
Moving Checklist

Weeks before your move:

□ Reserve a moving truck well in advance. Hire movers or recruit friends to help with the move.

□ Gather moving supplies (boxes, tape, furniture pads, etc.)

□ Submit a change of address form to the post office. (available online at )

□ Notify your physicians, dentist and veterinarian of your move. Have records/prescriptions transferred if necessary.

□ Transfer children’s school records and pet licenses to your new location.

□ Set up new accounts and connection dates for electricity, gas, water, sewer, garbage, recycling, yard waste, cable and phone. Order disconnection dates for the current ones.

□ If driving a long distance, have your car tuned up prior to departure.

□ Return all library books and video rentals.

□ Donate any unwanted items.

□ Pick up any items left at the cleaners, repair shops, etc.

□ Use up supplies of food.

□ Transfer your insurance policies to your new address.

Day before your move:

□ Pack a survival kit to get you through the first couple days. (See below.)

□ Change of clothes

□ Light bulbs

□ Rolls of toilet paper

□ Hand soap

□ Bath towels

□ Household tools

□ Paper plates and cups

□ Plastic utensils

□ Paper towels

□ Cleaning supplies

□ Trash bags

□ Toiletries

□ Snacks

□ Prescription and non-prescription medications

□ Do a last minute load of laundry.

□ Plan for special care needs of infants or pets.

□ Back up your computer files before disassembling your system.

Day of your move:

□ Empty, defrost and clean your refrigerator and freezer. Throw away expired items.

□ Pack an ice chest or cooler to transport perishables.

□ Double check closets, drawers, shelves, attics and crawl spaces to be sure they are empty and clean.

□ Carry enough cash, traveler’s checks or a debit/credit card to cover costs of moving services and expenses until you make banking connections in your new location.

□ Transport jewelry, prescription medications and important documents yourself. Keep them safely locked away.

□ Leave garage door openers and all other keys on the kitchen table.

□ Turn off lights and shut and lock all doors and windows.

At Your New Address:

□ Register your car if you are moving to a new state.

□ Obtain a new driver’s license with your current address.

□ Register children in school.

□ Arrange for new medical services (physicians, dentist, veterinarian, etc.)

□ Register to vote.

□ Check pilot lights on stove, hot water heater, furnace and fireplace.

□ Pick up any held mail at the post office. Forwarded mail will have a yellow label on it. Be sure to notify the sender of your new address.

Others to Notify of New Address:

□ Post Office

□ Friends and Family

□ Employer

□ Banks, Investment accounts

□ Insurance companies

□ Subscriptions (newspaper, catalogs, magazines, etc.)

□ Medical Services

* Remember to save all moving receipts. Some moving related expenses may be tax deductible.


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