times. You also become nearly invulnerable.

A,A,A- The same three-hit combo he used in Super Mario 64. But unlike Mario 64, you don't vanquish your enemies with a single hit, so all three of those punches will be put to good use.

Up+A- Mario uses his head to attack an airborne opponent.*

Down+A- Mario trips up an opponent. Hits on either side.*

Forward+A- Super Punch. His fist supersizes and delivers a powerful punch.*

Back+C- Backflip.

R+Foward- Mario spins an opponent around once before throwing them.

R+Backward- Mario spins an opponent three times and tosses them backwards. This is a good move for clobbering other nearby enemies.

Air Specials

Forward+A- Mario kicks foward with both legs.

Down+A- Downward spin kick. Hits multiple times.


11-Hit Headbutt Combo

Down+B when up close, then Up+A when they come down.

22-Hit Mega Combo

Down+B when up close, jump up, then Up+B when close.

Cheap Indefinite Combo

Corner an opponent and continuously tap A.

10-hit evil combo

Jump in, Down+A, then Down+B once you touch down.

Taunt- Turns into Super Mario (grows in size) for a few moments. Useless, but it looks cool. It's kind of funny when Metal Mario or the Polygon Team does it. Leaves you open for a long time, though.

Intro- A pipe grows out of the ground, Mario pops out.

Theme Music- The classic music, way back from Super Mario Bros. Nicely remixed.

Icon- A mushroom.

Other games he was in: Super Mario Bros. Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr.), Super Mario World, Super Mario Land, Mario is Missing, Mario Tennis, Mario Party 1-3, Luigi's Mansion, Mario's Time Machine, Super Mario Land 2, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario RPG, Kart Fighter (hehehe) and cameos in countless others.

Profile: Although best known as the mustached plumber who battles the Turtle Tribe with his distinct jumping action, this internationally-famous hero has acted as a referee, a driver, and even a doctor! He's been linked to Princess Peach of Mushroom Kingdom for years, but to this day their true relationship remains a mystery.

Playing as Mario: The best strategy to fighting as Mario is to get up close. Mario's combo attacks hit MANY times, so launch them whenever possible. Mario also has good jumping ability, and his fireball, while somewhat weak, is good for fending off other up-close characters like Falcon.

Playing against Mario: Mario players tend to bombard you with fireballs and uppercuts constantly. They also like to jump around to evade your attacks. An effective strategy is to pop him into the air, then nail him as many times as possible while he is helpless. If you can't get close enough to pop him into the air, just use hit-and-run tactics against him, but watch out for his spin-punch and uppercut.


Link- He was in some of the most popular Nintendo games ever made. So they had to put him in this one. He has some powerful moves in his inventory, but is rather slow. He can pull off some cheap combos if you master him.

Skill ***

Power ****

Jump ***

Speed **

Defend ****

Size ****

Overall ***


1. The standard green suit he always has.

2. Blue suit. Hmm, the Zora Tunic? The Blue Armor from Link to the Past?

3. White suit. He changed this color when he had the Blue Ring in the original game. I think it looks pretty cool.

4. Red suit. The Goron's Tunic/best armor in Link to the Past. Unfortunately, it doesn't add any protection here.

Special Moves

A,A,A- A three-hit sword attack.

Tap A repeatedly- He stabs repeatedly with his sword.

Up+A- Three-hit upward slash. Useful for stopping enemies who try to attack from above.*

Down+A- Link bends down and slashes his sword on either side of him. This is useful on downed opponents or an enemy that tries to attack you from behind.*

Forward+A- Downward slash.*

B- Boomerang attack. It can hit enemies as it comes back. It can be thrown at an angle (Tap B, then hold the direction you want to throw it)

Up+B- Sword spin attack. Boosts you up a little bit, giving you a chance to get back in the arena, should the double jump stop short. Makes you invincible for a moment..*

Down+B- Link pulls out a bomb. Tap A to throw it. It won't explode on impact if you throw it normally. It will explode on impact if you press forward+A.

Forward+R- He fires his Hookshot to pull in an enemy and throw them.*

Back+R- He throws them backwards.

Air Specials

Down+A- Downward stab.*

Back+A- 2-hit slash. Hits on either side.


Spin Sword 4-hit Combo

Up+A when up close, then Up+B when they come down.

Cheap Mega Combo

Corner an opponent, then tap A repeatedly. After they're sufficiently damaged, use Foward+A to clear them.

Slash Attack 4-hit Combo

When an opponent jumps at you, press Up+A, then Forward+A.

2-hit Drop-in Combo

Down+A in air, then Up+B.

Taunt- Shows off his battle pose.

Intro- Appears in a green ray of light.

Music- The old music from Link to the Past.

Icon- The Triforce.

Other games he was in: Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventure of Link, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, LoZ: Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and a cameo in Tetris.

Profile: Link is the valiant boy hero of "The Legend of Zelda" series in which he fights against the evil Ganon to recover the Triforce. Though his tools may change with each adventure, his strength and righteousness remain constant. With his trusty sword and a variety of weapons, he takes adventure head on!

Playing as Link: Link's hookshot has good range for grabbing, although it is quite slow, and his bombs are a good "stun" move to set up for a combo. Link's spinning sword attack is much more effective on the ground, as it sends out a wave of energy that has much longer range. His Up+A move is a good anti-air move, as you can juggle numerous times with it. Link doesn't move very fast, so effective combo strategy is a must.

Playing against Link: Link players tend to rely on powerful moves. Link isn't exactly a speedster, but his anti-air attack is one of the best in the game. The best strategy to use against Link is to try to catch him in the air, where he's almost defenseless. If you're under him, though, run like hell. Chances are he'll try to use Down+A to stab you for mega damage.


Pikachu- The mascot of Poke'mon returns! While not overly powerful, he has some good moves in his inventory and is quite fast. The little guy is also a good jumper and is hard to hit, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Skill ***

Power **

Jump ***

Speed ****

Defend **

Size **

Overall ***


1. Well, he's the same as always.

2. He's wearing a blue party hat.

3. Red hat.

4. Green hat.

Special Moves

A- A quick headbutt. Can be launched very rapidly.

B- Fires a small bolt that bounces along the ground and climbs up walls.

Jump, Forward+B- Jumping head-butt spin.

Up+B, then a direction- Quick Attack. He zips in the direction held. If you hold a direction quickly after executing this move, he'll zip in one direction, then the other.

Down+B- A bolt of lightning zips right at Pikachu. Knock away nearby enemies and enemies directly above you with it. You become invincible for a moment.*

Forward+A- A "Thunder Punch" where Pikachu creates a small burst of lightning to zap his foe. He has very stubby arms, so this is the next best thing. Also note that if you have a weapon, like a sword or bat, he will swing it on both directions, making it easy to clobber opponents on either side of him.*

Up+A- Upward tail slap.

Down+A- Tail trip. Hits on either side.

Forward+R- Pikachu grabs the enemy, does a somersault, then throws them forward.*

Back+R- Pika-suplex. He grabs them, throws them on his back, gives em a shock, then throws them backwards.*

Air Specials

Down+A- Downward drill attack. Hits multiple times.

Up+A- Upward flip attack.

Forward+A- Foward drill attack.


4-hit Shocker Combo.

Jump, Foward+A, Foward+A on ground.

2-hit Thunderstrike Combo.

When an opponent is above you, tap Up+A, then Down+B.

Indefinite Cheap Combo.

Corner an opponent and rapidly tap A.

Taunt- Waves his hands in the air, goes "Pika Pika!"

Intro- Pops out of a Poke'ball.

Music- Cool remix of the Game Boy title screen music.

Icon- A Poke' Ball.

Other games he was in: Poke'mon Red, Blue and Green (Japanese only), Poke'mon Yellow, Poke'mon Snap, Poke'mon Stadium 1 and 2, Gold version, Silver version, etc.

Profile: Pikachu

Mouse PKMN

Height: 1' 4''

Weight: 13 lbs.

When several of these Pokemon gather, their electricity could cause lightning storms.

(Pokedex excerpt)

(Yep...that's all. What a lame profile.)

Playing as Pikachu: Pikachu's small size and fast speed make him a dangerous enemy. Jump around and teleport frequently to keep your opponent's guessing, and nail them with a Thunder and Forward+A move when they least expect it. His A-button attack is also quick and good for corner traps.

Playing against Pikachu: An effective Pikachu player will take advantage of his fast speed to the best of his ability. His Thunder move also makes it hard to attack him from above. Pikachu tends to take the most hits on the ground, if you can manage to catch him there. If you have long-range attacks, use them, as Pikachu's range isn't all that great.


Kirby- He hasn't had many games lately. He's popular, too. All the more reason to put him here. Kirby is one of the most versitaile and possibly best characters. He is easy to learn, too. His main disadvantage is that he can't take as much damage as most characters.

