
Voracious FatteningFeaturing: Jerome and ErikBy: hdalby33Jerome’s deep blue tail thumped rapidly against his chair, spurred on by the intoxicating scents drifting up from a wonderful assortment of delicacies his companion had prepared. Each was seated in their own silver platter, cradled in close to preserve the heat and crispness. Erik had just finished setting down the final course; a massive roast bird wrapped in layers of maple bacon. The wolf’s tummy growled, but he remained patient, lest his host get angry.It was best not to annoy Erik, despite the massive forest cat wearing only a “Kiss the Cook” apron and humming Gazelle’s Rolling in the Deep. He was several feet taller than Jerome, covered in thick, leaf-green fluff, and possessed sharp spikes for claws. The feline was friendly enough, particularly to the neon wolf he intended to make his bed of blubber, but with a temper that turned like a tide, it was best to tread lightly.“Alrighty,” the forest cat dusted his paws off and flashed a toothy grin to the wolf, “This should be enough for that void you call a belly.” Jerome blushed. “Well with your cooking, it’s no difficult task to tuck everything away.”“Aww, that’s sweet,” Erik replied, stalking up to the wolf and tracing one claw along the neon blue markings of his gut. The feline stopped directly behind the wolf and rubbed Jerome’s sides, “Ready?”The wolf nodded. “Ready.”Without further banter, the forest cat forcefully stuffed the first portion of food into his wolf’s maw. Jerome ‘oomphed’ from the impact, finding his cheeks crammed to the brim with a tart apple pie. It lathered his tongue in cinnamon and apples, making him purr softly from the taste. Erik cooed and fawned over his wolf, stroking Jerome’s sleek sides, “I wanna be able to grip these by the time we’re done.”Jerome nodded like an obedient pup being offered a treat for a trick, and swallowed. Before he knew it, the next portion of pie was being offered to him. Erik used his long reach and towering build to gather every platter of food in sight, bringing them all to the wolf beneath him. Slowly, the canid’s gut began to tighten, growing rigid against his shirt and then shoving a sliver of neon blue fur through the gap over his shorts. Erik immediately began to knead it, rolling the faintly distended pudge with his massive claws until it melted into supple puppy fat. His wolf shivered at the touch, but said nothing, only encouraging the forest cat to continue.The next course was a platter of quail and dove, roasted to a crisp brown and coated in a shell of saffron and walnut. Erik’s thick fluff brushed the wolf’s swelling backside, tickling the bulging twin domes and making the wolf shift in his seat. Where he shifted, his belly jiggled, testifying to his increasing weight. Slowly, Erik fed in the roast fowl, marching them to the wolf’s muzzle and stuffing Jerome’s cheeks full of plump birds. Once he was chewing, Erik continued assuaging the wolf’s bulging stomach, playfully gripping it in his paws and rolling it from side to side. He giggled when the wolf would whine softly as his gut was disturbed, to which Erik would respond with soothing circular kneads to ease the pliable pup’s discontent. It was a constant back and forth process of teasing and feeding, made all the better by the continuous influx of food slowly pushing Jerome’s belly outward.Slowly, the wolf began to fill the chair, his chemical-blue belly fur tearing through his tortured shirt and seeping over the sides of his lap. Erik loved to grip his sides and fondle the thick lovehandles where they pooled against his palms. He found it remarkably efficient to cram his wolf’s cheeks full of food, then massage the heavy amount of midnight blubber collected around his waist to ease the tension, before stuffing yet another pawful of food into Jerome’s maw. For the wolf, it was almost overwhelming. His belly bulged outward in a staunch fashion, eating up the view of his lap, the table, and most of the food until nothing was left but a pillowy expanse of fur. Judging from the way Erik’s claws sank deeply into his layered lard, the canine could guess he’d put away roughly half the food. His shirt was completely torn, hanging in tattered threads around a generously padded chest. The glowing marks along his gut were slightly distorted where his flesh rolled in thick pilings and rich curves, dancing soflty as Erik’s paws pushed their way into the pillowy lard to shift it around. Unbeknownst to him, his thighs and butt had also widened out, collecting their own fair share of pudge. Every spare inch of the stuffed wolf was layered thickly, leaving the slim pup a distant memory.Erik grabbed another tray amid the ones still standing. He was forced to step around his stuffed wolf now, unable to reach over the massive overhang Jerome now possessed. As he leaned forward, the devious forest cat buried his muzzle in the soft globe and hummed. “Like kissing a cloud,” his voice came out as a thick muffle, followed by a series of sloshes through the dark sea of flab. Jerome groaned and giggled, swatting gently at the playful feline over his stuffed form. “You’re one to talk, fluffball,” he couldn’t help but enjoy the cat’s abundant fluff trailing lavishly along his heavily rolled midriff. It was strangely torturous and enjoyable at the same time, like an itch he couldn’t scratch until Erik permitted him to do so. The big feline’s paws gripped and kneaded his cloudy corpulence, pawing handfuls of it in tender motions and continuing to ease the dispersion of fat to the rest of Jerome’s blubbery form. He felt like a giant, neon-marked blueberry that was