Inter-tel Axxess Administrative Procedures - Advanced

Inter-tel Axxess Administrative Procedures - Advanced

Activate Night Mode

While telephone is idle, press the "Night" key. The key will be illuminated. If you do not have a "Night" key, press " 9860". The message on the display will confirm that Night Mode is On.

Deactivate Night Mode

While telephone is idle, press the "Night" key. The key will no longer be illuminated. Night Mode is deactivated. If you do not have a "Night" key, press " 9860" and Night Mode is deactivated.

Program System Speed Dial Numbers

Note: If you make a mistake, press MUTE to backspace or "*" to cancel the entry and start over.

1. Press " 9801". Enter the Speed storage location number (00-999).

2. Enter the name for the Speed Dial number using the alpha characters on the dial pad.

3. Press "#" to save the name. Enter the telephone number (up to 32 digits) to be stored.

Note: To include a "*","#", pause, or hook flash in the number, press "": once for "*", twice for "#", three times for hook flash, and four times for a pause.

Record Custom Greetings

1. Enter the Voice Mail access code ("277" for three-digit extension systems, or "2504" for four-digit extension systems).

2. When the Automated Attendant greeting begins to play, press "*", followed by the administrator mailbox number ("500" for three-digit extension systems or "5000" for four-digit extension systems). You will then be prompted to enter your pass code, which is 500 or 5000.

3. You will hear a menu of administrator options. Press "3" for custom recordings.

4. At the next menu, press "1" to select a custom recording. This allows you to apply a previously recorded message to an application. Press "1" to make a custom recording. Press "3" to review a previously made custom recording. This option allows you to listen to existing recordings before changing them.

5. Press "1". You will then be prompted to enter the greeting number. This is a three-digit number (003-099). Recording numbers 001 and 002 should never be changed. Generally, recording 003 is for day operation and 004 is for night operation. Enter the recording number to change or create. You will be prompted to begin recording at the tone. Press "1" when finished. The recording will replay for your review. To save, press "#".

Note: Pressing "*" at any time will return you to the previous menu.

Apply Custom Recording to Application

1. To apply your new recording to the Main Greeting Application, press "*" until you hear the Custom Recording menu, "Press "1" to select…….."

2. Enter "1".

3. You will be prompted to enter the Application number ("275" for three-digit extension systems or "2500" for four-digit extension systems). Variations of these numbers may exist depending on the design of your system. Ask your system installer for details.

4. Once you have entered the application number, you will be asked to enter the recording number for Day operation, and then the recording number for Night operation. You may choose to have the same recording for Day and Night if you prefer.

Apply the Recording to the Main Greeting

1. Press "*" .

2. Enter "3" for recording options.

3. Enter "2" to select a custom recording.

4. Enter "2500" to select application extension number.

5. Enter "1" or "2" for day/night Press the recording number, then "#" to accept.

Apply the Recording as the Night Mode Greeting:

1. Go to Trunk Group Programming and check Night Ring in destination programming. This will tell you what application the trunks are ringing to.

2. Go to the appropriate application and change the current custom recording to the one you recorded.

Change Date and/or Time - Networked Systems Only

• While on hook, enter the Set Network Date and Time feature code (9810). Your displays the current date.

• If you do not need to change the date, press "#" or ACCEPT to skip to the time prompt.

• Use the dial pads to enter month day and year mm-dd-yy format.

• If you make a mistake, press "MUTE" to backspace or "*" to start over.

• Use the dial pad buttons to enter the time in hours and minutes "0900" for 9:00.

• If 12-hour display is used, the display shows AM or PM. Press "1" for AM and "2" for PM.

Program Stations

Enter Station Programming

• From an Administrator station, while on-hook, enter "9932" for "Program Database".

• Use the dial pad to enter the password and press "#".

• When the display shows "ENTER DATABASE OPTION", press "1" or the "STATION" menu button.