Skill **

Power ***

Jump *****

Speed ***

Defend **

Size **

Overall ****


1. The pink Kirby we all know and love.

2. Blue Kirby. Looks like he has Ice power.

3. Red Kirby. Looks like he has Fireball power.

4. Yellow Kirby. Looks like he has Electric power.

Special Moves

A,A,A- A three-punch combo.

Tap A repeatedly- Flurry punch.

Tap C repeatedly- Kirby floats after he jumps! This makes him tougher to knock out of the arena. He can flap up to five times, so he's not impossible to knock out.

Foward+A- Kirby unloads a kick attack on the enemy.*

Up+A- Upward smash attack.*

B- Kirby eats the opponent. He can then swallow them with Down to steal their B button move. (Ex. If he ate Link, he would acqurire his Boomerang) or spit them back out to clobber other enemies. If he spits them out, they will take damage. Kirby will lose a power if he takes too much damage.

Up+B- Cutter attack. He floats up, then comes down hard. The impact creates a shockwave. A good three-hit combo. Not very powerful, though. You're not invincible while using it, but you're moving so fast that most attacks will miss. I like to use it when an opponent is trying to get back on the platform, and then you just catch 'em with this move and throw them into the pit. Just be careful to not miss the platform when you come back down...

Down+B- Rock power. This is temporary protection and is a powerful attack if you jump before using it. Just be careful not to go off the edge with it. You're still vulnerable to being thrown, but it's useful for blocking projectiles.*

Forward+R- Kirby picks up an opponent, floats into the air and slams them on the ground.

Back+R- Kirby grapples and uses a suplex on his opponent.

Air Specials

Up+A- Spin Kick. Similar to Mario's.

Down+A- Downward Drill Spin.

Foward+A- Forward Drill Spin.


2-hit Rock Smash

Up+A, float above opponent, Down+B.

4-hit Airslasher

Up+A, Up+B for three hits

Corner Trap Ultimate Combo

Corner an opponent, then tap A repeatedly.

Taunt- Waves hands in air, says "Hi!". It also drops a power, should you have one.

Intro- Floats in on a Warp Star, abruptly crashes.

Music- Gourmet Race from Kirby Super Star.

Icon- An outline of his home planet, Popstar.

Other games he was in: Kirby's Dream Land, Kirby's Dream Land II, Kirby's Dream Land III, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Block Ball, Kirby's Dream Course, Kirby's Pinball.

Profile: The 8-inch high Kirby hails from a distant, peaceful star. Like his simplistic appearance, he is an easily-understood character. True to his instincts, Kirby eats when he gets hungry and sleeps as soon as he

grows tired. Nevertheless, Kirby remains a formidable opponent. In addition to his distinct flying and swallowing skills, he also has the ability to copy enemy attacks for ever-changing action.

Ed adds: That would make Mario about 12 inches tall, DK about 16, Pikachu about 9, heh...

Playing as Kirby: Kirby is one of the most versatile characters in the game. Absorb your enemies' power and use them! Nothing is greater than stealing Falcon's power and blasting it right back in his face! If you are stuck without a power, though, Kirby's up+b attack makes a good anti-air attack, and his down+b is a good "death-from-above" tactic. The main strategy with Kirby is to use hit-and-run tactics, as Kirby's defense is not very good. A good combo every now-and-then couldn't hurt either.

Playing against Kirby: The biggest threat is the fact that Kirby can steal your special moves, so avoid it if possible. Opponents also tend to "combo" with his punches and Up+B attack, which can be hard to avoid. Hit-and-run tactics are great against Kirby, as are combos if you can manage to pop him into the air.


Star Fox- The big badass from Starfox 64 returns. He's quite a powerful opponent if you can master his moves. He is one of the fastest characters, but is not particulary strong. I'm suprised that they didn't add more voices for him, just a few grunts and his "Hi-ya!" when he uses his Up+B attack.

Skill ****

Power **

Jump ****

Speed ****

Defend **

Size ***

Overall ***


1. The same colors he had in Star Fox 64.

2. Same as above, but with a blue vest and blue boots.

3. Red vest with orange boots.

4. Green vest with red boots.

Special Moves

Up+A- Smash Flip.*

Forward+A- Fox throws himself forward, feet flailing.*

Down+A- Downward trip. Hits either side.*

Tap A repeatedly- Fox throws a flurry of kicks.

B- Fox fires his Laser Pistol.

Up+A (in air)- Flip kick. Can hit an enemy twice if well timed.

Up+B, then any direction- Fox glows, then shoots in the direction held on the Control Stick in a firey blast. Good for clobbering opponents. Become temporarily invulnerable.*

Down+B- Fox creates a small shield around himself. This shield delivers an attack when up close, and reflects any projectiles that touch the shield (it's useful when Samus charges up and fires, and you bounce it right back).

R+Forward- Fox grapples and delivers a punch that throws them forward.*

R+Backward- Fox grabs them, rolls backwards, and throws.*

Air Specials

Forward+A (in air)- Fox does a drill kick similar to Mario's.


Back attack 2-hit Combo

When an opponent is behind you, press Down+A, and Up+B, then hold direction towards opponent.

Tornado 5-hit Combo

Jump in, Forward+A, Forward+A again when you touch the ground.

2-hit Airburner

Up+A, Up+B when they come down.


Up+A on ground, Up+A in air

Cornertrap Combo

Corner an opponent, then tap A repeatedly.

Taunt- Crosses arms, says "Hmph".

Intro- Arwing swoops by, Fox jumps out.

Music- The music that plays whenever you start a level in Star Fox 64.

Icon- The Star Fox logo.

Other games he was in: Star Fox, Star Fox 2 (only in Japan), Star Fox 64

Profile: Following in his dead father's footsteps as the young leader of the Star Fox Team, Fox McCloud's piloting of the super-high- performance combat ship ARWING for the Lylatian System is still in our memories. His one weakness may be his difficulty earning the trust of his teammates.

Playing as Fox: Your biggest weapons are Fox's great Anti-air moves and his projectile shield, which reflects attacks. If your opponent is firing at you with every projectile in the book, use it! If an opponent is trying to get you from above, just hit up+a to pop them up, then jump up and press Up+A in the air to send them flying up high. If your opponent is charging relentlessly, you can soften them up a bit with laser fire, then use a spinning kick or charge attack (Up+B) to smack them away. You can also knock them into the air, where Fox has the advantage.

Playing against Fox: Fox's long-range and anti-air moves make it hard to get in close to him. Your best bet of taking him out is to roll on the ground past his projectiles, then try to hit him hard while you're up close. Repeated dash-attacks may do the trick once you hit him, but Fox's quick combos can catch you off guard easily. But no matter what happens, do NOT approach him from the air.


Samus- Well, I didn't like the Metroid games very much, but Samus is a good character nonetheless. Samus is my personal favorite. Samus is an all-around strong character, but is more suited to one-on-one matches. Multiple opponents can easily get the jump on her.

Skill ***

Power ***

Jump ***

Speed **

Defend ****

Size ****

Overall ****


1. Samus in Red Armor.

2. Darker colored armor. My favorite.

3. Pink armor.

4. Ugly green armor.

Special Moves

B- Charges up arm cannon (press again to fire early). Once charged, you can move around and fire it anytime. If you roll while charging, you can continue charging again without having to start over. If done in the air, it fires a small blast if not charged. This one is useful because a fully charged shot will not be canceled out by another projectile. It will destroy the projectile and keep on going!*

Up+B- Ah, yes, the infamous Screw Attack. Samus rolls into a ball and strikes repeatedly. Not very strong, but gets opponents off your back. You are invulnerable while using this attack. This is also good for getting out of juggles and blocking projectiles. It has a very high chance of hitting if you use it on an opponent.

Down+B- Samus rolls into a ball and drops a bomb. Jump up and rain bombs on them!

Up+A- Small flamethrower attacks upwards. Fairly powerful.

Hold Up, Press A- Axe Kick. Short range, but strong.*

Forward+A- Samus smashes with her Arm Cannon.*

Forward+R- Similar to Link's throw, but slightly faster. She extends the Grappling beam and tosses them.

Back+R- Throws them backwards with the Grappling Beam.

Air Attack

Up+A- Upward spin-kick. Good for combos.

Forward+A- Fire attack. I didn't know Samus had a flamethrower. Creates a small combo.

Back+A- A powrful backward kick that has a good chance of knocking out a weakened opponent. A good finishing move.*


10-hit Cheeze Combo

When near opponent, Up+A, jump up, Up+B.

2-hit Firestorm Combo

Charge up cannon, jump, Forward+A, B

Throw-Blow 2-hit Combo

R, Foward, jump up+B.

Death from Below 4-hit Combo

Jump up, tap Forward+A, then tap Up+A when you touch down.

6-hit Flamethrower Deluxe combo

When opponent is jumping in, tap Up+A, then jump up and press Foward+A.

