
Career Pathways AssessmentKevin M. RyanUIN: 00961815Verde Campus, ArizonaSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course 401: Career Pathway Assessmentin the School of Nursing Old Dominion University NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Spring, 2013Career Pathways AssessmentIntroductionIn December 2010 my dear friend, mentor and grandfather passed away at the age of ninety-five years old. I spent two of the last three weeks of his life caring for him and wishing I had more medical knowledge and better medical to take care of him. I had just been accepted into the Yavapai College nursing program and was planning to begin in January 2011. In one of our last conversations he told me he was proud of me and though I would make an excellent nurse. While I had been planning on this career move for a number of years, his words did help galvanize my desire to become a nurse.Going back in time, I can remember as a young child that I always liked the smell of medical facilities. I enjoyed visits to the doctor’s office, hospital, and even the dentist’s office. I thought that the people in the medical industry were always so nice, professional and caring toward me. While these factors didn’t cause me to pursue a career in the medical field right out of high school, looking back I can see now that I had an early interest those environments. In addition I am a care giver by nature. I do have a sincere interest in helping others. I have always given to charities and donated my time to charitable causes. I also enjoy being able to help family and friends when I can, with whatever challenges they are facing. It has been a constant goal of mine to make sure that my family is well taken care of. I want them to have all the opportunities that I have had and more. Back in 2006 I started taking classes to become a nurse. At times I thought I would never finish. It just seemed so far away. Each semester I would check off the classes I had completed and feel just a little closer to that big goal of becoming a nurse. By taking only one or two classes a semester, it took over five long years to get accepted into a program. I had many small goals along the way but in January 2012 achieved the goal and passed the RN NCLEX exam in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.Educational ExperienceMy education experiences have been fun for the most part. Like many young adults I did have a hard time in high school. I didn’t hang with the best crowd and my grade reflected those poor choices. At my graduation I told my parents that I would never go to college. One long summer of working as a concrete finisher in the Arizona sun and I had a new plan. I wanted an educations and a white collar job in an air conditioned office. I started taking classes at the local community college. I then took a job with AT&T Communications. The AT&T communications job was pivotal in that it provided money for my undergraduate program. Within a few years I had earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Fast forward to 2005 and as a more mature adult I attended a number of community colleges. It was fun to be back in school. It didn’t feel like school was a chore but rather more like a hobby. I enjoyed working with the instructors and my peers in the classes. That enjoyment increased more when I finished my prerequisites and started my nursing program at Yavapai College. It was pivotal in that I was lucky to be in a class of very sharp people. It got even better when I found out that that the study group I joined was full of honor roll students. They really helped me a lot in the program with new ways to study and learn the information that we needed to master. Work ExperienceMy first long term job was with AT&T Communications. I worked for the company for almost twelve years. In many ways I became a man and while working for AT&T. I got married, became a father, and got a divorce while working for them. The positions I held also enabled me to attend many training classes on how to manage, develop and work with a diverse groups and individuals. Later in my career with them, I received extensive sales, network design and data services training. At the end of my career I was working with multi-national companies in the hospitality industry. I was able to travel, meet with, and work with individuals from a number of different cultures. I learned that I like to meet new people, but that I didn’t like to travel as much as I thought I would. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s AT&T had a number of downsizing events. Through these programs I was able to leave the company with many months of salary. These severance packages enabled me to invest in real estate and eventually to start my second career in the construction industry.Shortly after leaving AT&T I was offered an opportunity to purchase a small construction company. After making the purchase I decided to take the contractors examination so that I could become my own qualifying party. In addition passing the test allowed me to hold a license as registered contractor in the state of Arizona. The business had about 22 employees when I purchased it. Through the early 2000’s and the housing boom it grew quickly. At one point the company had 108 employees. I owned and operated the construction company for about 10 years before hiring someone to run it while I went to nursing school. I have learned a lot about how to work with customers, suppliers and how to generate and evaluate financial statements. These were both pivotal experiences in my development. I feel that they have helped me get ready for my nursing career.Involvement in Professional or Community ActivitiesWhen my son was younger I was a volunteer coach for a number of the teams he played sports on. I also was a class father for two years while he was in grade school. When he was a Boy Scout I would go on some of the outings to help out where I could. I have also work with various charities over the years. I worked as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, the New Day Center, and St. Vincent De Paul in the greater Phoenix area. I volunteered to work at clinics with Fit Kids of Northern Arizona and Abrazo Health while was in nursing school. I have also been involved in giving funds to The United Way, National Public Radio, Toys for Tots, and many other charities at the local Arizona level. In the early days of my employment at AT&T I was a union member. This was while I was an entry level employee in a call center that had about 300 customer service representatives. Within one year of working in the call center I joining the union and was asked to become a union steward. I received training on reading and interpreting the contract between AT&T its occupational employees. I learned how to organize people, increase union participation, and work with management to resolve employee grievances. The networking and social groups I have been involved with include Toastmasters, a number of networking groups in Phoenix, and some home building trade groups over the past few years. Nursing groups I belong to include the Arizona Nurses Association, the American Nurses Association and the Oncology Nursing