
Kindergarten Weekly Distance Learning Activities for the week *Please have your child write their name on each assignment Monday10/12/20Tuesday10/13/20Wednesday10/14/20Thursday10/15/20Reading No SchoolBeginning Sound Scavenger Hunt! You will need a pencil and paper, you are going to look for 4 things in your home that begin with “M”, “S”, and “A”. Draw these objects on to your paper and have an adult help you write the word of the object under the picture you drew. Sight Word Activity Cut out letters from newspapers or magazines and glue them on a piece of paper/index card to spell the sight words: see, like, the, I, and.Name that Letter and SoundWrite the alphabet letters on pieces of paper and put them in a paper bag/bowl. Let your child reach into the bag/bowl and take out a letter. Have them say the name of the letter and the sound.WritingWrite the alphabet Az-Zz on a piece of paper. Circle the letters in your name.Practice writing your first and last name 5 times. Start your name with a capital letter. Put sand on a plate. Have an adult hold up a letter card. Tell the adult if it is uppercase or lowercase. Use your finger to form the letter in the sand. Social StudiesIndigenous Week! → →Navajo Hair Bun or Tsiyeel DayRecite the Pledge of Allegiance in Navajo. Listen to the National Anthem in the Navajo Language. Navajo Jewelry Day Teach your child their clansShow your child pictures/objects of traditional culture. (Navajo Baskets, weaving tools, jewelry, cradleboard). Traditional Dress Up DayShare traditional food items with children. Make blue mush with your child. MathRoll a dice, write number on a dry erase board. Roll the dice again, write the number down. Circle the number that is greater. Play 5 times. Play 5 more times, this time circle the number that is less. Use number cards. Shuffle cards and divide into 2 stacks. Pick 1 card from each stack. Tell a grown up which number is greater, less, or the same. Play this until no cards are left in each stack.You will need a small bowl of beans or cereal. Grab a handful and count. Write the number down. Grab another handful and count. Tell a grown up which group has more, less, or the same. ScienceMy 5 Senses Chart: (Week Project)Draw a person on a sheet of paper. (Day 1)My 5 Senses Chart:(Day 2)Label the 5 senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, hear. My 5 Senses Chart: Tell in a complete sentence what each sense is used for. (Day 3)sight- I use my___to see. taste- I use my __ to tastesmell- I use my __ to smelltouch-I use my __ to touch.I use my __to hear. , cotton ball, cracker. Sign and date if work is completedSign & DateSign & DateSign & DateSign & DateStudent Name: _________________________Teacher Name: _____________________________ ................

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