
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

Vázquez, Nila, Laura Esteban-Segura and Teresa Marqués-Aguado (U de Murcia, Dpto. de Filología Inglesa,,, "A Descriptive Approach to Computerised English Historical Corpora in the 21st Century." In New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Moisés Almela Sánchez. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011): 119-39.*

Díez-Bedmar, María Belén (U de Jaén, "Spanish Pre-university Students' Use of English: CEA Results from the University Entrance Examination." In New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Moisés Almela Sánchez. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011): 141-58.*

Dessalles, Jean-Louis. "Altruism, Status and the Origin of Relevance." In Approaches to the Evolution of Language. Ed. James R. Hurford, Michael Studdert-Kennedy and Chris Knight. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 130-47.

1. Wilson, D. S., Hayes, S. C., Biglan, A., & Embry, D. (2014). Evolving the Future: Toward a Science of Intentional Change. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 395–460.

2. Wilson, D. S., Hartberg, Y., MacDonald, I., Lanman, J. A., & Whitehouse, H. (2016). The nature of religious diversity: a cultural ecosystem approach. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1–20.

3. Sosis, R., Schjoedt, U., Bulbulia, J., & Wildman, W. J. (2017). Wilson ’ s 15-year-old cathedral. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 7(May), 95–97. .

Adams, J. T. 1954. The Epic of America. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.

Becker, U. 2000. The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols. London, New York: Continuum.

Bellow, S. 1965. Herzog. London: Penguin Books.

Brooks, C. Jr. 2001. “The Waste Land: An Analysis.” The Waste Land. Authorative Text, Contexts, Criticism. Ed. M. North. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company. 185-210.

Campbell, J. 1969. The Masks of God: Creative Mythologies. London: Penguin Books.

Dos Passos, J. 2000. Manhattan Transfer. London: Penguin Books.

Eliot, T. S. The Waste Land. Authoritative Text, Contexts and Criticism. Ed. M. North. London, New York: Norton & Company.

——. “Ulysses, Order and Myth”. Critiques and Essays on Modern Fiction. 1920-1951. Representing the Achievement of Modern American and British Critics. Ed. J. W. Aldridge. New York: The Roland Press Company. 424-426.

Eschenbach, W. 1980. Parzival. Ed. Trans. A. T. Hatto. London: Penguin Books.

Fitzgerald, F. S. 1991. The Great Gatsby. London. Longman Group Limited.

Frazer, J. G. 1963. The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. I Volume, Abridge Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

French, Warren G. 1975. John Steinbeck. Boston: Twayne Publishers.


Frye, N. 1971. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

——. 1976. The Secular Scripture. A Study of the Structure of Romance. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press.

Hemingway, E. 2004. Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises. London: Arrow Books.

Kermode, F. 1967. The Sense of an Ending. Studies in the Theory of Fiction. London, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Levenson, M. 1984. A Genealogy of Modernism. A Study of English Literary Doctrine 1908-1922. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Loomis, R. S. 1992. The Grail. From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol. London: Constable.

Meyer, K. 2004. “John Steinbec’s Promised Lands.” Steinbeck Studies 15 (2): 75-88.

Pitt-Rivers, J. 1997. “Un ritual de sacrificio: la corrida de toros española.” Trans. P. García Souza. Alteridades 7 (13): 109-105.

Post, C. 1993. History’s Myth: John Steinbeck and the Twilight of Western Culture. Doctoral Dissertation in English. Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University.

Pugh, S. 2006. “Horrifying Conclusions: Making Sense of Endings in Steinbeck’s Fiction.” Steinbeck Review 3 (1): 69-83.

Segal, R. A. 1999. Theorizing About Myth. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Simkins, W. S. 2007. “Myth as Talisman: Adaptive Teleology in The Winter of Our Discontent.” Steinbeck Review 4 (2): 13-29.

Steinbeck, J. 1979. To a God Unknown. London: Heinemann.

Troyes, C. (2004). Arthurian Romances. Trans. Eds. W. W. Kibler & C. W. Carroll. London: Penguin Books.

Weston, J. L. (1993). From Ritual to Romance. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Toscano, privacidad:

Castilla del Pino, Carlos (1989), “Público, privado, íntimo”, en Castilla del Pino, ed., De la intimidad . Barcelona: Crítica, pp. 25-31.

Bentham, Jeremy (1979 [1791]), El panóptico . Madrid: Ediciones de la piqueta.

Constant, Benjamin (1997 [1819]) “De la liberté des anciens comparée à celle des modernes”, Écrits politiques , Gallimard: Paris. Traducción al español (1989) en Escritos políticos . Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.

Edmundson, William A. (2008), “Privacy”, en M. P. Goldstein y W. A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and legal Theory . Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 271-283.

Gavison, Ruth (1980) “Privacy and the Limits of Law”, Yale Law Journal , vol. 89, 421-471 (1980); reeditado en F. Schoeman (ed.) (1984), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology , pp. 346-402.

Gavison, Ruth (1987) “Privacy: Legal Aspects”, en Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought . Oxford: Blackwell, 400-401.

Gerstein, Robert S. (1984) “Intimacy and Privacy”, en F. Schoeman (ed.) (1984), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology , pp. 265-271.

Hart, H. L. A. (1994), The Concept of Law . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2ª ed.

Innes, Julie C. (1992), Privacy, Intimacy and Isolation . New York: Oxford University Press.

Macklem, Timothy (2006), Independence of Mind . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Marmor, Andrei (2015), “What Is the Right to Privacy?”, Philosophy and Public Affairs , vol. 43, nº 1, pp. 3-26.

Martínez de Pisón, José (1993), El derecho a la intimidad en la jurisprudencia constitucional. Madrid: Civitas.

Mill, John Stuart (1977 [1859]), On Liberty . En The Collected Works of John Stuart

Mill, vol. XVIII: Essays on Politics and Society Part I , ed. John M. Robson. Toronto and London: University of Toronto Press & Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Peña-Marín, Cristina (1989), “El discurso de la intimidad”, en Castilla del Pino, ed., De la intimidad . Barcelona: Crítica, pp. 77-96.

Prosser, William L. (1960), “Privacy”, California Law Review , vol. 48, nº 3, pp. 383-423.

Rachels, James (1984) “Why Privacy Is Important”, en F. Schoeman (ed.) (1984), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology , pp. 290-299.

Schoeman, Ferdinand D. (ed.) (1984), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Solove, Daniel J. (2007), “’I’ve Got Nothing to Hide’ and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy”, San Diego Law Review , vol. 44, pp. 745-772.

Suárez Crothers, Christian (2000), “El concepto de derecho a la vida privada en el derecho anglosajón y europeo”, Revista de Derecho , vol. XI, pp. 103-119.

Thomson, Judith Jarvis (1975), “The Right To Privacy”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 295-314.

Wacks, Raymond (2010), Privacy. A Very Short Introduction . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Warren, Samuel and Brandeis, Louis (1890), “The Right to Privacy”, Harvard Law Review, vol, IV, nº. 5, pp. 193-220. Traducción al Español (1995): El derecho a la intimidad (edición a cargo de Benigno Pendás y Pilar Basuelga). Madrid: Civitas.

Woolf, Virginia (2008), Una habitación propia . Barcelona: Seix Barral.

Boden, M. A. (2004). The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms (2nd ed.). London; New York: Routledge.

Martindale, C. (1989). Personality, Situation and Creativity. In J. A. Glover, R. R. Ronning & C. R. Reynolds (Eds.), Handbook of Creativity: Perspectives on Individual Differences (pp. 211-232). New York; London: Plenum.

Runco, M. A., & Jaeger, G. J. (2012). The Standard Definition of Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 24(1), 92-96.

Sawyer, R. Keith (2012), Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation (2nd ed. edn.; New York: Oxford University Press).

Simonton, D. K., (1999) `Experimental Studies of Creativity’ in (ed) Sternberg, R. J. (1999). Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Simonton, D. K. (2012). Taking the U.S. Patent Office Criteria Seriously: A Quantitative Three-Criterion Creativity Definition and Its Implications. Creativity Research Journal, 24(2-3), 97–106.

Velikovsky, J. T. (2016). `Communication, Creativity and Consilience in Cinema: A comparative study of the top 20 Return-on-Investment (RoI) Movies and the Doxa of Screenwriting’. PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle, Australia. Retrieved from

Velikovsky, J. T. (2016). `The Holon/Parton Theory of the Unit of Culture (or the Meme, and Narreme) in Science, Media, Entertainment and the Arts’, chapter in A. Connor & S. Marks (Eds.), Creative Technologies for Multidisciplinary Applications. New York: IGI Global.

Velikovsky, J. T. (2017). Chapter 405: The Holon/Parton Structure of the Meme, or, The Unit Of Culture. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (pp. 4666-4678). New York: IGI Global.

Wilson, E. O. ([1998] 1999). Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (1st Vintage Books ed.). New York: Knopf: Random House; ebrary Inc.


Vol. 51, No. 3, 2017:



Narrating Selves in Everyday Contexts: Art, the Literary, and Life

Experience · 293

Mari Hatavara, Matti Hyvärinen, and Jarmila Mildorf

Narrative Practices in Medicine and Therapy: Philosophical

Reflections · 300

Daniel D. Hutto, Nicolle Marissa Brancazio, and Jarrah Aubourg

The Role of Desired Future Selves in the Creation of New Experience:

The Case of Greek Unemployed Young Adults · 318

 Anneke Sools, Sofia Triliva, and Theofanis Filippas

Dementia, Positioning and the Narrative Self · 337

 Matti Hyvärinen and Ryoko Watanabe

Whose Story is it Anyway? Following Everyday Accounts of Living

with Dementia on Social Media · 357

 Bronwen Thomas

Narratives and Online Decorum: The Rhetoric of Mark Zuckerberg’s

Personal Storytelling on Facebook · 374

 Stefan Iversen

Fictionality, Narrative Modes, and Vicarious Storytelling · 391

Mari Hatavara and Jarmila Mildorf

Obras de Jesús Mosterín (Wikipedia):

• "El Derecho de los animales" (2015), (colectivo coord. Basilio Baltasar), Cátedra de Estudios Iberoamericanos Jesús Polanco, ISBN 978-84-16402-21-2

• El triunfo de la compasión: Nuestra relación con los otros animales. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2014. 354 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-8465-9.

• Ciencia, filosofía y racionalidad. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, 2013. 358 pp. ISBN 978-84-9784-776-6.

• El reino de los animales. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2013. 403 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-7450-6.

• El islam: Historia del pensamiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2012. 403 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-6991-5.

• Epistemología y racionalidad (3ª edición ampliada y corregida). Lima: Fondo Editorial UIGV, 2011. 376 pp. ISBN 978-612-4050-16-9.

• A favor de los toros. Pamplona: Editorial Laetoli, 2010. 120 pp. ISBN 978-84-92422-23-4.

• Diccionario de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia (escrito con Roberto Torretti, segunda edición ampliada). Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2010. 690 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-8299-0.

• Naturaleza, vida y cultura. Lima: Fondo Editorial UIGV, 2010. 160 pp. ISBN 978-612-4050-12-1.

• Los cristianos: Historia del pensamiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2010. 554 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-4979-5

• La cultura humana. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2009. 404 pp. ISBN 978-84-670-3085-3.

• La cultura de la libertad. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2008. 304 pp. ISBN 978-84670-2697-9.

• Lo mejor posible: Racionalidad y acción humana. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2008. 318 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-8206-8.

• La naturaleza humana (nueva edición de bolsillo, corregida y renovada, en la colección Austral). Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2008. ISBN 978-84-670-2813-3.

• Los lógicos (nueva edición de bolsillo, corregida y renovada, en la colección Austral). Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2007. 418 pp. ISBN 978-84-670-2507-1.

• Helenismo: Historia del pensamiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2007. ISBN 978-84-206-6187-2.

• India: Historia del pensamiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2007. 260 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-6188-9.

• China: Historia del pensamiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2007. 282 pp. ISBN 978-84-206-6187-2.

• [Edición corregida y ampliada de] Kurt Gödel, Obras completas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006. 470 pp. ISBN 84-206-4773-X.

• Ciencia viva: Reflexiones sobre la aventura intelectual de nuestro tiempo (2ª edición corregida y ampliada). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2006. 386 pp. ISBN 84-670-2355-4.

• Crisis de los paradigmas en el siglo XXI. Coedición de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso y de la Universidad Enrique Guzmán. Lima, 2006. ISBN 9972-888-38-X.

• La naturaleza humana. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2006. 418 pp. ISBN 84-670-2035-0.

• El pensamiento arcaico. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006. 285 pp. ISBN 84-206-5833-2.

• La Hélade. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006. 292 pp. ISBN 84-206-5833-2.

• Aristóteles. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006. 378 pp. ISBN 84-206-5836-0.

• Los judíos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006. 305 pp. ISBN 84-206-5837-5.

• Diccionario de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia (escrito con Roberto Torretti). Alianza Editorial, Madrid 2002. 670 pp. ISBN 84-206-3000-4.

• Teoría de la Escritura (2ª edición). Icaria Editorial. Barcelona 2002. 384 pp. ISBN 84-7426-199-6.

• Filosofía y ciencias. Lima: Fondo Editorial UIGV y Editorial de la Universidad P. A. Orrego, 2002. 156 pp. ISBN 9972-888-04-5.

• Ciencia viva: Reflexiones sobre la aventura intelectual de nuestro tiempo. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2001. 382 pp. ISBN 84-239-9765-0.

• Conceptos y teorías en la ciencia (3ª edición, ampliada y renovada). Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2000. 318 pp. ISBN 84-206-6741-2.

• [Edición original de] Rudolf Carnap, Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik (editado con Thomas Bonk). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2000. 166 pp. ISBN 3-534-14298-5.

• Los Lógicos. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2000. 324 pp. ISBN 84-239-9755-3.

• ¡Vivan los animales! Madrid: Editorial Debate, 1998. 391 pp. ISBN 84-8306-141-4.

• Los derechos de los animales. Madrid: Editorial Debate, 1995. 111 pp. ISBN 84-7444-857-3.

• El pensamiento de la India. Barcelona: Salvat Editores, 1982. 65 pp. ISBN 84-345-7864-6.

• Ortografía fonémica del español. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1981. 205 pp. ISBN 84-206-2303-2.

• Un cálculo deductivo para la lógica de segundo orden. Valencia: Cuadernos Teorema, 1979. 52 pp. ISBN 84-370-0100-5.

• Racionalidad y acción humana. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1978, 1987. 199 pp. y 218 pp. ISBN 84-206-2223-0.

• Teoría axiomática de conjuntos. Barcelona: Ariel, 1971, 1980. 141 pp. ISBN 84-344-1003-6.

• Lógica de primer orden. Barcelona: Ariel, 1970, 1976, 1983. 141 pp. ISBN 84-344-1003-6.

Beattie, Andrew. Australia's Biodiversity. 1995.

Brusca, Richard C., and Gary J. Brusca. Invertebrates. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates, 1990.

Singleton, Paul. Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine. 6th ed. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley, 2004.

Wilson, David Sloan. Report on the Consilience Conference (St

Louis, April 2012):


McKenzie, Lucas. "The Emperor's New Genes: A Study in Fascist Pseudoscience-- How It Serves the Current Needs of the Capitalist Class." Rev. of E. O. Wilson’s Consilience. Cultural Logic 4.2 (Spring 2001).


Blood, Rebecca (2000, September 7). "Weblogs: A History and Perspective." Rebecca's Pocket.

Accessed June 5, 2006.

Blood, Rebecca (2002). "Weblog Ethics." Rebecca's Pocket.

June 5, 2006.

Boynton, Robert S. (2005, November 16). "Attack of the Career-Killing Blogs." Slate.

October 6, 2006.

Dube, Jonathan (2003, May 13). "Rebecca Blood on Weblog Ethics." .

June 5, 2006.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (2005, April 6; updated 2005, May 31). "How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else."

October 6, 2006.

Ellison, Nicole, and Yuehua Wu (2006, April 7). "An Empirical Text of Blogging in the Classroom." HigherEd BlogCon 2006.


Farrell, Henry (2005). "The Blogosphere As Carnival of Ideas." The Chronicle of Higher Education October 7: The Chronicle Review.

Gurak, Laura, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie John-son, Clancy Ratliff, and Jessica Reyman (Eds.). Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs.

October 9, 2006.

Hale, Constance, and Jessie Scanlon (1999). Wired Style: Principles of English Usage in the Digital Age, rev. edn. New York: Broadway Books.

Herring, S. C., L. A. Schreit, S. Bonus, and E. Wright (2005). "Weblogs as a Bridging Genre." Information, Technology & People 18.2: 142–71.

Hopkins, Curt (2006, October 8). "Statistics on Fired Bloggers." Morpheme Tales.

March 23, 2007.

Kerbel, Matthew R., and Joel David Bloom (2005). "Blog for America and Civic Involvement." The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 10.4: 3–27.

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. (2005). "Why I Blog Under My Own Name (and a Modest Proposal)." MGK July 9.

October 6, 2006.

Koh, Andy, Alvin Lim, Ng Ee Soon, Benjamin H. Detenber, and Mark A. Cenite (2005). "Ethics in Blogging." Weblog Ethics Survey Results July 18.

June 5, 2006.

Krause, Steven (2004). "When Blogging Goes Bad: A Cautionary Tale About Blogs, Email Lists, Discussion, and Interaction." Kairos 9.1

October 7, 2006.

Live Journal. "Statistics." . Accessed June 5, 2006.

McIntosh, Shawn. "Blogs: Has Their Time Finally Come – or Gone?" Global Media and Communication 1.3 (2005): 385–88.

McNeill, Laurie. "Teaching an Old Genre New Tricks: The Diary on the Internet." Biography 26.1 (2003): 24–47.

Merriam Webster Online. "Merriam Webster's Words of the Year 2004."

June 5, 2006.

National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. (2003a). "Measuring Weblog Churn Rate." NITLE Census News July 29.

June 5, 2006.

National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. (2003b). "Equal Numbers, Different Interests." NITLE Census News August 14.

June 5, 2006.

Perlmutter, David (2006). "Political Blogs: The New Iowa?" The Chronicle of Higher Education May 26: The Chronicle Review.

Pyra Labs. "Pyra 2.0."

June 5, 2006.

Rainie, Lee (2005). "The State of Blogging." Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Riverbend (2005). Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq. New York: Feminist Press at City University of New York.

Robinson, Susan (2006). "The Mission of the j-blog: Recapturing Journalistic Authority Online." Journalism 7.1: 65–83.

Serfaty, Viviane (2004). "Online Diaries: Towards a Structural Approach." Journal of American Studies 38.3: 457–71.

Technorati. "About Us."

October 7, 2006.

Tribble, Ivan (2005a). "Bloggers Need Not Apply." The Chronicle of Higher Education July 8.

Tribble, Ivan (2005b). "They Shoot Messengers, Don't They?" The Chronicle of Higher Education September 2: Chronicle Careers.

Twohey, Megan (2005). "Marquette Suspends Dental Student for Blog Comments." JSOnline: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel December 5.

Tyron, Charles (2006). "Writing and Citizenship: Using Blogs to Teach First-Year Composition." Pedagogy 6.1: 128–32.

Weblog Research on Genre Project. "Weblog Research on Genre, Gender, Audience, and Social Networks."

October 9, 2006.

Williams, Jeremy B. and Joanne Jacobs (2004). "Exploring the Use of Blogs as Learning Spaces in the Higher Education Sector." Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 20.2: 232–47.

Zivkovic, Bora (2005). "Blog Carnivals and the Future of Journalism." Science and Politics June 1.

October 6, 2006

Blogger. .

Live Journal. .

Typepad. .

Radio Userland. .

Word Press. .

Gillmor, Dan. "Dan Gillmor's Blog." –Palo Alto Ca. local news, information, events and Advertising. PA&tid 51

October 1, 2006.

Walker, Jill. jill/txt.

October 1, 2006.

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. MGK.

October 1, 2006.

Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle: Daily News Blog.

October 1, 2006.

Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog.

October 1, 2006.

Vanegas, Trent. Pink is the New Blog j Fingers Firmly on the Pulse.

October 1, 2006.

Coen, Jessica (Ed.). Gawker: Manhattan Media News and Gossip.

October 1, 2006.

Drudge, Matt. The Drudge Report.

June 5, 2006.

The Blog j The Huffington Post.

June 5, 2006.

Go Fug Yourself.

June 5, 2006.

Moulitsas Zuniga, Markos. Daily Kos: State of the Nation.

June 5, 2006.

