Day - Elgin

The following is a rough outline of the work we will do in-class as well as the homework you will complete outside of class. Be aware that, this schedule is subject to change according to student needs, so pay close attention to changes announced in class!

Students are responsible for the assignments, the class work, and homework listed.

HB = Simon and Schuster’s Handbook for Writers SS = Sticks and Stones

((HP)) = HANDOUTS available on line or purchased in Book Store

|Day/ |In-Class Activities |Assignments |

|Date | | |

| |Orientation |READ: The Values Americans Live By” |

|1 |D2L Orientation |Write 1 comment and respond to 2 others on Discussion topic #1 |

|Tues |Grammar Pre-Test |READ: ECC Statement on Plagiarism |

|1/18 | |Read and begin to DRAFT: Essay #1 |

| | |DO: Syllabus Questionnaire |

| | |Nouns-Preps: HB: 7a-7h (168-175) |

| | |Exercises 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 |

| | |Chapter 48a (825-26) memorize 75 prepositions for quiz next class |


| |Preposition Quiz | |

|2 | |Fill Out: MLA Format Questionnaire |

|Thurs |Review Ex: 7-1,7-2,7-3 |Conjunctions: HB: 7i (175-77) |

|1/20 |Presentation & Discussion: nouns, pronouns, verbs, |Exercise 7-4; |

| |prepositions |Memorize subordinating conjunctions for quiz |

| | |READ HB 7k-7o: Sentence Structure: (178-87); Clauses: 7p (187-91) |

| |Finding subjects |DO: Exercise 7-10 |

| | |Coordination and Subordination: HB Ch. 17 318-28 |

| |Set up FOLDER | |

| |Assignment #1 DUE |READ: Assign. #2 Scholarship Essay |

|3 |Subordinating Conj. Quiz |DO: HB Ex. 7-10 |

|Tues |Review Ex. 7-4 |Memorize: Coordinating Conjunctions |

|1/25 | |Memorize: relative pronouns (list HB 170) |

| |HB Exercises: 17-1, 17-2, 17-3 |Sent. Study Guide (HP) (use HB ch. 7) |

| | | |

| |Email computer crisis plan to me | |

| |Relative Pronoun and Coordinating Conjunction Quiz |READ: HB Chapter 2 (25-52) Planning and Shaping |

|4 | | |

|Thurs |Conjunctions, clauses, and sentence types |READ: HB 10o-10t ((251-255) |

|1/27 | |Exercise 10-6 |

| |HB Ex: 7-11 | |

| |Review Scholarship Essay Assign. (Essay #2) | |

|5 | |Respond to Discussion #2 on D2L |

|Tues | |Pre-writing for Assignment #2 |

|2/1 |Correcting Pronoun Errors |SS READ: “Only She” (33-37) |

| | |HB 395-418 Comma usage |

| | |Ex: 24-2, 24-6, 24-10 |

| |Grammar/Punctuation Review |Study for Grammar/Punctuation Quiz |

|6 | |Take Grammar/Punctuation Quiz Online (D2L) |

|Thurs | | |

|2/3 | | |

| | |Pre-writing for Assignment #2 |

|7 |Assignment #1 Returned | |

|Tues |Review correction markings and find errors |READ: HB 4c-4i (83-106) |

|2/8 |Essay #2: Scholarship App. |Exercises: 4-2, 4-6, |

| | | |

| |Review Ex: 4-2, 4-6 |Make corrections to Essay #1 |

| |Discuss “Only She” from SS | |

| |Narration, Description, Example |Find scholarship for which you are eligible |

| | | |

| | |Post comment to Discussion #3 and respond to two other comments. |

|8 | | |

|Thurs |Identifying Skills: |Begin drafting Essay #2 |

|2/10 |Presentation by Karen Lamb, Career Services |Make corrections to Essay #1 |

| | | |

| | |PLAN AHEAD: Check ASSIGNMENTS for class 10 & 11! Start NOW! |

| | | |

|9 |Begin Generalizations |Draft Essay # 2 |

|Tues | |READ: SS “The Art of Wasting Time” (85-88) |

|2/15 | | |

| | |PLAN AHEAD: Check ASSIGNMENTS for class 10 & 11! Start NOW! |

| | | |

|10 |Organization: |Continue Drafting Essay #2 |

|Thurs |Generalizations |READ: Transitions handout |

|2/17 |Topic sentence parts | |

| |Generalization Practice, |Continue Drafting Essay #2: |

| |Generalizations vs. examples |Body Section 1 DUE next class |

| |Samples from SS “Rise in Reported Incidents” and | |

| |“Cannibalism” | |

| | | |

|11 |Conferences w/ Body section #1 of Essay |Revise Essay#1 as needed |

|Tues | | |

|2/22 |TRANSITIONS EXERCISE due next class period |Body Section 3 due next class |

| | |READ: About Trackstar Lessons |

| | |Body Sect. 3 DUE ONLINE 2/26 |

|12 |Conference w/ body section 2 Groups: HB Ex 4-4 page |On-line conferences over weekend |

|Thurs |94 |Revise Body Sections as needed |

|2/24 |Review Transitions | |

| |THESIS STMTS: TRACKSTAR due next class period |READ: HB 2q (44-48) Thesis Statements |