Taunt- Shows off her battle pose.

Intro- Samus steps out of a teleporter, the teleporter vanishes.

Music- Nice remix of the old NES music.

Icon- Samus' lightning "S".

Other games she was in: Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid

Profile: Samus Aran is the toughest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Using a special suit powered by the technology of the bird people which allows her to execute daring acrobatic feats, Samus pursues the airborne life form, Metroid, throughout the universe.

Playing as Samus: The main thing to remember with Samus is that she is mostly a defensive character. Soften up your opponent at first with running tackles and Samus' combo moves (Screw Attack and her flamethrower), and charge up your cannon whenever possible. Samus main KO moves are her arm-cannon smash, a charged arm-cannon shot, and her Back+A (air) attack. Her throw attack is also good, but it extends slowly, leaving you open if you miss.

Playing against Samus: Most Samus players like to charge up right at the beginning, then soften you up with weaker attacks until you're adequately damaged, then opening fire with her blaster to knock you out. Her tough defense and good jumping ability also make it hard to knock her out yourself. The best strategy against Samus is to fight her up-close, as she doesn't have a strong offense head-on.


Yoshi- Well, here he is. Everyone's favorite dinosaur (that isn't a purple fruit on PBS). Yoshi has a very good jump power, and is quite strong as well. He's just pretty slow.

Skill ***

Power ***

Jump ****

Speed **

Defend ***

Size ***

Overall ***


1. Green Yoshi.

2. Red Yoshi.

3. Yellow Yoshi.

4. Teal Yoshi.

(...phew! No purple!)

Special Moves

B- Yoshi eats an opponent and encases them in an egg, leaving them open to attack.

Up+B- Yoshi throws an egg. Use the control stick to control the direction it goes after you throw it.

Down+B- Yoshi does a powerful stomp attack, similar to Kirby's rock power. You become temporarily invincible. Note that Yoshi moves forward a bit when you use this on the ground, so don't use it near the edge of any platforms. You cannot control him until he lands. *

Forward+A- Head-butt attack. Yoshi has a thick skull or something.*

Up+A- Strong headbutt. Yoshi literally uses his head.*

Z- Rather than the standard "shield", Yoshi encases himself in an egg.

R+Forward- Yoshi swallows an opponent, then spits them out.

R+Back- Yoshi swallows an opponent then spews them backwards.

Air Specials

Down+A (in air)- Flurry Kick.


2-hit Eggbuster Deluxe Combo

Down+B, then Up+B (be sure to aim the egg at them in the air)

2-hit Eggbuster Classic Combo

B (encase), Down+B

7-hit Simple Combo

B (encase), Jump up, Down+A

Taunt- Waves his hands in the air, says "Yoshi!"

Intro- Pops out of an egg.

Theme Music- The music from Yoshi's Story (ever notice that all the music is just remixes of the same two songs in that game?)

Icon- A Yoshi egg.

Other games he was in: Super Mario World, Yoshi, Mario and Yoshi (same as Yoshi), Yoshi's Cookie, Super Mario World II: Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Story, Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Kart Fighter (hehehe).

Profile: Yoshi is the friendly dinosaur of Yoshi's Island. He began as Mario's partner, but has since built his own identity, and now appears in many games. He uses his unique ability to turn whatever he swallows into an egg as his foremost attack. Yoshi come in a rainbow of colors and are said to have a high IQ from a very early age.

Ed adds: Erm...why'd they have to use the Yoshi's Story voices? I liked Yoshi a lot better when he didn't make muppet-like noises.

Playing as Yoshi: Your trump card as Yoshi is his egg-encase move. It's great for inflicting damage before you go for a knockout, as your opponent won't be able to fight back for a second or two (you can also get a cheap kill if they fall off the platform). Yoshi isn't too strong up close, though. Hit-and-run techniques are your best bet with him. I wouldn't reccomend using his eggs. They're fairly powerful, but just too slow and awkward to use.

Playing against Yoshi: Above all, escape from his eggs ASAP! Wiggle the control stick and mash on the buttons until you escape. Yoshi is pretty fast-moving in the air, which can make him hard to hit. Your best bet is to attack him on the ground, where he's the most vulnerable.


Donkey Kong- Mario's old nemesis returns after Donkey Kong Country got old (he didn't even do anything in the last two). He is the strongest of the main characters, but is also the slowest and bulkiest, which gives him a disadvantage. He can carry crates and barrels and walk at the same time, however. Note that DK has massive attack power. His B button attack is capable of doing around 30-40% damage, making him the strongest character (but not nessesarily the best).

Skill ****

Power *****

Jump ***

Speed **

Defend ****

Size ****

Overall ***


1. He's brown, like any ape should be.

2. Lighter Colored DK.

3. Blue DK.

4. Ugly Gray Color.


B- Winds up for DK's dreaded Power Punch. Press B again to throw the Power Punch. Useful for when an opponent is desperately trying to get back in the arena and you blast them away. Like Samus' arm cannon, it can be charged up and saved for later. A fully-charged punch can do as much as 30 damage!*

Up+B- Spin attack. Useful for bowling over your opponents or getting out of a 2-on-1 beat down. Temporarily invunerable.

Down+B- Ground Pound. Useful for hitting opponents while they're on the ground. It also makes a good move for cheap juggles.

Forward+A- Donkey Kong throws a powerful punch.*

Up+A- Donkey Kong tries to smash an opponent like a bug.*

Down+A- Donkey Kong spins around and tries to trip an opponent on either side*.

R+Forward- DK Grabs them and picks them up and slam them on the ground. Press A to throw them. You can also just grab them and jump off, thus taking you both out. This is useful for when you have more lives and a battle is coming right down to the wire.*

R+Back- DK throws them backwards.

Air Specials

Up+A- Overhead slap.

Down+A (in air)- Downward stomp.


2-hit Smash Combo

Down+B, walk under opponent, Up+A.

2-hit Tornado Combo

Jump, Down+A when above opponent, then Up+B when you land.

2-hit Powerslam Combo

Charge a punch, Down+B, B when they come down.

Taunt- Gives a confused look.

Intro- Busts out of a barrel labeled DK (he seems to like barrels a lot).

Theme Music- Jungle music from the original Donkey Kong Country.

Icon- The DK that's painted on the barrel.

Other games he was in: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. (you had to save him), Donkey Kong Math, Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, Donkey Kong Country 64, Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Kart Fighter(hehehe).

Profile: Donkey Kong and Mario started out as arch-rivals, but they've patched things up in recent years. These days DK spends his time searching the jungle for bananas instead of kidnapping beautiful maidens. In the past few years, other members of the Kong family have cashed in on DK's fame as well, including his favorite nephew, Diddy.

Playing as DK: Donkey's Sucker Punch is your trump card in any match. Charge it up as soon as possible, and then weaken your opponent with your other moves (they all inflict lots of damage, so why not?), then finish them off with a Sucker Punch. Donkey's spin attack is also useful for warding off opponents on both sides, and his ground-pound is great for setting up an air-combo (or a mid-air Sucker Punch!!). If you can learn to deal with his bulky size and slow movements, he can be a very strong character.

Playing against DK: Faster characters will have the easiest time with DK. Aerial attacks and air juggles are your best bet against him, as he is nearly helpless in the air. Just stay away from his SMASH attacks and you should be fine. Also do keep in mind that his heavy defense makes him hard to knock away, despite his poor jumping ability.


1-Player Strategy!

Link- This guy is a total wimp. He just stands there at the beginning, letting you lay the smack down on him. Then he'll try to use his Boomerangs and Bombs. Lure him to the edge of the arena and throw him away.

Yoshi Team- You face 18 Yoshis. Thankfully, not all at once. Their arena is quite small, though. They can be knocked out fairly easily. Be careful not to lose sight of your character and go flying off the edge. Power-moves like Captain Falcon's Falcon Punch and Samus' Screw Attack usually do the trick.

Fox- Your first real challenge. He relies on his specials, while rolling around the rest of the time. Give him a throw when you get close, and try to stay close because he'll just fire you down with his pistol if you don't. Look out for the Arwings, they seem to ignore Fox and come straight after you.

Mario Bros.- You and a computer controlled character fight Mario and Luigi. They make a good team, and their arena layout makes it hard to knock them out. Your best bet is to throw them from one of the extending platforms at the bottom.

Pikachu- Pikachu is quick and gets off lots of hits. But he has some trouble aiming the Quick Attack. Throw him out and he'll fall out the other side most of the time.

Giant DK- You and two computer controlled characters fight Giant Donkey Kong. You'll have to do about 250% damage before you'll stand a chance of knocking him off. Use a powerful attack to do it (like Kirby's Rock attack or a throw). Unload on him with everything you've got and use the bombs that appear. Your attacks barely faze him, so be careful.

