
O2 new Stockist application form

(This is for new stockists to O2/new stockists to the industry)


Please complete ALL fields on the form

Please ensure you carry out:

• A credit reference search to check the stockist does not have a history of failing to meet its financial undertakings to creditors.

• A check on all the directors of the stockist to ensure that none of them have been a director of a company that has gone into administration or filed for bankruptcy.

Your company details:

Company Name: Trading Name (if different):

Tel: Email:

Principal: Head Office Address:

Vat number:

Company Reg No:

Additional Directors’ details:

Name: Position:

Name: Position:

Name: Position:

Trading history (please use the box below to provide an overview of previous trading activities - include any within Mobile Telecoms Industry):

Overview of your business (please use the box below to provide detail on your core activities including number of employees and current customer

base size).

Please provide a brief business plan of your intended routes to market using the headings below – please continue on a separate sheet if required.

What CRM Tools do you have in place and how do you intend to manage your customer contact strategy and customer service?

Please outline any current ICT Capabilities your company possesses?

Please provide forecasting for your O2 SME connections below (per quarter):

To be granted an O2 code the minimum requirement is 10 Mobile and 10 Fixed / Broadband connections per quarter. Details of this requirement are detailed under the probation period section below.

Mobile SME:

O2 Fixed:

O2 Broadband:

Is application for a Sole Trader (please circle) YES/NO

We will require an Equifax for non Sole Traders

Please state that you understand (please circle) that O2’s requires the collection of customer data to be used for CSI purposes, failure

to provide this will result in the loss of O2 code.


Probation Period

• New O2 codes will be subject to a six month probation period primary mobile and fixed business.

• Failure to meet minimum connection levels will result in a termination of your code within the first six months.

• No transfers to another Distributor will be allowed until your probation period is served.

Please note

• Customers connected to O2 via a Distributor cann’t be transferred to or re-signed via another Distributor whilst

they are still in contract. This is due to investment that the incumbent Distributor may make at the point of sale.

• You can only re-sign and maintain the customers you connect, whilst you remain with the Distributor that you connected

them through.

• You may only apply to change Distributor once within any six month period.

• Your application is dependent on your acceptance of these conditions.

Signed for on behalf of: Signed for on behalf of:

Distributor: Stockist:

Signature: Signature:

Name: Name:

Position: Position:

O2 Office Use Only O2 Head of Partners:

Dise Code Name:

BG Code Date:


• Company name

• All Director details

• Brief overview of the business (core activities)

• Trading history – including any previous involvement in the mobile industry

• Size of company – number of employees and current customer base

• Intended routes to market

• Sales strategy including forecast for next 6, 12 and 24 months

• Marketing approach

• Mobilisation strategy

• Customer contact strategy/CRM tools


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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