Fraction Operations Final Test - Malcore

Φραχτιον Οπερατιονσ Φιναλ Τεστ

You may use your fraction note cards and your multiplication chart on all sections of this test.

Remember to reduce, and show all your work!!!

Section I: Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions – 2 points each

1.) 3 1/3 = _________

2.) 5 3/5 = _________

3.) 7 4/7 = _________

Section II: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers – 2 points each

4.) 15/9 = _________

5.) 12/4 = _________

6.) 21/6 = _________

Section III: Multiplying Fractions – 4 points each (show your steps)

7.) 2/5 X 4/5

8.) 1 1/2 X 6/11

9.) 3 X 2/3

Section IV: Dividing Fractions – 4 points each (show your steps)

10.) 2/5 ÷ 4/5

11.) 1 2/3 ÷ 4 5/6

12.) 1/3 ÷ 1/3

Section V: Adding Fractions – 4 points each (show your steps)

13.) 7/10 + 1/10

14.) 7/10 + ½

15.) 4 5/7 + 1 1/3

16.) 6 + 8 2/3

Section VI: Subtracting Fractions – 4 points each (show your work)

17.) 5/6 – 1/6

18.) 3 11/15 – 1 1/5

19.) 10 1/3 – 2 2/3

20.) 45 – 7 5/14

Section VII: EXTRA CREDIT – 2 points each

21.) Name a place in the real world where people have to add or subtract fractions: ________________



22.) Name a place in the real world where people have to multiply or divide fractions: ______________





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