Kirby Team- You'll face eight Kirbys, each with the power of one of the characters (the eighth will have the power of a random secret character you've enabled or just be himself). They're harder to knock away than the Yoshi team, but not by much. Watch out for their attacks though! Kirby is one of the most

dangerous characters. Throws are the most effective.

Samus- Samus is fast and often relies on charged blasts and her Screw Attack. Fighting her up close is not reccomended. Try to hit-and-run, and throw her into the Acid to get rid of her. Bombs also work well.

Metal Mario- You can hammer away at him, but it will barely slow him down. You'll have to do a lot of damage to be able to knock him out. Luckily, once you do knock him out, it's hard for him to get back in.

Fighting Polygons- You'll have to fight 30(!) of these guys. Each one resembles characters you've fought in the game (sometimes secret characters, too). They're easy to knock out, but they can still knock you out through their sheer numbers. This is probably the toughest battle in the game.

Master Hand- It's the evil hand from Kirby (the one from the Continue screens!). Seriously, though. You'll have to take 300 damage on him and he'll be defeated (you can't knock him out). He has lots of nasty attacks, so watch out. Block when he attacks and attack with combos or combo moves (like Pikachu's jump-spin attack) when he stops to rest.

Secret Characters!!!


Jigglypuff/Purin- Another Pokemon? Jigglypuff is not very strong, but is fun to play around with, though there are those that argue that Jigglypuff is the best character in the game with practice. To enable Jigglypuff, beat the game on any difficulty setting, any number of lives while continuing as many times as you want. (pretty easy, no?) After the credits roll, you will face Jigglypuff in a battle. Defeat Jigglypuff in battle to enable him/her. Note that Puff has a big shield, which makes it harder to break through.

Skill ****

Power **

Jump ****

Speed **

Defend ***

Size **

Overall **


1. Jigglypuff's standard colors.

2. With a Blue bow.

3. Red bow.

4. Green bow.

Special Moves

B- Punch attack. Jigglypuff doesn't do much else. You're invulnerable for a moment when you use it.(Pound) You also fly a bit forward, making it easier to get back in the arena with, rather than just tapping C.

Up+B- Sing attack. Anyone near Jigglypuff falls asleep for a few seconds!

Down+B- Jigglypuff falls asleep. For the first moment it's an attack (that is quite powerful). For the rest it leaves you open for a few seconds.*

Up+A- Headbutt attack.

Down+A- Jiggly-slam. Hits on either side.

R, Foward- Jigglypuff throws them straight up.*

R, Backward- Jigglypuff throws them into the ground behind himself/herself.*

Air Specials

Up+A- Upward slap.

Down+A- Downward drill kick.

Forward+A- Foward kick.


2-hit Run and Gun Combo

Foward, A when up close, B

2-hit Ultra Combo

R when up close, Foward, jump up, Down+B when close.

?-hit Cheese Combo

, A, B,B,B...

The following combs was sent in by Hop Nguyen (hop@).

7-hit spiral combo

Down+A when in air, Down+B as you hit the ground with opponent.

Taunt- Bobs back and forth, says "JigglyPuff!"

Intro- Pops out of a Poke'ball.

Theme Music- Saffron City tune.

Icon- A Poke'ball.

Other games he/she was in: Same as Pikachu.

Profile: The Balloon PKMN with the big, round eyes. It sings a soothing melody, sending those that hear it to sleep. When mad, it puffs itself up. As a Balloon PKMN, its body is light, weak, and easy to knock away.


Ed adds: They forgot to mention that Jiggly draws on it's victims with a black Sharpie, heh heh

Playing as Jiggly: Jiggly may seem pretty weak at first, but if you use Puff correctly he/she can be one of the best characters in the game. Jiggly's skill as an anti-air character is incredible, if you can get used to it. Puff's other moves- Sing and Rest, are also very good. Sing will temporarily incapitate an opponent, setting them up for a combo. Rest will also add a nasty sting if you at very close range when you use it, which makes it a great combo finisher. You can also take advantage of the fact that Puff falls slower than other enemies to make a quick escape with a Pound attack (they'll probably be expecting you to float into their range, and Pound will throw them off).

Playing against Jiggly: Jiggly is actually a TOUGH opponent if used correctly. But the most important thing to remember is to not attack Puff from the air. Puff will juggle you indefinitely if you attack from so much as an inch off the ground! Instead, I would reccomend attacking Puff from the ground, as Puff doesn't have many effective ground combos. Just watch out for that sleep attack. It can deliver a nasty hit if it connects.


Ness- Well, you either like him or you hate him. If you like Earthbound, check out my website at . To enable Ness, you'll have to defeat Normal mode, with only three lives and without continuing, and then defeat him in battle. Ness himself isn't that tough, but getting to him is. He has some strong moves in his arsenal, but is quite slow and can't take much abuse. You'll need a lot of practice to be good with him. If you can master his moves, Ness is the master of combos and juggles!

Skill ****

Power ***

Jump ****

Speed **

Defend **

Size **

Overall ***


1. The same clothes he always wears.

2. Black and Yellow.

3. Blue and Purple.

4. Orange and Yellow.

Special Moves

A,A,A- A three hit Combo similar to Mario's.

Forward+A- Takes a quick swipe with his bat. Similar to the Homerun Bat but not as powerful. Can deflect some shots, like Fox's laser or Mario's fireball. (thanks to Thanks to iilljjllii@'s great Ness/Samus FAQ for this).*

Up+A- Ness does a "Round the World" with his yo-yo.*

Down+A- Pulls out his Yo-yo and attacks on either side. A bit slower than the overhead yo-yo.

B- PK fire. Creates a small burst of fire as it connects that combos several times.

Up+B- PK Thunder attack. You can control it's movement with the Control Stick. If you hit Ness with the thunder, he will be blown in the direction opposite that it hit from and knock down anything in his way. The "Thunder Slam" makes him invulnerable for a bit and is useful for getting back in if your double jump stops short. I've also been able to barely nick the enemy with it for damage, and then guide the thunder into them for 2 hits. It's also useful after you smash or throw an oppoent away to do more damage.*

Down+B- PK Magnet. If a projectile hits this shield, it will restore some of his health rather than hurt him. This is what makes Ness a lethal fighter. He also falls slightly slower when you use it in the air.

Forward+R- Ness grabs an opponent with his psychic power, spirals them around and throws them.

Back+R- Ness throws them backwards.

Air Specials

Foward+A- Kick attack.

Down+A- Butt Slam. Knocks them quickly down to earth useful for knocking them right down pits. It also makes a great combo opener, as it pops them into the air if they are on the ground.


6-hit Fire Spin Combo

Get close, B, R+Foward.

5-hit Smash Burner

Foward+A (when up close), B (PK fire)

2-hit Airborne Power Combo

When close, Up+A, jump, Down+A when above opponent.

2-hit Thunderslam Combo

Forward+A, Up+B, then hit yourself with the thunder and launch yourself into the opponent.

2-hit Drop-in Combo

From above, Down+A, then Down+A on the ground.

Taunt- Bows, says "OK!"

Intro- Appears in a burst of fire, ends up torched. (remember PK teleport??)

Theme Music- Dreamland song. (he fights on the same turf as Kirby, after all).

Icon- An icon of Earth.

Other games he was in: EarthBound, EarthBound Zero (I think it was actually his dad or something), EarthBound 64 (maybe???)

Profile: Ness was a seemingly-average kid from Onett, but in truth, he was destined for much more. When a strange meteorite landed near his hometown, the little boy with psychic powers set out to save the world.

Little has been said of Ness's character, and much remains hidden.

Playing as Ness: Ness has some of the best advantages- and worst disadvantages- in the game. For one thing, his jumping ability is superb, and his combo finesse is great. His main disadvantage is that he is slow and open to attack quite often. Ness' main moves are the "PK Thunderslam," both Yo-yo attacks, and the bat smash. These are both terribly powerful, although they leave you open to attack. PK Fire is a great multi-hit move for softening up opponents.

Playing against Ness: Ness players can be VERY dangerous. Projectile attacks aren't the greatest thing to try and use against them (they can absorb them quite easily) and they constantly use dangerous combos against you. Ness' defense and speed aren't that great, though, and he can't fight well in a close-up battle. If you can get up close to him and keep nailing him, he sometimes won't get a chance to combo you.


Captain Falcon- It's that evil dude from F-Zero X. I was expecting another Pokemon or something. To enable him, defeat any difficulty in under 20 minutes game time without continuing. Then defeat him in a battle. Falcon is a fast fighter who also packs a punch. He has no definite weakness except his size, and that he may be too fast for his own good.

Skill ***

Power ****

Jump ***

Speed ****

Defend ***

Size ****

Overall ****

1. Standard Colors.

2. Ugly Gray Color.

3. White and Red.

4. Purple and Red.

Special Moves

B- His Falcon Punch is extremely powerful, it just takes almost a full second to fire it off. Use it when an opponent just won't fall off.*

Up+B- Falcon flips upwards and unloads a nasty explosion on the opponent.*

Down+B- The Falcon Kick is useful as a cheap shot on a downed opponent. It travels downward if it is used in the air. Very quick attack. You become invulnerable for a moment.

