The MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT ID CARD:Whether the Medical Marijuana Patient Identification Card is carried in your wallet or purse, your Recommendation Number is printed right on the card along with your photo and the 24 hour verification phone number so that you can ALWAYS evidence to law enforcement or anybody else that you are a patient who underwent an evaluation and received a recommendation for the medicinal use of medical marijuana under California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5 (Prop 215 and SB 420).The VITAL IMPORTANCE OF the MED MJ ID CARD:Whether the Medical Marijuana Patient Identification Card is carried in your wallet or purse, your Recommendation Number is printed right on the card along with your photo and the 24 hour verification phone number so that you can ALWAYS evidence to law enforcement or anybody else that you are a patient who underwent an evaluation and received a recommendation for the medicinal use of medical marijuana under California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5 (Prop 215 and SB 420).?Many patients have told us horror stories (See Testimonials Below) of being passengers in cars or riding bikes at the park and being stopped by law enforcement who suspected that the patients were in possession and or were medicated.Many patients who were in possession of medical marijuana and were NOT able to evidence proof of being a medical marijuana patient, were either cited and in many cases arrested for possession, which resulted in huge court costs, time consumption to deal with these legal matters and worst of all, it goes on your record.Other patients who DID NOT have their paper recommendation, were able to conveniently and confidently show their Medical Marijuana ID Card and immediately prove to law enforcement that they are legally allowed to possess medical marijuana in accordance with California State Law (Prop 215 and SB 420).Lastly, the Medical Marijuana Patient Identification Card is issued by this doctor's office. This ID Card is NOT a State or County Identification Card. All of the information that you provide is absolutely 100% PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL and is NEVER RELEASED. Your medical records and all information is protected under State of California Patient Privacy Law.Please take into consideration the VITAL IMPORTANCE of the Medical Marijuana ID Card and the problems that it can save you from when you visit our office for an evaluation. Please feel free to ask our staff for more info about our Medical Marijuana Patient Identification Cards.Lastly, please DO NOT drive medicated or operate heavy machinery. Medicating is best when done in the privacy of your own home. If you are driving and are in possession of medication please make sure that it is in the trunk or as far away from you as possible and in a secure place where the smell is contained as much as possible due to the potency of today's medication. ................

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