• The display shows "ENTER STATION EXTENSION". Enter the extension number of the station to be programmed using one of the following methods:

o Enter a complete number - Enter the extension using the dial pad. When the circuit information is displayed, press "#" to continue.

o Enter a partial number - Enter a partial extension number, then press "#". The display shows the extension number, username and circuit number of the station most closely matching your entry. Press "#" to accept or....

o Scroll through the numbers - Press the raise volume or "NEXT" to scroll forward and lower volume and "PREVIOUS" to go back. When the desired extension number is displayed, press "#" to continue.

Display shows "ENTER STATION OPTION". Select one of the following:

A - Station Flags

Press "1" to accept. There are 3 flags that can be programmed: Administrator (cannot be programmed for your phone from you phone), Attendant and House Phone. To program the flags:

1. Using the lower volume and raise volume buttons, scroll to the desired flag.

2. To enable or disable a displayed flag, Press "1" or the "ON" menu button to enable, "2" or "OFF" to disable.

3. To save programming when you are finished, press "#" or "ACCEPT". The display shows "DATABASE UPDATED" and returns to the "ENTER STATION OPTION" prompt.

4. To exit without saving, press "*" or "CANCEL".

B - Station Information

Press "2" to accept. Station Information allows you to select an attendant for the station or program the station’s username.

To select an attendant –

• Press "1" or the “ATTENDANT” button.

• Enter the desired extension number.

• When the circuit information is displayed, press "#" again to return to the "ENTER STATION INFO OPTION" prompt. To cancel, press "*".

To program the station's username -

• Press "2" or the “USERNAME” button.

• Enter the name.

• The number of times a button is pressed determines which character is entered. For example, 533266 would enter “JEAN” in English. When adjoining characters are located under the same button, press to advance to the next character.

C - Toll Restriction

Press “3” or “TOLL RESTRICTION” to select. From here you can set the station class of service for day and night modes.

1. Press “1” or the “COS DAY” button to program day mode restrictions, “2” or the “COS NIGHT” button for night.

2. The display shows “SET DAY (or NIGHT) COS XX. Scroll to the desired COS by pressing the volume up or “NEXT” to scroll forward, volume down or “PREVIOUS” to scroll backward. Default numbers are as follows:

COS 01 - ARS Only

COS 02 - Deny Area/Office

COS 03 - Deny Operator

COS 04 - Deny Toll Access

COS 05 - Deny International

COS 06 - Deny Equal Access

COS 07 - Deny Local Calls

COS 08 - Denied Numbers

COS 09 - Allowed Numbers

3. When the correct COS is displayed, press “1” or the “ON” menu button to enable the restriction or press “2” or “OFF” to disable.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if desired.

5. Press “#” or “ACCEPT” to save.

6. Press “#” to exit to the “ENTER STATION OPTION” prompt.

When the station again displays, “ENTER STATION OPTION”, press “#” to exit to the “ENTER STATION EXTENSION” prompt. You can then program another station, or press “#” again to exit to the “ENTER DATABASE” option prompt. To exit completely, press “#” again.

If a system reset is required, the display shows “ENTER SYS RESET OPTION”. Press “1” to delay the reset to a pre-programmed time. Press “2” to reset now. Resetting the system will drop all calls in progress.

System Programming

1. While on hook, press “9932”.

2. Enter password when prompted, if required. Press “#”.

3. The display shows “ENTER DATABASE OPTION”. Press “2” or the “SYSTEM” button.

4. The display shows “ENTER SYSTEM OPTION”. Select one of the following:

a. Do-Not-Disturb Messages - Press “1” to select.

i. Display shows “SELECT DND MESSAGE #”. Enter the number or scroll to the message desired by pressing the volume button.

ii. When the desired message is displayed, enter the new message.

iii. Press “#” or “ACCEPT” to save the new message. To cancel, press “*”.

iv. To program another message, repeat.

v. Press “#” again to return to the “ENTER SYSTEM OPTION” prompt.

