
Lesson TitleArt FormGrade LevelChinese Take-Out Box Design & PlacematComputer Graphics10th-12th GradeGrade Level ThemeKey ConceptLinkVisual Communication/Cultural IdentityRepresentational DesignCultural Awareness/Story Telling ChallengeRedesign a Chinese food takeout box and placemat that tells a story about you, your family and heritage. Assessment StandardsCOMMUNICATEExplore Theme– The student will investigate personal ideas and experiences related to the concept of self/communal identity to communicate meaning in design.Subject Matter – Use a variety of subject matter through literal and metaphorical approaches to communicate ideas about visual communication.Generate Ideas – Use a variety of independent and collaborative approaches to generate multiple solutions, and explain reason for selecting one divergent idea in response to art marking challenge.Experiment – Experiment to visually communicate unexpected occurrences throughout the art-making process on computer in photo manipulation. CREATEContemporary and Digital Media Processes – Expand use of digital tools and techniques to create and enhance artworks.Digital Organization – Expand knowledge of digital file organization to include the back up of files and alternate storage options.Representational – Practice with representational imagery association to develop meaning in design.Color – Explore and analyze the use of color choices to make cultural/historical connection in meaningful design.Elements of Art – Identify and combine types of line, shape, form, texture, and value to create meaning in design.Principles of Design – Examine and incorporate emphasis, balance, and contrast to communicate ideas in position – Identify and combine a variety of compositional arrangements using positive and negative space, focal point, and rule-of-thirds to create meaning in artworkRESPONDAesthetic Preferences – Analyze, interpret, and evaluate works of art based on personal and contextual criteriaAesthetic Perspectives – Interpret ways that social and cultural context can influence responses to artworksSubject and Formal Qualities – Examine how the choices in subject matter and formal qualities affect the meaning in their design.Interpretation – Identify the uses and impact of persuasive techniques in visual culture.CONNECTImpact of Art – Examine ways that artists influence one another to advance artistic exploration and innovationApply Knowledge of Other Disciplines – Demonstrate knowledge from multiple disciplines when solving artistic problems and advancing the art process.Supplies and MaterialsImages and ResourcesChinese Take-Out Design Agenda HandoutHeavily Manipulated Images HandoutChinese Take-Out Evaluation HandoutBlack Matte Board 20”x 16” (Mount artwork)9.9”x9.9” square printed paper (Chinese Take-Out Box Design)10”x14” cardstock paper (Placemat Design)SharpiesScanned/Source ImagesChinese Take-Out Box TemplateAdobe Photoshop/IllustratorHot glue gun/Rubber CementScoring tool/X-acto knifesRulersChinese Food BoxesLiannie Rios’ Chinese Take-Out Boxes Peterson’s Design Portfolio Pak’s “oyster pail” Borsanyi’s “Take Out”. 2009. Brevard Art Museum (now known as the Foosaner Art Museum) in Melbourne, FL. (online portfolios by creative professionals) Bianco Rosso’s Paper placemats. Allotment Alternate Approaches8 - 90 minutes sessionDraw 2-D design on Chinese Take-Out BoxNotesHelpful Tutorial Assembling Chinese Take-Out Box TemplateDIY Gift Box Instruction paper to print design (Take-Out Box & Placemat) is cardstock or matte photo paper. Regular office paper is a bit too floppy. Score line where folding happens with butter knife with take-out box design already adhered will make the folding process much more easier and smoothly. Have a station for mounting and for gluing separate to keep station clean.BEST PRACTICES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNINGCreate a Student-Centered Learning Environment?Arrangement of Classroom?Table group arrangement?Safe and Positive Environment?Cooperative learning/Class Critique??RelationshipsThink-A-Pair Feedback?Plan and Teach for Student Learning?Content Knowledge?Athropomorphic/Illustration??Engagement?Short Videos??Teacher CollaborationSocial Studies/History Connection?Assess Student Learning?Goal Setting and ReflectionArtistic Process/Idea Development??Checking for Understanding?Self Reflection/Peer feedback??Assessments?Midpoint check? Think-PairLessonSessionChinese Take-Out Box Design & Placemat1EngageIntroduction trailer of Fold-Pak: Think About The Box (4:34) the word cultural brandingMake class mind map as graphic organizer example in front of class Show example of cultural branding productsIntroduce Power Point Art challenge and cultural connection examples of food packaging engineering/designs in consumerism. Have students explain what they see occurring in the exemplars that is cultural branding. Make connection of symbols/icons use to represent the cultural food it is packaging. Discuss class agenda. Share how challenge will incorporate previous project techniques and exercise we had done (logo design, creating own pattern/texture). List criteria of Chinese take-out box22860097790Logo Design of restaurantHeavily Manipulated Image #1 of “before” & “after”Heavily Manipulated Image #2 of “before” & “after”Pattern/Texture as background 00Logo Design of restaurantHeavily Manipulated Image #1 of “before” & “after”Heavily Manipulated Image #2 of “before” & “after”Pattern/Texture as background Show students teacher’s prototype and your heavily manipulated images “before” and “after”. DevelopPass out Chinese Take-Out Agenda, Chinese Take-Out Box Template handout and Evaluation Rubric. Demonstrate where handouts and template for Chinese Take-Out Box is on FCPS course section to refer. Instruct students to sketch thumbnail ideas on their Chinese Take-Out Box Template handout. Pass out actual blank Chinese Take-Out box for students to draw their design directly on to box template. Demonstrate how to fold a Chinese take-out box so when students are ready to assemble their box they already know steps on how-to-assemble. CreateStudio Time: Direct students to begin brainstorming their ideas on their brainstorm worksheet and draw their thumbnail composition of their take-out box design on their Chinese take-out box design template handout. If ready students may draw their selected composition on an actual Chinese take-out template and practice folding the box.Walk around the room to engage and encourage individual ideas and trouble shoot as needed. ReflectFinish the brainstorming sheet to be ready to start looking for source images to heavily manipulate. Think-Pair-Share to discuss & refine their ideas with a partner.Instruct students of clean up procedures: Log out of network. Assign homework: Start finding source images to heavily manipulate.Remind students that next class they will begin working on heavily manipulating their images.LessonSessionChinese Take-Out Box Design & Placemat2-3Engage (15 minutes)Review what we did last class in term of criteria of what is defined a “heavily manipulated” image. Go over list of techniques they can use. Instruct each of their two heavily manipulated images need at least 3 of the techniques.Display PowerPoint/Project ChallengeAgenda for todayDevelop (10-15 minutes)Demonstration: Have students gather at in front of project to watch me go over how to use each of the possible 6 techniques (Colorization, Combining images together, Addition, Subtraction, Image correction, Filtering) on my projected teacher desktop computer screen.Show which Adobe Photoshop tools they would need for these techniques. Instruct where they can find tutorials on each of the 6 techniques on FCPS blackboard.Instruct students to remember their images will be rescale to no bigger than the appropriate take-out box size of 5.5”x5.5”. But for now they can work with high quality resolution images.Create (40-50 minutes)Studio Time: Students will work on manipulating their images. Students can use headphones to listen to music as they work. No cell phone use. Walk around the room and assist students as needed and monitor progress.Reflect (10 minutes)Instruct students of clean up procedures: save work and log off network. Troubleshooting Reflection: What difficulty you are having with your project? Leave a sticky note of your question on white board with your name and class period.Remind students that next class they will continue to finish manipulated images.Turn in manipulated images on FCPS blackboard. Grade and feedback will be posted online. LessonSessionChinese Take-Out Box Design & Placemat4Engage (20 minutes)Display PowerPoint Presentation/AgendaIntroduce placemat assignment. why restaurants use placemat. Reintroduce the challenge of designing take-out box and placemat. Make connection of two projects in food packaging and presentation. Discuss using shared images or pattern/texture from take-out box in food placemat. Discuss How Different placemat concepts/ideas. Entertainment (kids coloring activity, wordsearch, comic), Informational (infographics, statistics, nutritional facts), Story-telling (explain restaurant concept, or cultural food significant, where food come from). Share my prototype of my food placemat story of Vietnamese bun banh day banh chung.Discuss class agenda. Pass out Food Placemat’s brainstorming worksheet. Develop (15 minutes)Demonstration: Gather student around cutting station to demonstrate how to properly adhere, cute and fold their Chinese take-out boxes using my own printed Chinese take-out box design.Show students tutorial handout online at FCPS blackboard as resource to refer to.Create (40 minutes)Studio Time: Students will work on assembling their Chinese take-out boxes and start on their brainstorming for placemat. Students can use headphones to listen to music as they work. No cell phone use. Walk around the room and assist students as needed and monitor progress.Reflect (15 minutes)Instruct students of clean up procedures: save work log out of network. Clean up cutting materials and adhesive/gluing material. Artist’s Intent, Viewer’s Interpretation—Students work in pairs. Every student writs what s/he meant to express in their Chinese take-out boxes on one side of index card. Without reading what the artist wrote, the viewer writes what s/he thinks the work is about and what it means on the other side of the index card. Partners discuss what was written about the art. Make sure both artist and viewer’s names are on index card.Questions:Describe what you see.What kind of restaurant do you think the box represent?Do you think the design promote the kind of food/restaurant it is packaging? LessonSessionChinese Take-Out Box Design & Placemat5-7Engage (12 minutes)Display PowerPoint Presentation/Agenda228600222885Incorporate your heavily manipulated images or pattern/texturePurposefully gives either infographics, story, activityCompositionally organized Text is readable 00Incorporate your heavily manipulated images or pattern/texturePurposefully gives either infographics, story, activityCompositionally organized Text is readable Food Placemat Criteria Sketch out preliminary idea on 11”x8” paper. Develop (15 minutes)Demonstration: Have students gather around one table for demonstration of how to set up Food Placemat Design file. Scan sketch as 300dpi black & white. Save as firstname_CG2_food placemat.jpgCreate new Photoshop file set canvas size 14” x 10”. 