DIY Divorce Guide Supplement (JDP-FM-180)


Do It Yourself



(To be used with the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide)

JDP-FM-180 (Rev. 2/15)


Disclaimer: This booklet was written by the Connecticut Judicial Branch as a public service. It is based on the Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book in effect at the time of publication. This booklet is not intended to take the place of legal advice from a Connecticut attorney. You are solely responsible for any actions you take on your own behalf. Court staff may assist you with procedural questions; however, court staff cannot act as your attorney or give you legal advice. The Judicial Branch is not responsible for any errors or omissions in these instructions.



This Supplement contains two copies of the Financial Affidavit form and one copy of the most commonly used court forms you will need to start a divorce case in

Connecticut. This Supplement is designed to be used with the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide (JDP-FM-179) to help you represent yourself in a divorce. Please

read the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide before you fill out any of these forms.

Make sure you are using the current version of the form

Court forms are sometimes updated because the laws change or the courts improve the way cases are processed. The form revision date is listed next to the form number, under the form title in the upper left hand corner of the form. You can tell whether the forms included here are still up-to-date by comparing them with the versions of the forms that are available on the Judicial Branch website at jud.. If you are in doubt, check with the court clerk's office at your local courthouse. A list of all courthouses that handle divorce cases and the clerk's office telephone number can be found in the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide.

All of the court forms in this Supplement are 8 1/2" x 11" and are printed in black ink on white paper to make it easier to print them and distribute them to you. Do not be confused or concerned if you see the same form available on colored paper or with colored ink at the courthouse. The forms in this Supplement are valid and the court clerks' offices will accept them throughout the State of Connecticut.

Complete the forms in this Supplement

The forms in this Supplement are listed in alphabetical order. Select the forms you need for your case after reading the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide. Then tear out the forms. Please read the instructions on the forms and the section that discusses the forms in the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide first, before you fill out any form. In most cases, the forms ask you to put information into the blank or box, or to check off the correct answer for your situation.


You may complete these court forms by printing the information in ink, by typing the information, or by using the fillable forms on the Judicial Branch website at jud.. You may obtain additional copies of these forms and other court forms at all Judicial District clerks' offices, Public Information Desks, or Court Service Centers. A list of clerks' offices and telephone numbers can be found in the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide. Remember, the clerk's office can give you information about court procedures, but it cannot give you legal advice.

Court Forms Included in this Divorce Guide Supplement and Discussed in the Do It Yourself Divorce Guide

(Also available at all Judicial District clerks' offices, Court Service Centers, and on the Judicial Branch website at jud. under "Forms")

FORM NAME (In alphabetical order)


Affidavit Concerning Children Application for Waiver of Fees/Appointment of Counsel Family Case Management Agreement/Order Dissolution of Civil Union Complaint Divorce Complaint (Dissolution of Marriage) Financial Affidavit Financial Affidavit Notice of Automatic Court Orders Summons Family Actions Sample Summons Family Actions (completed)

JD-FM-164 JD-FM-75 JD-FM-163 JD-FM-159A JD-FM-159 JD-FM-6-Short JD-FM-6-Long JD-FM-158 JD-FM-3 JD-FM-3


JD-FM-164 Rev. 2-15



C.G.S. ? 46b-115s P.B. ? 25-57



Fill out this form completely. You must swear that your statements are true and

sign this form in front of a court clerk, a notary public, or an attorney who will also

sign and date the affidavit.

Judicial District of

At (Town)

Probate District name and number

Docket number

Plaintiff/Applicant's (Last, first, middle initial)

Defendant/Respondent's (Last, first, middle initial)

Court Use Only AFFACUS


You must provide information about the past five years for each child affected by this case. Provide the information below. If you need more space, use form JD-FM-164A.

Child's name (First, middle, last)

Date of birth (Month, day, year)

Date(s) of residence

Place of residence (Town or city, and state, unless

confidential by court order)

Name(s) and present address(es) of person(s) child lived with (unless confidential)

Relationship to child



To The present

















Child's name (First, middle, last)

Date(s) of residence



To The present

Date of birth (Month, day, year)

Residence information is same as for child above. (If not same, provide information)

Place of residence (Town or city, and state, unless

confidential by court order)

Name(s) and present address(es) of person(s) child lived with (unless confidential)

Relationship to child

















Check here if additional children are listed on JD-FM-164A.

