Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology Division (ANSTD) MeetingNovember 9, 20142014 ANS Winter MeetingDisneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA12:00-2:00 pm (Safari Room)Call to OrderWelcome and IntroductionsJohn Bess – INL (Chair)Wesley Deason – CSNR (YMG Liaison) Jeff King – CSM (Treasurer)Blair Bromley – CNS (Executive Committee)Shannon Bragg-Sitton – INL (Former Past Chair)Vishal Patel – TAMUSukesh Aghara – UMass-LowellMichael Eades – OSUPaolo Venneri – KAERIAndy Klein – OSU (Executive Committee)(some additional attendees but the sign-up sheet was unfortunately lost)Establish Quorum Quorum not establishedReview and Approval of AgendaSecretary’s ReportPrior approval of June 2014 minutes electronicallyTechnical ProgramNational MeetingsNovember 2014 (Anaheim, CA) – One general session – Wed pmPhysics of Compact Reactors for Terrestrial and Space ApplicationsCo-sponsored with RPD – Wed pmTutorial on Radiation Protection and Shielding in Aeronautics and Space ApplicationsCo-sponsored with RPD and RPSD – Thu amWe want to have this tutorial recurring every other winter meeting.June 2015 (San Antonio, TX)One general sessionStudent projects session with other divisionsNovember 2015 (Washington, DC)What sessions would we like to have?Blair Bromley proposed a coordinated session with OPD on small reactors for space and terrestrial applications.Future ConferencesHost Radiation Protection and Shielding Tutorial every other yearWes to check with other divisions like YMG and ETWDD to cosponsor a design competitionTopical MeetingsNeed to do some more Class I meetings to generate ANSTD revenueNETS-2015 – February 23-26, 2015, Albuquerque, NMMaintain our traditional post-STAIF topical meetingsNETS-2016 – TBD 2016Possibly Kennedy Space CenterKennedy will not be able to follow through on hosting NETS 2016.Other potential venues?Mike Houts at Marshall has stepped up and willing to host it. This will be a Class 1 topical meeting which gives ANS legal responsibility for the meeting and allows the division to gain monetary profit. We will need to find a local section which can take charge on the conference and host S-2017 – TBD 2017Kennedy may be able to host later NETS conferences, but we would like for the University of Florida/Florida Section to take the lead on the conference. There was concern shared from Shannon Bragg-Sitton that we might lose track of the original goal of the NETS meeting. The original goal was to oscillate between a Class 1 meeting and a Class 2 meeting which is held in conjunction with an outside conference, similar to NETS 2012 with LPSC.Student ConferencesANS Student Conference 2015 VenueApril 9-11, 2015The student conference will be held at TAMU. Wes Deason is organizing a space nuclear panel at the conference and would like to know if there are any others that would be interested in participating as well. There is a paid route and a free route for the panel. The paid route costs $5,000 and includes a booth at the exhibit hall.There was concern shared from Wes Deason and Jeff King about the costs at student conferences which prevent our division from contributing as much as we feel we could. Treasurer’s ReportBudget (see attached) prepared and approved for 2015Setting aside (within our budget) $10k to start saving for a fully-funded ANSTD scholarshipDiscussed hosting refreshments at poster session (would need co-sponsorship with other divisions to help defray the cost)Just at this meeting the cost would be $70/gallon of coffee!!!We need to coordinate with ANS Student Conference ANSTD winners to have them submit abstracts and participate in NETS 2015 with our funding.$7000 this year for students: $4000 NETS, $1000 per other ANS conferenceMembership, Honors, and Awards Report Discuss ANSTD Scholarship and Award PlanningPreviously Proposed for ANSTD Awards: Formalize a Past Chair Award (division administered) – plaque cost, $55Formalize Best Student Paper Award at student conferences (division administered)Establish a Best Paper Award for topical meetings (division administered)Establish an award in one of the other suggested award bins (Service / Leadership (SL); Excellence / Achievement (EA); or Student / Young Person Recognition)Possible ideas might include:Key Contributions to the Modern Application of Nuclear Power to Space Travel (SL or EA)Exceptional Dedication to the Advancement of Nuclear Technology to Space Power and Propulsion (SL or EA)ANS HQ / Professional Division UpdatesPresident’s Meeting w/ Division ChairsReport from PD WorkshopBoD Report: Gale HauckCommittee AssignmentsOutstanding assignmentsPut together a survey for ANSTD members to figure out their needs/wantsDiscussed moving ANSTD session to another time.New assignmentsCommunications and Public Information ReportNuclear Café – Wes DeasonChris Morrison cross post blogs to ANS nuclear café from the ANSTD website about once per month. Requested 2 per year, which counts towards division requirements. Look at cross-posting with space, spacex, etc.Previously discussed shifting our current website to a wiki format.Wes Deason will change the ANSTD: Students facebook page to include all of ANSTDShannon to check with getting info posted with AIAAJohn to check with getting info posted in ANS newsletterDivision Strategic Plan & Succession Planning (recent positions attached)Positions open nowProgram Chair, Awards ChairProgram Chair – Rob O’BrienAwards Chair – Wes DeasonPositions opening next yearSecretary, Treasurer, Executive CommitteeYMG Liaison ReportYMG interested in cosponsoring sessionsStudent Interaction with Professional DivisionsSpeakers BoardVolunteers from our division to speak to student organizationsNeed contact information for list of volunteers to post on our websiteExperts GroupMentors to help students with tips for applications/ writing proposalsNeed a contact list for volunteers- include a 3 sentence bio and photoLoan expertise for senior design projectsPlace this onto our websiteShannon to look for slides for visiting universities and providing presentationsOther Business ................

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