Marshall, Joshua Michael. Talking Points Memo.

June 5, 2006.

Democracy for America.. Blog for America.

June 5, 2006.

Hinderaker, John, Scott Johnson, and Paul Mireng-off. Power Line.

June 5, 2006.

"NK." New Kid on the Hallway.

June 5, 2006.

"The Professor." Rate Your Students.

June 5, 2006.

Drezner, Daniel W. Daniel W. Drezner :: Blog.

June 5, 2006.

Flanagan, Mary, MichaelMateas, NickMontfort, Scott Rettberg, Andrew Stern, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. Grand Text Auto.

June 5, 2006.

Liberman, Mark. Language Log.

June 5, 2006.

Diaryland. .

Movable Type.

Caïra, Olivier. Définir la fiction. Du roman au jeu d’échecs. Paris: Éditions de l’école des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2011.

Doughlan, Fiona J. Contemporary Narrative: Textual production, multimodality and multiliteracies. London and New York: Continuum, 2011.

Doxiadis, Apostolos, and Barry Mazur (eds.). Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of Mathematics and Narrative. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2012.

Fortier, Frances, and André Mercier (eds.). La transmission narrative: Modalités du pacte romanesque contemporain. Laval: Éditions Nota bene, 2012.

Genette, Gérard. Anlatının Söylemi-Yöntem Hakkında Bir Deneme (Discours du récit. Essai de méthode). Translated into Turkish by Ferit Burak Aydar. İstanbul: Bosphorus University Publishing, 2011.

Hansen, Per Krogh (ed.). Working with Stories. Selected papers from the 2nd ENN

Conference 2011. Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (AJCN) No. 6. 2011.

Hansen, Per Krogh, Stefan Iversen, Henrik Skov Nielsen and Rolf Reitan. Unaturlige fortællinger [Unnatural Narratives], K&K 112. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2011.

Herman, David, James Phelan, Peter J. Rabinowitz, Brian Richardson and Robyn Warhol. Narrative Theory: Core Concepts and Critical Debates. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2012.

Huang, Cristal et al. Philosophy - Sign - Narrative. Taipei (Taiwan): Bookman Books Ltd, 2012.

Jahn, Manfred. Anlatıbilim: Anlatı Teorisi El Kitabı (Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative). Translated into Turkish by Bahar Dervişcemaloğlu. İstanbul: Dergâh Publishing, 2012.

Jappe, Lilith, Olav Krämer, Fabian Lampart (eds.). Figurenwissen. Funktionen von Wissen bei der Figurendarstellung. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012.

Kinzel, Till, and Jarmila Mildorf (eds.). Imaginary Dialogues in English: Explorations of a literary form. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, 2012.

Lallemand, Allain. Journalisme narratif en pratique. Brussels: de Boeck Duculot, 2012.

Saint-Gelais, Richard. Fictions transfuges. La transfictionnalité et ses enjeux. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2011.

Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. Edebiyat Teorisi (Theory of Literature). Translated into Turkish by Ömer Faruk Huyugüzel. İstanbul: Dergâh Publishing, 2011.

A Russian-language narratological online journal “Narratorium” has been founded.

The editors are Wolf Schmid (Hamburg University: and

Valerij Tjupa (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow:

v.tjupa@). The first issue is available at .

The new e-journal DIEGESIS. Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung /

E-Journal for Narrative Research across the Disciplines, funded by the German

Research Funding Organization (DFG), will be launched in October 2012 as an open

access publication. The first issue will be devoted to “Narratology in the 21st Century.

An Interdisciplinary Review.” The DIEGESIS website will be activated at the time of

the first issue. The second issue will be devoted to “Narration and Medium.”

Language Value

Departament d'Estudis Anglesos

Facultat de Ciencies Humanes i Socials

U Jaume I, Castellón

M. Carmen Campoy-Cubillo and Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido

Bolles, Edmund Blair. Babel’s Dawn: A Natural History of the Origins of Speech". Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2011.

Mind, Consciousness, and Language. (Giorgio Marchetti).


Journal of the Odisha Association for English Studies.

Ed. Santwana Haldar.

Baleswar (Orissa, India).

Vol. 2.1 (2012).

Zapf, Hubert. ( "Cultural Ecology and Literary Life Writing." Lecture at the University of Zaragoza, 9 March 2012.*

Ammons, A. R. Selected Poems. Library of America, 2006.

Bateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. London: Paladin, 1973.

_____. Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. New York: Bantam, 1979.

Bowling, Kivmars. "What Is Life Writing?" Rev. of "The Spirit of the Age: Debating the Past, Present and Future of Life Writing", Conference Kinston U, London, 4-6 July 2007. Literature Compass Blog: Navigating Literary Studies

Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1995.

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Capra, Fritjof. The Web of Life. New York: Doubleday, 1996.

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Fulton, M., ed. Eyes of Time: Photojournalism in America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1988.

Galassi, P. Henri Cartier-Bressson: The Early Work. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1987.

Godwin, F. Forbidden Land. London: Jonathan Cape, 1990.

Hambourg, M. M., and C. Phillips. The New Vision: Photography between the World Wars. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Henry N. Abrams, 1994.

Hamilton, P. Willy Ronis: Photographs 1926-1995. Oxford: Museum of Modern Art, 1995.

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Jones-Griffiths, P. Vietnam, Inc. New York: Collier Books, 1971.

Lange, D., and P. Schuster Taylor. An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion in the Thirties. New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1939.

Larkin, M. France Since the Popular Front: Government and People 1936-1986. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.

Lemagny, J.-C., and A. Rouillé. A History of Photography: Social and Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.

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Prévert, J., and Izis [Bidermanas]. Charmes de Londres. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre, 1952.

Ronis, W., and P. Mac Orlan. Belleville-Ménilmontant. Paris: Arthaud, 1954.

Salgado, S. Workers: An Archaeology of the Industrial Age. London: Phaidon, 1993.

Sorlin, P. La Société Française. Vol. II, 1914-1968. Paris: Arthaud, 1971.

Steinbeck, J. The Grapes of Wrath. 1938. London: Heinemann, 1966.

Stott, W. Documentary Expression and Thirties America. London: Oxford UP, 1973.

Brito, M. "Michael Mc'Clure: un poeta entre pintores." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 1 (Sept. 1980): 35-46.

Dietz, B. "Lectura de Calamiterror, de George Barker." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 1 (Sept. 1980): 47-70.

Domínguez, P. "La enseñanza del inglés: selección de textos didácticos." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 1 (Sept. 1980): 73-74.

Dietz, B. "Una aportación al estudio de la poesía inglesa contemporánea." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 1 (Sept. 1980): 75-76.

Galván Reula, J. F. "La novela inglesa contemporánea." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 1 (Sept. 1980).

Gómez Soliño, J. S. "Formas verbales de singular en -ETH y (E)S en las novelas de Deloney." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981): 1-25.

Galván Reula, J. F. "Estudio literario de Homage to Catalonia." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981): 26-50.

Power, K. "Postmodernist Poetics: Four Views." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981): 51-72.

Domínguez, P. "Un nuevo diccionario." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981): 73-76.

Dietz, B. "Vigencia de la poesía inglesa sobre la Guerra Civil." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981): 76-78.

Dietz, B. "Una nueva aproximación a los Thirties" Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2 (March 1981).

Sampson, G. "Advantages of English Spelling." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 1-13.

González Escribano, J. L. "Observaciones sobre la posición de los complementos circunstanciales en la prosa de los Paston, 1425-1450." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 14-45.

Tally, J. "A Case for Black English." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 46-56.

Dietz, B. "Sobre la traducción de poesía: A propósito de un poema de William Blake." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 57-65.

Galván Reula, J. F. "El misterio en la estructura de Lord of the Flies." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 66-73.

Gómez Soliño, J. S. "Thomas Wolsey, Thomas More y la lengua inglesa estándar de su época." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 74-86.

Domínguez, P. "On English Grammar and Other Related Topics: A Conversation with Prof. Paul Christophersen." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 87-98.

Lorenzo, Emilio. El español y otras lenguas

Domínguez, P. Rev. of El español y otras lenguas. By Emilio Lorenzo. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 99-101.

Raine, Kathleen. En una desierta orilla

Dietz, B. Rev. of En una desierta orilla. By Kathleen Raine. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 101-2.

Ingle, Stephen. Socialist Thought in Imaginative Literature

Galván, J. R. Rev. of Socialist Thought in Imaginative Literature. By Stephen Ingle. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 103-5.

Werlich, Egon. Typologie der Texte & A Text Grammar of English

Galván, J. F. Rev. of Typologie der Texte & A Text Grammar of English By Egon Werlich. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 105-7.

Cuddon, J. A. A Dictionary of Literary Terms;

Beckson, K. & A. Ganz Literary Terms: A Dictionary

Shipley, J. T. Dictionary of World Literary Terms

Galván, J. F. Rev. of A Dictionary of Literary Terms, by J. A. Cuddon; Literary Terms: A Dictionary, by K. Beckson and A. Ganz, and of Dictionary of World Literary Terms, by J. T. Shipley. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 107-9.

Ruthrof, Horst. The Reader's Construction of Narrative

Galván, J. F. Rev. of The Reader's Construction of Narrative. By Horst Ruthrof. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 109-11.

Lightfoot, D. W. Principles of Diachronic Syntax

González Escribano, J. L. Rev. of Principles of Diachronic Syntax. By D. W. Lightfoot. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 3 (Nov. 1981): 111-19.

Shaw, Patricia. España vista por los ingleses del siglo XVII.

Santisteban, F. Evolución histórica de los verbos compuestos ingleses

Monroy, Rafael. La pronunciación del inglés RP para hablantes de español.

Lyons, J. Language and Linguistics: An Introduction.

Matthews, P. Syntax.

García, A. Traducciones de español a inglés para estudiantes avanzados.

Bravo, J. M. Problemática e historia de la historiografía literaria inglesa.

Brown, E. & J. Miller. Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction.

James, C. Contrastive Analysis.

Bassnett-McGuire, S. Translation Studies.

Parkinson, S. La lingüística y la enseñanza de las lenguas: teoría y práctica.

Kennedy , A. Meaning and Signs in Fiction.

Ruthven, K. Critical Assumptions.

Parkinson, S. A University English Grammar for Spanish-Speakers.

Yule, V. "An International Reform of English Spelling and Its Advantages." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 9-22.

Downing, A. "From Quenya to the Common Speech: Linguistic Diversification in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 23-32.

Leeuwen, F. van. "Female Gothic: The Discourse of the Other." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 33-44.

MacDermott, D. "Language and Behaviour." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 45-50.

Fagundo, A. M. "Emily Dickinson y Canarias." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 51-56.

Banham, M. "The Contemporary Theatre of English-Speaking West Africa." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 57-64.

Cavaliero, G. "The Novels of John Cowper Powys." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 65-70.

Power, K. "A Conversation with Robert Duncan." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 71-106.

Blaug, M. "Aspectos básicos de la financiación de la enseñanza superior en Gran Bretaña." Introd. note by F. Bosch Font. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 107-38.

"Inglaterra y los ingleses vistos por un español del siglo XVI" Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 4 (April 1982): 139-50.

Lass, R. On Explaining Language Change (J. L .G. Escribano, 151).-

Lodge, D. Working with Structuralism (J. F. Galván, 160).-

Haffenden, J. Viewpoints.: Poets in Conversation & Jones, P. & M. Schmidt, eds. British Poetry since 1970: A Critical Survey (B. Dietz, 162).-

Politi, J. The Novel and Its Presuppositions (B. Dietz, 167).-

Andrew, M. & R. Waldron, eds. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript (J. F. Galván, 169).-

Culler, J. The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction (J. F. Galván, 172).-

Horowitz, I. L. Ideología y utopía en los EE.UU., 1956-1976 (M. Górriz, 175).-

López Ortega, R. Movimiento obrero y novela inglesa (M. Górriz, 176).-

Sola Buil, R. Dinámica social en los "Canterbury Tales" (M. Górriz, 177).

García Déniz, J. A. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: el estilo y las traducciones españolas (178).-

Portillo García, R., J. Carnero González & J. A. Prieto Pablos. Guía básica para estudiantes de literatura inglesa (179).-

Hidalgo, P. & E. Alcaraz La literatura inglesa en los textos (179).-

Skura, M. A. The Literary Use of the Psychoanalytic Process (179).-

Rydén, M. An Introduction to the Historical Study of English Syntax (180).-

Greenfield, S. B. & F. C. Robinson. A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature to the End of 1972 (180).-

Palmer, A. & V. Who's Who in Shakespeare's England (181).-

Elsom, J. Post-War British Theatre Criticism (181).-

Lobb, E. T. S. Eliot and the Romantic Critical Tradition (181).

Wakelin, M. F. "Evidence for Spoken Regional English in the Sixteenth

Century." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 1-26.

Benskin, M. "Marian Verses from a Hedon Manuscript: Some New Materials for the Middle English Dialectology of the East Riding." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 27-58.

Shaw, P. "The View in Winter: The Theme of Old Age in Contemporary English Fiction." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 59-80.

Bigsby, C. "Performance Theatre." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 81-90.

Díaz Malledo, C. R. "Roman Jakobson: A Guide to Critical Reviews of His Major Works." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 91-94.

Castillo Martín, F. J. "Notas sobre la estructura sintagmática ternaria en la narrativa de Edgar A. Poe." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 95-102.

Moya Jiménez, V. "Anglicismos en el lenguaje deportivo de Méjico." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 103-12.

Domínguez, P. "Talking about Linguistics with David Crystal." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 113-28.

Gómez Soliño, J. S. Rev. of So Meny People Longages and Tonges: Philological Essays in Scots and Mediaeval English Presented to Angus McIntosh. Ed. M. Benskin and M. L. Samuels. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 129-.

Dietz, Bernd. Rev. of John Barth: el artificio como técnica narrativa. By Enrique García Díez. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 133-.

Galván Reula, J. F. Rev. of In Defence of the Imagination. By Helen Gardner. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982).

Domínguez, P. Rev. of Linguistics and English Linguistics, by H. B. Allen; Current Bibliography on Linguistics and English Linguistics, and A Bibliography of Contemporary Linguistic Research, by G. Gazdar, G. E. Klein and G. K. Pullum. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 141-.

Domínguez, P. Rev. of A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary [Vol. III]. Ed. R. W. Burchfield. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982): 144-

Pérez Sanz, M. J. Rev. of Romeo and Juliet. Ed. B. Gibbons. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 5 (Nov. 1982):147-.

Hidalgo, P. et al. Estudios sobre el teatro inglés contemporáneo (148).-

Aitchison, J. Language Change: Progress or Decay? (149).-

Lyons, J. Language, Meaning and Context (149).-

Simpson, J. M. Y. A First Course in Linguistics (149).-

Fraser, G. S. A Short History of English Poetry (150).-

Gibbons, T. Literature and Awareness (150).-

Fish, S. Is There a Text in This Class? (151).-

Feenberg, A. Lukács, Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory (151).-

Hartman, G. H. Saving the Text: Literature/Derrida/Philosophy (152).-

Miller, D. A. Narrative and Its Discontents: Problems of Closure in the Traditional Novel (152).-

Moravsik, E. A. & J. R. Wirth, eds. Current Approaches to Syntax (153).-

Willis, J. Teaching English Through English (154).- Belsey, C. Critical Practice (154).-

Fernández, F. Historia de la lengua inglesa (155).-

Sell, R. D. Trespassing Ghost: A Critical Study of Andrew Young (155).-

Dipple, E. Iris Murdoch. Work for the Spirit (156).-

Blanchard, M. E. Description: Sign, Self Desire (156).-

Crespo Allué, M. J. La problemática de las versiones españolas de 'Persuasion' de Jane Austen (156).-

Voriat, E. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax [Vol. V] (157).

Toker, Leona. "Bend Sinister: The 'Inner' Problem." In Toker, Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989. 177-97.*

_____. "'Reader! Bruder!: Broodings on the Rhetoric of Lolita." In Toker, Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989. 198-227.*

Toker, Leona. "Conclusion." In Toker, Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989. 228-30.*

Celorio Díaz, Juan José. "Educación para el desarrollo: Educar en y para la cooperación y la solidaridad." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 17-44.*

Labrador, Carmen. "Educación para la paz y cultura de paz en documentos internacinales." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 45-68.*

Pérez Serrano, Gloria. "Nueva ciudadanía para el tercer milenio." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 69-80.*

Vargas, Julio, and José Ramón Flecha García. "El aprendizaje dialógico como 'experto' en resolución de conflictos." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 81-88.*

Funes Lapponi, Silvina. "Resolución de conflictos en la escuela: una herramienta para la cultura de paz y la convivencia." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 91-106.*

Martínez García, Jesús María. "La lucha contra la violencia escolar y su prevención." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 107-20.*

Bellosta Martínez, María, and Raúl Susín Betrán. "La educacón para el desarrollo desde una lectura de género." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 123-38.*

Bonachía, María José, Julieta Ojeda and María Luz Oyón. "El cuento como transmisor de valores: 'Warm Fuzzy Tale' y 'Le conte chaud et doux des chaudoudoux'." Contextos educativos 3 (2000): 139-46.*

"Experiencias de educación para la paz." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 147-62.*

Gómez, Iñaki. "Amnistía Internacional y Educación en Derechos Humanos." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 163-76.*

Paniego García, José Angel. "Educar personas solidarias: El laberinto de la educación en valores." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 177-90.

Goicoechea, Mª Angeles. Rev. of Introducción a la cooperación para el desarrollo. By A. Boni Aristizabal and G. Ferrero de Loma-Osorio. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Pascual, Teresa, and Mª Angeles Goicoechea. Rev. of Gobierno de la Rioja, Consejería de Salud y Servicios Sociales, Programa de Buenos Tratos. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Clavo, María José. Rev. of Educación para la paz. By A. Monclús and C. Saban. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Pascual, Teresa. Rev. of Cómo podemos educar en valores: Métodos y técnicas para desarrollar actitudes y conductas solidarias. By J. A. Paniego. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Navaridas, Fermín. Rev. of Cómo educar para la democracia. By G. Pérez Serrano. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Santibañez, Josefina. Rev. of Modelos de investigación cualitativa en educación social y animación sociocultural. By G. Pérez Serrano. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Lapresa, Daniel. Rev. of Progama: Educar para la Solidaridad. Servicios Educativos de Intermón. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000).

Cano González, Rufino. "Los Departamentos de Orientación en los IES: Estudio de las disociaciones entre percepciones reales y normativa legal." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 209-34.*

Imparato-Prieur, Sylvie. "La Enseñanza de las primeras letras en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII: Contenidos y métodos a través de algunos tratados de enseñanza." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 232-52.*

Lázaro Martínez, Angel J., and María José Mudarra Sánchez. "Análisis de los estilos de Orientación en Equipos Psicopedagógicos." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 253-80.*

García Andreva, Pablo. "Notas críticas sobre el aprendizaje estético." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 283-96.*

Martínez Usurralde, María Jesús. "Reflexiones acerca de la alternancia: Una comparación entre el modelo de prácticas a través del módulo FCT (Formación en Centros de Trabajo) y el aprendizaje en España." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 297-314.*

Ponce de León Elizaondo, Ana, Enrique Bravo Sáinz and Teresa Torroba Santa María. "Los Colegios Rurales Agrupados, primer paso al mundo docente." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 315-47.*

Clavo Sebastián, María José, and María Iñigo Clavo. "Pensar en arte." Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 351-82.*

Santibáñez, Josefina. Rev. of Estrategias didácticas innovadoras. By Saturnino de la Torre. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 391-92.*

Cantón, Isabel. Rev. of La Universidad española hacia Europa. By F. Michavilla and B. Calvo. Contextos Educativos 3 (2000): 395-96.

Salzman, Paul (La Trobe U, Melbourne), ed. Early Modern Women's Writing: An Anthology 1560-1700. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Tate, Gary, Amy Rupipe, and Kurt Schick (all Texas Christian U), eds. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. (bibliography).