300dpi. CMYK.First layer import scanned sketch and dim layer opacity to 30%.Show students options for tracing image/font:Paintbrush Tool (B)Pen Tool (P)Pathfinder (C) Scissors Tool (C)Replace image with heavily manipulated digitalized photograph (53 minutes)Studio Time: Students will work on their brainstorming for placemat & digitalizing their Food Placemat. Students can use headphones to listen to music as they work. No cell phone use. Walk around the room and assist students as needed and monitor progress.If students are ready they may seek teacher permission and print their food placemat design (14”x10”) on cardstock using inkjet printer.Reflect (10 minutes)Instruct students of clean up procedures: save and log out of network. Verbal Reflection:Did I incorporate manipulated images or pattern/texture from Chinese take-out box? If I position my placemat next to my Chinese take-out box design will it look unified?Is it visually appealing and organized? Is there at least ?” margin space? Does it need a border? Is the text readable? Is the text easy to read in size and clarity? Does the images or background distract you from the text?Leave sticky note question for teacher to address beginning of next class. Remind students that next class they will work on finish their food placemat. LessonSessionChinese Take-Out Box Design & Placemat8Engage (6 minutes)Discuss class agenda.Go over criteria for critique.29527510160Mouth both Chinese take-out box and food placemat on 20”x16” black matte board.Grade on craftsmanship and presentation.All projects must contain a label that indicates the following information Your NameName of the Class (Period)Title of Piece (Restaurant) 00Mouth both Chinese take-out box and food placemat on 20”x16” black matte board.Grade on craftsmanship and presentation.All projects must contain a label that indicates the following information Your NameName of the Class (Period)Title of Piece (Restaurant) Develop (3 minutes)Demonstration: Have students gather at cutting station table for demonstration on how to mount both their Chinese take-out box & food placemat on 16” x 20” black illustration board. Step 1: Use rulers for measuring 2 inches margins on both left and right and 3 inches margin for the bottom. Measure twice to double check. Step 2: Lay food placemat in center and Chinese take-out box upper right corner and mark corners so you know where to put glued pieces. Step 3: Using adhesive rubber cement glue edges of food placemat. Using hot glue gun to glue bottom of Chinese take-out box to matte board.Step 4: Fill out artist label.Step 1: You may mount your piece at the front of the classroom by the white board.Create (51 minutes)Studio Time: Students will work on digitalizing their Food Placemat as well as if they had not already print their placemat 14”x10” on cardstock and mount both their Chinese take-out box & food placemat on 16” x 20” black illustration board. Students can use headphones to listen to music as they work. No cell phone use. Walk around the room and assist students as needed and monitor progress.Students must mount artwork before class critique to receive full participation grade.Reflect (30 minutes)Instruct students of clean up procedures: save and log out of network. Make sure to turn-in digital food placemat file on FCPS course assignment section.Verbal Reflection:Did I incorporate manipulated images or pattern/texture from Chinese take-out box? If I position my placemat next to my Chinese take-out box design will it look unified?Is it visually appealing and organized? Is there at least ?” margin space? Does it need a border? Is the text readable? Is the text easy to read in size and clarity? Does the images or background distract you from the text?Fill out Self Reflection Handout. (10 minutes)Class Critique: Students leave artwork on table. Stand up & write either as many “PQP” Praise, Question, Polish sticky note next to peers artwork in (10 minutes). Teacher will read some students PQP sticky notes out loud. Teacher select ask the following questions:Which one is most effective Chinese take-out box and why?Which one is the most effective food placemat and why?Which one is the most unified project? And why? Which one is most appealing if you were a consumer? And why?4. Teacher Final RemarkRemind students to turn in food placemat digital file in jpg form online in the course FCPS assignment section. Next class they will need to print out paper format of their Chinese take-out box and food placemat as well as their heavily manipulated image #1 & #2 for their Computer Graphics 2 portfolio binders. Good jobs designers! 911225503364500 ................

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