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1. (Check one)

I have

I have not

been involved as a party or a witness or in any other capacity in a case

or cases in Connecticut or in another state concerning custody of or visitation with any child listed in this affidavit. If you

checked "I have," give the name of the court, the court case number and the date of the decision in the case or cases:

(Check item 2 or 3 below)

2. I do not know of other civil or criminal cases in Connecticut or another state, now or in the past, that could affect the current case, including enforcement cases and family violence, protective order, termination of parental rights and adoption cases.

3. I know of the following civil or criminal cases, in Connecticut or another state, now or in the past, that could affect the current case, including enforcement cases and family violence, protective order, termination of parental rights and adoption cases.

Case name Nature of proceeding Case name Nature of proceeding

Docket number Docket number

Court location (Including state) Court location (Including state)

4. (Check one)

No one except the plaintiff/applicant and defendant/respondent has physical custody or claims to have custody or visitation rights regarding any child listed here.

The following person(s) has physical custody or claims to have custody or visitation rights regarding any child listed here:

Name: Address:

(unless confidential)

5. The mother of the child(ren) named in the Complaint or Application is pregnant.



Do not know

6. A child has been born to the mother named in the Complaint or Application after the filing of the Complaint or Application.



Child's name

Do not know

If yes, fill in the following:

Date of birth (Month, day, year)

Signature Sworn to before me (Assistant Clerk/Commissioner of Superior Court/Notary Public)

Print name of person signing

Date signed

JD-FM-164 Rev. 2-15

You must tell the court about any case in Connecticut or another state that could affect this case, if you learn about it during this case.

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ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at jud.ADA.

Clicking on the question marks ( ? ) will give you information about that section of the form.



Instructions to person asking to have the fees waived or for appointment of an

JD-FM-75 Rev. 10-13

attorney (applicant)

C.G.S. ?? 46b-231, 52-259b P.B. ?? 8-2, 25-63; P.A. 13-310

1. Print or type all information requested. 2. Sign the Financial Affidavit section in front of

This form must be used only for family and family a court clerk, a notary public or an attorney.

support magistrate matters. For civil, housing small claims matters, use form JD-CV-120.


3. 4.

Bring this form to the superior court where your case will be filed or is pending. If your application for fees payable to the court

To: The Superior Court

or for costs of service of process is denied, you may ask for a hearing on the application.

Name of case ?


Instructions to Clerk



1. Bring completed form to a judge or, if applicable, to a family support magistrate.

2. If the application is granted, notify the applicant and counsel, if appointed.

3. If the application for fees payable to the court or for costs of service of process is denied, and upon the request of the applicant, schedule a hearing on the application.

Docket number (If applicable) ?

Judicial District ?

Address of court

Name of applicant (Last, first, middle initial) ?

Address of applicant (Number, street, town, state and zip)

Telephone (Area code first)

Type of proceeding ? ("x" all that apply)

Fee Waiver

Contempt ? Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) Dissolution of Civil Union

Motion to Open or Modify ? Application for Custody ? Application or Petition for Visitation ?

Paternity ? Other (Specify): ?

I ask that the court order that I do not have to pay fees or costs or order the State to pay the fees and costs below. ("X" all that apply)

Entry fee (fee to file case)

Costs of service of process (delivery of papers by state marshal or other proper officer)

Filing fee (fee to file motion, etc.)

Costs for participating in parenting education under C.G.S. ? 46b-69b

Other (For example costs of notice by publication or for a certified copy of judgment, etc.) (Specify):

Appointment of Counsel (This applies only in a contempt proceeding or to the putative father in a paternity proceeding.) ?

I ask that the court appoint an attorney to represent me.

Financial Affidavit ?











Total number of dependents (not including yourself)

2. Monthly Income

A. Gross monthly income (before ? deductions) ....................................

B. Net monthly income after taxes ? from monthly employment ...............

C. Other income (for example, TANF, Social Security, child support, alimony, etc.) (Specify which one(s) here):

Total Monthly Income (B+C)* ? 3. Monthly Expenses

4. Assets ?

Estimated Value

Loan Balance

A. Real Estate ........

B. Motor Vehicles.... C. Other Personal

Property ............ (for example, jewelry, furniture, etc.) D. Savings Account Balance (Total of all accounts) .......