Terry, R. C. (U of Victoria, British Columbia), ed. Oxford Reader's Companion to Trollope. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Watson, J. R. (U of Durham). The English Hymn: A Critical and Historical Study. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Craig, Patricia, ed. The Oxford Book of Detective Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Louis, Wm. Roger, gen. ed. The Oxford History of the British Empire. Vol. 1: The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. Ed. Nicholas Canny. Asst. ed. Alaine Low. 1998. Vol. 2: The Eighteenth Century. Ed. P. J. Marshall (U of London). Asst. ed. Alaine Low. 1998. Vol. 3: The Nineteenth Century. Ed. Andrew Porter (U of London). 1999. Vol. 4: The Twentieth Century. Ed. Judith Brown and Wm. Roger Louis. 1999. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Winks, Robin. (Yale U), ed. Historiography. Vol. 5 of The Oxford History of the British Empire. Gen. ed. W. Roger Louis. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Zipes, Jack. (U of Minnesota). The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Eliot, George. Middlemarch. Introd .A. S. Byatt. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Bronte. Wuthering Heights. Introd. Joyce Carol Oates. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Flaubert. Madame Bovary. Introd. Anita Brookner. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

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The Iowa Review


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Note 34 Rita Raley discussed Torus in the broader context of digital works using haptic and proprioceptive stimuli in "Reading Spaces," Modern Language Association Convention, Washington DC, December 28, 2005.

Note 35 See John Cayley's website in for a download of lens in a QuickTime maquette; the piece was originally designed for the CAVE.

Note 36 Information from Robert Coover in an email dated September 25, 2006.

Note 37 Paul Sermon, Steven Dixon, Mathias Fucs, and Andrea Zapp, Unheimlich (2006) .

Note 38 Michael Mateas, Façade (2005) .

Note 39 Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998), p. 40

Note 40 Marie-Laure Ryan, Avatars of Story (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006).

Note 41 Deena Larsen, Disappearing Rain (2001) .

Note 42 Electronic Poetry Center ; Ubuweb .

Note 43 Loss Pequeño Glazier, Digital Poetics: Hypertext, Visual-Kinetic Text and Writing in Programmable Media (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama, 2001).

Note 44 Loss Pequeño Glazier, White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares, ELC 1 .

Note 45 Generative art is, of course, a major category of digital arts generally. For example, Bill Seaman's ambitious installation work, The World Generator (1996), used images, sound, and spoken text to create a recombinant poetics that created emergent and synergistic combinations of all these modalities .

Note 46 Philippe Bootz, "The Functional Point of View: New Artistic Forms for Programmed Literary Works," Leonardo 32.4 (1999): 307-16. See also the earlier article "Poetic Machinations," Visible Language 30.2 (1996): 118-37, and the later "Reader/Readers," p0es1s: Ästhetik Digitaler Poesie/The Aesthetics of Digital Poetry, edited by Friedrich W. Block, Christiane Heiback, and Karin Wenz (Berlin: Hatje Cantz Books, 2004), pp. 93-122, which gives a further elaboration and refinement of the functional model. In "Digital Poetry: From Cybertext to Programmed Forms," Leonardo Electronic Almanac 14.05/06 (2006) , he slightly shifts terminology to technotexts and intermedia, with a focus on a procedural model of communication.

Note 47 Philippe Bootz discusses the web-based literary journal created by L.A.I.R.E in "Alire: A Relentless Literary Investigation," Electronic Book Review (March 15, 1999) .

Note 48 Philippe Bootz, La série des U, ELC 1; Alire 12 (2004).

Note 49 Noah Wardrip-Fruin with Brion Moss and Elaine Froehlich, Regime Change and News Reader .

Note 50 Jim Andrews, On Lionel Kearns, ELC 1 and .

Note 51 William S. Burroughs and his partner in crime, Brion Gysin, wrote extensively about the technique and philosophy of the cut-up that Burroughs pioneered in Naked Lunch, among other works. For more information and algorithms allowing you to cut up your own texts, see .

Note 52 Jim Andrews and collaborators, Stir Fry Texts .

Note 53 Geniwate and Brian Kim Stefans, When You Reach Kyoto (2002) .

Note 54 Millie Niss with Martha Deed, Oulipoems, ELC 1 and (2004) .

Note 55 Patrick-Henri Burgaud, Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées, ELC 1 (2005).

Note 56 John Cayley has a trenchant criticism of "code work" in "The Code is not the Text (unless it is the Text)," Electronic Book Review (2002) .

Note 57 For a fuller explanation of intermediating dynamics between language and code, see N. Katherine Hayles, "Making: Language and Code," My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005), pp. 15-88.

Note 58 Diane Reed Slattery, Daniel J. O'Neil and Bill Brubaker, The Glide Project . Slattery is also the author of The Maze Game (Kingston NY: Deep Listening Publications, 2003), a print novel that gives the backstory of the development, politics, and cultural significance of the Glide language.

Note 59 Sha Xin Wei, TGarden, ; see also Sha Xin Wei and Maja Kuzmanovic. "Performing Publicly in Responsive Space: Agora, Piazza, Festival and Street." Worlds in Transition: Technoscience, EASST Conference: Citizenship and Culture In the 21st Century (September 2000), Vienna, Austria .

Note 60 Carrie Noland, "Digital Gestures," New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories, edited by Adalaide Morris and Thomas Swiss (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006), pp. 217-244.

Note 61 John Cayley, "Literal Art: Neither Lines nor Pixels but Letters," First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game, eds. Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2004), pp. 208-17; see also John Cayley, "Literal Art" .

Note 62 John Cayley, riverIsland .

Note 63 Stephanie Strickland, with technical implementation by Janet Holmes (1999), "The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot" . The poem appeared first in print as the winner of the Boston Review's Second Annual Poetry contest.

Note 64 Jason Nelson, Dreamaphage, version 1 (2003) and version 2 (2004), ELC 1 and .

Note 65 Stephanie Strickland, V: s/Losing L'una (New York: Penguin, 2002); Stephanie Strickland with Cynthia Lawson, V: Vniverse .

Note 66 Lance Olsen, 10:01 (Portland: Chiasmus Press, 2005). Lance Olsen with Tim Guthrie, 10:01, ELC 1.

Note 67 Geoff Ryman, 253: The Print Remix (London: St. Martin's Press, 1998); the Web version is at .

Note 68 Gregory L. Ulmer, Internet Invention: From Literacy to Electracy (New York: Longman, 2002).

Note 69 Alan Sondheim's writings are represented in a collection of texts made over a ten-year period in "Internet Text, 1994 [Through Feb. 2, 2006]," ELC 1; Brian Kim Stefans, Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics (Berkeley: Atelos Press, 2003); Stephanie Strickland, "Writing the Virtual: Eleven Dimensions of E-Poetry," Leonardo Electronic Almanac 14:05/06 (2006) and "Dali Clocks: Time Dimensions of Hypermedia," Electronic Book Review ll (2000) .

Note 70 Ian Bogost, Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006); Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Control and Freedom: Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006); Florian Cramer, Words Made Flesh: Code, Culture, Imagination (Rotterdam: Piet Zwart Institute) ); Matthew Fuller, Behind the Blip: Essays on the Culture of Software (New York: Autonomedia, 2003); Mark B. N. Hansen, New Philosophy for New Media (Cambridge: MIT Press,2004); Matthew Kirschenbaum, Mechanisms: New Media and Forensic Textuality (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006); Adalaide Morris, "New Media Poetics: As We May Think/How to Write," New Media Poetics, edited by Adalaide Morris and Thomas Swiss (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006), pp. 1-46; Rita Raley, Tactical Media (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming 2007).

Note 71 Espen J. Aarseth, Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997).

Note 72 Stephanie Strickland, "Writing the Virtual: Eleven Dimensions of E-Poetry," Leonardo Electronic Almanac 14:05/06 (2006) .

Note 73 Jim Rosenberg, Diagram Series 6: 6.4 and 6.10, ELC 1; see also Diagram Poems

Note 74 Raymond Queneau, Cent mille milliards de poèmes (Paris: Gallimard, 1961); John Cage, M: Writings '67-'72 (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1973); Jackson Mac Low, The Virginia Woolf Poems (Providence RI: Burning Deck, 1985).

Note 75 Brian Kim Stefans, Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics (Berkeley: Atelos Press, 2003).

Note 76 Ian Bogost, Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006), especially p. 4.

Note 77 Stephanie Strickland and M. D. Coverley, "Errand Upon Which We Came" .

Note 78 Brian Kim Stefans, "The Dreamlife of Letters," (1999) .

Note 79 Robert Kendall, "Faith," ELC 1; also Cauldron and Net, 4 (Autumn 2002) .

Note 80 Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries, "Dakota" .

Note 81 Jessica Pressman, Digital Modernism: Making It New in New Media, Ph.D. dissertation (2007: Los Angeles, University of California, Los Angeles).

Note 82 Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, "Nippon" .

Note 83 Jay David Bolter, Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing (New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991); George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991).

Note 84 Aarseth, Cybertext, pp. 77, 89 and passim.

Note 85 Jay David Bolter, Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing, p. 147.

Note 86 Richard Grusin and Jay David Bolter, Remediation: Understanding New Media (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000).

Note 87 George P. Landow, Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997) and Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006).

Note 88 Espen J. Aarseth, "Textonomy: A Typology of Textual Communication," Cybertext, pp. 59-75.

Note 89 Espen J. Aarseth has also taken a leading role in establishing game studies as an academic discipline, being one of the founders of the field and of the leading journal in the field, The International Journal of Game Studies.

Note 90 Markku Eskelinen, "Six Problems in Search of a Solution: The challenge of cybertext theory and ludology to literary theory," dichtung-digital (March 2004) .

Note 91 Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000).

Note 92 Manovich, The Language of New Media, pp. 27-46.

Note 93 For an example, see N. Katherine Hayles, "Traumas of Code," Critical Inquiry 33.1 (Autumn 2006): 136-157.

Note 94 Alexander Galloway, Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004), p. 165.

Note 95 Jerome J. McGann, The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Archive .

Note 96 Jerome McGann, Radiant Textuality: Literature after the World Wide Web (New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001).

Note 97 For information on the computerized version of The Ivanhoe Game, see ; for information on the Speculative Computing Laboratory, see .

Note 98 See Johanna Drucker, The Ivanhoe Game.

Note 99 Noah Wardrip-Fruin and David Durand, "Cardplay, a New Textual Instrument," Association for Computers and the Humanities and Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ACH/ALLC), University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada (June 15-18, 2005) ; Mark Bernstein, "Card Shark and Thespis: Exotic tools for hypertext narrative," Proceedings of the twelfth ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Århus, Denmark ( New York: 2001), pp. 41-50.

Note 100 Mark B. Hansen, New Philosophy for New Media (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004).

Note 101 Friedrich A. Kittler, Discourse Networks 1800/1900 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992); .Friedrich A. Kittler, Literature Media Information Systems, edited by John Johnston (New York: Routledge, 1997).

Note 102 Friedrich A. Kittler, "Preface," Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999), p. xxxix.

Note 103 Adalaide Morris, "New Media Poetics: As We May Think/How to Write,." New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories, pp.1-46.

Note 104 Alan Liu, The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004).

Note 105 Especially pertinent to their discussion is Gilles Deleuze, "Postscript on Societies of Control," October 59 (Winter 1992): 3-7.

Note 106 Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001); Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire (New York: Penguin, 2005).

Note 107 Alexander Galloway and Eugene Thacker, The Exploit (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming 2007).

Note 108 Adrian Mackenzie, Cutting Code: Software as Sociality (London: Peter Lang, 2006).

Note 109 Nick Montfort and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, "Acid-Free Bits," Electronic Literature Organization (June 14, 2004)

Alan Liu, David Durand, Nick Montfort, Merrillee Proffitt, Liam R E. Quin, Jean-Hughes Rety, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, "Born Again Bits" (September 30, 2004) .

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Beyond Narrative Coherence

Edited by Matti Hyvärinen, Lars-Christer Hydén, Marja Saarenheimo

and Maria Tamboukou

Beyond Narrative Coherence reconsiders the way we understand and work with narratives. Even though narrators tend to strive for coherence, they also add complexity, challenge canonical scripts, and survey lives by telling highly perplexing and contradictory stories.

Many narratives remain incomplete, ambiguous, and contradictory. Obvious coherence cannot be the sole moral standard, the only perspective of reading, or the criterion for selecting and discarding research material. Beyond Narrative Coherence addresses the limits and aspects of narrative (dis)cohering by off ering a rich theoretical and historical background to the debate. Limits of narrative coherence are discussed from the perspective of three fi elds of life that o en threaten the coherence of narrative: illness,

arts, and traumatic political experience. e authors of the book cover a wide range of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, arts studies, political science and philosophy.

[Studies in Narrative, 11] 2010. vi, 196 pp.

Table of contents

Beyond narrative coherence: An introduction

Matti Hyvärinen, Lars-Christer Hydén, Marja Saarenheimo and Maria Tamboukou

Weird stories: Brain, mind, and self,

Maria I. Medved and Jens Brockmeier

IIdentity, self, narrative,

Lars-Christer Hydén

'Mind-reading', a method for understanding the broken narrative of an aphasic man

Tarja Aaltonen

Broken narratives, visual forces: Letters, paintings and the event

Maria Tamboukou

Artists-in-progress: Narrative Identity of the Self as Another

Linda Sandino

Breaking of self-narrative as a means of reorientation?

Vilma Hänninen and Anja Koski-Jännes

" Theere is no fear in my lexicon" vs. "You are not normal if you won't be scared": A qualitative semiotic analysis of the 'broken' discourse of Israeli bus drivers who experienced terror attacks

Alison Stern Perez, Yishai Tobin and Shifra Sagy

Beyond narrative: e shape of traumatic testimony

Molly Andrews

Afterword: 'Even Amidst': Rethinking Narrative Coherence

Mark Freeman

Steve Moxon, "Culture Is Biology: Why We Cannot 'Transcend' Our Genes – or Ourselves"

special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)

Anja Müller-Wood and John Carter Wood, "How Is Culture Biological? Violence: Real and Imagined"

special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)

John S. Price, "The Culture of Religious Belief Systems and Changes of Belief System"

special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)

Peter J. Richerson, "Culture Is an Active Part of Human Biology"

special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)

Robert Karl Stonjek, "A Brief but Plausible History of Culture"

special evolutionary issue of the online journal Politics and Culture (2010)

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Kurzová, Helena From Indo-European to Latin: The Evolution of a Morphosyntactic Type. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 1993). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins,

Hualde, José Ignacio, and Jon Ortiz de Urbana, eds. Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 105). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993.

Aertsen, Henk, and Robert J. Jeffers, eds. Historical Linguistics 1989: Papers from the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, New Brunswick, 14-18 August 1989. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 106). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993.

Marle, Jaap van, ed. Historical Linguistics 1991: Papers from the 10th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam, August 12-1, 1991. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 107). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993.

Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. Linguistic Variables: Towards a Unified Theory of Linguistic Variation. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 108). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993.

Pagliuca, William, ed. Perspectives on Grammaticalization.(Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 109). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Simone, Raffaele, ed. Iconicity in Language. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 110). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Tobin, Yishai. Invariance: Markedness and Distinctive Feature Analysis: A Contrastive Study of Sign Systems in English and Hebrew. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 111). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Culioli, Antoine. Cognition and Representation in Linguistic Theory. Ed. and trans. Michel Liddle. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 112). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Fernández, Francisco, Miguel Fuster and Juan José Calvo, eds. English Historical Linguistics 1992: Papers from the 7th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Valencia, 22-26 Sept. 1992. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 113). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Egli, U., P. Pause, Chr. Schwarze, A. Von Stechow, and G. Wienold, eds. Lexical Knowledge in the Organisation of Language. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 114). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Eid, Mushira, Vicente Cantarino and Keith Walters, eds. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics Vol. VI: (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 115). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Miller, D. Gary. Ancieent Scripts and Phonological Knowledge.(Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 116). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Philippaki-Warburton, I. K. Nikolaidis, and M. Sifianou, eds. Themes in Greek Linguistics: Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Reading, September 1993. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 117). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Hasan, Ruqaiya, and Peter H. Fries, eds. On Subject and Theme: A Discourse Functional Perspective. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 118). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Lippi-Green, Rosina. Language Ideology and Language Change in Early Modern German: A Scociolinguistic Study of the Consonantal System of Nuremberg. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 119). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Stonham, John T. Combinatorial Morphology. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 120). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

Hasan, Ruqaiya, Carmel Cloran and David Butt, eds. Functional Descriptions: Theory in Practice. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 121). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Smith, John Charles, and Martin Maiden, eds. Linguistic Theory and the Romance Languages. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 122). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Amastae, Jon., Grant Goodall, Mario Montalbetti, and Marianne Phinney. Contemporary Research in Romance Linguistics: Papers from the XXII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, El Paso/Juárez, February 22-24, 1994. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 123). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Andersen, Henning. Historical Linguistics 1993: Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Los Angeles, 16-20 August 1993. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 124). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Singh, Rajendra, ed. Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 125). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Matras, Yaron, ed. Romani in Contact: The History, Structure, and Sociology of a Language. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 126). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Guy, Gregory R., Crawford Feagin, Deborah Schiffrin and John Baugh, eds. Towards a Social Science of Language: Papers in Honor of William Labov. Volume 1: Variation and Change in Language and Society. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 127). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

_____, eds. William Labov. Volume 2: Social Interaction and Discourse Structures. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 128). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Levin, Saul. Semitic and Indo-European: The Principal Etymologies. With Observations on Afro-Asiatic. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 129). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Eid, Mushira, ed. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics, Vol VII: Papers from the Seventh Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 130). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Hualde, José Ignacio, Joseba A. Lakarra and R. L. Trask, eds. Towards a History of the Basque Language. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 131). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Herschensohn, Julia. Case Suspension and Binary Complement Structure in French. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 132). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Zagona, Karen, ed. Grammatical Theory and Romance Languages: Selected Papers from the 25th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXV) Seattle, 2-4 March 1995. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 133). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Eid, Mushira, ed. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics Vol VIII: Papers from the Eighth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 134). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Britton, Derek, ed. Papers from the 8th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 135). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Mitkov, Ruslan, and Nicolas Nicolov, eds. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 136). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Lippi-Green, Rosina, and Joseph C. Salmons, eds. Germanic Linguistics: Syntactic and Diachronic. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 137). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Sackmann, Robin, ed. Theoretical Linguistics and Grammatical Description. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 138). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Black, James R., and Virginia Motapanyane, eds. Microparametric Syntax and Dialect Variation. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 139). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

_____, eds. Clitics, Pronouns and Movement. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 140). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Eid, Mushira, and Dilworth Parkinson, eds. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics Vol. IX: Papers from the Ninth Annual Symposium on Arabic Lingusitics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 1995. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 141). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Joseph, Brian D., and Joseph C. Salmons, eds. Nostratic: Shifting the Evidence. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 142). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Athanasiadou, Angeliki, and René Dirven, eds. On Conditionals Again. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 143). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Singh, Rajendra, ed. Trubetzkoy's Orphan: Proceedings of the Montréal Roundtable 'Morphophonology: Contemporary Responses' (Montréal, October 1994). (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 144). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Hewson, John, and Vit Bubenik. Tense and Aspect in Indo-European Languages: Theory, Typology, Diachrony. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 145). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Hinskens, Frans, Roeland van Hout and W. Leo Wetzels, eds. Variation, Change, and Phonological Theory. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 146). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Hewson, John. The Cognitive system of the French Verb. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 147). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Wolf, George, and Nigel Love, eds. Linguistics Inside Out: Roy Harris and His Critics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 148). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Hall, T. Alan. The Phonology of Coronals. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 149). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Verspoor, Marjolijn, Kee Dong Lee and Eve Sweetser, eds. Lexical and Syntactical Constructions and the Construction of Meaning: Proceedings of the Bi-Annual ICLA Meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 150). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Liebert, Wolf-Andreas, Gisela Redeker and Linda Waugh, eds. Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 151). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Hiraga, Masako, Chirs Sinha and Sherman Wilcox, eds. Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 152). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Eid, Mushira, and Robert R. Ratcliffe, eds. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics Vol. X. Papers from the Tenth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 153). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie, Kristin Davidse and Dirk Noël, eds. Reconnecting Language: Morphology and Syntax in Functional Perspectives. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 154). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Forget, Danielle, Paul Hirschbühler, and France Martineau and María-Luisa Rivero, eds. Negation and Polarity: Syntax and Semantics : Selected Papers from the Colloquium Negation: Syntax and Semantics, Ottawa, 11-13 May 1995. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 155). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Matras, Yaron, Peter Bakker and Hristo Kyuchukov, eds. The Typology and Dialectolgy of Romani. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 156). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.