A,A,A- A two-punch kick combo.

Tap A repeatedly- Punches very quickly and repeatedly.

Forward+A- Strong punch attack.*

Up+A- Uppercut attack.

Up, A- Axe kick. Similar to Samus'.

Down+A- 2-way Trip attack.

Forward+R- He throws them to the ground. Note that they bounce.

Back+R- He kicks them backwards. More effective as a throw-out move than Forward and R.*

Air Specials

Down+A- Stomp attack.

Foward+A- Kick attack.


2-hit Turbo Kick Combo

R, Foward, Down+B when they land.

2-hit Air Buster

Up+A, jump up, Up+B

Taunt- Raises his hand in the air, says "Show me your moves." (I like to unload a powerful attack when he says that, so I do just what he said to!)

Intro- Hops out of his car, the car drives off. (Brake problem?)

Theme Music- Planet Zebes theme.

Icon- A falcon icon.

Other games he was in: F-zero X

Profile: A regular pilot in the great galactic race F-Zero Grand Prix, Captain Falcon is skilled at collecting prize money. Much about his past remains hidden in shadow, but it's clear that many a villan hold a powerful grudge against him.

Playing as Falcon: Falcon has it all: Great speed, awesome attack power, and all-around good stats. His Falcon Punch and Kick are your main weapons in any bout. Throw them whenever you see an opening (his kick can even catch Fox and Puff off guard!). His Back+R throw is also quite effective to knock out opponents. His Up+B is a great anti-air move as well.

Playing against Falcon: Trying to take this guy from the air is not a good idea. His Falcon Punch and Kick are both useable from the air, and they both inflict nasty damage. Taking him on up close...that's downright suicide. Falcon's main, glaring weakness is a lack of a projectile, so some projectiles of your own will be the most effective strategy. Hit-and-run also works well, if you are quick enough.


Luigi- You may think he has the same moves as Mario, but upon closer inspection, his specials are quite different. To enable him, win with every normal character in Practice 1.

Skill **

Power ***

Jump ****

Speed ***

Defend **

Size ***

Overall ***


1. Blue and Green.

2. Firey Luigi.

3. Pink and Red.

4. Teal and Black.

Special Moves

B- Fireball. Unlike Mario's, it flies in a straight line rather than bouncing along on the ground. It also bounces off walls.

Up+B- If you can right next to the opponent and use this, it will add a nasty sting and do about 20 damage! If you nick them, though, it will do about 2. Very useful if you can connect properly.*

Down+B- Spin attack. Hits only once, but is stronger than Mario's. Temporary invincibility.

A,A,A- The same three-hit combo Mario uses.

Forward, A- Flurry Punch. Luigi runs straight forward, blindly swinging at an enemy.

Forward+A- Mega Punch. Very similar to Mario's.*

Up+A- Headbutt Attack.

Down+A- Trip. Hits either way.

R+Forward- Luigi spins them around and throws them.

R+Back- Luigi spins them around three times and then throws them away.

Air Specials

Down+A- Downward Spin Kick.

Forward+A- Kicks with both feet.


2-hit Tornado Combo

Down+B when up close, Up+A when they come down.

2-hit Spin Slam Combo

Down+B, then Up+B.

Taunt- Scuffs his heel and looks bored.

Intro- A pipe grows out of the ground, Luigi pops out.

Theme Music- Same as Mario's.

Icon- A mushroom.

2-hit Punisher Combo

Up+A when opponent jumps in, then Up+B when they come down.

8-hit Mega Flurry Combo

A,A,A, Run towards opponent, A, Forward+A.

5-hit Uppersting Combo

Down+A in the air, Up+B on the ground.

Other games he was in: Almost every game that Mario was in.

Profile: Though often hidden in his older brother Mario's shadow, Luigi is, in reality, very popular. Taller than Mario, Luigi also jumps higher. Although he didn't appear in Super Mario 64, in Mario Kart 64 he performed to the best of his ability. For one who seems to always be in the background, he has many fans who eagerly await his appearance.

Playing as Luigi: Luigi can jump higher and is a bit stronger than Mario. He is a bit slower, though. A good strategy is to pop them into the air with Up+B, then juggle them with kicks and such. If an opponent is very close by, press Up+B to deliver Luigi's evil uppercut move, which will do major damage against them. Luigi's fireball will also bounce off of walls, so it can be useful when thrown repeatedly (a big storm of green fire! EEK!).

Playing against Luigi: Luigi's superior jumping ability and super-powered, short-range moves make it tough to get rid of him. Your best bet is to stay back and use hit-and-run tactics against him. Combos are also quite good, as Luigi isn't as quick as Mario, and thus has a harder time throwing an attack back in return.

Thanks to Crono (Crono345@) for some info on Luigi and Cartunrama (Cartunrama@) for telling me how to beat that damn Yoshi bonus stage.



Hyrule Castle (Link's)- A big arena on top of the castle. Whirlwinds sometimes form, which can toss you around a bit. Throw an opponent into these to inflict damage and sometimes blow them out of the arena. The land of Hyrule is below the castle. Items appear sometimes in the little hut and on the ledges.

Super Happy Tree (Yoshi's)- You can stand on the clouds, although they disintegrate shortly. Thus, you may not want to go for crates or barrels that land on clouds. Rather small arena. In the background is the Super Happy Tree in all its nauseating happiness and a lot of clouds. Three platforms float above the main platform.

Sector Z- (Fox's)You battle on top of the Great Fox. Arwings sometimes fire at you, either flying low over the ship or flying from the background into the foreground. This is one of the largest arenas. The big Sector Z-shape is in the background. Floating shrapnel flies around in the background and foreground. You can fight on the tail burner by jumping down past the wing.

"DUCK AND COVER!" -Ed the Moogle, after hearing the Arwing lasers in Sector Z.

Mushroom Castle-(Mario and Luigi's)A castle section with a bridge on top, and two floating/moving ramps and a moving bumper. The awkward layout makes it hard to knock opponents out. An extending ledge at the bottom is best for knocking them out. The area seems to be high in the clouds, as you can see Peach's castle below. The bumper at the top moves back and forth very slowly and often gets in the way of air combos.

Saffron City(Pikachu and Jigglypuff's)- Floating ledges and a door with Poke'mon that pop out. A couple buildings are sticking up, too, that may save you from a nasty fall. You may see Pidgeys and Butterfrees in the background, as well as the Poke'mon logo that says "Gotta Catch Em All!".

"Charmander's my friend!" Ed's sister, after Charmander blows a lungful of fire on Captain Falcon.

Poke'mon that pop out.

Chansey- That pink critter with the dreadlocks again. Throws an egg that contains an item or explodes on contact. Also heals some slight damage to anyone nearby. (Egg Bomb/Softboiled)

Charmander- A little red lizard. Spews flames. (Flamethrower)

Venusaur- A green dinosaur with a big plant on his back. Shoots out leaves at high speed. (Razor Leaf), although sometimes he'll just pop out and use a short-range tackle. (Tackle).

Porygon- A red and blue bird thing. Jets out quickly to attack. Keep clear of the door and he'll generally leave you aloone. (Tackle)

Electrode- A red and white ball. Blows itself up and blows away anyone unfortuate enough to be nearby. (Explosion)

Kongo Jungle-(Donkey Kong's) There's a barrel under the arena that may save you if you fall off. Two ledges over the main platform and rotating center platforms. Just be careful to shoot out in the right direction. Pretty small arena, considering you fight the biggest character here in 1-player mode (Giant DK). Lots of foilage in the background. This is one of the two levels where you can jump through the floor from below to safety.

Dream Land(Kirby/Ness's)- Very small arena. In the background is that tree guy that's the first boss in almost every Kirby game. Wind sometimes blows, threatening to blow you off the edge. Similar to Yoshi's stage in layout, except there's no clouds.

Planet Zebes-(Samus/Captain Falcon) Acid rises from below, keeping matches highly unpredictable as you fight for the upper platforms when the acid rises. A floating platform is on the right side. Fairly big arena. If you look in the background, you'll notice Ridley and some flying critters in the background. Several platforms. You can jump through the floor from below in this level.

Metal Mario's stage (1-player only)- Cool looking arena, with big crystals in the background and making up the platform you stand on. Unfortunately, it's VERY small.

Fighting Polygon's stage (1-player only)- Very similar in layout to Dream Land, except there's no wind. Boring purple background.

Master Hand's stage (1-player only)- A single platform to fight this big glove on. The background is VERY cool, though.


Secrets and tricks

To get the hidden stage, defeat 1-player mode with every character, and play as every character and fight in every level in VS mode. The hidden level is called Mushroom Kingdom, and has the old 8-bit music playing in the background.

