
Serco Wellness WarriorsThe Wellness Warriors program helps us to celebrate and recognize every level of wellness-related achievement. By nominating a colleague as a Wellness Warrior, you are not only recognizing an individual’s commitment, drive, and passion towards accomplishing a wellness goal – you are also helping to promote health and wellness throughout the entire organization. If you know a peer or leader who has started or completed a Physical, Emotional, Financial or Social wellness goal or challenge – consider nominating him/her as a Wellness Warrior. Purpose:? To recognize employees who go above and beyond to reach their physical, emotional, financial, and social wellness goals. Eligibility:? All Serco employees. Any employee can nominate a colleague for this recognition; however, you cannot nominate yourself. ? All winners must be active Serco employees at the time of the drawing to remain eligible for the prize. Criteria:? Demonstrating commitment to a personal wellness goal.? Acting with heart and passion to positively promote the Serco Wellness program and to create a more inclusive work environment.? Developing positive habits to promote a healthier lifestyle.Procedure:? Nominations are accepted beginning in January each year for one of four categories – Physical, Emotional, Financial, and Social. Communications are sent out when the nomination period opens, with instructions on how to participate. The nomination period ends August 31, 2020.? Eligible nominees will be contacted by a member of the Serco Wellness team to obtain their acceptance of the nomination and to gather more information about each nominees’ story.? One winner from each of the four categories will be chosen by the Serco Wellness team and nomination review panel.? Winners and some nominees are highlighted in special communications to all employees, through quarterly newsletters, emails, Serco Wellness website and the OurWorld-NA portal.Prize:? Each of the four winners will receive a trip to Disney World for Disney’s 2021 Marathon Weekend, sponsored by Cigna. Cigna will provide airfare and hotel accommodations on the Disney property for the winner and three guests. The winner will also receive $1,000 to spend in the parks. You will also receive race entry for either the 5K, 10K, half marathon or full marathon race. Race entries for your guests are not covered. Over the weekend Cigna may also provide additional perks (meals, swag bag etc.). Please note this is not an all-inclusive trip. All costs not covered by Cigna will be the winner’s responsibility. More information can be found on the Serco Wellness website and the OurWorld portal. General GuidelinesWant to nominate someone this year? Here are some guidelines to help you through the process.Nominations are open to all Serco employees and you can nominate a peer or a leader in the organization as a Serco Wellness Warrior. However, you cannot nominate yourself. This guide will help you understand how to complete the nomination process. WHO IS A WELLNESS WARRIOR?Wellness Warriors are passionate, determined, and driven to achieve their personal wellness goals. They can also be incredibly motivating and inspire their peers to participate in the Serco Wellness program or to complete wellness challenges of their own.Nominating a peer or leader as a Wellness Warrior is a great way to recognize personal achievements that may have absolutely nothing to do with a person’s job duties, but everything to do with how they act and function each day at work.If you know of a fellow Serco employee who fits this description, please consider nominating him/her as a Serco Wellness Warrior.Possible questions to ask yourself:What was special about the task or goal that was achieved?Has the achievement positively impacted the employee or, even better, your entire team and/or Serco location?Has what the employee has done impressed you and/or your colleagues?Could what he/she has done motivate others to approach things, act, or behave differently?Has the employee’s actions inspired you or your co-workers to participate in future Serco Wellness challenges?Has his/her actions inspired you to create wellness goals of your own?WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FORWe are looking for individuals who take their health and wellness seriously. They never seem to run out of motivation when it comes to diet and/or exercise; they’re always able to save money or are working to pay off a hefty debt; their positivity is boundless and their altruistic spirit helps create a more inclusive and fun work space; or they seem to never stop talking about the Serco Wellness program as a whole. We are looking for those people who have inspired you or other employees based on their personal actions.GENERAL TIPSOnce you have identified a colleague, determine which category best aligns with the nominee’s storyCompile a list of reasons why your nominee should be selected. Use the possible questions section above for guidanceAsk other people for more information to help support your nomination. The nomination doesn’t have to be a secret, so feel free to discuss with your nominee if neededTake your time and do not rush through the nomination formFor further information or questions, please contact wellness@serco-HOW TO SUBMIT A NOMINATIONThink of your nomination as a news story. Answer all the questions asked. For each, set out the key points in a couple of sentences in the first paragraph and then expand on that in the rest of your answer.Remember to: Use concrete examples. The more specific and detailed you can be when sharing a particular story, the betterEnsure that everything you write about is related to the category you chooseMake sure you have spelled the nominee’s name correctly and listed his/her job titleRead the questions on the nomination form carefully and make sure you answer them as fully as possibleRead your nomination and check for spelling and grammatical errors1. CHOOSE A PILLAR OF HEALTHSelect the pillar of health under which your nomination falls before you start to create the nomination. More information on each of the pillars is included on pages 5-6. Physical Pillar: recognizing people who complete iron man races, walk/run their first 5k race, and everything in between.Emotional Pillar: recognizing people who promote mental health, work-life balance, or ways to de-stress and unwind. Financial Pillar: recognizing people who regularly meet with a financial advisor and are smart about their money.Social Pillar: recognizing people who foster connections at work and can make even the worst days seem a bit better.2. START YOUR NOMINATION Begin your nomination by completing the nomination form. If for any reason you are unable to download the nomination form, you can request a copy be emailed directly to you. Contact wellness@serco- for a copy. You can save your draft and come back and edit it until you are happy to submit the final. You can also request a printed version of the form, which can be completed by hand and mailed or faxed to Serco’s HQ in Herndon, VA.3. SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONSubmit your completed your nomination form to wellness@serco-. The Wellness Team will respond that the nomination was received. Winners will be announced at the end of the nomination period. All nominees will be notified of the status of their nomination at the time winners are announced. -57149381000PHYSICAL WELLNESS WARRIORRecognizing people who compete in iron man races, walk/run their first 5k race, and everything in between.Whether the employee completed his/her first half marathon or reached his/her weight loss goals, this person set an incredible physical wellness goal and saw it through to the finish line. The employee’s perseverance inspires everyone to pursue their own fitness goals.Do you know someone:Who has accomplished a physical wellness achievement?Who regularly practices healthy habits?Who motivates co-workers, family and friends to join them on their wellness journey?EMOTIONAL WELLNESS WARRIORRecognizing people who promote mental health, work-life balance, or share ways to de-stress and unwind.Do you know someone:Who encourages work-life balance such as taking a lunch break or using personal time off?Who promotes taking steps to maintain mental health?Who promotes using Serco resources such as LifeWorks, Serco’s employee assistance program?Who will go out of their way to try and help their colleague’s when they’re in need?FINANCIAL WELLNESS WARRIORRecognizing people who paid off financial debt, regularly meet with a financial advisor, or are smart about their money.Financial stress is a growing concern for many, but this individual is working hard to stay on top of their financial situation. This could mean they’ve paid off their credit card debt, started contributing to a retirement plan, or even set and stuck to a family budget.Do you know someone:Who has recently paid off a financial debt?Who creates and sticks to a family budget?Who utilizes Serco programs such as 401(k), wellness incentives, etc. Who regularly seeks counseling and advice from a financial advisor?SOCIAL WELLNESS WARRIORRecognizing people who foster connections at work and can make even the worst days seem a bit better.Work without a sense of community can feel boring and routine. This person strives to build those community bonds. He/she is known for setting up volunteer events or coordinating team potlucks, and you can always count on this person to bring a little cheer into whatever he/she might be doing.Do you know someone:Who constantly works to create a more inclusive and enjoyable work environment?Who enjoys putting in the extra time to plan and organize potluck meals or other work events? ................

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