PDF How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me

[Pages:100]Elena Petrova:

How To Find And Marry

A Girl Like Me

? Copyrights 2006, Elena Petrova All rights reserved.



? Licensing and Copyrights ......................................................... 3 ? Legal Disclaimer ....................................................................... 3 ? A foreword from the Author ..................................................... 4 ? Prologue: Mail Order Brides EXPLAINED ................................... 5 ? Introduction: My Own Story - What Real Women Experience When

Seek A Husband Abroad ........................................................... 23 ? Part 1: What You Must Know Before Starting Your Search ....... 56 ? Part 2: How To Start ................................................................ 65 ? Part 3: What Russian Women Want? ........................................ 69 ? Part 4: Do You Need An Agency? .............................................. 73 ? Part 5: How To Choose The Right Woman ................................. 79 ? Part 6: How To Write Introduction Letters That Receive 9 Responses

Out Of 10 .................................................................................. 86 ? Part 7: How To Deal With Responses To Your Letters ................ 116 ? Part 8: How To Win Her Heart Through Correspondence ............ 118 ? Part 9: How To Organize Your Personal Meeting ........................ 126 ? Part 10: How To Avoid The Hidden Traps Of Russian Courting

Etiquette And Start A Sexual Relationship The Right Way .......... 134 ? Part 11: How To Propose Marriage ............................................. 157 ? Part 12: How To Bring Your Fiancee Into Your Country: Visas,

Relocation And Adaptation ......................................................... 161

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

Licensing and Copyrights

All information in this book, including text and graphics, are copyright 2005 Elena Petrova.

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- 3 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

A Foreword From The Author

Congratulations on your purchase! If you are even remotely interested in Russian women, you've made a wise decision. Your life is about to change very soon! If you read this book and implement its ideas, you will have more beautiful women that want to be with you than you can handle - sincere, honest and REAL ones! Have fun! Yours, Elena Petrova

P.S. I want to know your opinion about my book. Please email me with comments at elena@ and write "COMMENT ABOUT E-BOOK" in the "Subject" line of your message. Thank you in advance!

- 4 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

Prologue: Mail Order Brides EXPLAINED

I feel we should start with the most basic points about men and women. I promised to explain to you what women want - all women, of all nations - and I am going to keep my word. These basic principles are the reasons behind the phenomena of Russian women seeking husbands abroad. These things have their roots inside the history of humanity - not in its national borders. This is why you need to understand the truth about the controversial and misused term "mail order brides". Most people feel uneasy about the phrase "mail order brides", including myself. Yes! I am a Russian woman. I have been married to a western man for more than six years, and we have two wonderful children. I must say that I feel humiliated every time I hear the words "mail order brides". I think it is a disgrace to imply that a human being can be ordered as an item; that the sacred bond of marriage can be purchased like an electric toothbrush through a catalog. It also confuses people about the true nature of the phenomena. Most people feel suspicious about "mail order brides" and "mail order bride services". The general opinion is that "mail order bride services" are some type of scam operation linked to: immigration fraud, the smuggling of people across borders, etc.

The term "mail order brides" confuses people about the true

nature of the phenomena

Moreover, the offensive epithet "mail order brides" is routinely used to label all women from third world countries and the former USSR, married to western men,

- 5 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

regardless of how they met - even if they met just like most people in the first decade of the new millennium: through their mutual friends, work, or leisure activities.

Nevertheless, this is an official name of the phenomena, so I will use this name throughout this article.

So what are mail order brides? Why do women choose to leave their homeland, family and friends and marry men from a foreign culture? Why do men choose to go thousands of miles and bring brides from non-western cultures home to become their wives?

There are commonly shared myths about mail order brides. I will comment on those myths one by one and explain the inside mechanics of the phenomena.

While my explanations will be mostly based on the history and facts of Russian mail order brides, according to my research, the trends are similar in regard to Filipino as well as other Asian mail order brides.

Amazingly, I also shared many misconceptions about the Asian brides. Even being a "mail order bride" myself, I thought that mail order brides from Asia were uneducated, low class girls who did not know better and only wanted to escape their economical misery. But when I was reading a mail order bride website for Asian brides, I realized the type of women seeking husbands abroad and the reasons why they chose to to so were identical to the situation of Russian brides - and my own.