Lema, José, and Esthela Treviño, eds. Theoretical Analyses on Romance Languages: Selected Papers from the 26th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXVI), Mexico City, 28-30 March, 1996. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 157). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Sánchez Macarro, Antonia, and Ronald Carter, eds. Linguistic Choice across Genres: Variation in Spoken and Written English. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 158). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Joseph, Brian D., Geoffrey C. Horrocks, and Irene Philippaki-Warburton, eds. Themes in Greek Linguistics II. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 159). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Schwegler, Armin, Bernard Tranel, and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria, eds. Romance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives: Selected Papers from the 27th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXVII), Irvine, 20-22 February, 1997.i (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 160). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Smith, John Charles, and Delia Bentley, eds. Historical Linguistics 1995. Volume 1: Romance and General Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 161). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Hogg, Richard M., and Linda van Bergen, eds. Historical Linguistics 1995. Vol. 2: German Linguistics. Selected Papers from the 12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Manchester, August 1995. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 162). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Lockwood, David G., Peter H. Fries, and James E. Copeland, eds. Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition(Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 163). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Schmid, Monika, Jennifer R. Austin and Dieter Stein, eds. Historical Linguistics 1997: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Düsseldorf, 10-17 August 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 164). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Bubeník, Vit. A Historical Syntax of Late Middle Indo-Aryan (Apabhramsa). (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 165). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998

Lemmens, Maarten. Lexical Perspectives on Transitivity and Ergativity: Causative Constructions in English. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 166). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Benmammoun, Elabbas, Mushira Eid and Niloofar Haeri, eds. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics, vol. XI: Papers from the Eleventh Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Atlanta, 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 167). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Ratcliffe, Robert R. The "Broken" Plural Problem in Arabic and Comparative Semitic: Allomorphy and Analogy in Non-Concatenative Morphology. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 168). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Ghadessy, Mohsen, ed. Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 169). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Lamb, Sydney M. Pathways of the Brain: The Neurocognitive Basis of Language. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 170). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Weigand, Edda, ed. Contrastive Lexical Semantics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 171). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.

Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Mila, and Lars Hellan, eds. Topics in South Slavic Syntax and Semantics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 172). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins,

Treviño, Esthela, and José Lema, eds. Semantic Issues in Romance Syntax. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 173). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Hall, T. Alan, and Ursula Kleinhenz, eds. Studies on the Phonological Word. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 174). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Gibbs, Ray W., and Gerald J. Steen, eds. Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 175). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

van Hoek, Karen, Andrej Kibrik and Leo Noordman, eds. Discourse in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 176). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Cuyckens, Hubert, and Britta Zawada, eds. Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 177). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Foolen, Ad, and Frederike van der Leek, eds. Constructions in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 178). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Rini, Joel. Exploring the Role of Morphology in the Evolution of Spanish. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 179). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Mereu, Lunella, ed. Boundaries of Morphology and Syntax. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 180). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Mohammad, Mohammad A. Word Order, Agreement and Pronominalization in Standard and Palestinian Arabic. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 181). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Kenesel, István, ed. Theoretical Issues in Eastern European Languages: Selected Papers from the Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern European Languages (CLITE), Szeged, April 1998. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 182). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Contini-Morava, Ellen, and Yishai Tobin, eds. Between Grammar and Lexicon. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 183). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Sagart, Laurent. The Roots of Old Chinese. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 184). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Authier, J.-Marc, Barbara E. Bullock and Lisa A. Reed, eds. Formal Perspectives on Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 28th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL, XVIIII), University Park, 16-19 April 1998. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 185). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Miseska Tomic, Olga, and Milorad Radovanovic, eds. History and Perspectives of Language Study. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 186). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Franco, Jon, Alazne Landa and Juan Martín, eds. Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 187). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Simmons, Richard VanNess. Chinese Dialect Classification: A Comparative Approach to Harngjou, Old Jintarn and Common Northern Wu. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 188). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Nicholov, Nicolas, and Ruslan Mitkov, eds. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing II: Selected Papers from RANLP '97. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 189). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Benmamoun, Elabbas, ed. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics Vol. XII: Papers from the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 190). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Sihler, Andrew L. Language Change: An Introduction. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 191). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Alexandrova, Galina M., and Olga Arnaudova, eds. The Minimalist Parameter: Selected Papers from the Open Linguistics Forum, Otytawa, 21-23 March 1997. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, ). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Klausenburger, Jürgen. Grammaticalization: Studies in Latin and Romance Morphosyntax. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 193). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Coleman, Julie and Christian J. Kay. Lexicology, Semantics and Lexicography: Selected Papers from the Fourth G. L. Brook Symposium, Manchester, August 1998. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 194). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Herring, Susan C., Pieter van Reenen, and Lene Schøsler, eds. Textual Parameters in Older Languages. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 195). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Hannah, S. J, and Mike Davenport, eds. Issues in Phonological Structure: Papers from an International Workshop. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 196). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1999.

Coopmans, Peter, Martin Everaert and Jane Grimshaw, eds. Lexical Specifications and Insertion. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 197). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Niemeier, Susanne, and René Dirven, eds. Evidence for Linguistic Relativity. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 198). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Verspoor, Marjolijn H., and Martin Pütz, eds. Explorations in Linguistic Relativity. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 199). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Anttila, Raimo. Greek and Indo-European Etymology in Action: Proto-Indo-European *ag´. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 200). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Dressler, Wolfgang U., Oskar E. Pfeiffer, Markus Pöchtrager and John R. Rennison, eds. Morphological Analysis in Comparison. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 201). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Lecarme, Jacqueline, Jean Lowenstamm, and Ur Shlonsky, eds. Research in Afroasiatic Grammar: Papers from the Third Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 1996. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 202). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Norrick, Neal R. Conversational Narrative: Storytelling in Everyday Talk. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 203). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.

Dirven, René, Bruce Hawkins, and Esra Sandikcioglu, eds. Language and Ideology: Volume 1: Cognitive Theoretical Approaches. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 204). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Dirven, René, Roslyn Frank and Cornelia Ilie, eds. Language and Ideology, Volume 2: Cognitive Descriptive Approaches. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 205). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Fawcett, Robin. A Theory of Syntax for Systemic-Functional Lingusitics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 206). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Sanz, Montserrat. Events and Predication: A New Approach to Syntactic Processing in English and Spanish. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 207). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Robinson, Orrin W. Whose German? The Ach/Ich Alternation and Related Phenomena in 'Standard' and 'Colloquial'. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 208). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

King, Ruth. The Lexical Basis of Grammatical Borrowing: A Prince Edward Island French Case Study. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 209). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Dworkin, Steven N., and Dieter Wanner, eds. New Approaches to Old Problems: Issues in Romance Historical Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 210). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Elsík, viktor, and Yaron Matras, eds. Grammatical Relations in Romani: The Noun Phrase. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 211). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Repetti, Lori, ed. Phonological Theory and the Dialects of Italy.i (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 212). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming 2000.

Twentieth Century Literature. Special issue on Salman Rushdie, ed. Simona Sawhney and Sabina Sawhney. Hofstra U, Hempstead, NY 11549. (Forthcoming 2001).

Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Ed. Wendy Martin. Blaisdell House, Claremont Graduate U, 143 East 10th St., Claremont, CA 91711-6163.

Antithesis. Cultural studies journal, Australia.

Arena Journal. Cultural studies journal, Australia.

Continuum. Cultural studies journal, Australia.

Culture and Policy (Incorporated with Media International Australia). Cultural studies journal, Australia.

Southern Review. Cultural studies journal, Australia.

UTS Review. Cultural studies journal, Australia.

Border/Lines. Cultural studies journal, Canada.

Canadian Journal of Social and Political Theory. Cultural studies journal, Canada.

CinéAction. Cultural studies journal, Canada.

Parallelogram. Cultural studies journal, Canada.

Space and Culture. Cultural studies journal, Canada.

Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.

Journal for the Study of British Cultures. Universität Dortmund, Germany.

Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. Hong Kong.

Anglistica: Annali Istituto Orientale Napoli. Cultural studies journal, Italy.

Young. Journal on youth cultures, U of Stockholm.

European Journal of Cultural Studies.

Critical Arts: A Journal for Cultural and Media Studies. South Africa.

Pretexts: Studies in Writing and Culture. South Africa.

Angelaki. Cultural studies journal, UK.

Gender, Place and Culture. Journal of feminist geography, UK.

Media, Culture and Society. Cultural studies journal, UK.

Parallax. Cultural studies journal, UK.

Theory, Culture and Society. Cultural studies journal, UK.

Third Text: Third World Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture. Cultural studies journal, UK.

Social Identities: A Journal on Race, Nation and Culture. UK.

Soundings. Cultural studies journal, UK.

boundary 2. Cultural studies journal, USA.

College Literature. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Critical Studies in Mass Communication. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Critical Inquiry. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Cultural Critique. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Discourse: Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Journal of American Culture. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Journal of Communication Inquiry. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Journal of Popular Culture. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Journal of Urban and Cultural Studies. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Public Culture. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Rethinking Marxism. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Social Semiotics. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Social Text. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Transition. Cultural studies journal, USA.

Women and Language. Cultural studies journal, USA.


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Byron Journal

Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega

Cadernos de Lingua

Cadernos de literatura brasileira

Cahiers de lexicologie

Cahiers de linguistique d'Asie Orientale

Cahiers de l'association internationale des études françaises

Cahiers de recherches médiévales (XIIIe-XVeSiècles)

Cahiers du naturalisme (Les)

Cahiers elisabéthains

Cahiers Ferdinand deSaussure

Cahiers Internationaux deSymbolisme

Cahiers Jean Giraudoux

Cahiers naturalistes (Les)


Callaloo, Journal of African American LiteraryStudies

Cambrian Medieval CelticStudies

Cambridge Quarterly

Canadian Journal of Linguistics

Canadian Journal of NetherlandicStudies

Canadian Literature

Canadian Modern Language Review

Canadian Review of Comparative Literature

Cancionero general


Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Caravelle:Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien

Castilla. Estudios de Literatura

Catalan Journal of Linguistics


Çedille. Revista de estudios franceses


Celtica - Journal ofTheSchool ofCelticStudies

Central Asiatic Journal

Central Europe

Chaucer Review

Child LanguageTeaching andTherapy

Chroniques italiennes

Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics


Cognitive Linguistics

Cognitive Psychology


Coleridge Bulletin

Colloquia Germanica

Colloquium helveticum:CahiersSuisses de littérature générale etComparée

Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and RenaissanceStudies

Communication Quarterly

Communication Reports

Communication Research



Comparative AmericanStudies (formerly: European Journal of AmericanCulture)

Comparative Literature

Computational Linguistics

Computer Assisted Language Learning: an International Journal

Computers andThe Humanities

ComputerSpeech & Language

Conceptos. Revista de Investigación Graciana


Confronto letterario (Il). Quaderni del dipartimento di lingue e letteratureStraniere moderne dell'università di Pavia



Contemporary French & FrancophoneStudies

Contemporary Literature

ContemporaryTheatre Review

Corónica (La)

CRIN:Cahiers de recherches des instituts néerlandais de langue et littérature françaises

Critica delTesto

Critica letteraria

Critical Inquiry

Critical Quarterly

Critical Review


Criticism: a Quarterly for Literature andThe Arts

Critique -Studies inContemporary Fiction

Cuadernos de Estudios delSiglo XVIII

Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Griegos e Indoeuropeos

Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos


Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo

Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica

Cuadernos de la Cátedra Miguel de Unamuno

Cuadernos de rusística española

Cuadernos deTeatro Clásico

Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos

Cuadernos para la Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica

Cultura neolatina

Current Issues in Language Planning

Dalhousie FrenchStudies


Daphnis:Zeitschrift für mittlereDeutsche Literatur

DebatSupplément (formerly Debat, Paris )

Dedalus. RevistaDe Literatura Comparada

Degrés: revue deSynthèse à l'orientationSémiologique

Deutsche Bücher: Forum für Literatur


DeutscheVierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturgeschichte

Diablotexto. Revista de Crítica Literaria



Dialectologia et geolinguistica

Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica

Dickens Quarterly



Die WeltDerSlaven – Halbjahresschrift fürSlavistik


Discourse &Society

Discourse Processes


DiscoursSocial: analyseDuDiscours etSociocritiqueDesTextes

Dix-huitièmeSiècle (Revue Dix-huitièmeSiècle)


Dorna. Expresión Poética Galega

Drama Review

Early American Literature

Early Modern LiteraryStudies


Ecloga (Strathclyde)

Edad de Oro


Egan.Suplemento de Literatura del Boletín de la RealSociedadVascongada de Amigos del País

Eighteenth Century Life

Eighteenth Century, Lubbock

Eighteenth-Century Fiction

Eighteenth-Century Ireland / ÉireSan Ochtú Céad Déag

Eighteenth-Century:Theory and Interpretation


Éire / Ireland: A Journal of IrishStudies

El Urogallo

ELH-English Literary History

Elia. Estudios de lingüística inglesa aplicada

Els Marges

ELT Journal

Elvira. Revista de Estudios Filológicos


Emerita. Revista de Lingüística y Filología Clásica

Emily Dickinson Journal

English Language and Linguistics

English Linguistics

English Literary Renaissance

English Literature inTransition 1880-1920

English ManuscriptStudies: 1100-1700

English World-Wide: a Journal ofVarieties ofEnglish


EnglishStudies in Africa

Epos. Revista de Filología

Erytheia. Revista de Estudios Bizantinos Neogriegos

ES. Revista de Filología Inglesa

Eslavística Complutense

Español Actual

Espéculo. Revista de estudios literarios

Esprit créateur

ESQ: A Journal ofThe American Renaissance

Essays in Criticism

Essays in Poetics

Essays on Canadian Writing

Estudios clasicos

Estudios de dialectología norteafricana y andalusí

Estudios de Fonética Experimental

Estudios de Lengua y Literatura Francesas

Estudios de Lingüística

Estudios Filológicos Alemanes

Estudios Humanísticos. Filología

Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense

Estudios Neogriegos

Estudios Románicos

Estudis Romanics

Etudes anglaises

Etudes celtique

Études françaises

Etudes francophones

Études germaniques

Etudes irlandaises

Etudes littéraires



Europa Orientalis

European Journal of American Culture

European Journal ofEnglishStudies

European JoyceStudies

European Medieval Drama

European Romantic Review

EuropeanEnglish messenger


Excerpta Philologica. Revista de Filología Griega y Latina

Exemplaria Classica. Journal of Classical Philology

Expressions maghrébines


Faits de langues

Faulkner Journal



Figurationen: Gender - Literatur - Kultur

Filologi?eskie nauki (Moskva, Ministerstvo obrazovanija RF).


Filología Neotestamentaria

Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen


First Language


Folia Linguistica

Folia linguistica historica

Folio phoniatrica et logopaedica

Fontes LinguaeVasconum

Formules. Revue des littératures à contraintes

Foro hispánico

Fortunatae. Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades Clásicas

Forum Italicum

Forum modernesTheater

Français moderne (Le) : Revue de linguistique Française


Francophone PostcolonialStudies




Functions of Language

General Linguistics

Genesis. Revue internationale de critiqueGénétique


George EliotGeorge Henry Lewes Newsletter

George Herbert Journal

German Quarterly

Germanic Review (The)


Germanoslavica –Zeitschrift fürSlawischeStudien


GiornaleStorico della letteratura italiana

Glot international



Grenzgänge. BeiträgeZu einer modernen Romanistik

Gulden Passer (De)

Handelingen der KoninklijkeZuidnederlandse MaatschappijVoorTaal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis

Helmantica. Revista de Filología Clásica y Hebrea

Hemingway Review

Henry James Review

Hermeneus. Revista deTraducción e Interpretación

Hesperia. Anuario de Filología Hispánica

Hikma. Estudios deTraducción-translationStudies

Hispanic Research Journal

Hispanic Review


Histoires littéraires

Historiographia Linguistica. International Journal forTheHistory ofThe LanguageSciences

HistorischeSprachforschung (tot 1988:Zeitschrift fürVergleichendeSprachforschung;VoorheenZeitschrift fürVergleichendeSprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischenSprachen *"KuhnsZschr."+)

Hopkins Quarterly

Huarte deSan Juan. Filología y Didáctica de la Lengua


Huntington Library Quarterly

Ianua. Revista Philologica Romanica

Ibérica. Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos


Incontri Linguistici

Indo-Iranian Journal

Indogermanische Forschungen.Zeitschrift fürIndogermanistik und allgemeineSprachwissenschaft

Information grammaticale ( l')


Intercultural Pragmatics



International Fiction Review

International Journal of American Linguistics

International Journal of Applied Linguistics

International Journal of Audiology

International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism

International Journal of Bilingualism

International Journal of Corpus Linguistics

International Journal of EnglishStudies

International Journal of FrancophoneStudies

International Journal of Human-ComputerStudies

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders

International Journal of Lexicography

International Journal of Multilingualism

International Journal ofSlavic Linguistics and Poetics

International Journal ofSpeech, Language andThe Law: Forensic Linguistics

International Journal ofSpeechTechnology

International Journal ofTheSociology of Language

Internationales Archiv fürSozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur

Interpreting. An International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting.


Interventions:International Journal of PostcolonialStudies


IRALInternational Review of Applied LinguisticsIn LanguageTeaching

Irish Journal of FrenchStudies

Irish Review (The)

Irish University Review

Itaca. Quaderns Catalans de Cultura Clàssica

Italia medioevale e umanistica

Italian Journal of Linguistics

Italian Quarterly

Italianistica: rivista di letteratura italiana



Italique: poesieItalienne de la renaissance

JaarboekVan de maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkundeTe Leiden

JaarboekVan hetStijnStreuvelgenootschap

JaarboekVoor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis


James Joyce Quarterly

JamesJoyce LiterarySupplement

John ClareSocietyJournal

Journal Asiatique

Journal for DramaticTheory and Criticism

Journal of African Languages and Linguistics

Journal of American Drama andTheatre

Journal of AmericanStudies

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (The)

Journal of BeckettStudies

Journal of Celtic Linguistics

Journal of Child Language

Journal of Chinese Linguistics

Journal of Commonwealth and PostcolonialStudies

Journal of Commonwealth Literature

Journal of Communication

Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics

Journal of DeafStudies and Deaf Education

Journal of East Asian Linguistics

Journal of English for Academic Purposes

Journal of English Linguistics

Journal of EnglishStudies

Journal of Experimental Psychology

Journal of Fluency Disorders

Journal of French LanguageStudies

Journal of Germanic Linguistics

Journal of Greek Linguistics

Journal of Historical Pragmatics

Journal of Iberian and Latin AmericanStudies

Journal of Indo-EuropeanStudies

Journal of Indological and BuddhistStudies

Journal of Intercultural Communication

Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

Journal of Language &Social Psychology

Journal of Language and Computation

Journal of Language, Identity & Education

Journal of Latin AmericanStudies

Journal of Latino-Latin AmericanStudies (The) (formerly: LatinoStudiesJournal)

Journal of Linguistic Anthropology

Journal of Linguistics

Journal of LiterarySemantics

Journal of LiteraryStudies /TydskrifVir Literatuurwetenskap

Journal of Logic, Language and Information

Journal of Medieval and Early modernStudies

Journal of Memory & Language

Journal of Modern ItalianStudies

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

Journal of NarrativeTheory (formerly:Journal of NarrativeTechnique 0022-2925)

Journal of Near EasternStudies

Journal of Neo-latin Language and Literature

Journal of Neurolinguistics

Journal of Phonetics

Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages

Journal of Portuguese Linguistics

Journal of Postcolonial Writing

Journal of Pragmatics

Journal of Pre-RaphaeliteStudies

Journal of RomanceStudies

Journal ofThe Early BookSociety

Journal ofThe History of Ideas

Journal ofVictorian Culture

Keats-Shelley Journal

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung



Kritisch LexiconVan de Moderne Nederlandstalige literatuur

KulturPoetikZeitschrift für kulturgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft


L'Ull Crític

La Nueva Literatura Hispánica

La Página

La Perinola. Revista de Investigación Quevediana

Language Design

Languages in Contrast. International Journal for ContrastiveLinguistics.

Langue Française (l')


Latin American IndianLiteratures Journal

Latin AmericanLiterary Review

Latin AmericanTheatre review

LEA. Lingüística Española Actual

Lectora. Revista de Dones iTextualitat

LeedsStudies in English


Lenguaje yTextos

Letras Peninsulares

Letteratura italiana antica

Lettere italiane

Lettres romanes (Les)

Leuvense bijdragen:TijdschriftVoor germaanse filologie

LexiconVanLiteraire werken

Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos

Library:TheTransactions ofThe BibliographicalSociety

Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics

Linguistic Analysis

Linguistic Inquiry

Linguistic Review (The )

Linguistica Baltica. International Journal of BalticLinguistics

Linguistica Española actual

Linguistica Uralica (U.S.S.R.)

