
DNA Transcription and Translation

A day 10:41am-12:13pm/ B day 2:43pm-4:15pm

|Lesson Rationale/Overview: |

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|Prior Content |

|In the previous lesson students received an introduction to DNA and DNA replication. Students now know that DNA is the basis of life and its |

|complementary base pairs. Students also examined an animation of DNA synthesis, replicated DNA sequences using a worksheet, and answered DNA |

|review questions. |

|Today’s Content |

|From this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the difference between DNA and RNA and will be able to transcribe a sequence of DNA |

|into RNA using a Build a Bug activity. |

|Upcoming Content |

|After this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate DNA transcription, and be ready for an introduction to DNA translation. |

|Objectives (SWBAT): |

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|Students will demonstrate how to transcribe DNA into RNA using a DNA transcription modeling Build-a-Bug activity. |

|Standards (TEKS): |

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|Warm-Up TEKS: |

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|Lesson TEKS: |

|(B.4b) Investigate and explain cellular processes including…synthesis of new molecules.\ |

|(B.5c) Describe the roles of DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and environmental factors in cell differentiation. |

|(B.6) The student knows the mechanisms of genetics, including the role of nucleic acids and the principles of Mendelian Genetics The student |

|is expected to: |

|(B.6.a) identify components of DNA and describe how information for specifying the traits of an organism is carried in the DNA. |

|(B.6.b) recognize that the components that make up the genetic code are common to all organisms. |

|(B.6.c) explain the purpose and process of transcription and translation using models of DNA and RNA |

|(B.6.d) recognize that gene expression is a regulated process |

|(B.2.g) analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data |

|(B.2.h) communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through methods such as…graphic organizers, summaries, labeled drawings. |

|Teacher Content Background: Add cheat sheet of content overview for your own reference |

|Will include: filled in Warm-up, copy of Powerpoint notes (transcription and translation) and concept check, filled out Build-a-Bug, and exit |

|ticket. |

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|Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Add quick pre-assessment activity here (can be done as hook, or on day prior to lesson) |

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|Warm Up: Questions over missed TEK (course required) |

|Assessment: Pair share, Random Response. |

|Overview of Lesson: Review objective and flow of class. |

|Materials: |

|Teacher: Warm-ups, Video () Powerpoint, Build a Bug copies, Copies of quiz or exit |

|ticket, Book |

|Student:Warm-up, Notes sheet, Build A Bug Worksheet, Quiz, pencils Optional Bookwork, homework |

|Daily Agenda: |

|(What I will write on the board so that the students’ know what is going to happen during this lesson plan). |

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|1. Objective and standard met: Students will demonstrate how to transcribe DNA into RNA using a DNA transcription modeling activity and a |

|Build-a-Bug activity. |

|2. What they should be able to do to show their understanding by the end of the lesson: Should correctly answer concept check for |

|transcription and translation and complete Build a Bug. |

|3. Major activities for lesson: Warm-up, Powerpoint notes with concept questions, Videos, Build a bug activity, and exit ticket quiz. |

|(Optional Bookwork for students who choose not to participate: pg. 299 (1-6) pg.306 (1,2,4)) |

|4. Homework or next time…Finish Build a Bug Worksheet and practice homework. Next Lesson: Wrap up of protein synthesis |

|Activities: |

|(Includes warm-up/hook, details about what the teacher and student are doing, and a break down of the time interval for each activity). |

|Activity |time |What is the teacher saying / doing |What are the students saying / doing |

|Warm-Up |10 min |Hand out warm up TAKS review |Students will be handed warm-up worksheet as they walk in |

| | | |and work quietly for five minutes. |

| | |Facilitate random response to Warm-up |Afterwards students will respond to questions about warm-up|

| | | |and make corrections. |

|Transition |2 min |Review objective and plan for the day. Review |Students will listen for overview of plan for the day and |

| | |procedures and expectations with students. |listen to procedures and expectations. |

|Video of DNA |3 min |Teacher will show videos on details of DNA |Students will observe videos and answer questions on the |

|replication | |replication. |Pre-AP level about the proteins and process involved in DNA|

| | | |replication. |

| | |/dna/animations.html) | |

| | |What proteins are involved in DNA replication? | |

| | |What is happening when the loop of DNA is | |

| | |replicated? Why is it replicated in that way. | |

|Powerpoint Notes |15 min |Student will take notes on the process of DNA |-Students will observe powerpoint taking notes on a graphic|

| | |transcription and answer questions on notes |organizer and then answer the concept check questions on a |

| | |sheet in order to check on their concept |separate piece of paper. |

| | |understanding. | |

|Video of DNA |3 min |Teacher will show videos on details of DNA |Students will observe videos and answer questions on the |

|transcription | |transcription. |Pre-AP level about the proteins and process involved in DNA|

| | | |transcription. |

| | |/dna/animations.html) | |

|Transition |2 min |Teacher will give instructions on the model |Students will listen to instructions and watch |

| | |activity and then instructions on how to do the|demonstrations. |

| | |Build a Bug. Teacher will also model each | |

| | |activity. | |

|Build a Bug Project |15 min |Teacher will monitor and answer any questions |Students will do the first section of their create a bug |

| | |students may have about activity. Instruct |activity, which will require them to separate their DNA |

| | |students to answer analysis questions 1-3 on |into triplets and then write the correct mRNA triplets. |

| | |last page. |Students should then answer analysis questions 1-3. |

|Powerpoint Notes |15 min |Student will take notes on the process of DNA |-Students will observe powerpoint taking notes on a graphic|

| | |translation and answer questions on notes sheet|organizer and then answer the concept check questions on a |

| | |in order to check on their concept |separate piece of paper. |

| | |understanding. | |

|Transition |5 min |Teacher will give instructions on the model |Students will listen to instructions and watch |

| | |activity and then instructions on how to do the|demonstrations. |

| | |rest of the Build a Bug. Teacher will also | |

| | |model each activity. | |

|Build a Bug Project |15 min |Teacher will monitor and answer any questions |Students will do the last sections of their create a bug |

| | |students may have about last activity. Instruct|activity, which will require them to separate their DNA |

| | |students to answer last analysis questions. |into triplets and then write the correct mRNA triplets. |

| | | |Students should then answer last analysis questions. |

|Quiz |5 min |Students will take the quiz quietly. |Students will take the quiz. |

|Homework: |

|Finish Build a Bug and their practice transcription and translation. Next Lesson: Wrap up of Protein Synthesis. |

|Differentiation( How will I address the needs of other learners) : |

|Differentiation |

|Visual video of DNA transcription. |

|Visual, kinesthetic application of DNA to RNA to protein with Build a Bug. |

|Written explanation of DNA transcription during concept check. |

|Accommodations |

|ESL, ELL: Visual demonstration of DNA replication |

|GT: Assist other students, answer bonus question on worksheet |

|Assessment: |

|Formative: DNA Transcription Concept Check questions |

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|Summative: Summative assessment Quiz on 1/30 and 1/31 |

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|Teacher Reflections: |

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