Road Construction

Safety Project

End-Product Design

Feasibility Report


Client –

Faculty Advisors – John Lamont and Ralph Patterson III

Team Members:

Clinton Dawson

Angel Anderson

Amit Agarwal

Matthew Baker

Josh Keith

Abdul Nuhu

Nancy Suby-Bohn

November 18, 2003

DISCLAIMER: This document is provided as part of the requirements of a civil engineering course and an electrical engineering course at Iowa State University and does not constitute a professional engineering design or a professional land surveying document. Although the information is intended to be accurate, students, instructors, and Iowa State University make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information. The user of this document shall ensure that such use does not violate Iowa law with regard to professional licensing and certification requirements, including any work resulting from this student-prepared document required to be under the responsible charge of a licensed engineer or surveyor.


List of Figures iv

List of Tables v

List of Symbols vi

List of Definitions vii

1 Introductory Materials

1.1 Executive Summary 1

1.2 Abstract 2

1.3 Acknowledgement 3

1.4 Problem Statement: Identifying the Client’s Needs 4

1.4.1 General Problem Statement 4

1.4.2 Current Setup 4

1.4.3 Current Problems 4

1.4.4 Current Costs 5

1.4.5 General Solution Approach 5

1.5 Operating Environment 6

1.6 Intended User(s) and Intended Use(s) 6

1.7 Assumptions and Limitations 8

1.8 Expected End Product and Other Deliverables 8

2 Approach and Product Design Results 9

2.1 Requirements and constrains 9

2.1.1 Functional Requirements 9

2.1.2 Constraints 9

2.2 Before Entering the System 11

2.2.1 Design Objectives 11

2.2.2 Alternatives 11

2.3 Entering Advanced Warning Area–Entering Work Zone 14

2.3.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 14

2.3.2 Alternatives 14

2.3.3 Recommendation 15

2.4 Advanced Warning Area – Stopping Queue 16

2.4.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 16

2.4.2 Alternatives 16

2.4.3 Recommendation 17

2.5 Entering Traffic Space – Entering Controlled Area 18

2.5.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 18

2.5.2 Alternatives 18

2.5.3 Recommendation 19

2.6 Traffic Space – Speed Control Area 21

2.6.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 21

2.6.2 Alternatives 21

2.6.3 Recommendation 23

2.7 Exiting of System in Termination Area – All Clear 24

2.7.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 24

2.7.2 Alternatives 24

2.7.3 Recommendation 25

2.8 Public Educating of the New Traffic Control Idea 26

2.8.1 Design Objectives/Current Problems 26

2.9 Evaluation 26

2.9.1 Matrix Process 26

2.10 Educational Applications 31

2.10.1 Target audience 31

2.10.2 Material 32

2.10.3 Media 32

2.10.4 Scope 34

3 Resources and Schedules 35

3.1 Personnel Effort 35

3.2 Financial Requirements 36

3.3 Project Schedule 37

3.4 Deliverable Schedule 38

4 Closure Materials 39

4.1 Project Team Information 39

4.1.1 Client Information 39

4.1.2 Faculty Advisor Information 39

4.1.3 Student Team Information 40

4.1.4 Additional Faculty Involved 41

4.2 Conclusion 43

4.3 References 44

4.4 Appendix A: Diagrams 45 4.5 Appendix B: Alternatives Grid 52

4.6 Appendix C: Crash Data 57

List of Figures

Figure 1: Component Parts of a Temporary Traffic Control Zone vii

Figure 2: Before Entering the System 11

Figure 3: Entering Advanced Warning Area – Entering Work Zone 14

Figure 4: Advanced Warning Area – Stopping Queue 16

Figure 5: Entering Traffic Space – Entering Controlled Area 18

Figure 6: Traffic Space – Speed Control Area 21

Figure 7: Exiting of System in Termination Area – All Clear 24

Figure 8: Two-lane Highway 46

Figure 9: Examples of Work Zone Sign Options 47

Figure 10: Example of Rumble Strips 48

Figure 11: Example of Portable Traffic a signal on trailers 48

Figure 12: Example of a Portable Speed Sign on a Trailer to be Modified 49

Figure 13: RS-4 Standard Road Plan 50

List of Tables

Table 1 – Weighted Matrix: Effectiveness 28

Table 2 – Weighted Matrix: Plan Guidelines 29

Table 3 – Weighted Matrix: Overall 30

Table 4 – Resources: Estimated Personnel Effort Requirements 35

Table 5 – Resources: Revised Personnel Effort Requirements 35

Table 6 – Resources: Estimated Financial Standing 36

Table 7 – Resources: Actual Financial Standing 36

Table 8 – Resources: Project Cost/Labor 36

Table 9 – Resources: Project Deliverables 38

List of Definitions

2-Lane Highway: A highway road which has two lanes of traffic total, each traveling in the opposite direction. (See Figure 1 of Appendix)

Alternatives Grid: A grid which outlines the various alternatives and technologies and their applications and ranks them on various criteria to arrive at a final decision.

Controlled Area: The part of the system where the actual construction is taking place. This part is single lane with traffic in both directions sharing one lane alternately.

Fixed construction site: There are two types of fixed sites:

1. The construction site present for greater than 4 days (i.e. for patch work) – the setup remains on the road 24 hours a day.

2. The second includes a human flagger often with a pilot car. The construction is moved off of the road at the end of the day not on weekends. The construction work may sometimes occur at night.

Gantt chart: A workload distribution graph based on projected time versus tasks.

I.D.O.T.: Iowa Department of Transportation – The client for the Road Construction Safety Project.

Moving construction site: A work zone present for a day or less (i.e. for painting) – it is a shorter zone, but it can move many miles total in a day. It is removed at the end of the day, if the repair work does not occur at night.

Queue Length: The distance between the stopping point before entering the controlled area and the last stationary car in the queue.

RS-4 Work zone: This is a construction zone on two lane highways that follows a certain list of guidelines laid down by the Iowa Department of Transportation. These guidelines include:

- One of the lanes is closed for traffic.

- Channeling devices are used to direct the lane changing.

- A pilot car may or may not be used.

- Flaggers may or may not be used.

Traffic Taper: A group of cones or other objects used in a tapering layout to route traffic from one lane to another.

Work Zone: Areas where workers are improving or maintaining the roads. A work zone, or system, is defined as being from the first sign identifying the zone (i.e. a "Road Work Ahead" sign) to a sign indicating the end of the work zone (an "End Road Work" sign). The zones may be fixed or moving, depending on the work being done.


1 Introductory Materials

This section contains introductory material for the Feasibility Report for the enhanced RS-4 work zone.

1. Executive Summary

Each year, highway fatalities are reaching increasingly higher levels. Approximately 1000 deaths occurred nationwide during 2001 in road construction work zone accidents. Increasing awareness of the dangers of speeding in work zones, as well as warning of construction sites ahead, are just two of the many aspects being considered in the course of this project.

This Feasibility Report using the Design Report format is intended to document the development of the project, and the conclusions made through research, analysis, and design. With the scope defined as the RS-4 work zone, the document shall address the general approach to solving the problems at hand, and what was considered in doing so. After a brief background of the current RS-4 work zone, which includes current setup, current problems, and current costs, the steps are outlined that will be necessary to eradicate any problems that currently persist.