Linguisticae investigationes


Linguistics and Education

Linguistics and Philosophy

Linguistics ofTheTibeto-Burman Area


Linguistique (La)

Linguistische Berichte

Lingvisticae investigationes

Links & Letters



LIT:Literature, interpretation,Theory

Literary andLinguistic Computing

Literary Research

Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, ComparativeLinguistics andLiteraryStudies

Literatur und Kritik

Literature and History

Literature and Medicine

Literature andTheology: an International Journal ofTheory and Criticism


Litteraria Pragensia.Studies inLiterature and Culture


Littératures classiques

Llên Cymru

Llengua I Literatura

Lletres Asturianes

LOGO. Revista de Retórica yTeoría de la Comunicación

Logosphére. Revue d'Etudes Linguistiques et Litteraires

Los Complementarios


Luso-Brazilian Review

Lynx. Panorámica de Estudios Lingüísticos



Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos


Marche romane

MarcoELE. Revista de didáctica

Maske und Kothurn


MededelingenVan het Cyriel Buysse genootschap

Medieval & RenaissanceStudies

Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England


Medievalia et Humanistica






Minerva. Revista de Filología Clásica


Miscelanea. A Journal of English and AmericanStudies


MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly: a Journal of Literary History

Modern Austrian Literature

Modern Drama

Modern fictionStudies

Modern Language Review

Modern Language Studies

Modern Philology: a Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature

Moenia. Revista Lucense de Lingüística & Literatura


Moyen Âge (Le): revue d'histoire et de philologie

Moyen français (Le) : revue d'etudes linguistiques et litteraires


Mundo Eslavo. Revista de Cultura y Estudios Eslavos

Musil-Forum. BeiträgeZur Literatur der klassischenModerne

Myrtia. Revista de Filología Clásica

Nederlandse letterkunde

Neerlandica extra muros

Negentiende eeuw (De)


Neue Romania

New Comparison: a Journal of Comparative and General LiteraryStudies

New England Review MiddleburySeries

New EnglandTheatre Journal

New German Critique

New Hibernia Review

New Literary History

NewTheatre Quarterly

Nineteenth Century FrenchStudies

Nineteenth Century Prose

Nineteenth CenturyTheatre

Nineteenth-Century Literature


Nordic IrishStudies



Notas y Estudios Filológicos

Nottingham FrenchStudies

Nottingham MediaevalStudies

Novel: a forum on fiction

Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie


NuevoTexto Crítico

Nytt om Runer

Obsidian III: Literature inThe African Diaspora

Oceanic Linguistics

Ocnos. Revista de EstudiosSobre Lectura

Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses

Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura

Onoma. JournalOfThe International CouncilOfOnomasticSciences

Ons Erfdeel

Ons geestelijk erf

Oralia. Análisis del discurso oral

Orbis Litterarum


Over Multatuli

Oxford GermanStudies

Oxford Literary Review



Papers ofSurrealism

Papers ofThe BibliographicalSociety of America

Papers on FrenchSeventeenth Century Literature

Papers on Joyce

Papers on Language and Literature

Paragraph: a Journal of Modern CriticalTheory

Parallax: a Journal of MetadiscursiveTheory and Cultural Practices

Parelduiker (De)



Parola delTesto (La)

Partial Answers

Passage:Tidskrift for litteratur og kritik


Perspectives:Studies inTranslatology


Philologia Hispalensis

Philologica Canariensia

Philological Quarterly: a Journal DevotedToScholarly Investigation inThe Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures

Philosophy and Literature




PMLA: Papers ofThe Modern Language Association of America

PoeStudies / Dark Romanticism

Poetica:Zeitschrift fürSprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

Poetiche: letteratura e altro




Polish Review

Porta Linguarum






Pragmatics and Cognition

Présence francophone

Primer Acto

Primerjalna književnost


Proceedings ofThe British Academy

Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History


Prosopopeya. Revista de Crítica Contemporánea

Protée:Théories etPratiquesSémiotiques

Pynchon Notes

Quaderni petrarcheschi

Quaderns d'Italia

Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis Lingüistics

Quaderns de Filología. Estudis Literaris

Quaderns. Revista deTraducció


Queeste. Journal of medieval literature inThe Low Countries

Qui Parle: Literature, Philosophy,Visual Arts, History



Rassegna della letteratura italiana

Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana

Reading and Writing

Reading MedievalStudies

ReadingResearch Quarterly


Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Américaines

Recherches Germaniques

RecherchesSémiotiques –Semiotic Inquiry

RecherchesSur Diderot etSur l'encyclopédie


Renaissance Drama

Renaissance Quarterly

Renascence: Essays onValues in Literature


República de las Letras

Research in African Literatures

Research in Drama Education

Research on Language and Computation

Research on Language andSocial Interaction

Resources for American LiteraryStudy

Restoration:Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700

Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses

Revista Brasileira de literatura comparada

Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos

Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses

Revista Chilena de Literatura

Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana

Revista de Estudios de Adquisición de la Lengua Española (REALE)

Revista de Estudios Latinos

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos

Revista de Filología Alemana

Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna

Revista de Filología Española

Revista de Filología Románica

Revista de Filología Románica. Anejos

Revista de FilologíaValenciana


Revista de Investigación Lingüística

Revista de Lexicografía

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas

Revista de Literatura

Revista de Literatura Medieval

Revista de Occidente

Revista de Poetica Medieval

Revista Española de Lingüística

Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (RESLA)

Revista Galega de Filoloxía

Revista Hispánica Moderna

Revista Iberoamericana

Revista internacional de língua Portuguesa

Revista internacional de lingüística Iberoamericana


Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale

Revue d'Histoire desSciences Humaines

Revue d'histoire duThéatre

Revue de linguistiqueRomane

Revue de littérature comparée

Revue des languesRomanes

Revue des lettres et deTraduction

Revue des lettres modernes (La)

Revue deSémantique et pragmatique

Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France

Revue française d'histoire du livre


Rhetorica: a Journal ofThe History ofRhetoric

Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica



Rivista di grammatica generativa

Rivista di letteratura italiana


Rivista Italiana di onomastica

Rocambole (Le) (Revue des amis duRoman populaire)

Roman 20-50.Revue d'étude duRoman du 20Siècle

Romance Notes

Romance Philology

Romance Quarterly (formerly : KentuckyRomance Quarterly 0364-8664)


Romanic Review

Românica,Revista de literatura

Romanische Forschungen

RomanistischeZeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte / Cahiers d'histoire des littératuresRomanes


Romanticism onThe Net

RomanticTexutalities (formerly:RomanticTextualities)


RORD (Research Opportunities in Medieval andRenessaince Drama)

RSEI. Revista de laSociedad Española de Italianistas

Russian Linguistics

Russian Literature

RussianReview (The)

RussianStudies in Literature

Russkaja literatura

Russkij âzykV nau?nom osveš?enii

Salina. Revista de Lletres

Salmagundi: a Quarterly ofThe Humanities andSocialSciences


Samuel BeckettToday/ Aujourd'hui

Santa Barbara PortugueseStudies




Science FictionStudies

Scientia Poetica

Scottish GaelicStudies

ScottishStudies Review

Scriblerian andThe Kit-Cats


Second Language Research

Sederi. Journal ofTheSpanishSociety for English RenaissanceStudies

SeizièmeSiècle (Formerly : Nouvelle revue du XVIeSiècle) (Formerly : La Nouvelle revue duSeizièmeSiècleSee Nouvelle revue duSeizièmeSiècle )

Selim. Journal ofTheSpanishSociety for Medieval English Language and Literature


Semiotica : Journal ofThe International Association forSemioticStudies

Sendebar. Boletín de la Facultad deTraductores e Interpretes de Granada


Serie Filológica. Academia de CulturaValenciana. Aula de Humanidades y Ciencias

Seventeenth Century

Seventeenth Century FrenchStudies

Sewanee Review (The)


Shakespeare Bulletin

Shakespeare Quarterly





Sidney Journal

Siglo Diecinueve. Literatura Hispánica

Sign Language & Linguistics (Online)

Sign LanguageStudies

Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española deSemiótica


Simpliciana:Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft

Sincronie: rivistaSemestrale di letterature,Teatro eSistemi di pensiero

Sinn und Form


Sionnach (An)

Sixteenth Century Journal



SKY : Journal of Linguistics

Slavic Almanac.TheSouth African Journal forSlavic, Central and Eastern EuropeanStudies

Slavic and East European Journal

Slavic Review

Slavica Gandensia

Slavonic and East European Review


Southern Literary Journal


Speech Communication


Spiegel der letteren

Sprache.Zeitschrift fürSprachwissenschaft

Sprachkunst: BeiträgeZur Literaturwissenschaft

Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik

Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung.

SSL:Studies inScottish Literature

Strumenti critici: rivista quadrimestrale di cultura e critica letteraria

Studi danteschi

Studi di grammatica Italiana

Studi e problemi di criticaTestuale

Studi francesi

Studi Italiani di linguisticaTeorica e applicata

Studi novecenteschi: rivistaSemestrale diStoria della letteratura italiana contemporanea

Studi petrarcheschi

Studia Celtica

Studia Iranica

Studia Islandica

Studia Linguistica. A Journal of General Linguistics

StudiaSlavica Finlandensia

Studies in 20th and 21th Century (formerly:Studies inTwentieth-Century Literature)

Studies in African Linguistics

Studies in American Fiction

Studies in American Jewish Literature

Studies in Canadian Literature

Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture

Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900

Studies in Language

Studies in Philology

Studies in Romanticism

Studies inSecond Language Acquisition

Studies inShort Fiction

Studies inThe Age of Chaucer

Studies inThe Literary Imagination

Studies inTravel Writing

Studies onVoltaire andThe Eighteenth Century




Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations

Symposium: a Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures

Syntax. A Journal ofTheoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research

Syntaxis. An International Journal ofSyntactic Research

T'oung Pao

Target - International Journal ofTranslationStudies

Teatro. Revista de Estudios Teatrales

Teksty Drugie



Testo:Studi diTeoria della letteratura e della critica

TexasStudies in Literature and Language


Text & Performance Quarterly

Text und Kontext

Text und Kritik

Text: Kritische Beiträge

Texte: revue de critique et deThéorie littéraire

TextTechnology: A Journal of computerText Processing

Textual Practice

Thalia:Studies in Literary Humor

The Grove. Working Papers on EnglishStudies



Theatre Forum

Theatre Journal

Theatre Notebook

Theatre Research in Canada

Theatre Research International


Theleme. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses

Theoretical Linguistics


Thesaurus. Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá


Thomas Hardy Journal

Thomas Wolfe Review

Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap

TMGTijdschriftVoor mediageschiedenis

TN&A:TydskrifVir Nederlands en Afrikaans

Tonos Digital

Topics in Language Disorders

Torre (La),San Juan de Puerto Rico


Traitement automatique des langues


Trans. Revista deTraductología

Trans: Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften

Transactions ofThe Cambridge BibliographicalSociety

Transactions of The Philological Society


Translation and Literature

Translation Review

Translator:Studies in Intercultural Communication (The)

Travaux de l'Institut interuniversitaire pour l'étude de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme

Travaux de littérature

Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague / Prague Linguistic Circle Papers


Tropelías. Revista deTeoría de la literatura y literatura comparada

Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury


TTR:Traduction,Terminologie et redaction

TulsaStudies in Women's Literature

Turkic Languages

Twentieth Century Literature

TydskrifVir Geesteswetenskappe

TydskrifVir letterkunde

UniversitasTarraconensis. Filología


Veltro (II)

Verba. Anexos

Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxía

Versants: revueSuisse des littiératures romanes

Verslagen en mededelingenVan de Koninklijke academieVoor NederlandseTaal- en letterkunde

VIAL.Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics

Viator: Medieval and RenaissanceStudies

Viceversa. Revista Galega deTraducción

Victorian Literature and Culture

Victorian Periodicals Review

Victorian Poetry

Victorian Review

Victorians Institute Journal


Viking and MedievalScandinavia

Visual Communication


Voix & Images: Littérature Québécoise

Voprosy Literatury

Voprosy Yazykoznaniya

Vox romanica

Voz y Letra. Revista de Literatura

WallaceStevens Journal,The

Weimarer Beiträge

Western Humanities Review

WienerSlawistischer Almanach

WienerZeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes


Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten

Wolfenbütteler Renaissance Mitteilungen


Word and Image: a Journal ofVerbal-Visual Enquiry

Wordsworth Circle

World Englishes: Journal of English as an International and Intranational Language

World literatureToday

Written Language & Literacy



Yale Journal of Criticism

Yale University Library Gazette

Yuyanxue luncong

Zacht lawijd

Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft

Zeitschrift für Assyriologie

Zeitschrift für Balkanologie

Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie

Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie

Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur

Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik

Zeitschrift fur französischeSprache und Literatur

Zeitschrift für Germanistik

Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik

Zeitschrift für Katalanistik

Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie

Zeitschrift fürSemiotik

Zeitschrift fürSlawistik

Zeitschrift fürSprachwissenschaft

Zeventiende eeuw (De). Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief

Zhongguo Yuwen

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Vatasso, Marco. "Introduzione." In L'Originale del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca: Codice Vaticano latino 3195 … in fototipia.i vii-xliii.

Virgilio, Publio. Eneide. Introd. Antonio La Penna. Trans. and notes by Riccardo Scarcia. Bilingual ed. 2 vols. Milan: BUR, 2002.

Vitruvio, Marco. De Architectura. Ed. Pierre Gros. Trans. and commentary by Antonio Corso and Elisa Romano. 2 vols. Turin: Einaudi, 1977.

Wilkins, Ernest H. The Making of the Canzoniere and Other Petrarchan Studies. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1955.

Zamponi, Stefano. "Il libro del Canzoniere: Modelli, strutture, funzioni." In Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Codice Vat. lat. 3195. vol. Comentario. 2004. 13-72.

Torrecilla, Jesús. Guerras literarias del XVIII español: La modernidad como invasión. (Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios Filológicos, 322). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2008. (Moratín, Meléndez Valdés, etc.).

Corballis, Michael. "Mental Time Travel and the Shaping of Language." Experimental Brain Research (Jan. 2009). "


CRAWFORD,Walt. Library 2.0 and 'library 2.0'. Cites & insights [en línea]. Midwinter 2006, vol. 6, nº 2. [Consulta: 22-06-2008]. Disponible en: .

FARKAS,Meredith G. Social software in libraries: building collaboration, communication, and community online. Medford, N.J.: Information Today, 2007

FLIMM, Oliver. Die open-source-software OpenBib an der USB Köln - Überblick und Entwicklungen in Richtung OPAC 2.0. Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis. 2007, vol. 31, nº 2. p. 185-192.

GIMÉNEZ LÓPEZ, Mónica; TRAMULLAS SAZ, Jesús. Evaluación de software libre para la gestión de bibliografía. 1ª Jornada de Software Libre para Unidades y Servicios de Información, Santiago de Compostela, 10 de mayo de 2008. [En prensa].

GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ-VILLAVICENCIO,Nieves. Bibliotecarios 2.0. 10as. Jornadas Españolas de Documentación (Fesabid 2007).Madrid, Fesabid, 2007 (a). p 309-315.

GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ-VILLAVICENCIO,Nieves. Bibliotecas 2.0 en España: el camino recorrido. Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios. Enero-Junio 2007 (b), nº 86-87, p. 29-46.

GOODCHILD,Michael F. Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography. GeoJournal: An International Journal on Geography. Agosto de 2007, vol. 69, nº 4, p. 211-221.

GUALLAR, Javier. La renovación de los diarios digitales: rediseños y web 2.0. El Profesional de la Información. Mayo-junio 2007, vol. 16, nº 3, p. 235-242.

HAMMOND, Tony; et al. Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review. D-Lib Magazine [en línea]. Abril 2005, vol. 4, nº 11. [Consulta: 22-06-2008]. Disponible en: hammond/04hammond.html.

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JUÁREZ-URQUIJO, Fernando. La biblioteca pública, un usuario más de laWeb 2.0. III Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas: Murcia, 29, 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2006: la biblioteca pública, espacio ciudadano: actas. Madrid:Ministerio de Cultura, 2006. p. 442-452.JUÁREZ-URQUIJO, Fernando. Gracias por tu tiempo: Bateginik, el boletín de novedades cooperativo en la web.Mi biblioteca. Primavera 2007, nº 9, p. 46-50

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Herman, David. Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.*

Debating Masculinity

Edited by Josep M. Armengol and Àngels Carabí

Harriman, Tennessee: Men's Studies Press, 2009.

Table of Contents

Foreword Miles Groth

Prologue Josep M. Armengol and Àngels Carabí

Masculinity Studies: An Introduction Michael Kimmel

Cultures of Masculinity David Gilmore

Men in Film Krin Gabbard

Men in Fiction David Leverenz

Queer Perspectives Carolyn Dinshaw

Race and Masculinity David Eng

Islamic Masculinities Linda Jones

Biology and Gender(s) Patricia Adair Gowaty

Men after Feminism: What Is Left to Say? Lynne Segal

Epilogue: Debating Masculinity Lynne Segal in discussion with Cristina Alsina, Rodrigo Andrés, José M. Armengol, Marta Bosch, Àngels Carabí, William Phillips, María Isabel Seguro




Josselson, R. (2004). The hermeneutics of faith and the hermeneutics of

suspicion. Narrative Inquiry, 14(1), 1-29.

Josselson, R. (2006). Narrative research and the challenge of accumulating

knowledge. Narrative Inquiry, 16, 1, 3-10.

Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D., ABPP is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at

The Fielding Graduate University and was formerly a Professor at The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem and a Visiting Professor at Harvard University. She

is the author of Playing Pygmalion: How People Create One Another; Revising

Herself: The Story of Women's Identity from College to Midlife and The Space

Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of Human Relationships. She has

co-edited eleven volumes of the Annual, The Narrative Study of Lives and is

a founder of the Society for Qualitative Inquiry. She has been a recipient

of the Henry A. Murray Award from the American Psychological Association and

a Fulbright Fellowship.

Nicos Poulantzas,

Ernest Mandel,

Daniel Guérin,

Enzo Colloti,

Erich Fromm,

Roger Bourderon,

Wilhelm Reich,

Barrington Moore,

El fascismo en la crisis de la II República, de Javier Jiménez Campo;

Antifalange , de Herbert R. Southworth;

En busca de José Antonio, de Ian Gibson;

Los orígenes del fascismo en España , de Manuel Pastor;

La naturaleza del franquismo , de Sergio Vilar;

Prietas las filas , de Seelagh Ellwood, o

El fascismo en los comienzos del régimen de Franco , de Ricardo Chueca,

Emilio Gentile, (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Giuseppe Conti, (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Giuliana Di Febo, (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Fulvio De Georgi, (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Renato Moro (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Mariaccia Salvati, (Italian historian, influenced by Renzo de Felice and George L. Mosse's revisionism).

Javier Tusell, (doctrinaire socialist historian).

Antonio Elorza, (doctrinaire socialist historian)

Josep Maria Margenat, (doctrinaire socialist historian)

Paul Preston. (doctrinaire socialist historian)

4 Graham Greene, Le Troisième homme (1950), Paris, 1978, « Le livre de poche »

5 David Lodge, Un tout petit monde (1984), Paris, Rivages, 1991

6 Pierre Siniac, Ferdinaud Céline, Paris, Rivages, 1997 ; puis 2002

7 Harold Ramis, Un jour sans fin, USA, 1993.

8 Henri Vernes, Krouic, Verviers, 1972, collection « Pocket Marabout ».

9 San-Antonio, Dis bonjour à la dame, Paris, Fleuve Noir, 1975.

10 Albert Simonin, Touchez pas au grisbi, Paris Gallimard, 1953, collection « Série noire ».

11 Anthony Burgess, L'Orange mécanique (1962), Paris, Robert Laffont, 1972 pour la traduction française.

12 Jacques Roubaud, La Belle Hortense, Paris Ramsay, 1985, collection « Mots ».

14 Thomas Kuhn, La Structure des révolutions scientifiques (1962), Paris, Flammarion, 1983,

16 Antoine Compagnon, Le Démon de la théorie (Littérature et sens commun), Paris, Seuil, 1998, collection « La couleur des idées », chapitre 4 (« Le lecteur »), pp. 147-175.