Default Messages Are as Follows:









|09 |ON A TRIP |19 |GONE HOME |


b. Password (limits access to the administrator programming features) – Press “2” to select.

i. The display shows “CHANGE PASSWORD TO”. Enter a password (1-8 digits). Press #. To erase the password and leave it blank, press “#”.

ii. The display shows “VERIFY PASSWORD”. Re-enter the password exactly, followed by “#”. If the 2 entries do not match, you must start over at the “CHANGE PASSWORD” prompt.

c. Reminder Messages (programs reminder messages used by the stations) - Press “3” to select.

i. At the “SELECT REMINDER MSG #” prompt, enter a number or scroll using the volume button.

ii. When the correct message is displayed, enter the new message.

iii. Press “#” to accept and save. Or, to cancel, press “*”

iv. To program another message, scroll to the desired message and repeat.

v. Press “#” again to exit to the “ENTER SYSTEM OPTIONS” prompt.

Default Reminder Messages:









|09 |CALL HOME |19 |LUNCH |


d. Station Extensions (assign new extension numbers to stations) – Press “4” to select.

i. If programming a station:

1. Press “1”.

2. Enter the extension number of the station to be programmed (when a valid number is entered, circuit information will display).

3. Press “#” again to continue.

4. The display will show “CHANGE X” (where “X” is the station number).

5. Enter the new extension number for the station. If you enter an extension number that is already assigned, the display shows “CONFLICTING EXTENSION” and you must start over.

6. Press “#” to exit to the “ENTER STATION EXTENSION” prompt. For 4 seconds, the display shows “UPDATING DATABASE”, then “DATABASE UPDATED” (or, to cancel, press “*”).

7. Press “#” again to exit to the “ENTER SYSTEM OPTION” prompt (Press “*” if an extension number is displayed).

ii. Swapping a station:

1. Press “2”.

2. The display shows “ENTER STATION EXTENSION”. Enter the first extension to be swapped.

3. Press “#”.

4. The display reads, “SWAP (extension #) with EXTENSION”. Enter the 2nd extension number and press “#”.

5. Display shows “ENTER SYSTEM OPTION”. Press “#” to exit to the “ENTER DATABASE OPTION” prompt.

6. When finished programming, press “#” when “ENTER DATABASE OPTION” is displayed

7. If a system reset is required the display will show “ENTER SYS RESET OPTION”. Press “1” to delay the reset until the preprogrammed time. Press “2” for an immediate reset. Resetting the system will drop all calls in progress.

Programming Trunk Information

1. While on hook, enter “9932”.

2. If prompted for a password, enter it and press “#”.

3. “ENTER DATABASE OPTION” is displayed. Press “3”. The display shows, “ENTER TRUNK OPTION”.

4. To program individual trunks:

a. Press “1”.

b. The display shows “ENTER TRUNK EXTENSION”. Enter the extension number to be programmed.

c. The display reads, “INDIVIDUAL TRUNK OPTION”. Enter one of the following options:

i. Answer Supervision – Press “1”. When the display reads “ANS SUPERVISION OPTION”. Press “1” for polarity reversal type. Press “2” for Valid call timer type. Press “3” for valid call timer with polarity reversal supervision. Press “#” or “ACCEPT” to continue.

ii. Caller ID – Press “2”. Press “1” to enable, “2” to disable. Press “#” to continue.

iii. Hybrid Balance – Press “3”. To se the hybrid balance of the trunk to normal, press “1”, to set it to short, press “2”. Then press “#”.

iv. DTMF/Dial-Pulse Signaling – Press “4”. Press “1” for DTMF or “2” for Dial-pulse. Press “#” to continue.

v. Trunk Group Number – Press “5”. Enter the trunk group number you would like to assign the trunk to.

vi. Busy Trunk – Press “6”. Press “1” to mark the trunk “busy” (removing the trunk from service temporarily). Press “2” to return it to service. Press “#” to continue.

d. Press “#” to move backward through the prompts until you reach the “ENTER DATABASE OPTION” prompt.