The different alternatives and sections of the system are defined and discussed in the Design Alternatives section of the document. The different parts of the system, as defined are:

▪ Section 1: Before entering the system

▪ Section 2: Entering Advanced Warning Area – Entering the Work Zone

▪ Section 3: Advanced Warning Area – Stopping queue

▪ Section 4: Entering Traffic Space – Entering controlled area

▪ Section 5: Traffic Space – Speed control

▪ Section 6: Exiting in the Termination Area – All clear

Each one of these sections is defined and assessed independently, and as part of the overall system.

With the parts defined, the different alternatives to the current system components are produced, and analyzed. From a weighted matrix approach, each design alternative is systematically assessed, and given a score, the top scorers being those alternatives presented in this document. These scores are based on a number of criteria, some of which include: effect on cognitive reasoning, reliability, maintainability, cost, etc..

Based on the research done, recommendations on feasibility are made, and the total system requirements and costs are determined. Another aim of this project is to educate the general public about the RS-4 work zone. At the conclusion of this report, educational objectives are defined, and determined. This education would focus on work zones in general, and more specifically on the RS-4 work zone.

Any diagrams, graphs, and pictures necessary are included in Appendixes A, B, and C.

1.2 Abstract

Each year, highway fatalities are reaching increasingly higher levels. Approximately 1000 deaths occurred nationwide during 2001 in road construction work zone accidents. Too often, distracted drivers missed warnings signs and failed to reduce their speed. Others simply chose not to heed warnings to decrease their speed, or miscalculated their vehicle’s stopping distance. Increasing awareness of the dangers of speeding in work zones, as well as warning of construction sites ahead, are just two of the many aspects being considered in the course of this project. Additionally, this report establishes methods to adequately warn drivers on Iowa’s two-lane highways of construction ahead. The main objective of this project is to save human lives.

1.3 Acknowledgement

The Road Construction Safety Team would like to extend a thank you of appreciation to the following people for their contribution of time and resources:

Mark Bortle, Willy A. Sorenson, Daniel E. Sprengeler, and the Iowa Department of Transportation

John Lamont, Ralph Patterson III, and the Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Veronica J. Dark and the Iowa State University Department of Psychology

Duane E. Smith, Vern Schaefer, Max Porter and the Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

1.4 Problem Statement: Identifying the Client’s Needs

The problem statement contains two main points: the general problem statement and the general solution approach.

1.4.1 General Problem Statement

The Iowa Department of Transportation follows federal guidelines for signs and safety precautions for each situation involving a road construction zone. Some safety and driver awareness methods are elaborate and expensive while others are simple and more cost effective. Despite their effectiveness these methods still allow for a greater degree of accidents and fatalities than are desired; because of this need for an increase in road safety for workers and drivers the I.D.O.T is looking for improvements to be made in the road construction zone. One of the primary needs of the I.D.O.T is to stimulate the cognitive reasoning and decision making abilities of the people that approach and drive through a work zone situation. Signs are the most commonly used method for warning drivers of an approaching zone, but they often go unseen or unnoticed because they become common place. Drivers also have the tendency to ignore warning signs, because they do not see any work being done and thus believe danger does not currently exist. For example, the only difference in most construction signs is the wording of the signs. These signs are usually the same color, shape, and size. Basically, the severity of the danger may not always be adequately and properly conveyed through standard techniques. Another pressing need of the I.D.O.T is better control of the flow of traffic entering, within, and leaving the work zones. Different automated and manned technologies will be considered while developing solutions to this problem. The focus of this project will be the RS-4 work zone. See Figure 3 of Appendix A.

1.4.2 Current Setup

The focus of this project relates to problems in the RS-4 work zone and the alternatives that will be discussed that relate to the RS-4 work zone. This RS-4 work zone is an I.D.O.T standard road plan set up for construction on two lane highways. A layout of the site is located in Appendix A (Figure 3).

1.4.3 Current Problems

Annually in work zones there are nearly 1000 fatal and over 37,000 serious injury crashes. When considering possible causes of work zone accidents, it was important to consider both cognitive and environmental contributions. It is very difficult to pin point what attributes of the RS-4 work zone are the most detrimental, but it is possible to highlight many characteristics that may contribute to the problem.

Currently driver awareness is a big problem. This includes alertness, and attention to RS-4 work zone conditions. Things such as turning on headlights, tailgating, and quick lane changes also contribute to collisions. One main problem encountered was the control of traffic flow within the RS-4 work zone. Drivers often times are impatient, and speed through the work zone. The control of traffic along with driver attention will be two major problems that will be addressed in this project.

1.4.4 Current Costs

The current RS-4 set up has a number of costs that are included in the average bid. The following costs were chosen, because they reflect the areas that will be dealt with in this report.

Flaggers : Average cost of $221.93/day

Pilot car : Average cost of $331.71/day

Signs : Average cost of $75/week

1.4.5 General Solution Approach

The solution to the problem required research of the current methods of traffic control in 2-lane road construction zones. The current RS-4 work zone was researched and analyzed to determine possible solutions to the safety problems. The most effective methods and the reasons for their effectiveness were then determined. Possible combinations of existing techniques as well as some new ideas will now be designed for implementation. Technology will be incorporated with designs for attracting the attention of a driver in order to convey a message and allow for response time. As part of the problem solution, a weighted matrix was incorporated to systematically determine feasibility, practicality, and potential benefits. The psychology of the driver was a key element and in particular what happened when a driver encountered a work zone. The main idea was to use these concepts in the design and suggestion of financially feasible alternatives to existing techniques.

To meet the client’s needs the problem is broken down into 7 sub-sections which split the construction system into related pieces.

These include:

(1) Before Entering the System

(2) Entering Advanced Warning Area - Entering Work Zone

(3) Advanced Warning Area - Stopping Queue

(4) Entering Traffic Space - Entering Controlled Area

(5) Traffic Space - Speed Control

(6) Exiting in the Termination Area - All Clear

(7) Education/Promotion of the Designed Road Standard Plan

Design alternatives will be evaluated for each of the problem’s needs. Then the alternatives will be evaluated for application in each sub-section. The final design will be determined by evaluating the effectiveness of each alternative versus their costs.

1.5 Operating Environment

The RS-4 work zone, under the scope for this project is located in an outdoor environment. This means that any device or concept will be required to operate in any natural condition including but not limited to: rain, snow, heat, and cold. The RS-4 work zones will also be exposed to dust and heavy equipment in use. Any device will have to withstand mistreatment and neglect from the contractors and other personnel. Additional problems are the glare caused by the sun during the day and the range at night when visibility is reduced to the range of headlights. Since the solutions considered may have multiple implications, they may be used in multiple conditions and environments. Since pedestrians and work zone workers are likely to be within the work zone, they are also considered part of the operating environment.

1.6 Intended User(s) and Intended Use(s)

The following Users and Uses have been identified for the project.

1.6.1 Intended Users

Initially these designs will be developed for the Iowa Department of Transportation and its contractors for testing on current work zones. If successful, users will include other states, their contractors, and agencies which have a similar problem. The system may also create an output that may be used by construction personnel, D.O.T personnel, driver/vehicle, and/or become a part of an external database. Depending on the degree of system integration, the system may be incorporated into other systems currently used by the D.O.T.

1.6.2 Intended Uses

The initial use of the research is to prevent future accidents in road construction zones. The idea driving this project is the use of fresh minds to think of new ways to improve safety. The research performed in this project can also be used in the future for follow up as technology improves and other possibilities present themselves. Additionally, the findings may be used to educate drivers (in driver training, license renewal, brochures, etc.) of warnings and dangers associated with construction zones. The system may be used both locally in the RS-4 work zone, and as a precautionary measure before entering the work zone.