17 David Lodge, Changement de décor (1975), Paris, 1991, Rivages / « Poche »

19 Natsume Sôseki, Je suis un chat (1905), Paris, Gallimard, 1989 24 Philippe Hamon, L'Ironie littéraire (Essai sur les formes de l'écriture oblique), Paris, Hachette, 1996,

Gérard Genette, « Peut-on parler d'une critique « immanente » ? », Poétique, n° 126, avril 2001, pp. 131-150.

Frank Wagner, « Pannes de sens (Apories herméneutiques et plaisir de lecture) », Poétique, n° 142, avril 2005, pp. 185-203.

27 Roland Barthes, Le Plaisir du texte, Paris, Seuil, 1973 ; pp. 100-101 de la réédition dans la collection « Points ».

28 Alphonse Allais, « Un drame bien parisien », nouvelle publiée dans Le Chat noir, le 26 avril 1880, et disponible dans de nombreux recueils ou anthologies. Elle est reproduite intégralement, en « Appendice I », dans Umberto Eco, Lector in fabula (1979), Paris, Grasset, 1985 pour la traduction française, pp. 293-298. On sait que l'ouvrage d'Umberto Eco revêt pour une large part la forme d'un commentaire virtuose de cette nouvelle.

29 Pierre Boulle, La Planète des singes, Paris, Julliard, 1963.

30 Jean Lahougue, La Doublure de Magrite, Paris-Bruxelles, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 1987.

31 Benoît Peeters, La Bibliothèque de Villers, Paris, Robert Laffont, 1979 ; puis Paris-Bruxelles, Les Impressions Nouvelles, 1991.

32Gérard Genette, Palimpsestes (La littérature au second degré), Paris, Seuil, 1982, collection « Poétique ».

33 Gérard Genette, Figures III, Paris, Seuil, 1972, collection « Poétique ».

34 Rev. of Comment parler…. by Pierre Bayard. Libération, « Cahier Livres » du jeudi 18 janvier 2007.

36 Rev. of Comment parler… by Pierre Bayard. « Le Monde des Livres » du vendredi 12 janvier 2007.

37 Italo Calvino, Pourquoi lire les classiques (1991), Paris, Seuil, 1993 pour la traduction française.

38 Voir par exemple Une Histoire de la lecture (1996), Arles, Actes Sud, 1998 pour la traduction française.

39 Maurice Couturier, La Figure de l'auteur, Paris, Seuil, 1995, collection « Poétique », p. 19.

40 Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Pourquoi la fiction ?, Paris, Seuil, 1999, collection « Poétique », p. 327.

Tom De Haven's novel It's Superman!,

Robert OIen Butler's A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain (1992).

Camara Laye's The Radiance of the King,

Timothy Findley's Headhunter,

James Dickey's Deliverance.

Alice Randall's _The Wind Done

Gone_ (2001). Continuation of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind.

Elizabeth Nunez's Prospero's Daughter?

Naylor, Gloria. Mama Day. (on The Tempest).

Morris, Mervyn. Judas. Poetry.

The Norton Introduction to the Short Novel.

Berry, R. M. Frank. 2006. (Frankenstein).

Miller, Naomi. Reimagining Shakespeare for Children and Young Adults

(Routledge 2002)

Beckett, Sandra. Recycling Red Riding Hood (Routledge 2002)

Stephens, John. Retelling Stories, Framing Culture: Traditional Story

and Metanarratives in Children's Literature (Routledge 1998)

Coley, William B. (Wesleyan U), ed. Henry Fielding: Contributions to The Champion, and Related Writings. (The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Fielding, Henry. Plays: Vol. 1, 1723-31. (The Wesleyan Edition of the works of Henry Fielding). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (3 vols. of Plays).

Gerrard, Christine. (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford). Aaron Hill: The Muses' Projector, 1685-1750. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Stott, anne (Open U and Birkbeck College, London). Hannah More: The First Victorian. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Miller, Kerby A. (U of Missouri), Arnold Schrier (Emeritus, U of Cincinnati), Bruce D. Boling (U of New Mexico) and David N. Doyle (U College, Dublin). Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan: Letters and Memoirs from Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1675-1815. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Novak, Maximillian E. (U of California, LA). Daniel Defoe: Master of Fictions: His Life and Works. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. Pbk 2003.

Burney. The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume IV. The Streatham Years, Part II, 1780-1781. Ed. Betty Rizzo (City U of New York). General Ed. lars E. Toide (McGill U, Canada). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Haynes, Kenneth (Brown U). English Literature and Ancient Languages. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Greek and Latin).

Keymer, Thomas (U of Oxford). Sterne, the Moderns, and the Novel. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Parker, Fred. (U of Cambridge). Scepticism and Literature: An Essay on Pope, Hume, Sterne, and Johnson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Redford, Bruce (Boston U). Designing the LIFE OF JOHNSON: The Lyell Lectures, 2001-2. (Lyell Lectures in Bibliography). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Whyman, Susan E. Sociability and Power in Late Stuart England: The Cultural Worlds of the Verneys 1660-1720. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Pbk 2002.

Grundy, Isobel. (U of Alberta). Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Comet of the Enlightenment. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Bacon. The Instauratio Magna Part II: Novum Organum. Ed. Graham Rees (U of London). Vol XI of The Oxford Francis Bacon. (Oxford English Texts). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Vickers, Brian (ETH, Zurich). Engligh Renaissance Literary Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Pbk 2003.

Fowler, Alastair. (U of Edinburgh). Renaissance Realism: Narrative Images in Literature and Art. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Multiple perspective, double time schemes, etc.)

Harris, Frances. (British Library). Transformations of Love: The Friendship of John Evelyn and Margaret Godolphin. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. pbk 2004.

McDowell, Nicholas (U of Exeter). The English Radical Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Canny, Nicholas. (National U of Ireland, Galway). Making Ireland British 1580-1650. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Cotterill, Anne (Rutgers U). Digressive Voices in Early Modern English Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (Feminist readings of Donne, Marvell, Browne, Milton, Dryden's digressions).

Campbell, Gordon (U of Leicester). The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Hughes, Ann. (U of Keele). GANGRAENA and the Struggle for the English Revolution. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (Thomas Edwards, London Presbyterian, written 1646; toleration, sects; freedom).

Middleton, Thomas. Hengist, King of Kent. Drama. 1619. Ed. Grace Ioppolo (U of Reading). (The Malone Society Reprints, 167). Oxford: Oxford UP / Malone Society, 2004.

Sessions, W. A. (Georgia State U). Henry Howard, The Poet Earl of Surrey: A Life. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Peters, Julie Stone. (Columbia U). Theatre of the Book 1480-1880: Print, Text, and Performance in Europe. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Pbk 2003. (American Comparative Literature Association Harry Levin Prize for the best book in comparative literary history 1999-2002).

Turner, James Grantham. (U of California at Berkeley). Schooling Sex: Libertine Literature and Erotic Education in Italy, France and England 1534-1685. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Cummings, Brian. (U of Susex). The Literary Culture of the Reformation: Grammar and Grace. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Theology, Biblical interpretation).

Davies, Michael (U of Leicester). Graceful Reading: Theology and Narrative in the Works of John Bunyan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Engel, William. Death and Drama in Renaissance England: Shades of Memory. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Emblems and memory images).

Woolf, Daniel (U of Alberta). The Social Circulation of the Past: English Historical Culture 1500-1730. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Fox, Adam. (U of Edinburgh). Oral and Literate Culture in England, 1500-1700. (Oxford Studies in Social History). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. pbk 2002. (Whitfield Prize for 2000, Folklore Society's Katharine Briggs Award for 2000).

Lyne, Raphael. (New Hall, Cambridge). Ovid's Changing Worlds: English METAMORPHOSES 1567-1632. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Locke, John. Selected Correspondence. Ed. Mark Goldie (Churchill College, Cambridge). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Hammond, Paul (U of Leeds). Figuring Sex between Men from Shakespeare to Rochester. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Sonnets, homosexuality in plays, Marvell, Rochester; homosexual kings: James I and William III).

Es, Bart van (Christ Church, Oxford). Spenser's Forms of History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Dobson, Michael (U of Surrey Roehampton) nad Nicola J. Watson (Open U). England's Elizabeth: An Afterlife in Fame and Fantasy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

McCabe, Richard A. (U of Oxford). Spenser's Monstrous Regiment: Elizabethan Ireland and the Poetics of Difference. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Norbrook, David. (U of Oxford). Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance. Rev. ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Davidson, Peter (U of Warwick), ed. Poetry and Revolution: An Anthology of British and Irish Verse 1625-1660. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Lyly, John. Sapho and Phao. 1584. Ed. Leah Scragg (U of Manchester). (The Malone Society Reprints, 165). Oxford: Oxford UP / Malone Society, 2002.

Stevenson, Jane, and Peter Davidson (both U of Aberdeen). Early Modern Women Poets. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Scott-Warren, Jason. (U of York). Sir John Harington and the Book as Gift. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. (Harington, 1560-1612).

Haskell, Yasmin. (U of Wstern Australia). Loyola's Bees: Ideology and Industry in Jesuit Latin Didactic Poetry. (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP / British Academy, 2003.

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Wells, Stanley, gen. ed. (The Oxford Shakespeare).

Shakespeare. Timon of Athens. Ed. John Jowett (U of Birmingham). (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

_____. Henry VI, Part One. Ed. Michael Taylor (U of New Brunswick). (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

_____. Henry VI, Part Two. Ed. Roger Warren. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

_____. Cymbeline. Ed. Roger Warren. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP.

_____. Twelfth Night. Ed. Roger Warren and Stanley Wells. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP.

_____. Henry VI, Part Two. Ed. Roger Warren. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

_____. Henry VI, Part Three. Ed. Randall Martin (U of New Brunswick). (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

_____. Pericles. By William Shakespeare and George Wilkins. Ed. Roger Warren. (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

_____. The Complete Sonnets and Poems. Ed. Colin Burrow (Gonville and Caius College, U of Cambridge). (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

_____. The Comedy of Errors. First performed at Gray's Inn, Dec. 1594. Ed. Charles Whitworth (U Paul Valéry). (The Oxford Shakespeare). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Includes Plautus' Menaechmi and extracts from Gesta Grayorum).

Rhodes, Neil. (U of St Andrews). Shakespeare and the Origins of English. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (English as discipline, rhetorical teaching).

Kerrigan, John. (U of Cambridge). On Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature: Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. Pbk 2004. (Shakespeare, Sidney, Drummond…).

Shakespeare. Titus Andronicus. Ed. Thomas L. Berger (St Lawrence U, New York). (Malone Society Reprints, 166). Oxford: Oxford UP / Malone Society, 2003. (1594 Quarto, rarest of quartos, discovered in Sweden, 1902).

_____. Titus Andronicus. Facsimile of the 1594 Quarto.. 1936.

Holland, Peter, and Stanley Wells, series eds. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics).

Lanier, Douglas (U of New Hampshire). Shakespeare and Modern Popular Culture. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Loomba, Ania. (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Shakespeare, Race, and Colonialism. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 20≠2.

Goy-Blanquet, Dominique. (U of Picardie). Shakespeare's Early History Plays: From Chronicle to Stage. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Jackson, MacDonald P. Defining Shakespeare: Pericles as Test Case. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Vickers, Brian. Shakespeare, Co-Author. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. Pbk 2004. (Titus Andronicus with George Peel, Timon of Athens with Thomas Middleton, Hnery VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen with John Fletcher).

West, Anthony James. The Shakespeare First Folio: The History of the Book. Vol. I: An Account of the First Folio Based on its Sales and Prices, 1623-2000. Volume II: A New Worldwide Census of First Folios. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001, 2003. (Vols. 3 and 4, forthcoming 2004). (Lists 229 copies of FF).

Wells, Stanley, and Lena Cowen Orlin. (U of Maryland, Baltimore County). Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Wells, Stanley, and Gary Taylor, eds. William Shaekspeare: The Complete Works. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Gray, Douglas, ed. (U of Oxford). The Oxford Companion to Chaucer. (Oxford Companions). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Simpson, James (Cambridge U). The Oxford English Literary History, volume 2: 1350-1547: Reform and Cultural Revolution. (oxford English Liteary History, 2). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Boffey, Julia (U of London); ed. Fifteenth-Century English Dream Visions. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Voak, Nigel. (l. London). Richard Hooker and Reformed Theology: A Study of Reason, Will, and Grace. (Oxford Theological Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Hooker, 1554-1600).

Moss, Ann. (U of Durham). Renaissance Truth and the Latin Language Turn. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Chaucer. The Riverside Chaucer. 3rd ed. Gen. ed. Larry D. Benson. Based on the ed. of F. N. Robinson. (Oxford Paperbacks). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988.

Burrow, J. A. (U of Bristol), and A. I. Doyle (U of Durham), eds. Thomas Hoccleve: A Facsimile of the Autograph Verse Manuscripts. (Early English Text Society Supplementary Series no. 19). Oxford: Oxford UP / EETS, 2003.

Edmund, monk of Eynsham. The Revelation of the Monk of Eynsham. c. 1196. (Purgatory and Paradise). Ed. Robert Easing (Victoria U of Wellington). (EETS original series, 318). Oxford: Oxford UP / EETS, 2003.

Kennedy, Ruth, ed. (Royal Holloway, U of London). Three Alliterative Saints' Hymns. (EETS original series, 321). Oxford: Oxford UP / EETS, 2003. (St Katherine of Alexandria, John the Evangelist, John the Baptist, c. 1400).

Seymour, M. C., ed. The Defective Version of Mandeville's Travels. (EETS original series, 319). Oxford: Oxford UP / EETS, 2002. (First English translation of the French text).

Dante. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Volume 2: Purgatorio. Ed. and trans. Robert M. Durling (Emeritus, U of California, Santa Cruz). Ed. Ronald L. Martinez (U of Minnesota, Twin Cities). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Hanna, Ralph (U of Oxford) and David Lawton (Washington U, St Louis), eds. The Siege of Jerusalem. (EETS oritinal series, 320). Oxford: Oxford UP / EETS, 2003.

The Siege of Jerusalem. Ed. Eugen Köbling and Mabel Day. (EETS original series, 188). 1932. (Middle English alliterative poem).

Watson, Andrew (U College, London) and Ian Cunningham (Natinal Liberary of Scotaland), eds. Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Lapidge, Michael. (U of Notre Dame, Indiana). The Cult of St Swithun. (Winchester Studies, 4.ii). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Copeland, Rita (U of Pennsylvania), David Lawton (Washington U, St Louis) and Wendy Scase (U of Birmingham). eds. New Medieval Literatures 5. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Annual).

New Medieval Literatures. Vol. 6 (Dec. 2006). Ed. David Lawton (Washington U, St Louis), Wendy Scase (U of Birmingham) and Rita Copeland (U of Pennsylvania). Oxford: Oxford UP,

McLeod, Wilson (U of Edinburgh). Divided Gaels: Gaelic Cultural Identites in Scotland and Ireland 1200-1650. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Dimmick, Jeremy (U of Oxford), James Simpson and Nicolette Zeeman (both U of Cambridge), eds. Images, Idolatry, and Iconoclasm in Late Medieval England: Textuality and the Visual Image. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Fisher, John. English Works of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester: Sermons and Other Writings 1520 to 1535. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Trapp, J. B (U of London) Douglas Gray (Oxford U) and Julia Boffey (Queen Mary and Westfield College), eds. medieval English Literature. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Duff, Timothy E. (U of Reading), ed. Plutarch's Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. pbk 2002. (Plutarch, c. AD 45-120).

Cooper, Helen (U College, Oxford). Romance in Time: Transforming Motifs from Geoffrey of Monmouth to the Death of Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Leigh, Matthew. (St Anne's College, Oxford). Comedy and the Rie of Rome. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (Plautus and Terence).

Philodemus. On Poems, Book 1. Ed. Richard Janko (U of Michigan, Ann Arbor). (Philodemus Translation Series). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit). (Papyri rescued from the lava of Vesuvius).

Howlett, David, ed. Dictioanry of Medieval Latin from British Sources. Fascicules VI and VII. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP / British Academy, 2002.

Holford-Strevens, Leofranc (Oxford UP). Aulus Gellius: An Antonine Scholar and His Achievement. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Frakes, Jerold C. (U of Southern California). Early Yiddish Texts, 1100-1750: With introduction and Commentary. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Boys-Stones, G. R. (U of Durham), ed. Metaphor, Allegory, and the Classical Tradition. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

George, A. R. (U of London); ed. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Littlewood, C. A. (U of Victoria, Canada). Self-Representation and Illusion in Senecan Tragedy. (Oxford Classical Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Kinsella, Thomas. The Táin: From the Irish Epic Táin Bó Cuailnge. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (8th century Ulster).

Boyle, Nicholas. (U of Cambridge). Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Volume II: Revolution and Renunciation, 1790-1803. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (On Wilhelm Meister, The Natural Daughter, Faust, etc.).

Richards, Anna. (Oxford Brookes U) The Wasting Heroine in German Fiction by Women, 1770-1914. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Brige, Helen. (U of Exeter). Women's Writing and Historiography in the GDR. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Minter, Catherine J. (U of Oxford). The Mind-Body Problem in German Literature 1770-1830: Wezel, Moritz, and Jean Paul. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Johann Karl Wezel, Karl Philipp Moritz).

Woodford, Charlotte (U of Cambridge). Nuns as Historians in Early Modern Germany. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Moriarty, Michael (Queen Mary, U of London). Early Modern French Thought: The Age of Suspicion. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Kay, Sarah (U of Cambridge), Terence Cave (U of Oxford) and malcolm Bowie (U of Oxford). A Short History of French Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Gorrara, Claire (Cardiff U). The Roman Noir in Post-War French Culture: Dark Fictions. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Huot, Sylvia (Pembroke College, Cambridge). Madness in Medieval French Literature: Identities Found and Lost. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Loevlie, Elisabeth Marie (U of Oslo). Literary Silences in Pascal, Rousseau, and Beckett. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

McCombie, Elizabeth (U of Oxford). Mallarmé and Debussy: Unheard Music, Unseen Text. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Pearson, Roger. (U of Oxford). Unfolding Mallarmé: The Development of a Poetic Art. 1996.

_____. Mallarmé and Circumstance: The Translation of Silence. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Farrant, Tim. (U of Oxford). Balzac's Shorter Fictions: Genesis and Genre. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Gallagher, Mary. (U College Dublin). Soundings in French Caribbean Writing since 1950: The Shock of Space and Time. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Prévost (Abbé). Manon Lescaut. 1753 ed.

_____. Manon Lescaut. Trans. Angela Scholar. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Trans. Margaret Mauldon. Introd. Malcolm Bowie (U of Cambridge). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Perriam, Chris. (U of Newcastle). Stars and Masculinities in Spanish Cinema: From Banderas to Bardem. (Oxford Studies in Modern European Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Labnayi, Jo. (U of London and U of Southampton), ed. Constructing Identity in Twentieth-Century Spain: Theoretical Debates and Cultural Practice. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Jarman, Beatriz Galimberti, Roy Russell, Carol Styles Carvajal and Jane horwood. Oxford Spanish Dictionary. Book and CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Crane, Thomas Frederick. Italian Popular Tales. Ed. Jack Zipes (U of Minnesotia). New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Crane, 19th-c.; Zipes, Professor of German and direcctor of the Center for German and European Studies, U of Minnesota).

Hainsworth, Peter (U of Oxford) and David Robey (U of Reading), eds. The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature. (Oxford Companions). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Bareggi, Cristina, ed. Concise Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Brook, Clodagh J. (U of Birmingham). The Expression of the Inexpressible in Eugenio Montale's Poetry: Metaphor, Negation, and Silence. (Oxford Modern Language and Literature Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Hodgson, Katharine. (U of Exeter). Voicing the Soviet Experience: The Poetry of Ol'ga Berggol'ts. (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP / British Academy, 2003.

Debi, Swarnakumari. The Uprooted Vine. Bengali social novel. Published serially in Bharati (1889-1891).

_____. The Uprooted Vine. Trans. Rajul Sogani (U of Delhi) and Indira Gupta (U of Agra). New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2004.

Bose, Buddhadeva. (1908-1974). Selected Poems of Buddhadeva bose. Ed. Ketaki Kusshari Dyson. (Bengali poet, man; translator is a woman). New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003.

Burton, Antoinette (U of Illinois) and Janaki Agnes Penelope Majumdar. Family History. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003. (On India, late 19th-early 20th c.).

Dasgupta, Uma (Indian Statistical Institute). A Difficult Friendship: Letters of Edward Thompson and Rabindranath Tagore 1913-1940. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003.

de Souza, Eunice (St Xavier's College, Bombay), and Lindsay Pereira, eds. Women's Voices: Selections from the Nineteeth and Early-Twentieth Century Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2002.

