Homework Assignment Policies

Homework Assignment Policies

Throughout the semester, homework assignments will be collected and graded. The following policies apply to BUS2101 homework:

• I will assign homework problems for most chapters throughout the semester. Homework assignments may contain required and/or optional problems. Only the required problems will be collected and graded.

• Since you are in the process of learning accounting, all homework should be hand-written.

• Each collected homework assignment will be worth 5 to 25 points.

• Make sure to put your name and class section or time on your homework.

• Professionalism is rewarded in accounting, therefore homework assignments should be turned in stapled, in order, and on clean-cut paper (in other words, if you tear it out of a spiral note book, trim the edges!). Failure to comply may result in a grade reduction.

• On each collected homework, it will be graded using one of the following scenarios: a) grade several questions/problems; b) simply grade for completion/accuracy of the entire assignment; c) grade various parts of each question/problem; or d) a combination of a, b, & c.

• Late assignment fees (unless otherwise noted on actual assignment):

o 20% fee: turned in late, but within 24 hours of due time.

o 30% fee: turned in after 24 hours of due time but before date assignment is returned (must be turned in before I hand it back to my 8:00 class).

o 80% fee: turned in after I’ve handed homework back.

o Exception: if prior arrangements have been made with the instructor and proper documentation is given.

• If you know you’ll be missing class in advance (athletes, travel, etc.), it is your responsibility to make sure your homework is turned in on time.

• If for some reason you have not done your homework when I collect it, you are allowed to put a ☺on a piece of paper with your name on it and you will receive 1 to 2 points just for being honest and admitting you did not do it!


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