
Salisbury SelectboardRegular MeetingAugust 25, 2020Approved MinutesCall to OrderChairman Paul Vaczy called the meeting to order at 7:00PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.Members Present: Paul Vaczy, Jonathan Blake, Sheila Conroy, and Pat Dunn were present at the Town Office. Others Present: Susan Scott, Brenda Burchard, Willem Jaring, Deb Brighton, and Anna Scheck, (Minute Taker), were present at the Town Office. ,Changes to Agenda: Add under old business- Tax RepresentationNoise IssuesHog Farm Approval of Minutes: August 13, 2020 –Patrick Dunn made a motion to approve the minutes of August 13, 2020 as written. Motion carried 4-0.Public Comments – Deb discussed the fact that the Planning Commission would like to apply for a planning grant to update the Town Plan and that the Selectboard would need to sign a resolution stating that they were in agreement with submitting the application. She stated that the application needed to be submitted by September 30th so the Board would have some time to make a decision and find a way to commit the matching funds. She stated that a 10% match would be required by the Town and the total grant would be about $5,000. She said this would mean that the Town would need to commit at least $480 but she felt it would be best to commit the entire $500. The contract would be with the Regional Commission which would also allow for training for the commission during the update process. She stated that there was also another issue that would need to be resolved. She explained that in the 90s the school needed to expand the existing building but found that it would be too costly to make repairs and construct an addition due to structural issues. Deb stated that the Town decided that they would need to construct a school in another part of Town because they couldn’t construct a new school in the current location. She said at that time it was decided that it should be constructed on the west side of Route 7. In recent years Towns and Planning Commissions were required to adopt an Enhanced Energy Plan to be compliant with the 90% efficientcy rating by 2050. She stated that unfortunately the new maps show that the school was constructed in an endangered species area which does not allow for any development. The Planning Commission will also have to look at this issue in the future to see if there is a way to amend the boundaries of the restricted area so that the school and the Town would be compliant. If the Board approves the submission of the grant, a majority of the Board would need to sign off on the grant and the Board would also need to appoint a grant administrator and an authorizing official. Paul said that he would review the application and hopefully make a decision at the Selectboard meeting to be held on September 8th. He wanted to thank Deb for all of her hard work and that the Board will continue to look at finding additional PC members. Deb stated that she would assist the Planning Commission in putting the application together.Officers ReportsHighway – Willem JaringWillem stated that he submitted a grant application for the harrows.He said that they had mounted the tool bar on the grader so they could use it more aggressively without changing the blades.Willem stated that he had completed the sand bunker so the residents would be able to get buckets of sand during the winter months.He stated that he hired Kevin Bagley to cutback all of the brush on Kelly Cross Road to make that look better and the signs will be installed soon.Willem said the he gave the Board a copy of the grant in aid invoicing sheet for West Salisbury Road and the total project was $4,065 with the grant payment to be $3,852 which means the Town share is $813.Pat asked Willem about an issue on Storey Road. He said that last year someone had skidded off the road and Eric Ashley asked if something could be done with the situation. He said that the way it is now vehicles can slide right off the road. Willem said that he would put some berming material in the problem area of the road and that should help with the problem. Willem also stated that they did some work on the road near where Paul lives when they moved the sign for the lady. Paul said they did some work on the road and Mike did a nice job. He said with a little more work it would be complete. Town Clerk-Susan ScottSue stated that the Lister’s had lodged the grand list.Susan stated that there were no petitions for the ATV Ordinance so that will go into effect on August 29, 2020.Susan stated that they received the instructions for the new tabulator but that the tabulator hadn’t come yet. Susan stated that she has been busy with absentee ballots, registering voters and keeping up with recording. Paul asked if Sue found the resolution approving the formation of the Addison County Communications Union District. Sue stated that she didn’t but had a blank copy that the Board could sign with the warrants and they could send it out.Treasurer-Brenda Burchard:Brenda stated that she had been working on the application for the new LOC and hopes to complete it soon.She said she is also working on reports for the Board and has the template set up for the new budget status reports.Brenda stated that she has a Highway grant that the Town received last year but asked Willem for help with completing the report that will need to be submitted. She stated that she wasn’t completely sure what road the grant was for. Paul said that he or Pat could also assist but he believes it happened during the last fiscal year and it may be a culvert grant, possibly for Leland Road, and was about $7,000.Brenda said that she sat in on a seminar regarding COVID grants from the State which would cover related expenses, such as PPE equipment and cleaning supplies but the application would need to be in by September 4th and she wasn’t sure she could get it done by then.Brenda stated