Gottlob, Michael. (U of Bielefeld). Historical Thinking in South Asia: A Handbook of Sources from Colonial Times to the Present. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003.

Grinshpon, Yohanan. (Hebrew U, Israel). Crisis and Knowledge: The Upanishadic Experience and Storytelling. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003.

Parthasarathy, Indira (Tamil playwright, novelist and critic). Nandan kathai. Drama. 1978.

_____. The Legend of Nandan. Trans. C. T. Indra (U of. Madras). New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003. (Transl of Nandan kathai).

Premchand. (Kayasth author, India, d. c. 1936). The Oxford India Premchand. Fiction. Trans. David Rubin (Columiba U and Sarah Lawrence College), Alok Rai (U of New Delhi) and Christopher R. King (U of Windsor). Introd. Dr. Francesca Orsini.

_____. Gaban. Critical realist novel. 1931.

_____. Gaban (The Stolen Jewels). Trans. Christopher R. King. (U of Windsor). New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2002.

Ray, Rajat Kanta. (Presidency College, Calcutta). Exploring Emotional History: Gender, Mentality, and Literature in the Indian Awakening. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003. (love and caste).

Lang, Karen C. (U of Virginia). Four Illusions: Candrakirti's Advice to Travellers on the Bodhisattva Path. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Candrakirti, c. 6-7th c. AD; exempla).

Kabir. The Bijak of Kabir. Ed. and trans. Linda Hess (Stanford U) and Shukdeo Singh (Banaras Hindu U). New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Kabir. (Oral poet and moral teacher in North India, c. 1500, numerous followers for centuries). The Bijak

Mir, Mir Muhammad Taqi. (ghazal poet in Urdu). The Autobiography of the Eighteenth-Century Mughal Poet Mir Muhammad Taqi 'Mir'. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2002.

Sax,l William S. (U of Heidelberg). Dancing the Self: Personhood and Performance in the Pandav Lila of Garhwal. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. (Former kingdom of Garhwal, north India; pandav lila is a ritual re-enactment of scenes from the Mahabharata; Hinduism).

Steel, Flora Annie. (1845-1929). Tales of the Punjab Told by the People. Introd. Dr. Tariq Rahman. Oxford UP Pakistan, 2002.

Boehmer, Elleke (Nottingham Trent U). Empire, the National, and the Postocolonial, 1890-1920: Resistance in Interaction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

_____. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.

Interventions. Journal.

Journal of Southern African Studies

Burton, Antoinette (U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Dwelling in the Archive: Women Writing House, Home, and History in Late Colonial India. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Mukherjee, Meenakshi. (U of Hyderabad). The Perishable Empire: Essays on Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003.

Valdés, Mario, and Linda Hutcheon (both U of Toronto). Rethinking Literary History. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Okpewho, Isidore, ed. (State U of New Yok, Binghampton). Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart: A Casebook. (Casebooks in Criticism). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Moffet, Helen, and Es'kia Mphahlele, eds. Seasons Come to Pass: A Poetry Anthology for Southern African Students. Oxford UP Southern Africa, 2002.

Cambareces, Eugenio (Argentina). Pot Pourri: Whistlings of an Idler. Ed. Josefina Ludmer (Yale U). Trans. Lisa Dillman (U of North London). (Library of Latin America). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Vicuña MacKenna, Benjamín. The Girondins of Chile: Reminiscences of an Eyewitness. 1902. Ed. Pedro Cristián Gazmuri Riveros (U Católica, Chile). Trans. John Polt (U of California, Berkeley). (Library of Latina America). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Gorriti, Juana Manuela. (1818-1892; Argentinian woman writer). Dreams and Realities: Selected Fictions of Juana Manuela Gorriti. Trans. Sergio Waisman. Ed. Francine Maseillo. (Library of Latin America).

Palma, Ricardo (1838-1919, Peruvian writer, head of the National Library, Lima). Peruvian Traditions. Ed. Chris Conway (Brown U). Trans. Helen Lane. (Library of Latin America). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Bolívar, Simón. El Libertador: Writings of Simón Bolívar. Ed. David Bushnell (U of Florida). Trans. Fred Fornoff (U of Pittsburgh, Johnston). (Library of Latin America). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Rabinal Achi: A Mayan Drama of War and Sacrifice. Ed. and trans. Dennis Tedlock (State U of New York, Buffalo). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Valdés, Mario J. (U of Toronto) and Djelal Kadir (Penn State), eds. Literary Cultures of Latin America. 3 vols. New York: Oxford UP, 2004.

Andrews, William L. (U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Classic African American Women's Narratives. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Andrews, William L. (U of North Carolina), and Douglas Taylor (U of Texas-Austin), eds. Richard Wright's Black Boy (American Hunger): A Casebook. (Casebooks in Criticism). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Wright, Richard. Black Boy (American Hunger): A Record of Childhood and Youth.

Brown, Henry Box (Fugitive slave from Virginia in 1849, shipped himself to an anti-slavery office in Philadelphia in a crate). Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown. Ed. Richard Newman (Harvard U). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Chavkin, Allan. (Southwest Texas State U). Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony: A Casebook. (Casebooks in Criticism). New York: Oxford UP, 2002. (Native American writer).

Gilmore, Michael T. (Brandeis U). Surface and Depth: The Quest for legibility in American Culture. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Accessibility).

Kanellos, Nicolas, (U of Houston), ed. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the Uniteed States. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Mulford, Carloa (Pennsylvania State U), Angela Vietto (Eastern Illinois U) and Amy E. Winans (Susquehanna U), ed. Early American Writings. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Chang, Anne Anlin (U of California, Berkeley). The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalyisis, Assimilation, and Hidden Grief. (Race and American Culture). New York: Oxford UP, 2002. (Rodgers and Hammerstein, David Henry Wangh, Brown v. Board of Education, Anna Deveare Smith, Ralph Ellison, Maxine Hong Kingston, etc.).

Nguyen ,Viet Thanh (U of Southern California). Race and Resistance: Literature and Politics in Asian America. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Watts, Edward (Michigan State U) and David Rachels (Virginia Military Institute). The First West: Writing from the American Frontier 1776-1860. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. (Thomas Jefferson, William Bartram, Margaret Fuller, Black Hawk, Abraham Lincoln, etc.).

Yoshihara, Mari. (U of Hawaii, Manoa). Embracing the East: White Women and American Orientalism. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Pearl S. Buck, Ruth Benedict, Mary Cassatt, Helen Hyde, Amy Lowell, Madame Butterfly).

McArthur, Tom. (U of Exeter). Oxford Companion to the English Language.

_____. Oxford Guide to World English. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (UK dialects, Spanglish, Jamaican Creole, Yinglish, Blue-eyed English, Chicano English, Maori English, Bearer English, etc.).

Walter, Dennis. (Open U). Literature in the Modern World. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Harper, Sue. (U of Portsmouth) and Vincent Porter (U of Westminster). British Cinema of the 1950s: The Decline of Deference. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Boddy, William. (City U of New York). New Media and the Popular Imagination: Launching Radio, Television, and Digital Media in the United States. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Clark, Lynn Schofield. (U of Colorado). From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media, and the Supernatural. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Belief, superstition, religion, faith, supernatural, Christianity).

Dwyer, Rachel (U of London) and Christiopher Pinney (U College London). Pleasure and the Nation: The History, Politics and Consumption of Popular Culture in India. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2003. (Indian politics, Hinduvata…)

Ezra, Elizabeth (U of Stirling). European cinema. New ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Soviet cinema, German expressionism, Surrealism, Italian Neorealism, French New Wave, Ealing comedy, contemporary Spanish cinema…)

Flew, Terry (Queensland U of Technology). New Media: An Introduction. Oxford UP Australia and New Zealand, 2003.

Higson, Andrew. (U of East Anglia). English Heritage, English Cinema: Costume Drama since 1980. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Chariots of Fire, A Room with a View, Sense and Sensibility, Shakespeare in Love, Howards End; Elizabeth).

McQuail, Denis. (U of Amsterdam). Media Accountability and Freedom of Publication. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Miller, Toby (New York U). Spyscreen: Espionage on Film and TV from the 1930s to the 1960s. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (James Bond, Gilda, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Avengers).

Morton, Leith (U of Newcastle). Modern Japanese Culture: The Insider View. Oxford UP Australia and New Zealand, 2003. (Contemporary thinkers).

Nel, François. Writing for the Media. 3rd ed. Oxford UP Southern Africa, 2003.

Shadoian, Jack (U of Massachusetts). Dreams and Dead Ends: The American Ganster Film. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Elliott, Emory (U of California, Riverside), Lou Freitas Caton (Westfield State College) and Jeffrey Rhyne (U of California, Riverside). Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Mckee, Alan. (U of Queensland). Australian Television: A Genealogy of Great Moments. Oxford UP Australia and New Zealand, 2002.

Phillips, Gail, and Mia Lindgren (both Murdoch U). The Australian Broadcast Journalism Manual. Oxford UP Australia and New Zealand, 2002.

Retief, Johan. Media Ethics: An Introduction to Responsible Journalism. Oxford UP Southern Africa, 2002.

O'Shaughnessy, Mi9cvhael (Edith Cowan U), and Jane Stadler (U of Cape Town). Media and Society: An Introduction. Oxford UP Australia and New Zealand, 2002.

Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey (Oxford U)., ed. The Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.

Hill, John (U of Ulster at Coleraine) and Pamela Church Gibson (London Institute), eds. World Cinema: Critical Approaches. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

_____, eds. The Oxford Guide to Film Studies. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. (I. Approaches, II, Hollywood and the world; III, World Cinema).

_____, eds. Film Studies: Critical Approaches. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Brunsdon, Charlotte, and John Caughie, series eds. (Oxford Television Studies). Oxford: Oxford UP, c. 2002.

Oswell, David. (U of London). Television, Childhood, and the Home: A History of the Making of the Chld Television Audience in Britain. (Oxford Television Studies). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Lury, Karen (U of Glasgow). British Youth Television: Cynicism and Enchantment. (Oxford Television Studies). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Monaco. How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, Multimedia Language, History, Theory. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 2000.

Small, Helen (Pembroke College, Oxford) and Trudi Tate (Clare Hall, Cambridge), eds. Literature, Science, Psychoanalysis, 1830-1970: Essays in Honour of Gillian Beer. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. (Essays by Rachel Bowlby, Kate Flint, Mary Jacobus, Maroula Joannou, E. F. Keller, Nigel Leask, George Levine, Suzanne Raitt, Harriet Ritvo, Jacqueline Rose, Sally Shuttleworth, Helen Small, Trudi Tate, Alison Winter).

Davis, Philip (U of Liverpool). Oxford Literary History, Volume 8: 1830-1880: the Victorians. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002; pbk 2004.

Bergonzi, Bernard (U of Warwick). A Victorian Wanderer: The Life of Thomas Arnold the Younger. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Son of Thomas Arnold Sr., younger brother of Matthew Arnold, father of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, grandfather of Aldous Huxley, st. Oxford, l. in New Zealand, Tasmania, Dublin and Oxford, d. Dublin; 1824-1900).

Browning. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: The Ring and the Book, Books IX-XII. Ed. Stefan Hawlin (U of Buckingham) and Tim Burnett (formerly British Library). (Oxford English Texts). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Pettitt, Clare. (King's College, London, formerly U of Cambridge). Patent Inventions: Intellectual Property and the Victorian Novel. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (Dickens, Thackeray, Gaskell, Eliot, Hardy).

_____. 'Shakespeare at the Great Exhibition of 1851' in Victorian Shakespeare, ed. Adrian Poole and Gail Marshall (2003)

_____. 'Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?' Missionaries, Journalists, Empire (2007)

_____. Clare Pettitt. Web page at King's College, London


Brontë, Charlotte. The Letters of Charlotte Brontë, Volume III: 1852-1855. Ed. Margaret Smith (U of Birmingham). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Glen, Heather (U of Cambridge). Charlotte Brontë: The Imagination in History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. pbk 2004.

Alexander, Christine (U of New South Wales) and Margaret Smith (U of Birmingham). The Oxford Companion to the Brontës. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Carlisle, Janice. (Tulane U). Common Scents: Comparative Encounters in High-Victorian Fiction. New York: Oxford UP, 2004. (Dickens, Eliot, Meredith, Oliphant, Trollope, Yonge).

Richardson, Anquelique. (Exeter U). Love and Eugenics in the Late Nineteenth Century: Rational Reproduction and the New Woman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Robinson, Annabel. (U of Regina). The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Jane Ellen Harrison, Newnham College, Cambridge, classical scholar and anthropologist, 1850-1928).

Hoock, Holger. (Selwyn College, Cambridge). The King's Artists. The Royal Academy of Art and the Politics of British Culture 1760-1840. (Oxford Historical Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Plunkett, John. (Exeter U). Queen Victoria: First Media Monarh. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert (U of Oxford). Victoirian Afterlives: The Shaping of Influence in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Belcher, Margaret (U of Canterbury, New Zealand), ed. The Collected Letters of A. W. N. Pugin: Vol. 2, 1843-1845. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Vol. 2 of 5).

Pugin, A. W. N. (British architect, 1812-1852, influential in Gothic revival, Arts and Crafts).

Clare, John. John Clare: Poems of the Middle Period, 1822-1837. Vol. 5. Ed. Eric Robinson (U of Massachusetts at Bostion 1970-97), David Powell (Nene College, Northampton) and P. M. S. Dawson (U of Manchester). (Oxford English Texts). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

King, Amy M. (California Institute of Technology). Bloom: The Botanical Vernacular in the English Novel. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Mighall, Robert (U College, London). A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History's Nightmares. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. Pbk. 2003.

Grammer, Elizabeth Elkin. (U of the South). Some Wild visions: Autobiographies by Female Itinerant Evangelists in Nineteenth-Century America. (Religion in America). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Mukherjee, Upamanyu Pablo. (U of Newcastle). Crime and Empire: The Colony in Nineteenth-Century Fictions of Crime. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Picker, John M. (Harvard UP). Victorian Soundscapes. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Rodensky, Lisa. (Wellesley College). The Crime in Mind: Criminal Responsibility and the Victorian Novel. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Pollak, vivian R. (Washington U), ed. A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. (Historical Guides to American Authors). New York: Oxford UP, 2004.

Taylor, Miles. (U of Southampton). Ernest Jones, Chartism, and the Romance of Politics 1819-1869. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Israel, Kali. (U of Michigan). Names and Stories: Emilia Dilke and Victorian Culture. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

Winchester, Simon. The Surgeon of Crowthorne.

_____. The Map that Changed the World.

_____. The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Fegan, Melissa. (Chester College of Higher Education). Literature and the Irish Famine 1845-1919. (Oxford Historical Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Freedgood, Elaine. (New York U). Factory Production in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Victorian Archive Series). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Cole, Phyllis. (Pennsylvania State U). Mary Moody Emerson and the Origins of Transcendentalism: A Family History. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. (Aunt of Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., ed. (WEB Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research, Harvard U). The Schomburg Library or Nineteenth-Century Black Women Writers. 40 vols. New York: Oxford UP / Schomburg Center for Reearch in Black Culture, NY Public Library, 2002.

Kaul, A. N. (U of Delhi). The American Vision: Actual and Ideal Society in Nineteeenth-Century Fiction. New Delhi: Oxford UP India, 2002. (Hawthorne, Fenimore Cooper, Melville, Twain).

Dickens. Barnaby Rudge. Ed. Jon Mee (U College, Oxford) Iain McCalman (Australian National U) and Clive Hurst (Bodleian Library, Oxford). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Gordon Riots).

Luckhurst, Roger. (Birkbeck College, U of London). The Invention of Telepathy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Huxley, H. Hames, Stevenson, Wilde, Freud).

Otis, Laura, ed. (Hofstra U). Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century: An Anthology. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Michael Faraday, thomas Carlyle, thomas Hardy, Charles Babbage, Charles Darwin, Luis Pasteur, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, etc.).

Sutton, Emma. (U of Edinburgh). Aubrey Beardsley and British Wagnerism in the 1890s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. (Beardsley, 1872-1898).

Ruskin, John. Selected Writings. Ed. Dinah Birch (U of Liverpool). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Fishkin, Shelley Fisher. (U of Texas, Austin). A Historical Guide to Mark Twain. (Historical Guides to American Authors). New York: Oxford UP, 2002.

Hardy, Thomas. The Major of Casterbridge. Introd. Rick Moody. (Oxford World's Classics). New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Scott, Walter. The Antiquary. 1819. (On historical understanding).

_____. The Antiquary. In the "Magnum Opus" ed., 1829.

_____. The Antiquary. 1829 ed. Ed. Nicola Watson (Open U).

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Marble Faun. Ed. Susan Manning. U of Edinburgh. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Introd. and notes Fiona Stafford (U of Oxford). Ed. by the late James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Austen. Sense and Sensibility. Rev. ed. Introd. and notes Margaret Anne Doody (U of Notre Dame, Indiana) and Claire Lamont (U of Newcastle). Ed. James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Austen. Persuasion. Introd. and notes Deirdre Shaune Lynch (Indiana U). Ed. James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

_____. Emma. Introd. and notes by Adela Pinch (U of Michigan). Ed. James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Austen. Mansfield Park. Introd. and notes Jane Stabler (U of Dundee). Ed. James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. Lady Susan. The Watsons. Sanditon. Introd. Claudia L. Johnson (Princeton U). Ed. John Davie (Nottingham Trent U) and James Kinsley. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Wilde, Oscar. Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth (U of St Andrews). (Oxford World's classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Morris, William. News from Nowhere. Ed. David Leopold (Christ Church and Merton Colleges, Oxford). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (22nd century socialist utopia).

Feldman, Paula R. (U of South Carolina) and Daniel Robinson (Widener U). A Century of Sonnets: The Romantic-Era Revival 1750-1850. New York: Oxford UP, 2003.

Leask, Nigel (U of Cambridge)., Curiosity and the Aesthetics of Travel-Writing, 1770-1840: 'From an Antique Land'. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002. Pbk. 2004. (Lit., exoticism, colonialism).

Bainbridge, Simon (U of Keele). British Poetry and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Smith, Southey, Scott, Hemans).

Newlyn, Lucy. (U of Oxford). Reading, Writing, and Romanticism: The Anxiety of Reception. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Women's poetry, reading, publishing,…

Paley, Morton D. (U of California, Berkeley). The Traveller in the Evening: The Last Works of William Blake. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Blake. Engravings for Thornton's Virgil.

_____. The Laocoon. Plate.

_____. Illustrations for The Divine Comedy.

_____. Illustrations to the book of Job.

Paley, Morton D. Apocalypse and Millennium in English Romantic Poetry. New York: Oxford UP, 2003. (Blake, Wrodsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Shelley).

Colerdige. Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection. Ed. Seamus Perry (U of Glasgow). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Roessel, David. In Byron's Shadow: Modern Greece in the English and American Imagination. New York: Oxford UP USA, 2003. (2001 MLA Prize for Independent Scholars, 2002 Elma Dangerfield Award from the International Byron Society).

Wood, Marcus. (U of Sussex). The Poetry of Slavery: An Anglo-American Anthology, 1764-1865. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Whittier, Melville, Dickinson, etc.).

Wood, Marcus. (U of Sussex). Slavery, Empathy, and Pornography. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Keats. Selected Letters. Ed. Robert Gittings. Introd. Jon Mee (U College, Oxford). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Wordsworth, Dorothy. The Grasmere and Alfoxden Journals. Ed. Pamela Woolf (U of Newcastle upon Tyne). (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Joukovsky, Nicholas A., ed. (Pennsylvania State U). The Letters of Thomas Love Peacock. 2 vols. 1792-1827, 1828-1866.i Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Womersley, David. (U of Oxford). Gibbon and the 'Watchmen of the Holy City': The Historian and his Reputation, 1776-1815. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Leapor, Mary. The Works of Mary Leapor. Ed. Richard Greene (U of Toronto) and the late Ann Messenger. (Oxford English Texts). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. (Leapor, 1722-1746).

Alonso Barahona, Fernando. ¿Quién es John McCain? Ciudadela, 2008.

García Montero. (Chair of Spanish Literature, U of Granada, Married with Almudena Grandes, pro-PSOE intellectual).

Marco, José María. (Spanish philologist, U de Comillas, writes at ABC, Libertad Digital, La Ilustación Liberal). Francisco Giner de Los Ríos: Pedagogía y poder. 2nd ed. 2008.

_____. (Biography of Manuel Azaña).

(Giner de los Ríos, disciple of Sanz del Río, disciple of Krause).