1.7 Assumptions and Limitations

The following assumptions and limitations have been set for the project.

Initial Assumptions

As this project developed, the following assumptions were made:

a. The concepts will be tested in Iowa RS-4 work zones

b. Any devices used by the I.D.O.T. can be made available upon request for study

c. The effectiveness of the solution/product will be measurable (to some extent) in some definitive manner.

d. The cost of the product and its results are not necessarily related

e. Improvements on results are possible

f. Different types of construction requires different types of solutions

g. A comprehensive solution spans all recognized problems

2. Initial Limitations

Work will be done under the following limitations

a. Any design implemented must meet federal guidelines before use

b. The initial scope is limited to the RS-4 work zone

c. Cost-effectiveness is a significant factor

d. Solutions must work under both daytime and nighttime conditions

1.8 Expected End Product and Other Deliverables

The following will be the results of the project.

1. Working devices for use in the a road construction zone

1. Concepts and suggestions for modifying current techniques of traffic control

2. Concepts and suggestions for public education of general construction zone dangers, and in particular the RS-4 work zone. .

3. Complete project documentation

2 Approach and Product Design Results

The following design sections lay out all of the alternatives that have been considered to date in the project. With the exception of Section 2.1, the alternatives for each section include what were pre-selected to be the top choices for the different parts within the road construction system. Each of the alternatives listed were evaluated based on a weighted matrix, more information on this can be found in Section 2.9. At the end of each section is the alternative that was found to be the best, based on the criteria used. Section 2.1 differs in that it is a collection of all the alternatives that aid the problem before drivers even enter the highway system (A matrix for evaluating these alternatives is still being formulated). See Appendix B for a complete decision grid listing all the original alternatives.

2.1 Requirements and constrains

The flowing sections include a list all of the alternatives that have been pre-selected to be evaluated for the project. All of these alternatives must follow the requirements and constrains below.

2.1.1 Functional Requirements

The requirements of the design shall be expressed in the following sections.

1. Must inform the driver of upcoming road construction zones and the dangers therein.

▪ Activate the driver’s cognitive decision process.

▪ Convey the desired message in a limited amount of time

2. A sign, static or a message board, must allow for relocation and be updateable as necessary.

▪ Effectiveness

▪ Cost

▪ Weight requirements

▪ Ease of use

▪ Durability

▪ Reflectivity

▪ Sign size requirements

3. An educational solution must convey the desired message

▪ Memory retention

▪ Message length

▪ Proper delivery

▪ Provide message

▪ Effectiveness

▪ Message is reinforced

2.1.2 Constraints

The constraints of the design shall be expressed in the following sections. The project will have to adhere to the guidelines expressed herein.

1. Weight

▪ If a sign solution is designed, it will have to be moveable by a person or truck mountable.

2. Size

▪ The sign must meet federal guidelines for size, power, and design.

3. Weather

▪ Rain, snow, heat, and dust are possible road construction zone


4. Cost

▪ The Iowa Department of Transportation is looking for cost effective solutions; therefore, an inexpensive and efficient method of implementation must be utilized.

5. Power

▪ The power consumption for a lighted sign must remain minimal, either requiring a solar device, or a long-life rechargeable battery.

▪ For a truck mounted sign, the truck will only be able to supply a 12V power supply, and the sign would have to be able to be turned off either remotely and/or by the ignition.

6. Federal Guidelines

▪ Federal laws and guidelines will need to be considered for design and implementation

7. Viewing time

▪ Driving speed near construction zones

▪ Driver attentiveness

▪ Educational video/announcement length

8. Ease of use.

▪ The device must be easy to handle

▪ The device must allow for easy transport.

9. Effective

▪ Must accomplish what the desired goal is for each section

2.2 Section #1 - Before Entering the System


Figure 2

This section includes alternatives that allow the driver to be aware and informed before entering the road and/or while driving towards a construction site.

2.2.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

The purpose of the following alternatives is to make the driver more aware of the upcoming construction zone and the dangers therein, before they enter the road system and the construction site. The largest problem in this area is conveying information in a manner that will allow the users to retain and use that information to increase the safety in and around the work zone.

2.2.2 Alternatives


▪ Description: The user could ask to be added to an email list and receive updates regarding construction in their area.

▪ Advantages: Would allow the user to have the information before they begin their drive allowing for adjustments in travel plans.

▪ Disadvantages: It requires new software that forms a link with a database of construction sites. Contractors/I.D.O.T. personnel would need to keep the database updated. Desired audience may not have an email address.

Internet - Website 511:

▪ Description: An update to the current 511 website to make it more appealing to the general public, as well as adding new functionality.

▪ Advantages: Would allow anyone to get up-to-date information on construction sites in Iowa from any internet connection.

▪ Disadvantages: Still requires visiting the website so more publicity would be required about the website. New software might have to be implemented, as well as an overhaul to the system. Promotion of new site may incur costs.


▪ Description: Would encompass a tool for newspapers to more easily receive information about construction sites.

▪ Advantages: Would allow people to have a hard copy of the construction information. Newspapers would have access to the information for quick updates to the paper before it goes out, informing their readers about construction in their area.

▪ Disadvantages: May require an addition to the newspaper format and a map for the construction information. Software would have to be created/adjusted to provide the information in a timely manner.

Palm Pilot/PDA/Pocket PC Downloads:

▪ Description: Would allow for Palm Pilot/PDA/personal PC downloads of information on construction updates from the 511 website. Would include a program to manage the maps.

▪ Advantages: Portability for drivers that own this technology.

▪ Disadvantages: Software would have to be created to provide the information in a timely manner. This technology only applies to drivers with PDA devices.

Radio (AM/FM/XM):

▪ Description: Would allow for timely updates using commercial radio broadcasts of information on construction location.

▪ Advantages: User could easily tune into the station and receive automated or live updates about construction.

▪ Disadvantages: Would require the leasing of a frequency and/or station to broadcast the information.

Telephone - phone 511:

▪ Description: A service that allows for a user to call in to an automated line and get construction updates.

▪ Advantages: Can be used anywhere a phone is available.

▪ Disadvantages: Would include an overhaul to create a more user-friendly system. Software would have to be created/adjusted to provide the information in a timely manner. The entire current system may need to be discarded.


▪ Description: Would allow for timely updates using television broadcasts of information on construction location and status.

▪ Advantages: User could tune in to the station and receive automated or live updates on construction

▪ Disadvantages: Would require the leasing of a frequency and/or a station to broadcast the information.

2.3 Section #2 - Entering Advanced Warning Area – Entering Work Zone


Figure 3

Entering the system is the portion of the site that includes the section of the road from the first sign to the start of the queue.

2.3.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

The purpose of the following alternatives is to make the driver aware of the upcoming construction zone and the danger therein as the driver enters the area contained with in the first sign and the start of the queue. Based on the crash data, rear end collisions are the major contributing factor to the accidents in the area (41% over all). Therefore, any alternative must address this type of crash specifically.

2.3.2 Alternatives

Removable/Temporary Rumble Strips:

▪ Description: Would include semi-permanent types of strips, which when passed over cause tire vibration. This vibration causes an attention getting noise and sensation of vibration for the driver.

▪ Advantages: Gains the driver’s attention easily making them more aware of dangers ahead. Device is removable and reusable.

