Minister’s Schedule

933450258445-4826020320 Saturday, May 30th – 4:00 AM Elmer Dillinger/Nan Krisha Sacristan: Sr. Carroll, Sr. RosemaryGreeters: John & Penny McClaflinLector: Mike KarneyGifts/Ushers: Jerry & Char HabeckEuch. Min.: Jerry & Char Habeck, Sr. CarrollServers: Paul Hartenstein, Dan ScherrySunday, May 31st – 11:00 AM Moira Dillon/Bob & Germaine Matus Sacristan: Lucy LombardiGreeters: Leon & Gerrie ShinskyLector: John NolanGifts/Ushers: Leon Shinsky, Larry NagyEuch. Min.: Cheryl Nolan, Sue Bommer, Paul HartensteinServers: Matt & Jacob Jarrett -476258255Money Counters: Linda Grady Sue Nagy 171450125730 Calendar of Events & Saint of the DaySaturday, May 234 PMMassSunday, May 2411 AM MassMonday, May 25OFFICE CLOSEDTuesday, May 2610 AM Food Distribution Wednesday, May 27Thursday, May 2810 AMCommunion ServiceFriday, May 297 AMCommunion ServiceSaturday, May 309 AMChurch open for prayer4 PMMassSunday, May 3111 AM Mass-Baccalaureate Mass“Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there is always a space in which the good seed can grow. You have to trust God.” Pope Francis St. Mary Catholic Church(A Member of the St. John Neumann Deanery)May 23rd & 24th, 2015 Pentecost Sunday 46 E. Main Street - PO Box 576 Wakeman, OH 44889 440- 839-2023 Email: wakemanstmary@ stmarywakeman. This Week’s ScripturesMonday Sirach 17:20-24 Ps. 32:1-2, 5, 6, 75/25Mark 10:17-27______Tuesday Sirach 35:1-12 Ps. 50:5-6, 7-8, 14, 235/26Mark 10:28-31__ ____85344002628900WednesdayDan 5:1-6, 13-14,16-17,23-282571750159385WednesdaySirach 36:1, 4-5, 10-17 Ps. 79:8, 9, 11, 13853440026289005/27Mark 10:32-45__________ Thursday Sirach 42:15-25 Ps. 33:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-95/28Mark 10:46-52 ______Friday Sirach 44:1, 9-13 Ps. 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 95/29Mark 11:11-26 __Saturday Sirach 51:12-20Ps. 19:8, 9, 10, 115/30Mark 11:27-33_______Most Holy Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40TrinityPs.33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22Sunday Romans 8:14-175/31Matthew 28:16-20___Our Parish Mission StatementGathered as a family of faith in Christ Jesus, strengthened by His Word and Sacraments, we will set a living example of our faith by:Seeking Christ in all we meetGiving of our time, talent and treasure To support and strengthen our community andSharing our Faith523875-112395-80867257593330 Parish StaffPastoral Leader: (440) 839-2023 Sr. Carroll SchemenauerParish Chaplain: (419) 929-4401 Fr. Doug TaylorFinance (440) _839-2023Cece MeesAdministrative AssistantCatechetical LeaderSr. Rosemary HugPastoral Council:Bill WhitePenny McClaflinFinance:Diane Wolf (440) 839-2185 (H)Maintenance:Steve Matus and Bob JacksonYouth Leaders: Jenn Nolan & Rhonda Hiesser1905000-207645Dear Parish Family, Pentecost Sunday underscores our Christian mission. Memorial Day reminds us of the sacrifice required to maintain freedom. And our first, most cherished liberty is religious freedom.-857251129030 Fr. Bloom has taken advantage of this coincidence to address an important issue: Freedom of religion. Our bishops are deeply concerned about attacks on religious freedom. The Bishops wrote a declaration titled, “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty.” It begins with these words: “We are Catholics. We are Americans. We are proud of both, grateful for the gift of faith which is ours as Christian disciples, and grateful for the gift of liberty which is ours as American citizens.” After speaking about how we as American Catholics have played our part in defending freedom, they raise an alarm: “Religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad.”Before addressing how this first, most cherished, freedom is under attack, let’s take a look at the Scripture readings. They illustrate what religious liberty is and why it is important.Both the readings from Acts and the Gospel begin with the disciples gathered in prayer. They are enclosed in a room – probably the same upper room where they celebrated the Last Supper. While they pray, the Holy Spirit comes upon them. When the Holy Spirit comes, a change occurs. They are “sent.” They go out to preach publicly, to heal and to reconcile people with God. They have a mission. So, on Pentecost Sunday we see two things: prayer and mission. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the unity of prayer and mission.6124575-4571365Government officials, instead of talking about freedom of religion, now speak about “freedom of worship.” This may seem small, but it has huge implications. The bishops point out areas where the government is attempting to restrict our mission. They give seven examples, the most notorious being the HHS mandate for contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. The bishops explain that this mandate would force almost all religious institutions-including Catholic hospitals, schools and parishes – to “facilitate and fund a product contrary to their moral teaching.” In addition, we would be required to facilitate the use of these products not only for married couples, but also for singles, college students, even high school youth. Some bishops have stated that if this mandate becomes effective, they will close hospitals or schools rather than submit to such a violation of conscience.30861001157605Fr. Bloom gave another example: “Boston, San Francisco, D.C. and Illinois have driven local Catholic Charities out of the business of providing adoption or foster care services by revoking their licenses, by ending their government contracts, or both…because those Charities refused to place children with same-sex couples or unmarried opposite-sex couples who cohabit.”2190750711200The worry is even greater concern because we are Americans. If Christians are forced out of adoption services, health care, education and social services, it will hurt our country. And in the end, curtailing religious freedom will lead to attacks on other freedoms. It has happened in other countries and it could happen in our own.“If we really believe in the cause of freedom, let us practice it and protect it-for humanity’s future depends on it.” Freedom is not something we automatically possess. We have to fight for it. On Memorial Day we remember those who gave their lives for our country. We need to pray, yes, and prayer leads to mission: and no matter what any government says, we cannot give up our mission. And we know that a country, which allows freedom for that mission, will be blessed. Amen -- Fr. Phil Bloom-18097530480 Last Week 2,257.00Electronic Deposits 520.00M.T.D. May 7,389.00F.Y.T.D. 106,465.96 A very Happy Birthday this week to Doug Andolsek, Holly Hipp, Chris Hipp, Jim Morman, Rosemary Romeis, Diane Wolf, Andrea Robson, Mary Clare Diver, Frank Hozalski and Mitch Robson. Hopefully, you will have wonderful birthday memories on your special day!CONGRATULATIONS to our six high school graduates who are members of our parish: Savanah Hiesser, Lauren Markus, Tim Plank, Dillon Sayler, Jasmine Skrada, and Tanner Whitacre. Please join them for the Baccalaureate Mass next Sunday, May 31, at 11 AM. Each of them has contributed to the growth of St. Mary’s in some way. We are gratefully proud of them all!-400050125730Baccalaureate Mass for our parish’s six seniors will be on Sunday, May 31, at 11 AM. We ask them to get their paperwork in very soon, latest Tuesday, May 26th. -114300196215Abigail Ministries Walk for Life…Saturday, June 13, from 9 AM – 12 noon. The Gazebo at Suhr Park, Main St. Norwalk. Theme: “Together for Life”: Celebrating 25 years of Compassion in Action. Any questions, call 419-668-9500. -114300239395 June 6 and 7th: Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion will be commissioned that weekend at the Mass you attend here. Plan on being here. Just a reminder that we have new pyx and a ready-made prayer service for you to take Holy Communion to the sick or homebound. Call Sr. Carroll for details. 3810082550Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Spaghetti Cook-off, 2015 on Sat, June 20 4:00 – 7:30 at Holy Angels Catholic Church. Adults $10.00 Children under 10: $5.00 Tickets at the door. All proceeds will go for wheelchairs for the Ohio Veterans Home in Sandusky.-6794559690American Legion Activities: Be at the 7:00 AM Old Flag Pole on River Street by the Congregational Church for a very nice ceremony on Monday, May 25th. After the ceremony, there is Breakfast at the American Legion.280987563754019050-635Clarifications on the specificities of the attacks on religious freedom, esp. from the HHS mandate: These quotes are taken from the Bishops’ online homilies that addresses the issues. “the mandate of the Department of Health and Human Services, which requires employers, including Catholic institutions, to violate the moral law by providing contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans. -38100109855 “Less noticed, but equally offensive to both Catholic doctrine and the Constitution, is the determination by the government of what constitutes a religious