one the verge of bursting.Suddenly Jerome felt a lurching slosh travel through his beanbag of a belly. Grunting heavily, the wolf realized Erik had plopped the massive turkey on his stomach like a shelf. It sat there, seeming to mock his overstuffed state. “Y-you can’t be serious,” Jerome panted, eyeing the forest cat who towered over him like an evergreen. Erik said nothing. “C’mon,” Jerome continued weakly, slumping against his voluminous belly. He could feel it sagging richly over his legs and against the table. “At least gimme a sec to breath.” Erik shook his head, his fluffy form seeming more menacing than encouraging now. “No stops for the pup,” he patted Jerome’s bulging gut, “Us forest cats have to eat too!” Jerome suddenly realized that look. It was feral; hungry and longing as the feline eyed his prize-winning girth. “Oh,” he managed weakly, “W-well, I might need a little help…” Erik’s maw split into a wide grin, “Of course!”With one arm, the massive forest cat pinned Jerome’s supple chest to the chair, squishing him into its wooden confines. He took the massive turkey in the other and dangled it over his stuffed wolf as a mother bird would for a chick. Jerome balked at the sight, rippling richly as he took in the sheer size of the bird. Erik grabbed on of his neck rolls and tickled it, making the wolf giggle instinctively. As soon as his maw was open, the forest cat took the opportunity to stuff the turkey in, making Jerome ‘glomp!’ and whine as his cheeks and jaw wrapped around the roast fowl. The strips of bacon saturated his maw with wonderful gamey accents and completely overrode his ability to think. All Jerome could hope to do was get the ponderous bird into his already overstuffed belly. Erik continued kneading his heavy waist, easing the labor by easing the strain of the blue-furred bulk of his wolf’s waist. With a titanic gulp, Jerome managed to wrap his lips around the widest part of the bird and deliver the overbearing course to his belly in egregious fashion.Erik giggled as his wolf’s belly surge outward and tightened from the strain. Jerome panted as he almost toppled forward by the ponderous weight, feeling ready to burst at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, Erik’s otherworldly strength kept him from keeling over. The swollen wolf watched blearily as the forest cat crouched below him with a Cheshire grin. “My turn,” the feline giggled, reaching up to softly rub Jerome’s belly. The neon fur stretched prominently over his stomach, tight enough to be painted on, and it flickered faintly where Erik gripped it. “Y-your turn?”Erik nodded, his grin widening to the point where a gaping pink maw filled the wolf’s vision. Jerome gulped again, wriggling from side to side, but finding himself stuck fast by his swollen sides. The forest cat’s maw gleamed with saliva and bright white teeth, his paws gripping Jerome’s succulent sides and pulling the plumped pup closer. Soon, the fat wolf’s vision was filled with the glistening tissue of his companion’s throat, where a rough tongue rolled through his fur and saturated it with saliva. Erik pushed his prey down easily enough, getting up to the shoulders without trouble. Then he was greeted with the wolf’s fattened chest, which piled heavily against his teeth in sumptuous rolls. Jerome was pressed wetly from all sides, his flab compressed against the soft walls of the forest cat’s throat. He struggled some, kicking feebly and pawing at Erik’s throat, but he knew it would do no good. The feline’s sharp teeth prickled his blubbery hide ticklishly, making him wriggle and wobble in the steamy prison. Erik laid on his back once he had a good hold of his corpulent prey, both paws gripping supple amounts of flab and fluff along Jerome’s lower waist. The feline reveled in how the wolf’s massive midriff piled up like multiple pillows against his maw before he swallowed them. His powerful throat bulged heavily as the bulk of the wolf surged down into his fluffy midriff, tickling his chest wonderfully. Jerome grunted, feeling as though he were being squeezed through a tight doorway with his supple sides and fur growing foggy with saliva. He continued to wriggle and struggle as he slipped down, pressing against Erik’s throat in protest. The forest cat paid him no heed as his gut was finally surpassed, filling the feline’s throat to the brim with copious canine lard. Erik groaned softly, his muscular neck surging powerfully to down the blubbery prey. Soon Jerome felt his bulbous rump and ham-thick thighs slip in too, leaving his hind paws to flex and scrabble briefly against his captor’s tongue. Erik gave them a teasing lick, before sending his wriggling doughball of a prey down into his belly. With a soft jiggle, Jerome slid fully into the feline’s gut, immediately pushing the forest cat flat onto his back.Even for the massive feline, it was a powerful blow, raising his chef’s apron to a large white mound. Erik purred and patted his taut gut, feeling it wobble tremulously where the pillowy wolf pushed against his stomach walls. Faint distortions pushed softly at the taught green-furred surface, before smoothening out as Jerome curled up against his belly and snuggled in warmly. It was a cozy a place as any, and it felt good to know Erik would feel as stuffed as he’d been.The forest cat rippled from side to side, drawing his powerful claws along his bulging gut in satisfaction. “Good meal,” he grunted, pressing one ear to his gurgling midriff, “Yes?”A faint purr and slosh replied, followed by a soft “Yes,” from the wolf within. ................

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