Society. I was more involved with the Arizona Nurses Association through attending and working at their meetings throughout the past two years. I am just now starting to get involved with the Oncology Nursing Society.Analysis of Values, Interests, Strengths and WeaknessesMy values come from my upbringing in an Irish family of five kids. My mother and father were around and together until I started high school. They both loved us and provided for us with all our basic needs. We were raised as Catholics and taught to treat others as we would want to be treated. We were told not to steal, lie or curse. I was taught that I needed show up for work on time, ready to work, with a clear and focused mind. I was told that I should expect a full day of pay for a full and honest day of work, and that I needed to save and work hard for any big ticket items I wanted to purchase. If I was in a relationship I was told to be true to the person I was with. If I had feelings or an interest in for someone else, I was told to end the relationship I was in before acting on any feeling for someone else. These values are still with me to this day, and I have tried to instill them in my son who is now 22 years old. In addition to caring for others, I am interested in spending time with family, friends and working on my rental properties. I enjoy spending time at the lake and at the beaches in Florida and California. I have had precious little time for my hobbies over the last few years. Once I am done getting my BSN and nursing full time, I look forward to traveling more and getting out to the lake with family and friends as often as possible. The strengths I poses include a sharp mind, a healthy body, and the drive to set and achieve goals. I like to write down daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals. My sharp mind enables me to be a critical thinker. I am comfortable being a leader when needed, while also following the lead of others when the situation arises. The training I have received has helped me become better at interacting with others. I am comfortable meeting new people, finding common interests, and developing relationships. I am also lucky that my body is still healthy and strong. Other than being a little over weight, I and able to work and play with no restrictions. I have a drive that is very strong. I have set many goals in my life and I have very few that I have not achieved. People have told me that I have a good sense of humor and that I am easy to be around. The weaknesses I see in myself include a limited amount of patience, a need to get things done in a fast efficient manner, and the fact that I can be stubborn at times. I have been told that I don’t have enough patients at times. I can get frustrated when trying to teach someone something if I feel that they are not listening of trying hard enough. This can come through in the tone and manner I use in these situations. I can also become frustrated when someone is not working effectively and efficiently. I tend to point out how things could be done better with less waste, energy or rework needed. I have been told this puts people off and makes them uncomfortable with me. The feedback is that I could use a better method, tone or manner to get the same end result. I have also been told that I can be stubborn and that my way isn’t always the best way. I have accepted this feedback as it has been given. I hope that I have already improved in these areas and that I will continue to show improvement in these areas. In nursing I feel I could improve when it comes to experience, my knowledge of medications and a lack of focus regarding what area of nursing I want to focus on. I am told that experience will help me further develop both my knowledge of medications and a focus for what kind of nursing I will want as a career. I will continue to make medication flash cards in order to further develop my knowledge in this area. I may even take pharmacology again in order to increase my competency in this area. The nurses I have worked with have told me that I may have a number of different careers in nursing. Most nurses I have spoken with have said that they have done at least a few different jobs in their careers. Path and What I Hope to GainNursing is so new to me I feel somewhat unprepared to answer this set of questions. As I started the nursing program I thought I wanted to work in geriatrics. Then I felt a strong desire to work in the operating room. In the end I felt that working with cancer patients was my calling. Today I must admit I have lowered my expectations and now I just want any job in nursing. In time I trust I will find my way to where my skills and passion will bring the most benefit to my patients.The BSN program has always been a part of my nursing educational plan. As I became more educated about the industry I found that many employers we requiring their nurses to complete BSN programs. In addition, I feel it will give me a better understanding of the big picture of nursing and the management side of nurses. As I get older and the signpost says it’s time for a change, I think having my BSN it is a good idea. It will help me keep my options open. After I have completed my BSN I plan to work for a few years and then start an MSN program. With my background and BSBA I may also want to take an administrative position. I feel that with the proper experience and education, I could also teach at some point in the future. Higher education provides numerous opportunities that would not exist otherwise. Regardless of what signpost appears ahead, I hope to have the tools I need to take advantage of them.Specific Educational and Professional GoalsMy educational goals include understanding the different management structures that exist in hospitals and health management organizations, the process these organization go through in order to be compensated, and the processes available to increase the effectiveness of these organizations. If I ever do choose to work on the administrative side of the business, I feel I will need these tools in order to be an effective manager and leader. Knowing how the organizations work, how they get paid, and how they can improve their processes would be just a few of the skills I would need to help improve an organization I was working with.The professional goals I have are first to get any nursing job I can find. After I have completed my commitment to my first employer, I plan on working at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona in the operating room or on one of the oncology floors. I would like to become a subject matter expert in one of these areas and get involved in teaching other nurses new to the departments or to nursing as a career. My final goal, some years after I finish my BSN program, will be to work as an administrator or as an instructor at the Mayo Clinic. I would also enjoy teaching at a nursing school somewhere in Arizona. A Plan for Achieving Stated GoalsI have a sheet of paper that is taped to my desk at my home. On the sheet of paper is a semester by semester schedule of classes I need to take to finish my BSN program in the next three semesters. Once I enroll in a class I highlight