Unlike the other arenas, the stage consists of one big platform. You can simply walk too far left or right and lose a life. There are two platforms in the middle over a pit that rise and fall, and pirahna plants that come out of pipes on either side. If you hit the POW block that randomly appears, anyone on the ground will take damage. You can even go in and out of the pipes by standing on them and pressing Down (be careful, you may come out of the pipe in the pit wall!). In the background are some plateaus and Koopa Troopas.

To get the Sound Test, beat both Bonus 1 and Bonus 2 with the eight initial characters and the 4 secret characters. Thanks to Crono (Crono345@) for this bit. He sent me some other stuff, but I added it before I recieved his email.

To get a secret Items menu in VS mode, play through 50 battles. After that, a new option will appear under the VS options, where you can decide how often items appear, and choose which items will and won't appear. If you really want to see Mew and you haven't already, set everything off but Poke'balls, and put them on Very High. Then go crazy with them in a VS battle. You're sure to see Mew once or twice.

The following was sent in by Reverend Raven (revraven@)

You can see Samus out of her suit. To do this you must get her electrically damaged (like from her spin attack, Pikachu's electric attack, being hit from the blaster, etc.). As soon as she is hit, pause it, the first frame of the electric damage animation is a shadow of Samus, and then you see Samus out of her suit. You have to be quick with the pausing and it might take a few tries to do. I'd recommend going into training and setting Samus's AI to Jump, and do Pikachu's spin attack. It's interesting to note the difference between this Samus and the polygon model used in the Fighting Polygon Team. After you view her, you'll see that this model's addition had to be intentional....

Ed adds: You can see the other character's skeletons when they get zapped, but maybe the suit is so thick that you can't see Samus' skeleton, and instead see a wire-frame thingie of Samus.

Roll when you're about to get bashed by a nasty attack. Rolling makes you temporarily immune to attack. Be aware that there is a slight pause after the roll to put their shield back up, which is minimal but could leave you open. Also remember that your shield won't last forever. Be sure to let off before your shield breaks, or else you'll be open to attack. Also, shields don't protect you from throw attacks.

Block if someone has picked up a barrel, crate or explosive of some kind. Allies can damage their own teammates with these weapons.

A tactic I have found useful again and again is to throw a bumper at an opponent to knock them off the level, then scoot it over towards the edge so that they can't get back in without getting thrown away.

This is one I found out and now use often. If a character has a weapon with long range or needs to charge up, have them stand behind a teammate and charge up, fire, or whatever. The teammate can defend against attack, while the other is openly firing or charging. I like to do this with Ness and Samus. I charge up with Samus while Ness absorbs projectiles with PK Magnet or smacks anyone nearby with his Yo-yo or bat (also works well with Fox, as he can reflect projectiles).

This is another tactic that is useful in Free-For-All or Team Battle with Team Attack (you can hurt your teammates) enabled. If someone has a projectile weapon or is about to throw something, grab someone else and they'll absorb the blow. If it's an explosive or a crate or barrel, throw them just before it hits so that only they will absorb the blow (Samus has long grab range, hehehe!).

Smash attacks can easily cancel many attacks and most projectiles. Just press Forward and A right before the attack lands, and your character should hit it and take no damage. This is useful when you're trying to get the "Full Power" bonus.

This one is cool! I got it from Classified Info in Nintendo Power Magazine. Start when you are knocked out in a VS mode game steal an extra life from one of your teammates. Your teammate must have at least one extra life. Just watch out for your enraged partner, because they probably won't be too happy (unless you're a lot better than they are).

If you want to zip past the credits at the end, just hit Start.

Click the cursor on a guys name in the credits to find out his relation to the SSB project (and find out the guys who did the funny voice samples).


NPC (Non-Playable-Character) info.

Metal Mario

Power ****

Speed **

Size ***

Defend *****

Icon- A metallic-shaded mushroom.

Metal Mario is a lot like a very heavily-armored Mario. He is hard to knock around unless he is heavily damaged, and is good at inflicting damage himself.

Giant DK

Power *****

Speed ***

Jump **

Size *****

Defend ****

Icon- The DK symbol that Donkey Kong uses.

He's pretty much just a powered-up version of DK. You'll need to inflict massive damage before you stand a chance of knocking him out.

Fighting Polygon Team

Power Varies

Speed Varies

Jump Varies

Size Varies

Defend *

Icon- The Super Smash Brothers logo.

Each one randomly imitates another character from the game. They are easily knocked out, but their sheer numbers are enough to stop an opponent.

Master Hand

Power *****

Speed ****

Jump N/A

Size *****

Defend ****

Icon- The Super Smash Brothers logo.

The Master Hand always floats, and must take a certain amount of damage before it is defeated. Multiple hits often do more damage than special moves (Samus' flamethrower can take like 50 damage on him!).


Bonus 1 Strategy (Break the targets)

Thanks to Procyon Lotor for his Bonus Game FAQ, which helped me write these (I have a hard time producing them from memory).


Hit the targets to your left and right, then jump up and hit the one above you. Do a double jump and hit the one above that, then press Up and B to hit the one above that (stand a little to the left or right because the uppercut moves somewhat diagonally. Jump up on the right ledge and press B to throw a fireball into the next target. Now jump up on the moving platform and hit the target floating above it. Double jump to the left when the platform reaches the top, then jump off the ledge and hit the next one and the next one. The last one is sort of tricky. Jump off, then double jump over to it, then press Down and B to hit it.

Donkey Kong

Hit the ones to the left and right, then jump up to the left ledge and hit that one. Jump on the moving platform and hit the next one. Jump to the left and hit the next one through the wall with Forward+A, then hit the one above you. Jump left and hit the next one. Now jump up onto the ledge, and double jump to the right, and press Up+B to hit the one there. Then fall straight down and hit the next one on the way down. Finally, jump off the ledge and double jump to hit the last one.


Hit the target to your left. Then jump up on the ledge and throw a bomb at the one down below. Jump to the top of the nearby tower and pull out a bomb. Jump as high as you can and tap Up+A to throw it and hit the target. Hit the next one with a double jump and a spin attack. Then jump down and hit the two targets in the "tunnel". Go to the right, and press Up+B to hit the target through the wall. Jump on the moving platform and hit the next two, then jump on the highest platform and do a double jump followed by a Up+B to hit it.


Hit the one to your right, then jump up on the platform and hit that one. Double-jump and Up+B onto the platform when it comes down, and hit the target on it. Turn right and fire at the target near the top of the platform's range of motion. Stand on the platform and drop a bomb through the hole to hit that target. Do a double jump followed by Up+B to hit the one above it. Go to the right and drop a bomb on the next one. Jump up and fire at the floating target, then fall down and hit the platform on the way down. When you land, fire to the left to hit the last one.


Hit the target to the left, jump up and hit the next one, then walk over to the target in the wall. Press Forward+A to hit the one through the wall. Jump up to the platforms above and jump to the left onto a platform. Hit the target there. Go left and jump on the moving platform. When it reaches the peak of it's movement, double-jump and throw an egg at the target. Then fall down and hit the target nearby. Double Jump to the left and hit the target above you with an egg. Then double jump and throw an egg at the target on the far left. On the low ledge, throw an egg, and immediately press Forward to angle the shot to hit the target. This last one is tough. Jump onto the platform moving left and right. Jump off the platform, then double-jump up and hit the last one (or hit it with an egg).


Hit the one to your left, then jump up and hit that one. Fly up and hit the one above you again. Fly right and hit the one near the wall. Fly up to the upper ledge and hit the two targets on the way down the chute. When you leave the chute, hit the next one, then fly to safety on the moving platform. Hit the next one. Fly left under the ledge and hit that one. Now face left, and fly all the way up. At the peak of your last flap, press Up+B to nail the last one.


Hit the one on the right, double jump and hit that one, then double jump and Up+B to nail the one above that. Now jump up the "stairs" to the right and hit the next one. Jump to the moving platform and hit the next one. Jump to the platform above it, and then double jump to the left and use Up+B when you're under it. If you fell down, get back up to the second moving platform, and double jump then Up+B to reach the left platform. Now fall off and position yourself under the target, then jump up and hit it. Hit the next one on the way down. Fire your gun through the gap in the wall. Time it so you hit the target. This last one is a toughie. Fall down and fire your laser at the last one, and luckily you'll hit it. You have to time it perfectly.


Hit the three nearby (no explicit detail needed). Walk to the right ledge, and press B to hit the one below. Jump up to the moving target and hit the one there. Jump to the right ledge and press B to hit the one in the chute. Jump to the center chute, and press B to hit that one (or jump down and double jump and then Up+B to get out). Double jump to the left platform and hit the next target. Hit the target over the gap, then drop down and hit the last target.