▪ Disadvantages: Strips may cause drivers to swerve to avoid a perceived obstacle in the road…a serious risk for motorcyclists.

Static message signs with flashing lights:

▪ Description: Would include signs that display a message with accompanying flashing lights; also includes lights that are activated by the driver as they approach the sign.

▪ Advantages: Could be used in an area where a long-term message must be conveyed. Flashing lights are a good method for gaining drivers’ attention.

▪ Disadvantages: Only one message is possible at a time.

Dynamic variable message signs:

▪ Description: Would include signs that blink or scroll a message; message may be updated to changing conditions. The sign would also allow for multiple independent messages to be selected for display.

▪ Advantages: Flexibility in message selection.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/hardware may need to be created/modified to fit this application incurring costs and time to get the system working and up to code.

Do nothing:

▪ Description: Keeping with the current RS-4 set up. (see Appendix A)

2.3.3 Recommendation

Proposed Solution:

Temporary rumble strips will be designed in conjunction with signage to alert the driver of impending construction. The goal of the rumble strips will be to combat the inattentive drivers and refocus their attention. (See Appendix A: figure 3)

Estimated Cost:

▪ $3.85/linear foot

▪ Exact dimensions of the setup to be determined in the design stage.


▪ Auditory and visual stimulus, this is beneficial for the construction worker as well as the approaching driver.

▪ Low impact on vehicle while increasing alertness for the driver

▪ Quick and easy installation


▪ Unfamiliar drivers may swerve to avoid, this could be especially hazardous for motorcycles.

▪ Noise may not be welcomed in all areas.

▪ May not be cost effective in areas with low average daily traffic (ADT)

Problems in this area solved by this solution:

▪ Because of the need to inform the driver of the hazards ahead and get them to recognize and retain information about on coming dangers; this alternative will ‘shake’ the driver and activate the danger reasoning part of the brain so as to prevent collisions based on inattentiveness, where as most rear end collisions are caused by lack of attention to the changing driving conditions.

2.4 Advanced Warning Area – Stopping Queue


Figure 4

This section deals with solutions related to stopping the driver at the start of the queue.

2.4.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

The following alternatives are designed to make the driver aware that the construction site may be approaching faster than the driver might expect. As queues build up, and travel toward the approaching driver, the following alternatives will work toward notifying the driver of this problem. Based on the crash data, rear end collisions are the major contributing factor to the accidents in the area (41% over all). Therefore, any alternative must address this type of crash specifically.

2.4.2 Alternatives

Floater truck - manned:

▪ Description: Includes a vehicle piloted to adjust with the queue and report the upcoming backup to incoming drivers.

▪ Advantages: Would allow for a queue measurement and the driver to have a dynamic device to let them know how far back the queue is building. Allows for easy adaptation from the current RS-4 setup.

▪ Disadvantages: Driving a car up and down on the shoulder following the queue may prove problematic for the worker involved. Places with out an adequate shoulder would not be able to use this solution

Floater truck - unmanned:

▪ Description: Includes a device that will travel back with the queue and report the upcoming backup to drivers. This device would be unmanned and require a computer guidance system to navigate.

▪ Advantages: Would allow for a queue measurement and the driver to have a dynamic device to let them know where/how the queue is building.

▪ Disadvantages: Creating an automated device to travel with the road and getting a power source that will run the device for a full day of construction may prove to be problematic. Places without an adequate shoulder would not be able to use this solution.

Demand activated series of independent signs:

▪ Description: Would include a series of message signs that are demand actuated and not interconnected. Device in the instance would include a series of signs preceding the construction site that light up as the queue builds back toward on coming traffic.

▪ Advantages: Allows each sign to change its message depending on changing conditions.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/Hardware may need to be created/modified to fit this application.

Removable/Temporary rumble strips: See 4.2 (Section 2 of alternatives)

Do nothing:

▪ Description: Keep the current RS-4 set up.

2.4.3 Recommendation

Proposed Solution:

Continue to focus the driver’s attention with further use of the temporary rumble strips. This will supplement the current situation by lessening the current dependence on the driver’s awareness level.

Estimated Cost:

▪ See section 2.2.3


▪ See section 2.2.3


▪ See section 2.2.3

Problems in this area solved by this solution:

▪ See section 2.2.3

2.5 Entering Traffic Space – Entering Controlled Area


Figure 5

This includes all solutions that control the flow of traffic into the worksite.

2.5.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

The following alternatives are designed to allow for easier control of traffic in and around the construction zone. The current RS-4 setup uses a manned approach for this problem; the following alternatives include both manned and unmanned ideas. Based on the crash data, rear end collisions are the major contributing factor to the accidents in the area (41% over all). Therefore, any alternative must address this type of crash specifically. Another problem is that drivers are unaware of the traffic control methods used in the work zones, thus, alternatives must be chosen that the driver will recognizes and can relate to.

2.5.4 Alternatives

Mobile stop light signal system – Automatic/Manual:

▪ Description: A stoplight type of traffic control device that would stop and release vehicles either by interface with the computer-based control system or by manual activation of the device. The device would also be mobile.

▪ Advantages: Gives the driver a more recognizable type of traffic control device.

▪ Disadvantages: Fully debugging the system before on-site testing would have to be extensive. Getting automatic variant to “talk” to the computer system will be difficult. Device will not guarantee that a person will stop; will have to take into account “gate runners”. Device will also be mobile and securable to the road on-site.

Flag person with or without radio:

▪ Description: This includes the current type of traffic control device. A construction worker will direct traffic with the use of a sign. This alternative also includes modifications to this type of control, with the addition of other devices.

▪ Advantages: Drivers feel accountable if a person is present. The flagger can communicate with other end of the work zone if cars run through.

▪ Disadvantages: Assurance of an all clear by either the flaggers or the pilot car is limited by line of sight.

Gates – automatic/manual:

▪ Description: This will include all devices that would put an object, (i.e., a wooden arm) in the vehicles’ path to prevent them from entering the work zone. The automatic variant would link to the computer control system, whereas a worker would actuate the manual variant.

▪ Advantages: Would offer a barrier to stop the driver. This is also a recognizable device that would be easy for drivers to adjust to.

▪ Disadvantages: A careless driver could break the arm rendering this device ineffective. Link up of the automatic variant could prove troublesome.

Do nothing:

▪ Description: Keeping with the current RS-4 set up.

2.5.5 Recommendation

Proposed Solution:

The flagger will be replaced with trailer-mounted traffic signals. Removing the human factor will increase the overall efficiency of the process and better regulate the traffic flow.

Estimated Cost:

▪ $5000\month


▪ No human to get bored, distracted, or tired

▪ Greater accuracy, elimination of human error


▪ Several components (queue monitor, system monitors, etc) must integrate together seamlessly

▪ Fail-safes will be required

Problems in this area solved by this solution:

▪ Because of the need to inform the driver of the hazards ahead and get them to recognize and retain information about on coming dangers; this alternative will give the driver a recognizable type of control device so as to prevent collisions because of lack of knowledge on the part of the driver as it relates to in work zone traffic control devices.

2.6 Traffic Space – Speed Control Area


Figure 6

This section includes methods of controlling user vehicle speed throughout the system.

