
Date: March 3, 2017

To: Financial Managers Council Members

From: Hope Koprowski (DCF), Co-Chairperson

Jim Behrend (SCO), Co-Chairperson

RE: February 14, 2017 FMC Meeting

The next Financial Managers Council meeting is scheduled for 8:00 AM in room 751 at 1. W. Wilson St.

The agenda is as follows:

I. Approval of minutes from the December 13, 2016 meeting.

There were no comments and the minutes were approved.

II. Announcements: State Controller’s Office

A. Payroll Processing Schedule

Jeff Anderson, State Controller, shared the payroll schedule for the remainder of the year. Common payroll accounting rejects include interagency issues and chartfield errors. The State Controller’s Office will contact agencies to determine what the correct entries should be. Emails will be sent that indicate “payroll priority” and these emails should be addressed quickly. If the SCO does not receive a response, the entries will be posted to the payroll clearing appropriation and supporting documents will be sent to agencies to correct. The SCO can no longer justify holding up the processing of the entire payroll because of a few rejecting entries. The payroll calendar will be published.

B. Internal Control Plans/Certifications

The Internal Control Plans / Annual Certifications are normally due at the end of February. The plans and certifications will not be required this year. A notification will be sent to agencies. Jim Behrend asked the agencies to continue to work on processes and stay on top of requirements.

C. Other Updates

Karolyn Cassidy stated that Full Budget Control would be implemented at the end of the day on Friday, February 17, 2017. Additionally, the SCO is working on the Trial Balance Roll. A bulletin will be sent out in the near future. Jeff Anderson mentioned that the Pension Obligation Bond processing is a bit behind schedule however, the notification would be sent out soon so that agencies can review and process the journal.

III. Other Business

Other business: Payroll and Benefits will be meeting to address the reconciliation process in the benefits area. A reconciliation guide will be created to focus on what agencies need to complete. More details are forthcoming. Cost Principle sessions are being planned this year to offer guidance and updates; classes will be available.


A. STAR Update

Scott Thornton presented an update via PowerPoint presentation.

Items of particular note: User Group notifications will be sent to individuals whose name appear on a distribution list for the specific groups. Contact Scott Thornton if a name(s) need to be added to the distribution list; Budget Journals – the delete process is now working more efficiently – agencies are encouraged to delete old and cleanup unprocessed journals – if an agency has multiple delete, an SSO ticket may be submitted for “mass deletes”; a new spreadsheet uploader is available – the new uploader has a slightly different layout – if agencies are using spreadsheets, see slides 16-22 – the “how to” instructions still need to be updated; comments will be taken at the User Group meetings regarding STAR system “Work Centers” soliciting feedback regarding what employees would like to see and how this area can be useful to employees; Hackett Benchmarking – data was uploaded February 10 – agencies will be contacted if the data that was submitted looks unusual or questionable; there will be a Public Sector User Conference February 26 through March 2 – Scott Thornton will be attending.

B. Updates from User Groups

There were no comments from specific groups.

V. Future Meeting Dates (all meetings scheduled for 8:00 AM).

March 14, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

April 11, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

May 9, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

June 13, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

July 11, 2017- 1 W. Wilson RM 751

August 8, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

Sept. 12, 2017- 1 W. Wilson RM 751

October 10, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

November 14, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751

December 12, 2017 - 1 W. Wilson RM 751


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