
Day / TopicCurriculum ExpectationsInstructional StrategiesMaterials NeededAssessment / EvaluationReferences1. An Introduction to SPH3UA1.12 use appropriate numeric (e.g., SI andimperial units), symbolic, and graphic modes of representation for qualitative and quantitative data (e.g., vector diagrams, free-body diagrams,algebraic equations)1. Sheldon Cooper’s, What Is Physics? Video2. Environment Building Games3. Overview of Course Outline4. Introduction to Course Lecture5. Rearranging Equations Handout TRIBES bookCourse OutlineComputerSMART BoardProjectorObservationHandout Collection (can be used as a preassessment to see what level your students are at).. Unit ConversionA1.12 use appropriate numeric (e.g., SI andimperial units), symbolic, and graphic modes of representation for qualitative and quantitative data (e.g., vector diagrams, free-body diagrams,algebraic equations1. Piggy’s Unit Conversion Video2. Conversion of Units Lecture and Examples3. Unit Conversion Handout4. Ticket out the door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Significant DigitsA1.13 express the results of any calculationsinvolving data accurately and precisely, tothe appropriate number of decimal places orsignificant figures1. Sig. Digs. Video2. Discussion on Importance of Sig. Digs.3. Sig. Digs. Lecture and Examples4. Sig. Digs. Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Data Analysis and Designing ExperimentsA1. demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating);1. Video on Scientific Method2. Designing Experiments Lecture3. Case Study on Designing Experiments4. Designing Experiments Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Case Study Handout- 3 identical dynamics carts- nine 200 g masses- ticker timer- ticker tape- sticky tape- pulley and string- clamp for pulley- table- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Collection of Case Study- Handout Collection. Measuring ScalarsB3.2 distinguish between, and provide examples of, scalar and vector quantities as they relate to the description of uniform and non-uniform linear motion (e.g., time, distance, position, velocity, acceleration)1. Scalars and Vectors Video (first minute)2. Measuring Scalars Lecture3. How Speedy are You Activity4. Measuring Scalars Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Activity Handout- Meter Stick- Stop Watch- Masking Tape- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Collection of Activity Handout- Handout Collection. Experimental UncertaintyA1.8 synthesize, analyse, interpret, and evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative data; solve problems involving quantitative data; determine whether the evidence supports or refutes the initial prediction or hypothesis and whether it is consistent with scientific theory; identify sources of bias and/or error; and suggest improvements to the inquiry to reduce the likelihood of errorB1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, a technology that applies concepts related to kinematics (e.g., devices used to measure speed in sports; rocket accelerators; motion-detecting sensors for security systems; speedometers in automobiles) [IP, PR, AI, C]1. Experimental Uncertainty Lecture2. Calibrating a Ticker Timer Activity3. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Ticker Timer- Ticker Tape (about 1.5 m) - Carbon Disc - Stopwatch- Activity Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Constant Speed LabA1.4 apply knowledge and understanding of safe laboratory practices and procedures when planning investigations by correctly interpreting Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols; by using appropriate techniques for handling and storing laboratory equipment and materials and disposing of laboratory materials; and by using appropriatepersonal protectionB3.1 distinguish between the terms constant, instantaneous, and average with reference to speed, velocity, and acceleration, and provide examples to illustrate each termB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]1. Importance of Constant Speed Video2. Constant Speed Lab.3. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Ticker Timer- Ticker Tape (about 1.5 m) - Carbon Disc - Stopwatch- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Lab Collection. Graphing Distance and SpeedB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.2 analyse and interpret position–time, velocity–time, and acceleration–time graphs of motion in one dimension (e.g., use tangent slopes to create velocity–time graphs from position–time graphs and acceleration–time graphs from velocity–time graphs; use the area under the curve to create position–time graphs from velocity–time graphs and velocity–time graphs from acceleration–time graphs) [AI, C]1. Usain Bolt Sets New World Record Video2. Graphing Distance and Speed Lecture3. Graphing Distance and Speed Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- Ruler- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Measuring VectorsB2.5 solve problems involving distance, position, and displacement (e.g., find total displacement using a scale vector diagram and vector components, and compare it to total distance travelled) [AI, C]B3.2 distinguish between, and provide examples of, scalar and vector quantities as they relate to the description of uniform and non-uniform linear motion (e.g., time, distance, position, velocity, acceleration)1. Funny Vector Song Video2. Measuring Vectors Lecture3. Measuring Vectors Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- Ruler- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Graphing Displacement and VelocityB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.2 analyse and interpret position–time, velocity– time, and acceleration–time graphs of motion in one dimension (e.g., use tangent slopes to create velocity–time graphs from position–time graphs and acceleration–time graphs from velocity–time graphs; use the area under the curve to create position–time graphs from velocity–time