5. To program a trunk group:

a. Press “2”.

b. Enter the number of the trunk group to be programmed.

c. Select one of the following options:

i. Answer Access for day or night mode: Press “1” to assign the station that will have answer access for the trunk group for day mode. Press “2” to program for night. When the display shows “ENTER STATION EXTENSION” enter the station number. At the “Yes/No” prompt, dial “1” to include the station in the list or “2”to exclude. Press “#”. When the display returns to “ENTER STATION EXTENSION” select another extension number. If finished programming, press “#” to continue.

ii. Ring-in for day or night mode: Press “3” to program the station that will have ring in for this trunk group on day mode. Press “4” for night mode. When the display shows “ENTER STATION EXTENSION” enter the stations into the list.

iii. Toll restriction: Press “5” to program. When the display shows “TOLL RESTRICTION OPTION” press the numbers that correspond to the toll restrictions you wish to program as follows:

1. COS for day/night modes – Press “1” for day mode, “2” for night. The display shows “SET DAY (or NIGHT) COS XX”. Scroll to the desired COS using the volume buttons. Press “1” to select the toll restriction. Press “2” to disable. Repeat to program additional restrictions if desired. Press “#” to continue.

|COS 02 |Deny Area/Office |

|COS 03 |Deny Operator |

|COS 04 |Deny Toll Access |

|COS 05 |Deny International |

|COS 06 |Deny Equal Access |

|COS 07 |Deny Local Calls |

|COS 08 |Denied Numbers |

|COS 09 |Allowed Numbers |

2. Exempt from ARS – To program the Exempt from ARS options, press “3”. When the display shows “EXEMPT FROM ARS”, press “1” to enable, “2” to disable. Press “#” to continue.

3. Subject to toll restriction – Press “4” to program this option. When the display shows “SUBJECT TO TOLL”, press “1” to enable, “2” to disable. Press “#” to continue

iv. Trunk list: Press “6” to program the list of trunks for the trunk group. When the display shows “ENTER TRUNK EXTENSION”, enter trunks as follows:

1. Enter a trunk extension.

2. At the “Yes/No” prompt, press “1” to include the trunks, “2” to exclude. Press “#”.

3. When the display returns to “ENTER TRUNK EXTENSION” select another extension number or press “#” to continue.

d. Press “#” to move backward through the prompts until you reach the “ENTER DATABASE OPTION” prompt.

6. Press “#” if you are finished with all programming.

7. If a system reset is required, the display will show “ENTER SYS RESET OPTION”. Press “1” to reset at a pre-programmed time. Press “2” to reset immediately (resetting will drop all calls in progress).

Managing Minor System and Network Alarms

To Clear Network Alarms (9851) – This code clears network-wide alarms, but will not affect system alarms. The code may be entered on any node in the network.

To Clear System Alarms (9850) – This code clears all local and network-wide system alarm displays.

To Respond to any minor alarm from any alarm display station:

1. Write down the alarm text.

2. While on hook, enter the appropriate clear alarm code.

3. Consult the following chart for additional steps to take:


|#10 XXXXX OFF-HOOK |The display and SMDR indicate which station has been off-hook long |

| |enough for the inactivity alarm time to expire. Locate the extension |

| |and replace the handset in the cradle |

|#11 XXXXX EMERGENCY |A user has dialed the emergency call feature code and the system has |

| |dialed the programmed number. |

|#12-13 |Check that the cable and the power cord are connected ant that it has |

|#20 CHECK PRINTER |paper and ribbon. |

|#14 SET DATE/TIME |The system real-time clock has not been initialized or it has been |

| |corrupted. Set the time and date. |

|#21 V-MAIL 80% FULL |Voice mail is either 80% or 100% full. If 100% full, voice mail will |

|#22 V-MAIL 100% FULL |not accept any messages until disk space becomes available. |

|#23 SMDR 80% FULL |SMDR disk space is either 80% or 100% full. No further SMDR recording |

|#24 SMDR 100% FULL |is possible once the reaches full capacity. |

|#32 X (ext) INSUF BAND |The IP network does not have enough bandwidth to support he IP call |

| |that is connected to the extension. If this alarm occurs on a regular|

| |basis, it could mean there is a network problem requiring the |

| |attention of your network administrator. Make sure the device is not |

| |behind a firewall on NAT. |

|#100-199 |Equipment failure requiring the attention of service personnel has |

|#200-299 |occurred. When calling for service, have alarm information and any |

|CALL TECHNICIAN |possible causes available. |

Voice Mail Administrator Features

To access the administrator’s mailbox, the system administrator dials the voice mail access number, presses “*” to access the main menu, enters the system administrator’s mailbox number and presses “9” to reach the System Administrator Menu.