Hit the one to the right, then double-jump and hit that one, then double jump and Up+B to hit that one. Use the yellow and black ledge to give you a boost to the high right ledge and hit the target there. Fall down and face left, and jump to reach the moving platform (tricky) and hit the target there. Jump to the moving platform on the left, then jump up and hit the one above you. Then double jump and Up+B to hit the other one. Fall down onto the moving platform and throw a fireball so that it hits inside the yellow and black box. Hit the one closer to you with a jump and a well-timed fireball. Go back left, jump off the platform and hit the last target.


Hit the one to the left, then jump up and hit the one to the right. Jump up and to the right and hit the next one. Go into the "zigzag" chute and use PK Fire on the target. It should keep burning and hit the one below. Jump out of the zigzag and use PK Thunder to hit the one in the narrow chute. Then jump to the left and use the "Thunderslam" technique to reach the high ledge. Hit the target, then drop down and hit the next one. Fall down to the platform and hit the floating target, then use PK Thunder and hit the one below.

Captain Falcon

Hit the one to your left, double jump and hit the next, then jump onto the moving platform and hit the one there. When the platform reaches it's peak, jump off and hit the one to the left. Jump down and press B to punch through the wall and hit the next one. Then jump up and time a punch to hit the other one. Go to the right and jump onto the high ledge to hit the next one. Walk to the rightmost edge and Falcon Punch the next one. Jump up to the ledge above, then the one above that, and Falcon Punch the next target. Fall back to the right side of the main platform. Fall off the right side and hold left. When it's clear, double jump and nail it.


Hit the ones to the left, right, and above you. Then jump to the platform above, and fly to hit the target. Then jump to the left ledge, fall off, hit the target, and fly back up. From there, drop to the moving platform and hit the one there. Go to the lowest platform, hit the target, and jump on the other moving platform. Hit the target there, then jump to the right when the platform reaches it's peak. Press C and B alternately to reach the platform far to the right and hit that one. Then fall off, fly to the right, and reach the top to hit the last one. Just don't do Sing on accident.

Bonus 2 Strategy (Board the platforms)


Run to the right and jump on the first. Then jump up to the second. Then jump down to the right and hit the third platform. Time your jumps to land on the next three. Fall down the left side of the ledge and hold right to land on the platform below. Jump to the next ledge and time your jump to land on the next platform. Jump onto the blue ledge, then jump to the next platform. Jump up to the highest blue platform and board the final platform.

Donkey Kong

Jump to the right, then up and right and down and right to get the first three. Hop on the platform and jump up when you're under the next. Drop back down on the moving platform and board the next one. Fall down the chute and jump left to get the next platform. Jump left and Up+B to hit the next one. Jump left to the next one, timing it so that you land when it starts falling. Ride it up and jump on the next one. Fall down the right to the ledge below the heat panels and jump on the last platform.


Jump to the first, second and third, then double jump up to the fourth. Now jump up to the spinning platforms and board the platform in the middle. Jump to the right to land on the platform that goes up and down. Fall down, head right, and jump off the ledge. Fall left so you land on the next platform. Make your way back to the spinning platforms and jump to the left onto the next one. Fall down and drop to the next platform (use Up+B to land it). To get that last one, jump to the right and press Up+B when you're really close to it.


Go right and jump on the first one. Jump up and get that one, then jump right to get the next. Fall down and land on the moving platform. Ride it to the left, jump off, and double jump to make it to the next platform. Jump up the ledges that constantly cycle down. There's two platforms in there. When you reach the top, jump on the one above the "escalator". Then drop down into the pit and roll under the bumpers to hit the next one. This last one is tough. Jump off the ledge, wait until you fall a little, jump again, and fall some more, and press Up+B at just the right time to nail the last ledge.


Get past the extending ledge and jump on the first. Time your jump to land on the platform that juts out. Jump to the right and land on the small platform. Then jump right to the next two. This next one is the toughest one yet. Jump into the ledges that are constantly going down and press Down when the platform is below you, then jump to the right FAST! Hit the next platform. On the wooden ledges that cycle to the left, jump on the two ledges that appear in there. Jump towards the last one, and double jump to land it.


Hop on the three above you. Go right and jump on the next, then drop through the bumpers with Down+B. The next one is really tough. Jump between the two ledges and press Down when you're above the platform. Jump into the chute to the right and press Up+B to land on the next. Ride the "escalator" up and jump on the platform there. Then go down the ramp, slide down past the bumper using Down+B, then fly up against the right wall and press Up+B to nail the platform. Drop off and fly to the left from the ledge down there. Press Up+B when you're under the platform to land on it. Finally, float under the wall and jump on the last one.


Walk to the right and jump twice to get the first three. Then ride the platform up and roll to avoid the bumpers. Don't fall down just yet, though. Jump on the platform that comes up. Fall down ahead of time to hit the platform and get back on the moving platform. Jump off the platform to get low one and then the high one that comes next. When you come to the chute, double jump and then Up+B straight up to nail the platform. Then drop down and double jump back to where you started. Ride the next platform up to the chute you passed by earlier, and jump on the next platform. Then jump to the right past the moving walls and land the last one.


This is one of the easiest. Run to the right and hop on the first three, then jump on the small one right before the pit. Fall in and jump past the 'stairs' that go up and down. Then fall down and hit the next one, then continue on to the next. With the ledges that cycle towards you, wait until a platform shows up, and jump on it. Fall under the wall and jump on the next two. Then double jump and do an Up+B "double" (press another direction after you zip in one direction) to hit the last platform.


Jump up on the first one, then the one to the left, then the one on the right when it comes out of the pipe. Then fall down and hit the one in the pipe below. Fall past the extending slope to land on the next one. Then fall to the right and use an Up+B to land on the next platform. Hop up to the next one, then climb on top of the "box" with the platform below it. Hop on the platform at the bottom of the "Pendulum", then hop up the smaller ledges to the one at the base of the pendulum. Then jump down on top of the box, fall down, jump up, and Up+B to get up there. Just be careful not to fall off in the process.


Fall down and nail the first four, then jump and use PK Thunder to rocket yourself up to the next one. Then go left and hop on the one suspended over the pit. Jump up to get the next one. Then double jump up the slope and use PK Thunder to get up there the rest of the way. Now hop up the extending platforms, and stay to the left and jump to the next one. Now jump to the right to reach the next platform. To get the last one, jump up and PK Thunder yourself up there. The last one is tough!

Captain Falcon

Go left and nail the first two. Then run to the right and fall down, run to the left and jump on the next one. Now go back right and get the one that comes out of the blue block. Now jump over the right wall, and land on the fast-moving platform below. Now fall again and hit the next one. Now make your way right, avoiding the hazards. Then make your way up and nail the last few in the maze.


This one is pretty easy if you have Puff's moves down. Nail the two nearby when you start. On the "escalator", jump on the two platforms that pop up occasionally. This next one is really annoying, but there's a trick to it. Walk very slowly across and there's a good chance you'll hit it on the way. If not, just stand in one place where it pops up until you nail it. Then get the three that are floating around in the room with the bumpers (block until the way to the next is clear). Then fall down the chute and hit the one that comes down from the ceiling. This last one is a toughie. Jump up, then tap B, C, B, C, etc. while holding Left. With some practice you should get it. Just don't sing or fall asleep in the middle.

Advanced Strategy

I've learned this from fighting Level 7 Computer opponents. Human players also tend to rely on these strategies (but are more unpredictable).

Mario- He has a lot of nasty juggle attaks, but he can't stand up to you in a hand-to-hand brawl. Try to launch Combos and jump attacks. Just be careful of Mario, because he can throw HUGE combos against you as well. Repeatedly doing running attacks is also effective.

Fox- He puts his speed to good use and attacks from a distance with his laser and reflect shield. Only use projectiles when you're sure he won't be able to reflect it (nothing worse than getting a fully charged Blaster shot thrown right back at you). Don't try to jump him or he'll catch you in a powerful air juggle. Try to use hit-and-run techniques because his speed enables him to juggle you easily.

Link- He tends to rely on his sword skills and boomerang. He's a fierce fighter up close. Try jumping attacks or hit-and-run techniques. Keeping up a flurry of running tackles will also work. Just look out for his Hookshot. This throw has very long range.

Pikachu- He tends to rely on his electrical attacks (Thundershock, Thunder, spin jump). He moves quickly but lacks a solid defense. Power attacks work well, but can be hard to hit with because of his small size and speed.

Kirby- Kirby often relies on his copied moves and Rock attack. When he turns into a rock, he's open to being thrown. Just run up, grab him, and throw. The rest of the time, stay on defense until he gets close, then use a Smash attack. His small size and ability to float will get him back in the game many times, so keep pounding on him.

Yoshi- He likes to encase you in eggs and use his stomp attack. Wiggle the control stick quickly to shake off the egg. Yoshi isn't very tough in an up-close battle. Running tackles work well against him.