Indeed, we all live in the world of myths and stereotypes!

Unless we have performed our own extensive research, we all tend to follow myths, which in this case originate from Hollywood movies and the Media.

So, let's discuss those myths in regard to mail order brides.

Mail order brides' myth #1: Women who chose to become mail order brides do it to escape economical misery.

Most women who decide to look for husbands abroad do it NOT because they want an automatic washing machine and hamburgers. Those things are available to people in their societies also. Truly harsh conditions no longer exist in large cities where the majority of Internet mail order brides reside. Think about it, some people in your society also live in trailers! The myth about economical misery is as good as your knowledge of those societies.

- 6 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

Women who decide to look for husbands abroad do it NOT because they want an automatic washing machine and hamburgers

Over the last decade, the world has changed dramatically and life conditions have not only improved in your country. Since the invention of the World Wide Web, technology has rapidly expanded across the globe. It is only in smaller regional towns that you can find conditions that are typically shown in Hollywood movies about Russia and Asia. As you know, people residing in small towns in your country have a different standard of living than people in the big cities, although the gap in foreign countries may be larger. Regarding Russians, in general, Russian people do not consider their life miserable. In fact, they are proud to be Russians!

Read what westerners that spent considerable time in Russia have to say about it:

Richard (USA): "Don't think that just because you have a US passport, all the Russian women will be falling at your feet, just thru the virtue of your citizenship. In most cases your foreign citizenship is exactly what they do not want. A Russian woman WANTS to live in Russia, in most cases she will not want to leave. She will leave, but not because of your citizenship. She is Russian, she is proud of that fact! She is a citizen of the largest country in the world. She only knows as much about our world as her friends have written back and told her, or she has gotten through their grapevine. She will have absolutely no concept of our way of life, and what little she does know is probably tainted, but she will think she knows as much as you do about our lifestyle. Don't question this, just let it ride, otherwise you will be opening a can of worms. You see, she learned about our world from other Russians, and you are not a Russian. I never met any Russian who did not have a severe inferiority complex. In their mind anyone or anything that is not Russian is stupid, cheap, and of poor quality."

* * *

- 7 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.

Elena Petrova: "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

James (USA): "Never think [or say] that something else is better than their country can give. They think:

? their language is better ? their college is better ? their medical is better... (this one I really have to lie to myself about). ? their country is safer.... they think our movies are real life."

* * *

Autumn (USA): "I'm a woman whose good (male) friend is considering marrying the girl of his dreams, who happens to be Russian. Everyone is telling him she's only interested in coming to the US! It's absurd. I have visited St. Petersburg a few times and lived there for a few months 2 times. (I studied Russia for my degree.) Not too many people were impressed with the US - no one wanted to move there, although no one would have minded a visit. (I don't know about men - I didn't get along with Russian men and all my friends were women.) My friend's fiancee will be giving up a lot to live here - family, a good job and familiarity.

* * *

So you see from those testimonials, Russian people do not consider their lives to be miserable. You might have had the impression, through brainwashing of western media that Russian women only want to escape poverty - this is a misconception. I included those testimonials to demonstrate that it is not only me who thinks so many western people confirm it from their own experience of communicating with Russian people in Russia.

Even officials confirm that. This is the quote from Yezhenedelny Zhurnal that interviewed Alexander Golts, a top-ranked Russian military specialist (in connection with a failed launch of two intercontinental missiles): "All Russians, have a superiority complex, that we're still equal to the United States".

Russian people believe that they live in a great country, which might have some problems but overall, it is a great country. Just like you believe you live in a great country, too. Russians also have their pride in being citizens of the largest country in the world, stretching over 11 time zones and which is nearly twice as big as the second largest country in the world - Canada. (See more statistics about Russia here ) The majority of Russian people do not think living in the USA, or Canada, or Australia is a great privilege. People that grew up in Soviet Russia all sincerely believed that they were lucky to be born in the USSR and most of them still do. Families of Russian women married to western men rarely express a desire to immigrate to those countries. They don't want to leave Russia. They enjoy traveling internationally but they don't want to emigrate.

It is a myth that Russian women search for a foreign husband to escape economical misery. This is not applicable to the majority of Russian women whose

- 8 Copyright (c) 2006, Elena Petrova

All rights reserved. Illegal copying will be prosecuted.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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