E. Checking Account Balance (Total of all accounts) ......

Equity ? Real Estate Motor Vehicle Other Property Savings Checking Cash

A. Rent/Mortgage ..............................

B. Real Estate Taxes.......................... C. Utilities (telephone, fuel heat, electric,

water, gas, cable, etc.) .......................

D. Food (less SNAP (food stamps), if any) ...

E. Clothing ....................................... F. Insurance Premiums (medical/dental,

auto, life, home) ...............................

F. Cash................................................................. G. Other Assets (Specify): ?

Other Assets

Total Assets ?

5. Liabilities/Debts ?(for example, credit card balances, loans, etc. Do not

include mortgage or loan balances that are listed under "Assets".)

Type of Debt

Amount Owed

Monthly Payment

G. Medical/Dental ..............................

H. Transportation (bus, gasoline, etc.) ......

I. Child Care .................................... J. Other (medical, dental, child support paid,

alimony paid, etc.) (Specify):

Total Monthly Expenses* ?

Total Liabilities ?

* If you claim zero Total Monthly Income or Expenses, explain how you are supported:

Print Form

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Reset Form

I certify that the information on page 1 is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I can, if asked, document all income, expenses, and liabilities listed on page 1. ?


Any false statement made by you under oath which you do not believe to be true and which is intended to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official function may be punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. ?

Signed (Applicant) ?

Print name of person signing at left

Date signed

Subscribed and sworn to before me:

Order ?

On (Date)

Signed (Notary Public, Commissioner of the Superior Court, Assistant Clerk)

The Court, having found the applicant ("X" all that apply):

Not indigent

Indigent and unable to pay

Indigent or unable to pay for parenting education program under C.G.S. ? 46b-69b, hereby orders the application:

Granted as follows:

1. The following costs are ordered paid by the State

Costs of service of process not to exceed: $

Other (Specify):

2. The following fees are waived

Entry fee

Filing fee

Other (Specify):

3. All costs for participation in a parenting education program shall be covered by the service provider pursuant to C.G.S. ? 46b-69b, because the applicant is found indigent or unable to pay.

4. Counsel is

Appointed (Name):

Denied. If denied only in part, specify:

The application for waiver of the payment of a fee or fees or the cost of service of process is DENIED because the applicant has repeatedly filed actions with respect to the same or similar matters, such filings establish an extended pattern of frivolous filings that have been without merit, the application sought is in connection with an action before the court that is consistent with the applicant's previous pattern of frivolous filings, and the granting of such application would constitute a flagrant misuse of Judicial Branch resources.

Counsel is not appointed because the applicant does not face potential incarceration.

By the Court (Print or type name of Judge/Fam. Sup. Magistrate)

On (Date)

Signed (Judge, FSM, Assistant Clerk)

Date signed

Request For Hearing On Denied Application ?

The following section applies only to a denial of the application for waiver of fees payable to the court or for the costs of service of process. It does not apply to applications for fee waiver for parenting education or to appointment of counsel.

I request a court hearing on the application.

Signed (Applicant)

Hearing on (Date)

Date signed

Hearing to be held at the Court location shown on page 1 on the date and time shown below:

At (Time)

Room number

Signed (Assistant Clerk)

Order After Hearing ?

The Court, having found the applicant

Not indigent

Granted as follows:

1. The following costs are ordered paid by the State

Costs of service of process not to exceed $

Other (Specify):

2. The following fees are waived

Entry fee

Other (Specify):

Indigent and unable to pay Filing fee

hereby orders the application:

Denied for the following reason(s):

The application for waiver of the payment of a fee or fees or the cost of service of process is DENIED because the applicant has repeatedly filed actions with respect to the same or similar matters, such filings establish an extended pattern of frivolous filings that have been without merit, the application sought is in connection with an action before the court that is consistent with the applicant's previous pattern of frivolous filings, and the granting of such application would constitute a flagrant misuse of Judicial Branch resources.

By the Court (Print or type name of Judge/FSM)

On (Date)

Signed (Judge, FSM, Assistant Clerk)

Date signed

JD-FM-75 (back) Rev. 10-13

Print Form

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