
Name: ________________________

Jane Eyre Chapters 1-10 Quiz

For the following statements, mark T if the statement is true, and F if it is false. (1 point each)

______ 1. Mrs. Reed is Jane Eyre’s mother’s sister.

______ 2. At Gateshead, Jane is given chores to do, like the servants, but her cousins are not.

______ 3. John Reed is well-liked by the servants, and they do not understand why Jane dislikes him.

______ 4. Jane enjoys reading books about history and science.

______ 5. When Jane is locked in the red room, she thinks she sees the ghost of Mr. Reed.

______ 6. After Jane’s fit and subsequent illness, Mrs. Reed has an intense bitterness toward her.

______ 7. Jane does not want to go to the Lowood School, but her aunt forces her to go.

______ 8. When Jane leaves, Bessie tells her that she is glad that Jane is leaving.

______ 9. According to Mr. Brocklehurst, Jane’s major sin is falsehood.

______ 10. At the Lowood School, girls do not have enough to eat or warm enough clothing.

______ 11. Miss Temple is the kind teacher who gives the girls bread and cheese when the breakfast is inedible.

______ 12. Jane is a slow learner since she hasn’t been to school before; she stays at the bottom of the class and shows little improvement.

______ 13. Helen Burns dies of typhus during an outbreak in the school.

______ 14. When Jane turns 18, she finds a job as a governess.

______ 15. Bessie shows up at the school to tell Jane that Mrs. Reed has died.

For the following three questions, answer in 4-6 sentences each. (5 points each)

1. So far, what do you see in the novel that are characteristics of a Romantic or Gothic novel?

2. Why does the older Jane (narrator) say that her aunt and cousins did not like her?

3. Describe Mr. Brocklehurst’s hypocricy.


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