Lab 1: Galileo’s Law of Inclined Planes

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Page 1 2012Aug21

Lab 1: Galileo's Law of Inclined Planes

Preparation for Lab Read Knight chapter 2 on constant accelerated motion (inclined planes) Virtual Museum (2 min): Video Introduction Nova (4 min): Video Introduction: Mechanical Universe #2, Law of Falling Bodies (30 min):

================================================================== Theory:

This work was probably done around 1604, but not fully written up until later when Galileo was under house arrest. Falling motion happens too fast to measure. Galileo came up with the clever idea that rolling down an inclined plane is analogous to falling, just slowed down such that the motion can be easily measured.

He found that the distance traveled "d" was proportional to the square of the time "t",


1 2

at 2


where "a" is the acceleration of the system. For falling motion Galileo found that all bodies fell with the same acceleration, which we give the symbol "g" for gravity,



m s2


ft s2


He reasoned by geometry that the acceleration "a" of an inclined plane would be related to its

angle of incline "",

a g sin


such that as the inclined plane is brought vertical (=90) the motion approaches free fall. More important, by taking a series of measurements at different small angles, where the motion is slow enough to measure, it is possible to extrapolate a good value for "g".

There is a complication that Galileo did not consider. Rolling bodies accelerate slower than bodies that slide down an inclined plane (without friction of course). As the object goes down the inclined plane, there is a drop in gravitational energy, which is converted into kinetic energy. For a sliding object, all of this energy goes into its linear motion. For a rolling body, the energy is shared with its rotation. We won't discuss rotational motion for several weeks, so we'll just state that equation (3) must be modified,

1 f a g sin


where f=1 for a hollow cylinder, f=0.5 for a solid cylinder, f=2/5 for a solid ball and f=2/3 for a hollow ball. For a hollow cylinder of outer radius "R" and inner radius "r" its more complicated:


1 2







All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Page 2 2012Aug21


Part A: Setup

Measure total length of inclined plane "L" (if it's a board its just the length of the board. If you are using the whole table, then it's the distance between the legs of the table).

Measure the amount "h" that you have lifted one end of the board (table). [For a 1 meter length board, suggest that h 3 cm else it will go too fast, for 2 meters, keep h 6 cm].

Sketch your setup in your lab book with the dimensions labeled.

Question 1 Phenomena Test 1: Size of ball a) Prediction: If we roll two different sized balls down the inclined plane at the same time,

which should get to the bottom first? Why? b) Experiment: do the experiment! c) Observation: What do you observe? d) Analyze: Summarize what you have learned!

Question 2 Phenomena Test 2: Shape of object a) Prediction: If we roll a ball and a cylinder down the inclined plane at the same time, which

should get to the bottom first? Why? b) Do the experiment! c) What do you observe? d) Summarize

Question 3 Object Information for rest of experiments a) Select one of your objects to use for the rest of experiment. Which one is it? (Hollow

cylinder, disk, ball etc). b) Sketch the object and show its dimensions c) What is its mass (if known or you can measure it)*? d) What is the (fudge) factor "f" for your object?

Question 4 Inclined Plane: Theoretical Calculation a) What is the length "L" of the plane (hypotenuse)? b) By how much "h" have you lifted one end (leg) of the board (table)?

c) What then is the angle of incline? [Hint: h sin ] L

d) From equation (4) what then is the expected acceleration "a" for rolling motion?


*Note, if you are using one of the BIG rings, you probably can't measure the mass with our small scales.


All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Page 3 2012Aug21

Part B: Distance vs Time

Measure travel time as a function of distance, holding slope unchanged.

If plane is 1 meters long, suggest use distances d= 100, 70, 50 and 25 cm. [If your board is closer to 2 meters, then 200 cm, 150 cm, 100 cm, 50 cm]. Note that you sometimes have to start 2 or 3 cm from edge of board to get it to roll.

Repeat each time measurement 4 times, take average.

Use supplied Excel Template: Type in your data, it will a) take averages for you b) Plot distance vs squared time c) Fit plot with best line, determine slope

d) from slope calculate acceleration: a 2 Slope

Question 5 Analysis of Plot a) Does your plot validate equation (1)? [In other words, does the plot show a line, which tells

us that distance is proportional to squared time] b) What is the "R squared" value of the linear fit? Is it close to 1 (i.e. a "good" fit)? c) What is the slope of the linear fit? [be sure to have correct units] d) What is the (absolute) uncertainty in the slope? The percent uncertainty?

Question 6 Compare to known value

a) From the slope, determine the measured acceleration of the system. [ a 2 Slope ]

b) Compare to the theoretical value in question 4d. Compare means you calculate the "error" absolute error=measured ? true value percent error = 100%(absolute error)/(true value)]

c) Is your error smaller than the (percent) uncertainty in the slope? d) Is your percent error smaller than 5%?