2.6.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

With the possible removal of a manned station for traffic entry and guidance through the construction zone, the following alternatives are designed to make the driver more aware and feel more accountable for their driving conduct in the construction zone. Based on the crash data, rear end collisions are the major contributing factor to the accidents in the area (41% over all). Thus, any alternative must address this type of crash specifically. Another problem is that drivers are unaware of the traffic control methods used in the work zones, this requires alternatives to be chosen that the driver will recognizes and can relate to. As traffic is being directed in the work zone, drivers may become inpatient and often times chose to speed, this differential in speeds leads to rear end collisions from faster drivers rear-ending slower drivers.

2.6.2 Alternatives

Police cars - parked or cruising and speed recording - manual:

▪ Description: An officer in a vehicle for the purpose of speed control and traffic violation enforcement.

▪ Advantages: Gives the driver a more recognizable type of traffic control device. Device would allow for an increase in income from traffic violations, and a decrease in accidents as drivers would be more aware of the situation.

▪ Disadvantages: Getting an officer to each of the construction sites may prove to be expensive in time and money.

Faux police cars:

▪ Description: An empty police cruiser, in place to resemble a manned police vehicle.

▪ Advantages: Driver immediately equates police vehicle with a need to reduce speed.

▪ Disadvantages: Holds no real accountability for the driver, when they realize it is unmanned, they will most likely continue to speed.

Speed display and dynamic fine display:

▪ Description: A device that measures the speed of the driver and displays it for the driver to see. Would also include the addition of a device that would take the speed displayed on the screen and turn it into the cost of the possible resulting fine for the driver to see. Device could also be adapted for enforcement support.

▪ Advantages: Gives the driver a sense of accountability for speed and provides the direct consequence for their actions.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/hardware would have to be created/modified to fit this application. There is no precedent for this type of solution. Automatic enforcement is not accepted by the State of Iowa.

Speed measurement and display signs:

▪ Description: A device that measures the speed of the driver and displays it for the driver to see.

▪ Advantages: Gives the driver a sense of accountability for their speed, and can include enforcement solutions.

▪ Disadvantages: If no enforcement solutions are present, there is no control to make sure that drivers heed the sign. Automatic enforcement is not accepted by the State of Iowa.

Video monitoring:

▪ Description: Would encompass all video cameras used within work zone. The device may be accompanied by a sign warning the driver of recording. This may also includes faux video cameras in the system.

▪ Advantages: Allows for real-time, remote access to the site for monitoring and recording purposes. Solutions of this type are currently available for purchase. Will render drivers more likely to adhere to the speed limit.

▪ Disadvantages: A real camera requires that data be kept and/or transmitted to the required party. Software/Hardware may need to be created/modified to fit this application.

Speed recording - automatic:

▪ Description: This will include all devices that record information on the driver and their speed for enforcement activities.

▪ Advantages: A stand-alone system, no officer would need to be present at the site to monitor traffic speed.

▪ Disadvantages: All traffic violations would have to be reviewed for validity. Iowa laws currently do not allow automated traffic enforcement and would have to be changed to fit this alternative.

Do nothing:

▪ Description: Keep the current RS-4 set up.

2.6.3 Recommendation

Proposed Solution:

Where acceptable, the pilot car will be replaced with a modified electronic speed display trailer. The trailer will be intended to reinforce the penalties to drivers speeding through the work zone by displaying their current fine level in addition to their speed. It is to be assumed that work zones with poor sight distances, complicated maneuvers, or extensive lengths may still require a pilot car to guide motorists. More research will be done to better define parameters during the design phase.

Estimated Cost:

▪ $400/day (high end, 2 units required)


▪ Removes all costs associated with the pilot car

▪ Simple on all levels


▪ Two units, or one double, required to account for each direction of travel

▪ Initial expensive level may limit cost effectiveness

Problems in this area solved by this solution:

▪ Because of the need to inform the driver of the hazards around them and get them to recognize and retain information about these dangers; this alternative will give the driver a real time update on the consequences of speeding in the work zone.

▪ As speed is a major factor, this accountability based on the drivers speed will help to curb speeding in the work zone.

2.7 Exiting of System in Termination Area – All Clear


Figure 7

This section lays out the solutions that have been discussed in regards to clearing out the system and control of drivers as they exit.

2.7.1 Design Objectives / Current Problems

Another problem that is being faced in the work zone is making sure that the construction zone is clear of vehicles traveling from one queue before allowing the opposite queue to release. The flowing alternatives discuss ways to help monitor the queues and give an “All clear” signal to allow for the queues to release on time and assure safety from head on collisions. Again, based on the crash data, rear end collisions are the major contributing factor to the accidents in the area (41% over all). Therefore, any alternative must address this type of crash specifically. As accidents occur because of drivers being let in to the work zone prematurely, any alternative must insure increased reliability for an ‘all clear’ signal in and around the work zone.

2.7.2 Alternatives

On-site sensor network – Passive infrared:

▪ Description: Will include all devices that record information on the vehicles coming into and out of the system using passive infrared technology.

▪ Advantages: Allows for non-line of sight all clear flag to be set so the other side of the queue can begin to release.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/hardware would have to be created/modified to fit this application. Testing for 100% reliance may prove to be problematic.

On site sensor network – in rumble strips:

▪ Description: This will include all devices that record information on the vehicles coming into and out of the system using a sensor built into a rumble strip.

▪ Advantages: Allows for non-line of sight all clear flag to be set so the other side of the queue can begin to release.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/hardware would have to be created/modified to fit this application. Testing for 100% reliance may prove to be problematic. Problems with rumble strips may also extend to this alternative.

On site sensor network – pneumatic actuated:

▪ Description: This will include all devices that record information on the vehicles coming into and out of the system using a pneumatic device.

▪ Advantages: Allows for non-line of sight all clear flag to be set so the other side of the queue can begin to release.

▪ Disadvantages: Software/hardware would have to be created/modified to fit this application. Testing for 100% reliance may prove to be problematic.

Do nothing:

▪ Description: Keeping with the current RS-4 set up.

2.7.3 Recommendation

Proposed Solution:

A magnetic sensor will give the “all clear” signal, allowing the system to reset and cycle to the other direction of travel. Although this item is the only component of this segment, it actually represents the last stage of a necessary sensor network needed to monitor queue lengths and traffic flows. The sensor network is intended to prevent vehicles from becoming forgotten in the traffic space when the traffic flow direction changes and to keep traffic flowing smoothly by monitoring the queue lengths.

Estimated Cost:

▪ Information pending


▪ Removing the human factor significantly reduces the chance of an error

▪ Helps to remove the flagger and thus, the associated costs

▪ Centralized system has a better chance of synchronizing and regulating traffic flow

▪ Increases the safety for traffic that becomes delayed in the traffic space


▪ May be composed mostly of new technology that requires significant design work

▪ Fail-safes will be required

Problems in this area solved by this solution:

▪ The sensor grid will allow for an ‘all clear’ signal that should have a greater reliability than the current human counting methods.

2.8 Public Education of the New Traffic Control Idea

This subject is covered in Section 2.10 below where the entire educational component is discussed.

2.9 Evaluation

As there are many factors that could be used to break down the alternatives, the following weighted matrix approach was chosen. This process allows for a more visual type of evaluation of the problem, as well as allowing for easy comparison of the alternatives for each section based on the same criteria.

2.9.1 Matrix Process

The list of alternatives was narrowed through a series of weighted matrices to arrive at a selected alternative for each segment. Each of the alternatives were given a number from 0-3 based on how well they fit that particular category, three being the highest and zero being the lowest. The rating scale 0-3 was used because it helps to eliminate human opinion that comes with a larger scale like 0-10. It either was very good for the category (3), average (2), or poor (1). The zero (0) could be used to represent a non-applicable alternative to the category, meaning that it didn’t really have much weight in the subject.