| | |DO: Exercise 2-6 |

| | |READ HB 4b (80-83) Introductions |

| | | |

|13 |Writing Thesis Statements |Write Intro for Essay #2 |

|Tues |Writing Introductions |READ HB 4j-4k (108-110) Writing Concluding and Transitional |

|3/1 |Sample Intros |Paragraphs |

| |Introduction Practice | |

| | | |

|14 |Writing Conclusions |Write Conclusion for Essay #2 |

|Thurs |“The Haunted House Crew” | |

|3/3 | | |

|15 | | |

|Tues |Conferencing w/ intro and conclusion |Revise Intro and Conclusion as needed |

|3/8 |Organization Worksheet |HB Ch. 3 (53-79) Revising & Editing |

| | |Edit and complete Essay #2 |

| | |Complete Self Assessment #2 (HP) |

| |Essay #2 DUE first 5 minutes |READ: SS “The Road to Acme Looniversity” (128-130) and |

|16 |Essay #3 Introduced |“Existentialism”(81-84) |

|Thurs |Definition: exp. & stip |Prewriting Essay #3 |

|3/10 |Classification & Division |Post 1 comment and respond to 2 others on discussion #4 |

| |Process |DO: TRACKSTAR lesson: Learning Styles |

| |Classification Exercises | |

| |Learning styles assessment | |

| |Division, process, and definition in “Existentialism” |Draft Essay Section II: Definition |

|17 |and “Looniversity” | |

|Tues |Ref: Cannibalism | |

|3/15 | | |

| |Discuss: teachers and use of learning styles | |

| | | |

|18 |Conference with Section II of Essay #3 |Draft Essay Section III |

|Thurs | | |

|3/17 |TRACKSTAR: Conciseness |On-Line conferencing with Section III of Essay #3 |

| | | |

| |Definition Essay Exercise | |

| | |Draft Introduction and Conclusion |

|19 |Class Visit: Careers and Degree Programs: Career |Read: SS “Music Therapy” (72-76) |

|Tues |Center | |

|3/22 | | |

| | |Revise and edit Essay #3 |

|20 |Conference w/ introduction and conclusion for Essay #3|Essay # 3 Organization Worksheet (HP) Revise according to peer |

|Thurs | |response |

|3/24 |Peer Response for Essay #3 |Proofread and finalize essay |

| | |Complete Self-assessment #3 (HP) |

| | |READ Essay #4 Assignment (HP) |

| |Essay #3 DUE first 5 minutes |READ: HB Ch 33 538-561 Using Sources |

|21 |Discuss Essay #4 Assignment |HB Ch5a-5d (111-127); 5g-5i (132-141) Critical Thinking |

|Tues |RESEARCH |Exercise: 5-6, |

|4/5 | |Research in Career Center: |

| |Review Critical Thinking Exercises Exercise 5-1 |Bring sources to next class: Vocational Biographies, Occupational |

| | |Outlook Handbook. |

| | |Begin drafting essay #4 |

| | | |

|22 |In-text citation, works cited pages and summaries |DRAFT: Body Section 1 and 2 of essay #4 |

|Thurs | | |

|4/7 | | |

| | | |

| |TRACKSTAR: Works Cited |Draft: Body Section 3 and 4 of essay #4 |

|23 |Complete your Works Consulted | |

|Tues |Complete your Works Consulted | |

|4/12 |Summaries and body section1 and 2 | |

| |Conference with Body Section 1 and 2 | |

|24 | |DRAFT: Introduction and Conclusion |

|Thurs | |Edit and proofread |

|4/14 | |READ Essay #5 Assignment |

| |Conference with Body Section 3 and 4 |Edit and Proofread as needed |

|25 | |Complete Self-assessment # 4 (HP) |

|Tues |TRACKSTAR: Using Sources Correctly |READ SS: “The Simpsons” (141-142) “Buzzworm” ( !43-145) |

|4/19 | | |

| | |Post Comment and respond to 2 others on discussion #5 |

| | | |

|26 |Discuss “Simpsons” and “Buzzworm” |Draft Job Description |

|Thurs |Essay #5 Introduced (HP) |Write interview questions |

|4/21 |Counter-argument strategies |Work on Counter-argument exercise READ: SS “Banning Cell Phones” |

| | |(91-94) and “Wolves in Yellowstone (99-103)” |

| |Essay #4 DUE first 5 minutes Discuss argument | |

|27 |strategies in SS essays |Draft Memo #1 |

|Tues |Counter-argument practice |Begin Interviews |

|4/26 |Begin Memo #1 | |

| |Conferencing with Memo #1 | |

|28 | |Finish Interviews |

|Thurs |TRACKSTAR: Parallelism |Write interview summaries |

|4/28 | |READ: SS “No Nuns Here” (57-60) |

| |Comparison/ Contrast Activity (HP) |Edit and Proofread Memo #1, Job Description, and Interview Questions |

|29 | |Draft Memo #2 |

|Tues | | |

|5/3 | | |

| | | |

|30 |Conference with Memo #2 |Revise and complete Memo #2 |

|Thurs | | |

|5/5 | | |

| |Conference with Memo #2 |Complete Self-Assessment 48 |

|31 |Peer Response |Complete Entire Project and assemble for submission next class |

|Tues | | |

|5/10 | | |

| |Hiring Project DUE first 5 minutes | |

|32 |Essay Exams presentation | |

|Thurs | | |

|5/12 | | |

| |Final Exam -- | |

|33 | | |

|Tues | | |

|5/17 | | |


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