institution. The HHS mandate grants an exemption to parishes, but it defines religious institutions in such a narrow way that it excludes, for example, Catholic universities, hospitals, food pantries, publishing houses, and social services.3028950462915“According to the HHS definition, the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Knights of Columbus wouldn’t qualify as religious institutions! Indeed, according to the federal rule, if we serve people who are not Catholic in our agencies, or educate them in our universities, or employ them in our institutions – we cease to be religious. If we provide for the needs of the sick and the poor, but don’t ask whether they are Catholic or teach them catechism-we are not religious.6467475-6102985“It is an absurd position and a clear violation of the Bill of Rights. Our first freedom is religious liberty, and the First Amendment explicitly forbids the government from establishing religion, which means that a government department doesn’t get to decide what religion is, and what the proper work of the Church is.“As Catholics we care for the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the unemployed, the orphan, the expectant mother in distress, because of our faith. It is the necessary fruit of faith, and without it faith is dead (James 2:26). The government has instead claimed the right to restrict our religious life to the liturgy and doctrine. This is what is at stake in this great battle for religious liberty.“Pope Benedict XVI, in his first encyclical reminded us that the works of charity are as essential for the Church’s mission as is preaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments. The Catholic Church can no more abandon the sick in our hospitals or the immigrant at the border than she can set aside the Word of God, or the Holy Mass.“We cannot separate the fruits of faith from the faith itself. The tree that does not bear good fruit is condemned by Jesus (Matt.7:18-20). To definitively separate the fruit from the roots is to cut the tree down. In the garden of American liberty, the government may not cut down the tree of faith.”It is my hope that these clarifications will help us all to understand how our religious freedom is being attacked. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Throughout history, brave men and women have given?themselves over in service to their countries so that we may all feel just a little bit safer. Now it is time for us to remember their service, to thank them for their sacrifice, and to memorialize those no longer with us.To all servicemen past and present, we are humbled by your courage and by your strength.Memorial Day is Monday, May 25th. Thank you to all who are in Service,or who were in Service.Toledo Semi-Pro Football Game to Benefit Catholic Charities:-12382513335The Toledo Thunder are coming back to Toledo and this former championship team will play its first season since 1995. The semi-pro football team will play the Indiana Cardinals at Central Catholic High School on June 13, 2015, at 7:30 pm. Youth and high school athletes are invited to a pre-game session with the players at 6:30 at no additional charge. Game tickets are $6. $5 for ages 5-10, 4 yrs. and younger are free. Tickets at game or ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~-247650112395A Calendar of Coming Events May 26: Food Distribution May 30: Ordination of 3men in Toledo May 31: Baccalaureate Mass June 6 & 7:Re-commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers-95250165735Directory of Server Substitutes especially for the Sunday Mass during the summer especially: Servers usually make every effort to work out their assigned time to serve Mass and it is very much appreciated. If it should happen that if something suddenly comes up and you would have to get a substitute, the following listing of phone numbers may help you. Notice that Dillon Sayler is listed with a * because he would be the first one you might call to sub for you. (He can do both sides if need be.) If Dillon is not available, please try to change with someone else on the schedule. PLEASE TRY TO BE AT CHURCH BY 5 MINUTES TO 11:00, so we don’t wonder. Thank you very much. ** Dillon Sayler 440-965-7202 Caleb Bibb 440-839-2456 Ethan Nolan 419-706-7755 Matt/Jacob Jarrett 419-554-0830 Jasmine/Jenna/John Skrada: 440-839-9128Katie/McKenna Woodruff 419-577-6805 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ................

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