In the first matrix, the effectiveness of each alternative for the segments was evaluated. This was accomplished by breaking “effectiveness” into the following weighted categories: accountability, how much the driver would be made responsible for their actions (25%), new/stimulating, how well the device triggered a response in the driver based on how new is the device (15%), cognitive recognition, or the speed level the conveyed message can be processed (30%), and clarity of purpose, how well the device meet its intended goals (30%). The different percentages assigned to each category give some weight to subjects that were more important. Clarity of purpose and cognitive recognition followed by accountability got higher weights because they are the basic goals that are trying to be obtained in the recommendations. New and stimulating got a lower rating because it would only be important on a short-term basis.

The second matrix evaluated each alternative for its ability to meet plan guidelines. This was accomplished by breaking the plan guidelines into the following group weighted and determined categories: durability, how well the device would hold up to adverse conditions (25%), reliability, how long could the device run with out faults (25%), mobility, how easy it was to maneuver and position the device as well as transport it (20%), flexibility, how well the device could be adapted to other types of problems related to working in and around a construction zone (20%), and availability, how easy the device would be to acquire and use for the problem (10%). The percentages given for each part of the guidelines stress the relative importance as they are applied to the end product. Durability and reliability are the most important because the product has to be function correctly in adverse conditions. Mobility and flexibility are next in importance because each work site will have specific needs and the product must meet a range of those needs to be effective. Availability is considered because the place and amount of time the product is needed will change for each situation.

Finally, the totals from the effectiveness matrix and the plan guidelines matrix were combined with cost in a final matrix. The percentages for each topic add a final weight to represent their overall importance in deciding which alternative is chosen. The matrix was weighted as follows: cost, how much the alternative cost in relation to the current and other alternatives (45%), effectiveness, how well it was felt that the alternative fit the desired problem in each section (45%), and plan guidelines, how well it fit in to the project plan template (10%). The winner, and final selection, in each segment was simply the alternative with the highest averaged score. Initially, we had a tie in segment #6 (exiting the system), between passive infrared/ultrasonic and magnetic sensors. However, after further research and consideration, the team has decided tentatively to develop the sensor network with magnetic sensors.

| |  |Accounta|New/ |cognitiv|Clarity |

| | |bility |stimulat|e |of |

| | | |ing |recognit|purpose |

| | | | |ion | |

|  |Dynamic |2 |3 |2 |2 |

| |variable| | | | |

| |message | | | | |

| |sign | | | | |

|  |Floater |3 |3 |2 |2 |

| |truck | | | | |

| |with | | | | |

| |message | | | | |

| |board - | | | | |

| |manned | | | | |

|  |Portable|3 |2 |3 |2 |

| |Traffic | | | | |

| |Signals | | | | |

|  |Electron|2 |2 |3 |2 |

| |ic Speed| | | | |

| |Sign | | | | |

|  |Sensor Network - Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic |3 |  |  |  |3.00 | |

| |Table 2 – Plan Guidelines |25% |25% |20% |20% |10% |100% |

|Segment #2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Dynamic variable message sign |2 |2 |3 |3 |2 |2.40 |

|  |Message Sign with flashing light |2 |2 |3 |1 |3 |2.10 |

|  |Rumble Strips + signage |3 |3 |2 |1 |2 |2.30 |

|  |Do Nothing - Current Message Signs |3 |3 |3 |1 |3 |2.60 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Segment #3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Floater truck with message board - manned |2 |2 |3 |2 |2 |2.20 |

|  |Floater truck with message board - unmanned |1 |2 |1 |2 |0 |1.35 |

|  |Rumble Strips |3 |3 |0 |2 |3 |2.20 |

|  |Tiered Signs / Cones |2 |3 |3 |2 |2 |2.45 |

|  |Do Nothing - Visual |0 |2 |3 |3 |2 |1.90 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Segment #4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Portable Traffic Signals |2 |3 |3 |2 |3 |2.55 |

|  |Flagger with modifications |0 |2 |3 |3 |3 |2.00 |

|  |Gate |2 |3 |2 |2 |1 |2.15 |

|  |Do Nothing - Flagger |0 |1 |3 |3 |3 |1.75 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Segment #5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electronic Speed Sign |2 |2 |3 |2 |2 |2.20 |

|  |Electronic Speed Sign w/actual fines |2 |2 |3 |2 |1 |2.10 |

|  |Manned video feed + "your being recorded sign" |2 |3 |3 |2 |2 |2.45 |

|  |Dummy video feed camera + "your being recorded sign" |3 |3 |3 |2 |2 |2.70 |

|  |Faux police car |3 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2.25 |

|  |Police car/enforcement |3 |3 |3 |3 |2 |2.90 |

|  |Do Nothing - Pilot Car |2 |1 |3 |2 |3 |2.05 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Segment #6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Sensor Network - Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic |3 |2 |3 |3 |1 |2.55 |

|  |Sensor Network - in Rumble Strips (magnetic?) |2 |3 |2 |3 |1 |2.35 |

|  |Sensor Network - Pneumatic Actuated |2 |3 |3 |2 |1 |2.35 |

|  |Do Nothing - visual Counter |3 |1 |3 |3 |3 |2.50 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

Table 2 – Plan Guidelines

| | |Cost |Effectiv|Plan |Overall | |

| | | |eness |Guidelin| | |

| | | | |es | | |

| |Table 3 – Overall |45% |45% |10% |100% | |

|Segment #2 |  |  |  |  | |

|  |Dynamic variable message sign |1 |2.15 |2.40 |1.66 | |

|  |Message Sign with flashing light |2 |2.70 |2.10 |2.33 | |

|  |Rumble Strips + signage |2 |3.00 |2.30 |2.48 |** |

|  |Do Nothing - Current Message Signs |3 |1.45 |2.60 |2.26 | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  | |

|Segment #3 |  |  |  |  | |

|  |Floater truck with message board - manned |1 |2.40 |2.20 |1.75 | |

|  |Floater truck with message board - unmanned |1 |2.40 |1.35 |1.67 | |

|  |Rumble Strips |2 |2.70 |2.20 |2.34 |** |

|  |Tiered Signs / Cones |2 |2.40 |2.45 |2.23 | |

|  |Do Nothing - Visual |3 |1.70 |1.90 |2.31 | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  | |

|Segment #4 |  |  |  |  | |

|  |Portable Traffic Signals |2 |2.55 |2.55 |2.30 |** |

|  |Flagger with modifications |2 |1.55 |2.00 |1.80 | |

|  |Gate |1 |3.00 |2.15 |2.02 | |

|  |Do Nothing - Flagger |2 |1.10 |1.75 |1.57 | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  | |

|Segment #5 |  |  |  |  | |

|  |Electronic Speed Sign |2 |2.30 |2.20 |2.16 | |

|  |Electronic Speed Sign w/fines |2 |2.75 |2.10 |2.35 |** |

|  |Manned video feed + "your being recorded sign" |1 |2.55 |2.45 |1.84 | |

|  |Dummy video feed camera + "your being recorded sign" |2 |2.30 |2.70 |2.21 | |

|  |Faux police car |2 |2.50 |2.25 |2.25 | |

|  |Police Car or similar |1 |3.00 |2.90 |2.09 | |

|  |Do Nothing - Pilot Car |1 |1.70 |2.05 |1.42 | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  | |

|Segment #6 |  |  |  |  | |

|  |Sensor Network - Passive Infrared and Ultrasonic |1 |3.00 |2.55 |2.06 | |

|  |Sensor Network - in Rumble Strips (magnetic?) |2 |3.00 |2.35 |2.49 |** |

|  |Sensor Network - Pneumatic Actuated |2 |3.00 |2.35 |2.49 |** |

|  |Do Nothing - visual Counter |3 |2.00 |2.50 |2.50 | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  | |

Table 3 – Overall

2.10 Educational Applications

An important aspect of designing alternatives for the work zone is the educational component. Since the problem of safety arises primarily due to driver non-recognition of work zone danger and includes ignoring construction signs and distraction due to other activities such as talking on the phone; it is imperative to determine a method to increase awareness of this problem and a way to eliminate it. Additionally, steps must be taken to educate construction workers so that construction zones are and remain as safe as possible.