Samus- The cheapmaster! She'll throw you to buy some time to charge up her blaster, then knock you into a position where you can't block the shot, then fire right in your face. Fighting Samus up close is not wise. Hit-and-Run is the best strategy here. Projectiles also work well. Use jump attacks, too, but watch out for a counterattack from her unstoppable Screw Attack. If at all possible, try to prevent her from charging up her cannon completely.

DK- He often relies on his "Sucker Punch" and ground slam. Attacks from the air are the most effective, he is too slow to do much about them. Fighting up-close may also work, but you're open to getting nailed by a Sucker Punch (unless you move really fast).

Jigglypuff- Don't underestimate Jigglypuff. As a computer-controlled opponent, Jigglypuff is actually very tough! Don't even try for air attacks, Puff will catch you every time (sometimes he/she even escapes the Screw attack!). Trying to fight Puff up close is a good strategy, but remember that Puff's throw launches you into the air, where you're nearly helpless against him/her.

Captain Falcon- He is extremely fast and agressive. Trying to fight him up close is suicidal. He lacks a projectile attack, however, which leaves him open. Throw items or use projectiles on him, or hit-and-run attacks if you don't have any.

Ness- He may be slow, but Ness is a very agressive fighter. He often stays on the offensive with PK Fire and Magnet. He does juggles very well, but is open to them himself. Take him up close.

Luigi- He is kind of slow but his attacks pack power. Trying to fight him up close will result in getting nailed by a combo, followed by his dreaded uppercut. Try hit-and-run techniques against him. He jumps very high as well, which makes him hard to knock out.

Other Stuff

Kirby gets a different accessory whenever he steals an enemy's ability.

Mario- Mario's hat and his Fireball attack.

Yoshi- A hat that resembles Yoshi's head. Gains his "Egg encase" (follow it up with a combo!)

DK- A little gorilla suit. He gains DK's "Sucker Punch"

Link- The cap that Link wears. He gains Link's Boomerang (note that the cap is the same one he wears when he gets Sword power in Kirby Super Star).

Samus- Samus' helmet. Gains the ability to charge and fire.

Pikachu- A hat that looks like Pikachu (sort of like those Goofy hats they sell at Disney land). Gains his "Thundershock" and a cute little "PIKAA-CHUU" voice.

Fox- The headset and fox ears. Gains his laser pistol.

Jigglypuff- Puff-ears. Kirby looks really wierd with ears. Gains the Pound attack, which lets him stay in the air even longer.

Captain Falcon- Captain Falcon's helmet with the visor down. Gains the almighty Falcon Punch, along with a cute little "Falco-PUNCH!" voice.

Ness- Ness' hat and PK Fire, with a cute little "PK Fire!" sound.

Luigi- Luigi's hat and his variation of the Fireball.

Here's a list of stuff Ness can absorb with PK Magnet.

Mario's Fireball

Luigi's Fireball

Samus' Cannon shot

Fox's laser

Pikachu's Thundershock

PK Fire

PK Thunder

Ray Gun lasers

Meowth's coins

Charizard's fire

Charmander's fire

Fire Flower fire

Starmie's Swift attack

Star Rod shot

Venusaur's Razor Leaf

Gameshark Codes! I got these off the InterAct webpage.

Enable Code (Must Be On)



Infinite Time (Story Mode)


Infinite Lives P1 (Story Mode)


Infinite Lives P2 (Story Mode)


Infinite Lives P3 (Story Mode)


Infinite Lives P4 (Story Mode)


Infinite Time (VS Mode)


COMPLETE Bonus list! From smallest to largest.

Many thanks to Milen and his great Bonus FAQ.

Cheap Shot (-99)- Overuse the same move.

Fighter Stance (100)- Time your Taunt so that you are in the pose in the "Game Set" screen. This is useful for cancelling out the "Cheap Shot."

No Item (1000)- Don't pick up any items throughout the match.

Acid Clear (1500)- In Samus' stage, Samus must be knocked out by the acid rising from the bottom.

Tornado Clear (3000)- Knock Link out of the stage with a tornado in the first round.

Jackpot (3330)- Finish with a damage percentage that has two or three of the same number (22%, 111%, 99%, etc.)

Smash Mania (3500)- Use only Smash attacks to win the round.

ARWING Clear (4000)- The final hit while fighting Fox must be from an Arwing laser.

Full Power (5000)- Win the round with 0% damage.

Smash-Less (5000)- Win the round without using any Smash attacks.

Special Move (5000)- Win the round using only B, Up+B, or Down+B button attacks.

Judo Master (5000)- Win the round using only throws. Easiest to do on Kirby and Yoshi's level.

Mystic (7000)- This happens when you lose a life, but your opponent is defeated before you get back in.

Single Move (8000)- Defeat your opponent using only a single move.

Shield Breaker (8000)- Destroy your opponent's shield. You will know you did it by the "Shatter." Use moves that hit many times quickly, like Mario's uppercut.

Last Second (8000)- Win with one second on the clock.

Good Friend (8000)- In the "VS Mario Bros" stage, keep your ally from being knocked out.

Vegetarian (9000)-Eat three or more tomatoes in a single match.

Lucky 3 (9990)- Finish the round with 3:33 on the clock.

Speedster (10000)- Finish the round within 30 seconds.

Star Finish (10000)- Not sure on this one. I think you knock them into the background.

Butterfly (10000)- I think it's when you knock out an opponent just before you get knocked out yourself.

Item Pitcher (10000)- Knock out your opponent by throwing an item at them.

Comet Mystic (10000)- When you get knocked out of the top of the stage, your opponent must be knocked out before you lose a life.

DK Defender (10000)- Defeat Giant DK without either teammate being KOed.

Poke'mon Finish (11000)- The final blow on your opponent must be from a Poke'mon that came from a Poke'ball (the ones that come out of Silph Co in Saffron City don't count).

Bumper Clear (11000)- Must knock out your opponent with a bumper.

Trickster (11000)- In one of the "all out" levels (the Yoshi, Kirby, and Polygon Team), knock every one of your opponents out the top of the screen.

Shooter (12000)- Knock out all your enemies using only projectiles.

Star Clear (12000)- Win the round while under the influence of a Super Star. Note that this also works with the Hammer.

Booby Trap (12000)- Your opponent must be blown out by a Motion Sensor Bomb that you dropped.

No Damage (15000)- Finish the round without taking a hit. You'll also get "Full Power" for a whopping 20000 points!

No Damage (15000)- Finish the Bonus 3 with no damage. Harder than it sounds.

Mew Catch (15000)- If Mew comes out of a Poke'ball, you'll get this one. Clefairy's imitation won't work.

All Variations (15000)- Throw every different kind of move you possibly can. I've never gotten this one.

Item Throw (16000)- I think you win the round using only thrown items. Not sure.

Heartthrob (17000)- Collect three or more Heart Containers in a single round.

Hawk (18000)- Use only jump attacks to win the round.

Item Strike (20000)- Only use items to clear the round.

Kirby Ranks (25000)- Defeat the Kirby team in the order they appear.

True Friend (25000)- Defeat the Mario Bros. with your teammate undamaged.

Bros. Calamity (25000)- Defeat one of the Mario Bros. before you even damage the other. If your teammate damages the other, it will still count, as long as you don't.

Heavy Damage (28000)- Take over 200% damage before winning the round. Easiest with Donkey Kong.

Perfect (30000)- Successfully complete Bonus 1 or Bonus 2.

Speed King (40000)- Complete the game in under 20 minutes.

Yoshi Rainbow (50000)- Knock out the Yoshi team in the order they appear.

DK Perfect (50000)- Defeat Giant DK with both your allies at 0% damage.

No Miss (5000 each round)- You'll gain an additional 5000 points on this bonus for every round you go without being knocked out (10000 second round, 15000 third round, etc., all the way up to 55,000!)

Pacifist (60000)- Don't attack your opponent, but still win the round. This is easiest to do while fighting Pikachu.

No Miss Clear (70000)- Win the entire game without losing a life. This adds to the 55,000 you already got, making a huge 125,000 points!)

Very Easy Clear (70000)- Complete the game on the Very Easy setting.

Speed Demon (80000)- Complete the game in under 8 minutes. Not sure on this one.

Easy Clear (140000)- Complete the game on the Easy setting.

Normal Clear (210000)- Complete the game on the Normal setting.

Hard Clear (280000)- Complete the game on the Hard setting.

Very Hard Clear (350000)- Complete the game on the Very Hard setting.


Other Stuff (legal crap, etc.) read ALL of this.

If you have any corrections, or additions, email me at brunerp@.

ALWAYS read the latest version before emailing me. The latest version is at .

Many thanks to the owner of this game (who will remain anonymous unless they choose otherwise) and everyone who contributed to the FAQ. Thanks to the in-game profiles, which I "borrowed" for this FAQ.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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