Making Extensions Display - Windows XP

What is a File Extension?A file extension is nothing more than the last characters after the period in the name of a file that identify the type of file.The basic form of a filename is: rootname.extThe first part of the name to the left of the period is called the root name. (The root name cannot be the same as a device name.) The second part to the right of the period is the extension. It is optional and is often, but not necessarily, and three characters long. The extension no more than three so three characters (or less) is often still the default and above that limit is now gone. The period is used between the root name and extension and must be present if there is an extension. The following are legal and illegal characters in a filename.Legal: A-Z 0-9 $#&+@!()-{}'`_~, and the spaceIllegal: |<>\^=?/[]";* plus control charactersIn the DOS and Windows operating systems traditionally the extension on a file name has been used to identify a program the file is associated with (e.g., the .EXE extension almost always represents an executable program, the .DOCX extension mostly represents a Microsoft Word document file, etc.). This is not a hard and fast mon file ExtensionsPSD - Photoshop working fileJPEG -for photos, internet-friendlyGIF – for clip/line art, internet-friendly, animate, transparencyPNG - internet-friendly, MS office-friendlyMID- Midi sound fileMP3- Audio fileWAV- Windows audio fileAVI- Audio Video InterleaveDOCX –Microsoft Word File, after 2003HTML – 'Hypertext Markup Language’ Web PagesHTM - Hypertext Markup Language' Web PagesCSS- Cascading Style SheetTXT-text filePDF-Portable Document Format (compact, plat-form independent documents created by Adobe)ZIP-zipped file, compressed fileCompressed file: reducing the amount of bits and bytes to make the file size smaller.Making Extensions Display - Windows XPIn Windows XP open any folder (My Computer or My Documents are good ones). Then...Select Tools | Folder OptionsSelect the View Tab and thenScroll down to the where it says "Hide file extensions for known file types" and make sure it's not checked.Click on the Apply To All Folders button and then close the window. With this move you will now see extensions in file directory windows ................

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