Initiatives are being taken on a national scale to come up with methods for tackling this problem. Many government agencies and some university groups are currently looking for ways to educate the public about the dangers of driving in a work zone. The following section discusses aspects of public education that need to be addressed in the future.

2.10.1 Target Audience


The primary focus is to educate the general public. There are different categories of drivers which might require separate methods to educate them and different information to distribute. Thus the drivers were sub divided into these categories:

1. Passenger car: These are the most numerous drivers who drive ordinary four wheelers. They might be the easiest to target as we can assume that most of them have access to the internet and live in an urban area. Thus any campaign aimed at the urban population can take into account these drivers.

2. SUV and Trucks: These are larger vehicles which require a greater distance to stop and thus the drivers of these vehicles need to have a better knowledge of the road safety measures. It is hard to place the owners of these vehicles in either urban or rural areas as the proliferation of these vehicles is equally numerous in both areas.

3. Commercial Vehicles: These include all the bus lines and other large vehicles like tractors, 16-wheelers and RV’s. These vehicles are usually used during all times of the day, including nights, especially 16-wheelers. Also, they have a large stopping distance and the drivers of these vehicles do not have the best levels of road awareness, because of fatigue or lack of sleep. Thus, it is extremely important to target these drivers.

4. School buses: These are usually buses for the smaller high schools or school trips. They might not have a good idea about road construction in the area. However most schools have access to the internet and the driver training at the schools is a good way to get the information about safety measures to the drivers of these buses.

5. Light vehicles and two wheelers: These are not very numerous on highways but still can be found on the roads. These vehicles have the least amount of protection for the driver and lack most of the advanced safety features found on bigger cars, like ABS and airbags. Thus this segment needs to be targeted also.

6. Pedestrians and bicyclists: There are not many pedestrians or bicyclists on state highways, except for the occasional hitchhiker. Hence they would not be an important target for our educational component.

Construction workers

Though ideally workers should be aware of the importance of vigilance while placing construction signs or performing other construction duties, cases of negligence are common. Therefore, workers should also be educated about the importance of alertness in addition to correct sign placement and signal handling.

2.10.2 Material

The educational subjects are important. An analysis of driver psychology has revealed that there are many elements of drivers’ awareness of their surroundings. Most accidents occur due to a lack of decision making ability at crucial points. Thus drivers must be educated about the dangers involved in speeding through a work zone. After data collection in this regard and statistic compilation, information will be presented to the drivers and construction workers through a variety of media.

The material would have the existing setup and the new changes that are going to be implemented. Also, the various psychological aspects of error free driving will be presented and safety tips about various work zones will be included. This would ensure that the drivers have the latest information about the setup of the work zone and also know about the various tips which could reduce accidents. This would thus prepare the driver for the dangers in the work zone and make it a safer place for both, the driver and the construction worker.

2.10.3 Media

The method in which the information is conveyed to the public in an easily available and efficient manner is a tough problem. A variety of different media may be used to educate the public about the dangers in construction zones. These include but are not limited to:

▪ First-time Driver Training:

Driver training is a good opportunity to instruct drivers in road construction safety conduct which they should use while driving in the future. Hence, a possible solution is to incorporate sections in the existing driver’s learning manual which would impart important facts and points to the future driver. Additionally, driving schools can incorporate some of these points in their training program to make it even better and safer.

▪ DMV:

Current drivers renewing their license or going to the DMV for other functions can be distributed pamphlets and brochures about the importance of safety in construction zones and also about the new setup that would be implemented. Medium could also include videos on televisions installed in the DMV along with the pamphlets, which would show the dangers and precautions that should be taken. Also, first time drivers usually use a driver manual for studying for the test. This manual is available for free at the DMV. This is a great medium to get through to first time drivers, who would be most susceptible to accidents due to inexperience. We could include a section in the manual about the precautions to take in construction zones and a description of the setup in some of them, especially RS-4 work zone with the changes.

▪ Road Safety Week or Other Events:

During the Road Safety Week or any other such period when the Department of Transportation and the DMV work for greater public awareness, information about road construction zone safety on two lane highways can be an important part of their efforts.

▪ Television and Radio:

These are important media which are widely available and have a large user audience. Thus they are an easy and effective way to convey information to the public. This may include public service announcements on the radio and short public service commercials on the television. In fact many government agencies use the television to distribute important information such as safety measures at airports. Departments of Transportation also have some commercials about driver safety; these can be extended to include construction zones as well.

▪ Internet:

The internet can also be used as an effective way to present information about safety in the work zone. The IDOT has an online website where this information can be added to make it accessible to anyone visiting the page. One of the possible alternatives in our proposed solution is a web page which informs the public about construction sites in their vicinity. This page may also have a link to safety pages which would allow visitors to review the changes made to the work zone.

▪ Initiatives by other agencies:

Many initiatives have been taken by other government agencies to educate the public about the dangers in the work zone and the need for alertness while driving through them. One of the bigger such campaigns was the National PSA Campaign for Federal Highway Administration. This sought to increase awareness by using a figure of a flagger who was named ‘Jack Hammer’. This figure then gave tips on responsible driving through the work zone. The various media used in this campaign included internet sites, posters, bumper stickers and media kits.

2.10.4 Scope

The scope for the educational component is not limited to that of the road construction safety project (two lane highways). The educational solutions may be applied to any part of a road safety initiative. Road construction on interstate highways or city roads is equally prone to accidents and these initiatives can save lives in other projects too. Hence our scope is very broad. All in all, the most effective way to prevent accidents and increase safety in road construction is better driver awareness and overall public education.

3 Resources and Schedules

The following sections lay out the schedule, projected effort, and the cost of the project thus far.

3.1 Personnel Effort

Table 4 summarizes the potential division of personnel effort throughout the project life. Table 5 lists the current project man hours. Table 6 likely project cost, including labor. It should be noted that the data summarized in these tables is tentative at best since much remains to be determined on our project specifics. As the project solidifies, the time table should automatically take its final shape.

Project Man-Hours

Table 4 – Original estimated personnel effort requirements

|Personnel Name |Research |

|Budget |$150 |

|student share |$10/person |

|IDOT |donated |

|  |  |

|Cost |  |

|Poster |  |

| primary |-$70 |

| secondary (DOT) |donated |

|product |-$150 |

|Funding |$ Flow |

|Budget |$150 |

|student share |$10/person |

|IDOT |donated |

|  |  |

|Cost |  |

|Project Plan |-$14  |

|Poster |-$70 |

|product |-$150 |

The following table shows the projected costs of the project.