it. Once I finish the class I put a line through it. I have put my hobbies on hold. I have planned my commitment to school with my significant other, and now I just need to work the plan. That plan includes three to four nights per week of study as well as twelve to eighteen hours on the weekends. The professional practice alternatives are limited for me at this time. Once I have a nursing job I will revisit this issue.First, Second, and Third Choices for a Practice AreaIt looks like the first area of practice for me will be home health or an assisted living facility. While I had hoped to work in at a hospital, most are now requiring one or two years of experience. I will apply for new graduate positions as they become available, but I am getting more interest from the other employers at this time. Once I have the experience, my first practice area of choice would be oncology, then the operating room, and then the emergency room. My focus in upcoming program choices would reflect these choices in that the first choice would be oncology, followed by surgery and lastly emergency medicine. What Was Gained by the Assignment?The assignment has helped me think about so many things. It will be a good document to look back on as I move through the program and beyond. It has helped me reflect on the past in a number of fasciitis. I have thought about the program I am in today, what I want to get out of it, and what I need to do to get the most out of the program. As I look ahead at the future, the assignment has allowed me to take the time to think about what I want to accomplish and what I will need to do in order to achieve those goals. When I started the assignment I thought it would be of little or no value. I felt it would be a waste of my time and energy. I now see that it has helped me write down many of the thinks that existed only in my head. I writing these things down, I know that I am one step closer to achieving my goals, and this assignment at the same time. Thank you for the thought provoking opportunity this project gas created. Honor Code:I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.Kevin Michael RyanKevin Michael RyanGrading CriteriaPossible PointsCommentsPointsAppropriate introduction is included that addresses why the student entered the nursing profession. What led you to nursing? Recall and discuss those goals, ideas and interests that initially led you to pursue a career in nursing.5%? ? Educational experiences, both formal and informal pivotal points are described. Describe your educational experiences, both formal and informal. This includes any continuing education activities that you believe have been influential in your professional development. What did you gain from these experiences? This section is not a narrative of education and continuing education programs. It should be a discussion of pivotal formal and informal educational experiences and what made them pivotal for you. 10%? ? Work experiences are described and include a summary of learning that occurred with each position. Describe your work experiences. Your length of time in the profession will dictate whether you recount every position held since graduation from your initial education program, or highlight only those key positions held throughout your career. Describe the position(s) and your responsibilities, as well as the learning that occurred with each experience. If you have attained specialty area certification or other recognition, be sure to mention that too. In other words, show us your stuff – what type of experiences are you bringing into this program?15%? ? Involvement with professional or community activities or groups is described and includes a summary of learning that occurred. Describe any professional or community activities or groups with which you are involved? In what capacity have you been involved? What did you learn from these experiences? Again, this is not a simple narrative. The most important part is the reflection on what you have learned from your experiences.10%?Self-assessment includes an analysis of values, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Assess yourself. What are your values and interests? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Stop and think very carefully about this. We are asking you to reflect on what are your core values in the profession. We are also asking about the strengths and weakness you bring to the profession of nursing. 10%? ?Path is identified Any educational endeavor is only as strong/good as the resources the individual brings to the experience and the desire the individual has to learn. Since you have started an approximately two-year commitment of your life, what do you hope to gain, personally and professionally, by earning a BSN in nursing? The things you identify should be a realistic signpost or directional post for you. What professional practice alternatives would you like to explore? 5%? ? Specific educational and professional goals are identified Engage in goal setting. Identify 3-5 educational goals you hope to achieve while enrolled in the BSN program. Educational goals should be very broad and relate to basic academic skills and/or university requirements (e.g. enhancing writing skills). The goals should be specific enough to measure your success at program completion. Identify 3-5 professional goals you hope to achieve while enrolled in the BSN program. Professional goals could involve aspiring to a higher-level position within your current practice area, or aspiring to transition into a different practice area. Be specific, the goals should be specific enough to measure your success at program completion.10%A plan for achieving stated goals, as well as exploring and evaluating professional practice alternatives while enrolled in this BSN program is developed. Develop a brief plan for how you will achieve your stated goals, as well as explore and evaluate the professional practice alternatives while enrolled in this BSN program. The plan should identify what you need to change for the next two years to enable you to pursue your educational commitments [e.g. work schedule, home responsibilities, family roles, etc.]. (Remember a 4-credit course should involve 16 hours of study a week.) Be very specific. 7.5%? ?First, second, and third choices for a practice area to focus on while in BSN program are identified. Identify your first, second, and third, choice for a practice area that you would like to focus on in upcoming program courses. For example, you might identify a clinical focus such as critical care, pediatrics or gerontology. Or, you might identify a particular setting such as home health, ambulatory surgery, or public health. Or, you might identify a role such as education or administration. 2.5%? ?Conclusion includes an analysis of what was gained by completing the assignment. What did you gain from the introspection and self-reflection required for this assignment? Please be specific.5%? ?Correct grammar, essay writing, spelling and punctuation 10%? ?Correct use of APA format, including adherence to page limit and ODU SON Title Page10%? ?Final Grade: 100%? ? ................

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