graphs and velocity–time graphs from acceleration–time graphs) [AI, C]1. Video on Difference Between Distance and Displacement2. Graphing Displacement and Velocity Lecture3. Graphing Displacement and Velocity Handout4. Ticket out the door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Ruler- Handout- Observation- Handout Collection. Relative VelocityB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.4 conduct an inquiry into the uniform and non-uniform linear motion of an object (e.g., use probeware to record the motion of a cart moving at a constant velocity or a constant acceleration; view a computer simulation of an object attaining terminal velocity; observe a video of a bouncing ball or a skydiver; observe the motion of a balloon with a small mass suspended from it) [PR]1. Mythbuster’s Video2. Relative Velocity Lecture3. Relative Velocity Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- Observation- Handout Collection. AccelerationB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.2 analyse and interpret position–time, velocity–time, and acceleration–time graphs of motion in one dimension (e.g., use tangent slopes to create velocity–time graphs from position–time graphs and acceleration–time graphs from velocity–time graphs; use the area under the curve to create position–time graphs from velocity–time graphs and velocity–time graphs from acceleration–time graphs) [AI, C]1. Acceleration Video2. Acceleration Lecture3. Graphing Acceleration Handout4. Acceleration Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handouts Collection. Gravity and Free-FallB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.6 plan and conduct an inquiry into the motion of objects in one dimension, using vector diagrams and uniform acceleration equations [IP, PR, C]B2.7 solve problems involving uniform andnon-uniform linear motion in one and twodimensions, using graphical analysis andalgebraic equations [AI, C]1. Red Bull Space Jump Video2. Gravity Demonstration3. Gravity and Free-Fall Lecture4. Gravity and Free-Fall Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Gravitational Acceleration LabA1.4 apply knowledge and understanding of safe laboratory practices and procedures when planning investigations by correctly interpreting Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols; by using appropriate techniques for handling and storing laboratory equipment and materials and disposing of laboratory materials; and by using appropriatepersonal protectionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.6 plan and conduct an inquiry into the motion of objects in one dimension, using vector diagrams and uniform acceleration equations [IP, PR, C]B2.7 solve problems involving uniform andnon-uniform linear motion in one and twodimensions, using graphical analysis andalgebraic equations [AI, C]1. Review of Yesterday’s Class2. Lab Activity3. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector - 200 g Mass - Ticker Timer - String (about 1.5 m) - Ticker Tape (about 1.5 m) - Pulley - Clamp - Sticky Tape- Ruler - Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Lab Collection. Equations of MotionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.3 use a velocity–time graph for constant acceleration to derive the equation for average velocity [e.g., vav = (v1 + v2)/2] and the equations for displacement [e.g., Δd = ((v1 + v2 )/2) Δt, Δd = v1Δt + ? a (Δt2)], and solve simple problems in one dimension using these equations [AI]1. Motion Song Video2. Introduce Culminating Activity3. Equations of Motion Lecture4. Equations of Motion Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Equations of Motion (Continued) / Motion in One DimensionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.3 use a velocity–time graph for constant acceleration to derive the equation for average velocity [e.g., vav = (v1 + v2)/2] and the equations for displacement [e.g., Δd = ((v1 + v2 )/2) Δt, Δd = v1Δt + ? a (Δt2)], and solve simple problems in one dimension using these equations [AI]1. Review from Yesterday’s Class2. Motion In One Direction Handout3. Take up Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation. Motion In One Dimension (Continued)B2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.5 solve problems involving distance, position and displacement (e.g., find total displacement using a scale vector diagram and vector components, and compare it to total distance travelled) [AI, C]B2.6 plan and conduct an inquiry into the motion of objects in one dimension, using vector diagrams and uniform acceleration equations [IP, PR, C]B2.7 solve problems involving uniform andnon-uniform linear motion in one and twodimensions, using graphical analysis andalgebraic equations [AI, C]1. Motion in One Direction Quiz2. Work on Culminating Activity3. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Collect Quiz(says Practice Test but will be used as a Quiz)18. Trigonometry ReviewNote: This class will not technically hit any of the specific expectations for the SPH3U course, but will provide the students with the skills necessary in the SPH3U course.1. Trigonometry Song2. Review Trigonometry Examples3. Trigonometry Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Culminating TaskB3. demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.1. Class to Work on Culminating Task(Will be due the day before the test)- Culminating Task Handout- Calculator- Observation20. Motion in Two DimensionsB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.7 solve problems involving uniform andnon-uniform linear motion in one and twodimensions, using graphical analysis andalgebraic equations [AI, C]B2.5 solve problems involving distance, position and displacement (e.g., find total displacement using a scale vector diagram and vector components, and compare it to total distance travelled) [AI, C]1. Man Getting Shot out of a Cannon Video2. Motion in Two Dimensions Lecture3. Motion in Two Dimensions Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Projectile MotionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.8 use kinematic equations to solve problems related to the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of a projectile (e.g., a cannon ball shot horizontally off a cliff, a ball rolling off a table, a golf ball launched at a 45? angle to the horizontal) [AI, C]B2.9 conduct an inquiry into the projectile motion of an object, and analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the relationship between the horizontal and vertical components (e.g., airborne time, range, maximum height, horizontal velocity, vertical velocity) [PR, AI]B3.3 describe the characteristics and giveexamples of a projectile’s motion in verticaland horizontal planes1. Mortar Failing to Launch Video2. Projectile Motion Video3. Projectile Motion Handout4. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Handout Collection. Projectile Motion (Continued)B2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.8 use kinematic equations to solve problems related to the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of a projectile (e.g., a cannon ball shot horizontally off a cliff, a ball rolling off a table, a golf ball launched at a 45? angle to the horizontal) [AI, C]B2.9 conduct an inquiry into the projectile motion of an object, and analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the relationship between the horizontal and vertical components (e.g., airborne time, range, maximum height, horizontal velocity, vertical velocity) [PR, AI]B3.3 describe the characteristics and giveexamples of a projectile’s motion in verticaland horizontal planes1. Review of Yesterday’s Class2. Move to Computer Lab3. Get students to Log onto Gizmos4. Do Golf Range Handout5. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- Handout- Observation- Handout Collection. Projectile Motion Lab – Day 1A1.4 apply knowledge and understanding of safe laboratory practices and procedures when planning investigations by correctly interpreting Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols; by using appropriate techniques for handling and storing laboratory equipment and materials and disposing of laboratory materials; and by using appropriatepersonal protectionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.8 use kinematic equations to solve problems related to the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of a projectile (e.g., a cannon ball shot horizontally off a cliff, a ball rolling off a table, a golf ball launched at a 45? angle to the horizontal) [AI, C]B2.9 conduct an inquiry into the projectile motion of an object, and analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the relationship between the horizontal and vertical components (e.g., airborne time, range, maximum height, horizontal velocity, vertical velocity) [PR, AI]B3.3 describe the characteristics and giveexamples of a projectile’s motion in verticaland horizontal planes1. Review Concepts Needed from the Last two days2. Work on Popsicle Stick Catapult and Handout3. Ticket out the Door- Calculator- Popsicle Sticks- Elastics- Plastic Spoons- Hot Glue Sticks- Glue Gun- Marshmallows- Handout- Observation. Projectile Motion Lab – Day 2A1.4 apply knowledge and understanding of safe laboratory practices and procedures when planning investigations by correctly interpreting Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) symbols; by using appropriate techniques for handling and storing laboratory equipment and materials and disposing of laboratory materials; and by using appropriatepersonal protectionB2.1 use appropriate terminology related tokinematics, including, but not limited to:time, distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration [C]B2.8 use kinematic equations to solve problems related to the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of a projectile (e.g., a cannon ball shot horizontally off a cliff, a ball rolling off a table, a golf ball launched at a 45? angle to the horizontal) [AI, C]B2.9 conduct an inquiry into the projectile motion of an object, and analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the relationship between the horizontal and vertical components (e.g., airborne time, range, maximum height, horizontal velocity, vertical velocity) [PR, AI]B3.3 describe the characteristics and giveexamples of a projectile’s motion in verticaland horizontal planes1. Launch Catapult2. Re-work Catapult3. Launch Catapult Again4. Reasons for Re-working your Design5. Ticket out the Door- Calculator- Popsicle Sticks- Elastics- Plastic Spoons- Hot Glue Sticks- Glue Gun- Marshmallows- Handout- TRIBES book- Observation- Collection of Reasons for Re-working Design- Handout Collection25. Review – Day 1B1. analyse technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;B2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solverelated problems;B3. demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.1. For today, students can decide whether they want to do review or if they want to work on their culminating activity or whether they want to focus on review.2. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- TRIBES book- Observation26. Review – Day 2B1. analyse technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;B2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solverelated problems;B3. demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.1. For today, students can ask questions based on the assigned review questions, or just simply ask questions if they need clarification on any concepts.2. Ticket out the Door- Computer- Calculator- SMART Board- Projector- TRIBES book- Observation27. Kinematics TestB1. analyse technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;B2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solverelated problems;B3. demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.1. Test- Test- Calculator- Collection of TestFile will be included. ................

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