Table 8- Project Cost/Labor

|Item |W/O Labor |With Labor |

|  |  |  |

|product/materials |  |  |

|Poster |  |  |

| primary |-$70 |-$70 |

| secondary (DOT) |donated |donated |

|product |-$150 |-$150 |

|  |  |  |

|Labor @$10.30 |  |  |

|Abdul Nuhu |$0 |$1470 |

|Angel Anderson |$0 |$1449 |

|Amit Agarwal |$0 |$1470 |

|Matt Baker |$0 |$1470 |

|Josh Keith |$0 |$1438.50 |

|Nancy Suby-Bohn |$0 |$1522.50 |

|Clint Dawson |$0 |$1438.50 |


3.4 Deliverable Schedule

Table 9 – Project deliverables

|Deliverables: | |

| | | |

|Progress Reports |Weekly |

| | | |

|Project Plan: | |

| |Project Plan |Tuesday, September 30, 2003 |

| |Bound Project Plan |Tuesday, October 07, 2003 |

| |Project Plan to Website |Tuesday, October 07, 2003 |

| |Review Project Plan w/Client |Wednesday, October 08, 2003 |

| | | |

|Poster: | |

| |Posters |Tuesday, October 21, 2003 |

| | | |

|Feasibility Report: | |

| |Feasibility Report |Tuesday, November 18, 2003 |

| |Review Feasibility Report w/Client |Friday, December 12, 2003 |

| |Bound Feasibility Report |Wednesday, December 17, 2003 |

| |Feasibility Report to Website |Wednesday, December 17, 2003 |

| | | |

|Progress Report: | |

| |Peer Evaluation |Tuesday, December 02, 2003 |

| | | |

|Presentations: | |

| |Class Presentation |Week of January 27, 2004 |

| |IRP Presentation |Week of April 20, 2004 |

| | | |

|Final Design Report: | |

| |Final Design Report |Tuesday, April 06, 2004 |

| |Review Final Design Report w/Client |Thursday, April 29, 2004 |

| |Bound Final Design Report |Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |

| |Final Design Report to Website |Wednesday, May 05, 2004 |

4 Closure Materials

The following section provides useful information the Road Construction Safety Team used during the Feasibility Report process.

4.1 Project Team Information

The following section contains information about those who are involved in the project.

4.1.1 Client Information

The contact for the client (I.D.O.T) of the Road Construction Safety Project is listed in the lines to follow.

Iowa Department of Transportation

Contact: Mark Bortle, Safety Engineer

800 Lincoln Way

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 239-1587

Email: mark.bortle@dot.state.ia.us

4.1.2 Faculty Advisor Information

The following faculty members will act as advisors to the project throughout the year.

John Lamont


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Iowa State University

324 Town Engineering Building

Phone: (515) 294-3600

Email: jwlamont@ee.iastate.edu

Ralph Patterson III

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Iowa State University

326 Town Engineering Building

Phone: (515) 294-2428

Email: repiii@iastate.edu

4.1.3 Student Team Member Information

Following are listed the senior design team members of the Road Construction Safety Project who are students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

Clinton Dawson

Team Leader

Computer Engineering

3905 Quebec Street

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (612) 386-0249

Email: crdawson@iastate.edu

Angel V Anderson

Communication Coordinator

Computer Engineering

5122 Frederiksen Court

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 572-8037

Email: angelv@iastate.edu

Amit K. Agarwal

Computer Engineering

200 Stanton #201

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 598-9375

Email: amkag@iastate.edu

Matthew J. Baker

Electrical Engineering

1320 Gateway Hills #602

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 460-3722

Email: mjbaker@iastate.edu

Joshua B. Keith

Civil Engineering

1008 Mesa Verde Pl

Ames, IA 50014

Phone: (515) 290-3386

Email: jkeith@iastate.edu

Abdul R. Nuhu

Electrical Engineering

809 Furman Drive

Ames, IA 50010

Phone: (515) 233-2321

Email: rhahman@iastate.edu

Nancy Elizabeth Suby-Bohn

Civil Engineering

312 Corning Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50313

Phone: (515) 244-8361

Email: subybohn@iastate.edu

4.1.4 Additional Faculty Involved

The following faculty members (non-advisors) are involved in the project and will contribute to the team.

Veronica J. Dark

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Iowa State University

Science I Room 374

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294–1688

FAX: (515) 294-6424

E-mail: vjdark@iastate.edu

Duane E. Smith, Professional Engineer

Adj. Assistant Professor

Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Iowa State University

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-8817

Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE)

ISU Research Park

2901 S. Loop Drive, Suite 3100

Ames, IA 50010-8632

Phone: (515) 294-8103

FAX: (515) 294-0467

Email: desmith@iastate.edu

Vern Schaefer


Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Iowa State University

482B Town Engineering Building

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-9540

Email: vern@iastate.edu

Max Porter


Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

Iowa State University

416A Town Engineering Building

Ames, IA 50011-3180

Phone: (515) 294-7456

Email: mporter@iastate.edu

4.2 Conclusion

The I.D.O.T has expressed the need for increased driver awareness and effectiveness in the work zone. Dr. Dark established the need to get the driver’s cognitive decision process level instead of attracting the driver’s awareness for effectiveness. In order to do this, new ideas to expand the current list of safety technologies are being sought. The purpose of this report is to evaluate different alternatives and implement ways alternatives can be evaluated. Final Alternates chosen for the design process where based on the cost/effectiveness/plan guidelines matrix. During the design phase, these alternatives will be elaborated on and provide the I.D.O.T. with a useful product to help increase the driver’s cognitive

4.3 References

Iowa Department of Transportation

Note: The title page image was taken from the I.D.O.T. website

Minnesota Department of Transportation

National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse

Nebraska Department of Roads

U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation – Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)

University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center

Comparison of ORS and Asphalt Rumble Strips, by Eric Meyer, The University of Kansas and Scott Walton, The University of Kansas.

Jeff, Iowa Plains Signs, Inc. Hwy 210W, PO Box 654, Slater, IA 50244-0654,

515-685-3536, ipsi@

Dave Krahulec, John Thomas Inc., 1415 Franklin, Grove Rd, Dixon. IL 61021


Marlowe Dickinson, Dickinson Company, Inc., 1616 “D” Ave W, Oskaloosa, IA 52577


Jim Heger, Bonnie’s Barricades, Inc., 1547 Michigan St, Des Moines IA 50313

8877. jheger@

4.4 Appendix A:

Figure 8 – Two-lane highway.

Figure 9 – Examples of work zone sign options.

Figure 10 – Example of Rumble Strips.


Figure 11 – Example of Portable Traffic Signals on Trailers.


Figure 12 – Example of a Portable Speed Sign on a Trailer to be Modified.

4.5 Appendix B: Alternatives Grid

Attached is the alternatives grid that was used in conjunction with the matrices to break down the solutions.


Appendix C: Crash Data

The following raw crash data is being used to make preliminary conclusions about accidents in and around the work zone.


Gantt Chart of Project Schedule

List of Symbols

3.3 Project Schedule

The Gantt chart in the following figure shows the project timeline with deliverables and the necessary time and tasks required to complete each of those deliverables.

Symbols taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

Figure 1 -- Taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

Symbols taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

Symbols taken from U.S. Department of Transportation – “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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