that she had worked with Sam regarding what figures will be needed to set the tax rate and would be making a recommendation to the Board this evening.She stated that Sam had completed the audit field work for the General Fund and the Highway Fund. Brenda stated that she is working with Chris on the revised the line of credit application but it will be September before we can access those funds from Middlebury Bank. Brenda stated that she had submitted the information to receive the rebates for the heat pumps from GMP but it will be 4-6 weeks before we receive the money. Committee Reports. There were no Committee reports. CorrespondenceThe only new correspondence received was a delinquent tax report. Old business:Cemetery – SteadyPaul stated that he would call Chuck Steady tomorrow to be sure that the damaged caused is being repaired.FY20 discussion (Info from Treasurer)Paul stated that they have received some of the end of year reports from Brenda. He said the Board needs to review the budgets and work with Brenda on how the Board can move forward in the future. He stated that the Board needs to do a better job with the Highway Budget so that they don’t go over budget. Willem commented that costs go up every year which may also affects the budget. Brenda said we are also having some problems because of the delinquent taxes. Pat asked if it were possible to raise taxes for one year to cover us and get us back on track. He said that we already have added some costs to the budget for items like paying for tabulator expense each year. Paul said that we are already saving some money on highway because we now only have two employees. Brenda stated that we cannot set a tax rate that would create a deficit in a budget. She said it is State law and we are required to set a tax rate that would cover our expenses. New Business Tax Rate & Due DatesBrenda stated that the total General Fund Budget to be approved by the voters is $815,787.80 less $211,080.00 in anticipated income leaving a total of $604,707.80. Expenses include the GF Budget of $216,560.00, the Highway Budget in the amount of $483,031.00, articles for Social Service Agencies in the amount of $89,325.00, BLSGP for $26,371.80, and creation of the Energy Fund in the amount of $500. She stated that in addition there are interest and principal payments due in the amount of $54,644.00 for the Maple Street Bridge Project. Anticipated revenues include $99,075.00 for State Aid to Highways, Current Use payments for $54,081.00, PILT in the amount of $10,000.00, PILOT in the amount of $11,000 and miscellaneous . other income in the amount of $36,924.00. She stated that miscellaneous revenues include copier fees, delinquent tax interest, DMV renewals, Dog licenses, interest income, local fines, marriage licenses, recording fees, rent from the Masonic Lodge and search of records. Brenda stated that the Grandlist is $1,947,632 and if you calculate the municipal and highway expense budgets you get a municipal tax rate of .3105. We do have to make up the difference in Veteran’s Exemptions in the amount of $4,270.32 or a tax rate of .0022, the Maple Street Bridge project payments at a rate of .0281 and an additional .0155 to remove the deficits in the General Fund and Highway Fund. Brenda stated that the actual amount to be raised is $693,857.51 and the municipal tax rate would be .3563. She stated that the municipal tax rate last year was .3545. Brenda stated that the Homestead Education tax rate is 1.7964 and the Non-Homestead rate is 1.7451. Pat commented that the good news is that the deficit is not as large as was first thought but we must be more fiscally conscience going forward. Brenda suggested that the tax due dates be October 15, 2020 and April 5, 2021 which would delay only the first tax due date by 10 days. She said that she ordered that envelopes but was concerned that there may be a delay in receiving them. She stated the tax bills will need to be out by September 15Jonathan Blake made a motion to set the municipal tax rate at .3563 and change the due dates to October 15, 2020 and April 5, 2021. Motion carried 4-0.Paul and Brenda had a brief conversation about where payment of the heat pumps should be charged. Paul stated that Brenda suggested that payment for the heat pumps should be charged to Buildings and Grounds which seemed correct but should also move forward with trying to get donations to help with the cost. Noise Issue - Paul stated that he had received a call from a resident on Lower Plains Road who complained about a neighbor playing load music at all hours. Paul stated that we do not have a noise ordinance but told the person they would discuss it. He said he would like to look at the Middlebury Ordinance and look at for the future. Hog Farm- Paul stated that he spoke with someone about a problem at the Hog Farm. He stated that no one is living there and all of the windows are broken out and the person was concerned about the welfare of the pigs. He spoke with John Rouse but this is not an Animal Control issue. He said that it would come under review of agricultural practices. He stated that they are looking into it. Tax Representation – Paul stated that he and Jonathan have looked into the situation and Jonathan had contacted Jeff Guevin about pursuing a tax sale for the Town at a rate of 15%. After discussion Patrick Dunn made a motion to authorize Jonathan Blake to pursue a contract with Mr. Guevin to represent the Town of Salisbury for a tax sale. Motion carried 4-0.Members ConcernsThere were no members concerns. Discuss & Sign OrdersSheila Conroy made a motion to discuss and sign orders and authorize payment of bills. Motion carried 4-0.Adjournment Patrick Dunn made a motion made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11PM.Motion carried 4-0. Respectfully Submitted,Anna Scheck ................

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