Notes: Dr. Bill usually gets results to agree to within 2% or better. =================================================================


All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Sample Analysis for Part B

Group #



Dr. Bill

Date 6/26/2012

Run h (cm) Degrees d (cm) T1 (sec) T2 (sec) T3 (sec) T4 (sec) T avg T2

1 1.0 0.29 200 12.1 13.2 12.5 12.8 12.65 160.0

2 1.0 0.29 150


9.9 11.4 11.9 10.80 116.6

3 1.0 0.29 100




9.3 9.20


4 1.0 0.29 50




5.8 6.13


Slope m STEYX y STDEV x num pts N

Unc slope m Unc slope

1.25 cm/s2 5.49 cm 51.7 s2

4 points 0.05 cm/s2 4.3%

Brd Len L Theory Ffactor Theory Accel Meas Accel


200 cm 1.0 2.48 cm/s2 2.49 cm/s2 0.4%

Hollow cylinder down Inclined Plane (0.29 degrees)


y = 1.2455x + 0.8209 R? = 0.9952


Page 4 2012Aug21

Distance (cm)




0 0.0



Squared Time (seconds)




All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Page 5 2012Aug21

Part C: Acceleration vs angle of incline

Measure travel time as a function of height "h" of incline. Try to keep distance "d" constant.

Suggest use approximately h=1.5 cm and 3 cm if length is 100 cm (double it if 200 cm)

Repeat each time measurement 4 times, take average of times.

Repeat measurements with plane tilted in other direction (this cancels out leveling errors). Note these heights will be "negative" to represent going other way.

Use Excel Template: it will a) Calculate average times b) Calculate the acceleration for the average time: a 2d t2 c) Plot acceleration "a" vs height "h". [For backwards tilts, let both "a" and "h" be called negative.] d) Fit best line (get Rsquared, slope "m" and intercept).

From slope "m" you can get the acceleration of gravity: g mL(1 f )

Question 7 Summary of the Plot a) Is the plot a line as expected? (R squared value?) b) Discuss how this validates the form of equation (4). c) What is the slope? (be sure to have correct units) d) What is the uncertainty in the slope?

Question 8 Analysis

a) From the slope, what is your measured acceleration of gravity? [ g mL(1 f ) ]

b) The percent uncertainty in this quantity is the same as percent uncertainty in slope. c) Compare your measured value to the known value for "g". [What is your percent error?] d) Is your error smaller than the uncertainty?

Question 9 Leveling Error a) What is the intercept of your plot? Is it zero? b) A non zero intercept tells you that "h" has a leveling error. By what angle is your table not

level? c) Check the leveling of table with a bubble level. Does it show the table is unleveled?

Notes: Dr. Bill usually gets results to agree to within 2% or better. =================================================================


All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Example: Part C: Analysis Fixed Length, Change angle of incline

Run h (cm) Degrees d (cm) T1 (sec) T2 (sec) T3 (sec) T4 (sec) T avg a cm/s2



0.3 200 13.2 13.4 12.9 13.8 13.33




0.6 200




9.7 9.63




-0.3 200 13.8 13.3 13.1 13.9 13.53




-0.9 200




7.5 7.70






num pts N

Unc slope m

Unc slope

2.22 cm/s2 0.10 cm

2.2 s2 4 points

0.02 cm/s2 1.0%

Leg Dist L Theory Ffactor Theory g Meas g


225 cm 1.0 980.00 cm/s2 998.36 cm/s2 1.9%

Page 6 2012Aug21

Hollow Cylinder rolling down different Inclined Planes

6.00 y = 2.2186x - 0.036

R2 = 0.9997 4.00


Acceleration (cm/s2)













-8.00 Spacer Height (cm)


All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia

Dr. W. Pezzaglia LPC Physics

Physics 2A Lab, Fall 2012 Lab #1 Galileo's Law

Page 7 2012Aug21

Supplementary Notes on using Excel and Uncertainties

To get slope and intercept in Excel:

Slope Function:

m=SLOPE(y values, x values)

Intercept Function R Squared Test Value

b=INTERCEPT(y values, x values) R2=RSQ(y values, x values)

Uncertainty in Slope:

Where N= number of points



y N

Where Standard Error in Y values:

y STEYX(y values, x values)

Where Standard Deviation of X values: x STDEV(x values)

Uncertainty in Intercept:

Where N= number of points Where Standard Error in Y values: Where Standard Deviation of X values: Where Average of X values:


y N


x x


y STEYX(y values, x values) x STDEV(x values) x=AVERAGE(x values)

Propagation of Uncertainties:

Recall absolute uncertainty in addition or subtraction is a sum in quadrature of the absolute uncertainties.

Example, if z=xy, then z

2 x

2 y

Recall percent uncertainty in multiplication or division is a sum in quadrature of the percent uncertainties.

Example, if z=xy, or z=x/y, then z z

x x


y y


Recall percent uncertainty in a N-th power, is N times the percent uncertainty.

Example, if z x N , then z N x z x

Misc: Absolute Error=(Measured Value)-(True Value) Percent Error=100%(Absolute Error)/(True Value)=100%[(Measured)/(True)-1 ]


All rights reserved

W. Pezzaglia


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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