Broadcasting Messages

To Record a Broadcast Message:

1. Dial the voice mail application number.

2. During or after the greeting at the main menu, press “*” to identify yourself as a mailbox owner.

3. Enter the system administrator mailbox number and password.

4. Press “9” to access the system Administrator Menu.

5. At the option list, press “1” to send a broadcast message.

6. Record your message. To pause while recording, press “2”, press “2” to continue. To erase and rerecord, press “3”.

7. When finished, hang up or press “#” for more options. Press “1” to review, press “2” to append. To erase and rerecord, press “3”.

Maintaining Mailboxes and Group Lists

1. Dial the voice mail application access number.

2. During or after the main menu greeting, press “8”.

3. Enter the system administrator mailbox number and password.

4. Press “9” for the System administrator menu.

5. Press “2” to access the Mailbox/Group list maintenance option.

6. Dial the mailbox, extension ID or group list to be accessed.

7. To change personal options, follow the instructions for “To Program Personal Options” below, starting at step 5.

To Program Personal Options:

1. Dial the voice mail application access number.

2. During or after the greeting, press “*” to identify yourself as a subscriber.

3. Enter your mailbox number and password.

4. When you hear the main menu list of options, press “4” to select the personal options menu. You may then proceed as follows:

5. To change the personal greeting, press “1” and choose one of the following options.

a. Press “1” to record or enable your primary greeting, “2” for your alternate greeting. If you have previously recorded a greeting, the system will play it. To replay, press “1”. Press “3” to erase and rerecord.

i. Record your greeting after the tone, press “#”.

ii. Press “#” again to accept, “1” to replay or “3” to erase or rerecord.

b. Press “3” to enable the default greeting.

c. Press “*” to exit without making changes.

6. To change your directory name, press “2”.

a. Record your name after the tone then press “2”.

b. Press “#” again to accept your recorded name, “1” to replay, “2” to add to your name or “3” to erase and rerecord.

7. To change your password, press “3”

a. Enter a new password (digits only, up to 12 digits). For no password, skip to the next step.

b. Press “#”. Your password is played back.

c. Press “#” to accept, “3” to re-enter.

8. To change your envelope contents, press “4”. Current envelope information is reported.

a. To enable/disable time/date, press “1”.

b. To enable/disable the message source option, press “2”.

c. To enable/disable the message length option, press “3”.

d. To enable all options, press “4”.

e. To disable, press “5”

f. Press “*” or “#” to return to the personal options menu.

Recording Custom Voice Mail Prompts

1. Dial the voice mail application access number.

2. At the main menu, press “*”.

3. Enter the system admin. Mailbox number and password.

4. Press “9” to access the “System Administrator Menu”.

5. Press “6” to select the System Prompt Replacement option.

6. Enter the desired prompt number, followed by “#”. The current prompt will play.

7. Press “1” to hear the prompt again, “3” to replace the current prompt, press “9” to delete a custom prompt and replace with the default system prompt or “*” to leave the prompt unchanged and return to the previous menu.

8. Record the new prompt if selected. To pause during recording, press “2”. Press “2” again to resume.

When you are finished recording, hang up to accept, press “1” to replay, “2” to append or “3” to erase and rerecord.

Importing Fax Documents for Fax-On-Demand Service

To Import a Fax:

1. Dial the voice mail application access number from a fax machine.

2. Press “*” during or after the greeting.

3. Enter the system admin. Mailbox number and password.

4. Press “9” to access the System Administrator Menu.

5. Press “4” to select the Import Fax option.

6. When prompted, enter the fax document number. If that document number is already being used, you will be prompted to enter “#” to replace it or press “3” to enter another number. If that document number is not in use, press “#” to verify.

7. Press “Start” on your fax machine when prompted.

8. The system will alert you that your document was received. Press “#” to import more documents, “*” to exit.


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