PDF Which Bear Are You Most Like?


Bear Are You Most Like?

Take this personality quiz and find out!

1. How do you feel about exploring? A: I'm nervous about the idea. A lot could go wrong. B: I can't imagine how wonderful it must be. C: I'm totally ready for anything!

2. You're hungry. What do you feel like eating? A: A thick juicy steak. B: A delicious sweet pear. C: A fresh, wild salmon.

3. You've just bought yourself candy, but a bully wants it. What do you do? A: Let him have it. It's better to not get hurt. B: Run away! He'll never catch me! C: Leave quickly, but someday he'll regret threatening me.

4. Do you listen to your mom? A: Absolutely. She's very wise. B: When it suits me. C: Yes, but she's too cautious.

5. Can others rely on you to do what's right? A: I always try to do what's right. B: Sure... if they remind me! C: Yes, but I won't enjoy it.

6. If you were a bear and wanted to catch your prey, you would: A: Wait patiently for it to appear. B: Do a silly dance for a reward. C: Sneak up on it, then charge!

7. How tall are you? A: I'm pretty tall, and I'll get even taller. B: I'm a little short, compared to others. C: I'm just right for my age.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? A: I'd know more about the world around me. B: I'd be a little less scatterbrained. C: I'd be stronger and more grown-up.

9. Do you get along well with other kids your age? A: We have good times, I think. B: Sure! Friends can be fun. C: I'm closest to one of my best friends.

10. Which scares you the most? A: Being alone. B: Nothing scares me! C: Bullies.

11. Which sounds like the worst thing to eat? A: Grass. B: Rotten fruit. C: Dandelions.

12. Would you travel to another country if it meant better opportunities? A: A good idea, but risky. I'd consider it. B: Sure, let's go. No, really, right now. C: I'd like to find my own territory.

13. What would you be best at, if you were a bear? A: Sniffing out hidden food. B: Climbing trees. C: Pouncing on prey.

14. Y ou're really hungry and there's only one slice of pizza left when you get home, so you... A: Share it with my brother. I'm nice like that. B: Keep it for myself. I'm sure more will come along soon. C: Try to eat it before my mom gives it to my brother.

15. W here would you look for bear spirits? A: Under the ice. B: In tall trees. C: In deep rivers.

16. There's a special program at school that you can join to learn new subjects. Do you? A: Definitely! I'll take every chance to learn. B: If it cuts into my play time, no way. C: No thanks; I already know what I need to know.

17. Are you a wimp? A: No, I'm just very cautious. B: I don't like to fight. C: No, I'm tough.

18. Pick a mood: A: Worried. B: Mischievous. C: Angry, GRRR!

19. Would you rather be in charge, or let someone else take the lead? A: I'm definitely a follower. B: Either, depending on the situation. C: I think I have what it takes to lead.

20. Which hobby would you like to try? A: Studying mythology. B: Rock climbing. C: Fishing.

21. It's been a long day. How do you relax? A: Snuggling in blankets and watching a movie. B: Watching the sunset from a cozy window. C: Going out to an all-you-can-eat buffet.

22. Which word sounds like spring or summer? A: Burn-sky. B: Leaftime. C: Fishleap.

23. What's your best personality trait? A: I'm sensible. B: I'm friendly. C: I'm brave.

24. W hat's your worst trait? A: I can be too cautious. B: I'm a little impulsive. C: I'm grouchy.

25. W hat do you want most out of life, aside from lots of good food? A: To be safe with my family. B: To see the world for myself. C: To prove my strength and worth.

Tally up the number of times you answered A, B, or C. See below and find out which Seekers bear your personality most closely represents!

If you answered mostly As, you're like Kallik, the polar bear! Kallik lives on the ice with her mother and brother, hunting seals and playing in the snow. Your patience and focused nature make you a natural learner, like Kallik. You work hard to make sure that you are prepared for whatever may come, and you appreciate your family and culture. Don't be afraid to take a risk now and then.

If you answered mostly Bs, you're like Lusa, the black bear! Lusa was raised in a zoo, but she dreams of exploring the forests outside her home. Your playful nature makes you the entertainment of any group, and you have at least as much fun as everyone else. Like Lusa, your curiosity about the world around you means

that you'll be ready for every opportunity. Don't forget to think before you leap.

If you answered mostly Cs, you're like Toklo, the grizzly bear! Toklo travels through the forest with his mother, who is working hard to help his sick brother stay alive. Like Toklo, you're strong and fierce, and you aren't afraid to show it. You leap at the chance to prove your skills, and you can't wait to grow up. Keep in mind that it's important to help those around you, too.

Seekers Art ? Wayne McLoughlin, . All rights reserved.

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