Oates, Joyce Carol. La hija del sepulturero. Madrid: Santillana-Alfaguara, 2008.

Caldwell, Erskine. (d. 1987). El camino del tabaco. Navona, 2008.

González Ruano, César. Baudelaire. 1931. Backlist, 2008.

Hayward, Steven. Grandeza. Gota a Gota, 2008. (Reagan and Churchill).

Basic Elements of Narrative that will be published in early 2009 by Wiley-Blackwell

The Cambridge Companion to Narrative (ed. David Herman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)

Storyworlds. Journal. Ed. David Herman. U of Nebraska P.

Dickens. Casa desolada. Trans. Javier Marías. Madrid: Alfaguara. (1980s.).

_____. Casa desolada. Trans. José Rafael Hernández. Valdemar, 2008.

Pla, Josep. El cuaderno gris. Introd. Carles Casajuana. Backlist, 2008.

Amis, Martin. El infierno imbécil. ElAleph Editores, 2008.

Santamaría, Carlos, and Ascensión Fumero. El psicoanálisis: ¡vaya timo! Laetoli, 2008.

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Linguistics journals (European Science Foundation – European Reference Index for the Humanities).

Babel: Revue Internationale de la Traduction


Balkansko ezikoznanie (Linguistique Balcanique)


Banque des Mots

Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft

Beiträge zur Namensforschung

Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures

Belgian Journal of Linguistics


Bilingualism: Language and Cognition

Biuletyn polskiego towarzystwa jezykoznawczego

boletim da comissâo nacional da língua Portuguesa

Boletim de estudos clássicos

boletim de filología

Boletín de la Real Academia Española

Boletín hispánico helvético

Bollettino del centro di studi filologici e linguistici Siciliani

bollettino dell'atlante linguistico italiano

Brain & Language

Brno Studies in English

Bulgarski ezik

Bulletin de la société de linguistique de Paris

Bulletin de la société Roumaine de linguistique Romane

Bulletin hispanique

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies

Bulletin of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

Bulletin Suisse de linguistique appliquée

Business Communication Quarterly

Cahiers de grammaire

Cahiers de lexicologie

Cahiers de linguistique d'Asie Orientale

Cahiers de linguistique Française

Cahiers de linguistique théorique et appliquée

Cahiers de l'institut de linguistique de Louvain

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Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure

Canadian Journal of Linguistics

Canadian Modern Language Review

Casopis pro moderni filologii

Celtica: Journal of the School of Celtic Studies

Central Asiatic Journal

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Cognitive Linguistics

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Science

Communication Quarterly

Communication Reports

Communication Research

Communication Studies

Communication Theory

Computational Lingusitics

Computer Assited Language Learning: An International Journal

Computer Speech & Language

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Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory

Current Issues in Language Planning


Danske talesprog

Das Zeichen: Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Deutsche sprache


Dialectologia et geolinguistica

Dicenda: Cuadernos de filología hispánica

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Discourse Processes

Discourse Studies

Dutch Crossing: A Journal of Low Countries Studies

Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies

ELT Journal

Emakeele seltsi aastaraamat


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English Linguistics

English Studies

English World-Wide: A Journal of Varieties of English



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Estudios de lingüística del español

Estudios de sociolingüistica

Estudios filológicos

Estudios románicos

Estudis romànics


Etudes Créoles

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Etudes romanes de Brno


Faits de langues


Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen

Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen

First Language


Folia Lingüística

Folia lingüística historica

Folia onomastica Croatica

Folia orientalia

Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica


Foneticá si dialectologie

Foro hispánico

Forum for Modern Language Studies

Le Français Moderne

Le Français Moderne: Revue de linguistique Française

French Review

French Studies: A Quarterly Review

Functions of Language

General Linguistics

Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift

Germanistische Mitteilungen

Gesprächsforschung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion

Glot international




Handelingen van de koninklijke commissie vor toponymie

HEL: Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage

Hermeneus: Revista de traducción

Hermes: Journal of Linguistics

Hieronymus complutensis

Historiographia Lingüística: International Journal for the History of the Language Sciences

Historische Sprachforschung (formerly, to 1988: Zeitschrift für verlgleichende Sprachforschung)

Hungarologische Beiträge (Jyväskylä)



Incontri Linguistici

Indogermanische Forschungen: Zeitschrift für Inodogermanistik und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

Indo-Iranian Journal

Information Design Journal + Document Design

Information grammaticale

Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft

Intercultural Pragmatics

Interculturality and Translation

International Journal of American Linguistics

International Journal of Applied Linguistics

International Journal of Audiology

International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism

International Journal of Bilingualism

International Journal of Corpus Linguistics

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders

International Journal of Lexicography

International Journal of Multilingualism

International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics

International Journal of Speech Technology

International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law: Forensic Linguistics

International Journal of the Sociology of Language

The Interpreters' Newsletter

Interpreting: An International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting


IRAL International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching

Islenskt mál og almenn málfraethi.

Italia dialettale

Italian Journal of Linguistics

Italienisch: Zeitschrift für italienische Sprache und Literatur

Italienische Studien

ITL Review of Applied Linguistics

Jazykovedny casopis (Philological Journal)


Jezik in slovstvo


Jezikoslovni zapiski

Jezyk Polski

Journal Asiatique

Journal of African Languages and Lingusitics

Journal of Applied Linguistics

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Journal of Celtic Linguistics

Journal of Child Language

Journal of Chinese Linguistics

Journal of Communication

Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

Journal of East Asian Linguistics

Journal of English for Academic Purposes

Journal of English Linguistics

Journal of Experimental Psychology

Journal of Fluency Disorders

Journal of French Language Studies

Journal of Germanic Linguistics

Journal of Greek Linguistics

Journal of Historical Pragmatics

Journal of Indo-European Studies

Journal of Indological and Buddhist Studies

Journal of Intercultural Communication

Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

Journal of Language & Social Psychology

Journal of Language and Computation

Journal of Language, Identity & Education

Journal of Linguistic Anthropology

Journal of Linguistics

Journal of Literary Semantics

Journal of Logic, Language and Information

Journal of Memory and Language

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

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Journal of Neurolinguistics

Journal of Phonetics

Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages

Journal of Portuguese Linguistics

Journal of Pragmatics

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Journal of Quantitative Linguistics

Journal of Research in Reading

Journal of Second Language Writing

Journal of Semantics

Journal of Slavic Linguistics

Journal of Sociolinguistics

Journal of Specialised Translation

Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research

Journal of the Acoustical Society of america

Journal of the American Oriental Society

Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania

Journal of the Internatonal Phonetic Association

Journal of Royal Asiatic Society

Journal of Translation

Keel ja kirjandus

Kodikas / Code: Ars Semeiotica

Kratylos: Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

Kultúra slova (The Word Culture)

Kwartalnik neofilologiczny

Le Langage et l'homme: Recherches pluridisciplinaires sur le langage.

Langage et société



Language & Cognitive Processes

Language & Communication

Language & Intercultural Communication

Language Acquisition

Language and Education

Language and Literature

Language and Speech

Language Awareness

Language Culture & Curriculum

Language in Society

Language Learning

Language Learning & Technology

Language Policy

Language Problems and Language Planning

Language Resources and Evaluation

Language Sciences

Language Teaching

Language Teaching Research

Language Testing

Language Variation and Change

Language, Culture and Curriculum

Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics

Langue Française

Lebende Sprachen

Lengas: Revue sociolinguistique

Les cahiers du Rifal

Leuvense Bijdragen

Lexique. Lille


Limba Romana

Information grammaticale

Lingua e stile

Lingua nostra

Lingua posnaniensis

Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics

Linguistic Analysis

Linguistic Inquiry

The Linguistic Review

Linguistic Typology

Lingüística Alfal

Lingüistica Antverpiensia—New Series

Lingüistica Baltica: International Journal of Baltic Linguistics

Lingüistica Española Actual

Lingüistica Palatina

Lingüistica Praguensia (Úslav pro jazyk cesky)

Lingüistica Silesiana

Lingüística uralica

Linguisticae investigationes


Linguistics and Education

Lingüístics and Philosophy

Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area

Linguistik Online

Linguistische berichte

Lingvisticae investigationes

Linguistique Africaine


Literary and Linguistic Computing


Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology

LSP & Professional Communication

machine Translation

Magyar nyelv

Magyar nyelvjarások

Magyar Nyelvor

Màl og minne

Marges linguistiques ()

Medioevo romanzo


Metaphor and symbol

Mind & Language

Minzu Yuwen

Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies

Modeles linguistiques

The Modern Language Journal

Moderna Spràk

Moderne Sprachen

Mots: Les langages du politique


Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft



Namenkundliche Informationen

Names: A Journal of Onomastics

Namn och bygd

Narrative Inquiry

Nase rec

Natural Language and Linguistic Theory

Natural Language Engineering

Natural Language Semantics

Nederlandse taalkunde



Neuphilologische Mitteilungen

Névtani értesitö

New Voices in Translation Studies

NJES: Nordic Journal of English Studies


Nordic Journal of Lingusitics

Nordiska spràk


Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift

Nouvelle revue d'onomastique

Nowele: North Western European Language Evolution

Nueva revista de Filología Hispánica

Nydanske studier

Nyelv-es irodalomtudományi közlemények

Nyelvtudományi értekeszések

Nyelvtudományi közlemények

Oceanic Linguistics

Onoma: Journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences

Onomastica slavogermanica

Onomastica uralica

Orbis: Bulletin international de documentation lingusitique

ord og tunga

Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie

Österreichische Namensforschung


Perspectives: Studies in Translatology

Philologia. Sofia.

Philologie im Netz



Polifonia. Lisbon.

Poradnik Jezykowy

Poznan Studies in Contemprary Linguistics

Prace Filologiczne



Pragmatics and Cognition


Przeglad orientalistyczny


Puhe ja kieli

Quaderni di semantica

Quaderns: Revista de traducció

Quarterly Journal of Speech

Rasprave instituta za hrvatsky jezik i jezikoslovlje

Rassegna italiana di lingüística applicata

Razprave – Dissertationes

Reading and Writing

Reading Research Quarterly


Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes

Recherches sur le français parlé

Regional Language Centre (RELC) Journal

Research on Language and Computation

Research on Language and Socieal Interaction

Review of English Studies

Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses

Revista da faculdade de letras (Universidade de Lisboa)

Revista da facultade de letras da Universidade de Porto. Linguas e literaturas.

Revista da universidade de Aveiro. Letras.

Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares

Revista de estudios de adquisicón de la lengua Española (REALE)

Revista de Estudios Anglo-Portugueses

Revista de Filología Española

Revista de Filología románica

Revista de lexicografía

Revista de llengua i dret

Revista Española de Lingüística

Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada

Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana

Revista Portuguesa de Filologia

Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale

Revue de linguistique romane

Revue de sémantique et de pragmatique

Revue des études slaves

Revue des langues romanes

Revue Française de linguistique appliquée

Revue Parole

Revue Romane

Revue Roumaine de Linguistique


Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica

Rivista di grammatica generativa

Rivista di Lingüística

Rivista Italiaan di Dialettologia

Rivista Italiana di Onomastica

Rocznic slawistyczny

romance Philology


Romanische Forschungen

Russian Linguistics

Russkij iazyk v nauchnom osveschchenii


Second Language Research

Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies

Sendebar: Revista de la facultad de traducción e interpretación

Sign Language Studies

Sign Language & Linguistics. Online.

SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation

SKY: Journal of Linguistics


Slavia Occidentalis

Slavia Orientalis


Slavica slovaca

Slavistichna revija

Slavonic and East European Review

Slovenska rech (Slovak Language)


Slovo a Slovesnost: A Journal of the Theory of Language and Language Cultivation



Spanish in Context

Speech Communication

Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter

Sprache und Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht

Die Sprache: Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft

Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik

Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung


Sprák och stil: Tidskrift för svensk sprákforskning

Stem- sprraak- en taalpathologie

Strani jezci

Studi di filolgia italiana

Studi di lessicografia italiana

Studi e saggi linguistiici

Studi italiani di lingüística teorica e applicata

Studi linguistici literari

Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Journal Review of english Studies

Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica

Studia germanica gandensia

Studia Iranica

Studia kognitywne

Studia Lingüística: A Journal of General Linguistics

Studia neophilologica

Studia romanica et anglica zagrabiensia

Studia romanica posnaniensia

Studia slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Studia zfilologii Plskiej i Slowianskiej

Studies in African Lingusitics

Studies in Language

Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics

Studi si cercetari lingvistice

Soumalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja

Suvremena lingvistika

Svenska landsmál och svenskt folkliv

Syntax: A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdiciplinary Research

Taal- en tongval

Target: International Journal of Translation Studies

Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association

Terminologias: Associaçao de terminologia Portuguesa

Terminologie et traduction


testo a fronte


Text Technology: A Journal of Computer Text Processing

Theoretical Linguistics

Tidskrift for sprogforskning

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Tijdschrift voorliteratuurwetenschap

Tijdschrift voornederlandse taal- en letterkunde

Tijdschrift voor skandinavistiek

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Tonos digital: Revista electrónica de estudios filológicos

Topics in Language Disorders

T'oung Pao

Traitement Automatique des Langues

Trans: Revista de Traductologia

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Translation Review

The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication

Travaux de Linguistique: revue internationale de linguistique française

Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague / Prague Linguistic Circle Papers

Travaux Interdisciplinaires du laboratoire parole et langage d'Aix-en-Provence

TTR: Traduction, terminologie et redaction

Türk dili arastimalan y1ll1g1- Belleten

Türgbilig: Türkooji arast1rmalar1

Turkic Languages

Umetnost rijeci

Verba: Anuario galega de filoloxia

Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics


Visual Communication

voprosy jazykoznanija

Vox Romanica

Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes


World Englishes: Journal of English as an International and Intranational Language

Written Language and Literacy

Yuyanxue luncong

Zbornik matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku

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Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie

Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik

Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur

Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung

Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik

Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik

Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie

Zeitschrift für Semiotik

Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie

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Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft

Zhungguo yuwen

Zielsprache Deutsch

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Salgado López, José Ignacio, and Gloria Rovira Bahillo. "Uso de los diarios de prácticas para la investigación y evaluación de la docencia." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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González Santos, José Miguel, José Luís Alejandre Marco and Ana Isabel Allueva Pinilla. "Innovación y mejora de la docencia de la asignatura de Matemáticas en primero de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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Fernández Turrado, Teresa, Santos Orejudo Hernández, Mª Luisa Herrero Nivela, Jacobo Cano Escoriaza y Pilar Teruel Melero. "Aplicación del método de casos y las conferencias de expertos en el diseño curricular de la asignatura Bases Psicológicas de la Educación Especial en la Facultad de Educación." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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Boldova Pasamar, Miguel Ángel, and Mª Angeles Rueda Martín. . "Un ejemplo de la aplicación de metodologías activas en las clases prácticas de la asignatura de Derecho Penal, parte general." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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Marzo Navarro, Mercedes, Marta Pedraja Iglesias and Mª Pilar Rivera Torres. "Competencias transversales demandadas por el mercado laboral versus fomentadas por las universidades: Perspectiva de los alumnos." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Cepero Ascaso, Mª Dolores, Alfredo Serreta Oliván, José Luís Alejandre Marco and José Miguel González Santos. "Experiencia metodológica interdisciplinar en primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola.." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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Salgado López, José Ignacio. "Una experiencia del trabajo por proyectos en la Didáctica de las Actividades Físicas y Deportivas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mur Amada, Joaquín, Jesús Sergio Artal Sevil, Antonio Usón Sardaña y Jesús Letosa Fleta "Ensayo de una metodología activa, para mejorar la eficiencia en el aprendizaje de un curso básico de electricidad y magnetismo para estudiantes de Ingeniería Técnica." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

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Gutiérrez Nieto, Begoña, and Begoña Pelegrín Martínez de Pisón. "Adaptación a la metodología ECTS de la asignatura Análisis y Valoración de las Operaciones Financieras." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Peña, E., B. Calvo, M. A. Martínez and M. Doblaré. "Diseño de metodologías de formación para la asignatura 'Elasticidad y Resistencia Materiales'." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Sánchez González, Mª Dolores. "Trabajo cooperativo en red en la formación del profesorado de ciencias." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Cid, Eva, Rafael Escolano, José María Gairín y Julio Sancho."La formación matemática del futuro maestro: Trabajo dirigido de análisis de textos escolares." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Yagüe Fabra, José Antonio, Jorge Aísa Arenaz and Grupos Multidisciplinares 01 y 02. "Formación Universitaria Multidisciplinar: Hacia la adquisición de competencias genéricas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Maria .José Orta Costa, Milagros Bernal Pérez, Amor Melguizo Béjar, Alejandro Tres Sánchez, Clemente A. Campos Sáez, Teresa Ramos Cascón, Desiderio Buil Basurte y Gloria Hidalgo Rúa. "Aprender practicando, experiencia educativa que incorpora el 'role-playing' en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la promoción de la salud." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Escalona Orcao, Ana Isabel, y Blanca Loscertales Palomar "Buenas prácticas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de competencias genéricas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Blasco Solana, Mercedes, Ana Gascón Catalán, Mª José Laclaustra Bueno, Mª Carmen Larroche Garcés, Ana Belloso Alcay and Francisco León. "Estudio multidisciplinar de temas mediante el procedimiento de 'resolución de problemas'." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Zaragoza Casterad, Javier, José Antonio Julián Clemente, Mikel Chivite Izco, Rosario Romero Martín y Eduardo Generelo Lanaspa."Una reflexión sobre los procedimientos utilizados en el desarrollo de competencias del Maestro Especialista en Educación Física: Resultados y conclusiones." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Tricas, Fernando, Juan Julián Merelo and Carmen Hassan-Montero. "Bitácoras: Ampliando los canales de comunicación con los estudiantes." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Estrada Marcén, Nerea, Pablo Floría Martín, Inmaculada Tena Porta and Mª Rosario Romero Martín. "Diseño del plan docente de las asignaturas de Expresión y Comunicación Corporales en la Universidad de Zaragoza." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Pelegrín Martínez de Pisón, Begoña, and Begoña Gutiérrez Nieto."Diseño curricular y competencias de los conocimientos sobre Dirección Financiera." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Jarne Jarne, Gloria, Esperanza Minguillón Constante and Mª Trinidad Zabal Cortés. "Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en la impartición de cursos cero de matemáticas para estudiantes de Economía." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Alejandre Marco, José Luis, Ana Isabel Allueva Pinilla and José Miguel González Santos "Experiencia docente en un curso cero semipresencial." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Delgado Gómez, José Manuel, Manuel Espitia Escuer and Jorge Rosell Martínez. "Experiencias docentes a partir de la gestión virtual de empresas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Turégano, José Antonio, Carmen Velasco and Tomás Gómez."Resultados de la incorporación de la evaluación continua como integración de los entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje apoyados en las TIC." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Garrido, Piedad, Francisco J. Martínez, Fernando Naranjo, Jesús Tramullas and Miguel A. Esteban. "TIC, EEES y UEZ: Una alianza para el desarrollo." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Campos, C. A., J. Asín, M. D. Berrade and C. Galé. "Una experiencia de adaptación al EEES de Estudios de Estadística en la Ingeniería." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Villa, J. L. J. F. Sanz, J. Sallán y A. Llombart. "Herramienta informática de ayuda a la docencia para el estudio de accionamientos de corriente continua." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Domínguez, José A., José Luís Bernal, Eva Sara Carod, María Jesús Velilla and José M. Yusta "Herramientas de simulación de código abierto para la mejora del aprendizaje en Ingeniería Eléctrica." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Rivero Gracia, Pilar. "De derrota en derrota hasta la victoria final: Experiencias con TIC en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

López García, Pablo, and María Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta. "MOODLE: Difusión y funcionalidades" In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Julia Marín-Yaseli de la Parra and David Vicente Alarcón. "El Proyecto SSETI en la Universidad de Zaragoza." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.* (Artificial satellites).


Fernández Fernández, Cristina. "La Diplomatura en Gestión y Administración Pública Virtual en la EUEEH." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Jaime Vallés Giménez, and Anabel Zárate Marco. "Espacio europeo, innovación docente y nuevas tecnologías. Algunas experiencias en el ámbito de la economía." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Susana Cebrián Guajardo, Gloria Luzón Marco, and Julio Morales Villasevil and José Ángel Villar Rivacoba. "Utilización de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la asignatura 'Física Nuclear de Baja Energía'." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Rafael Benito Ruesca, Javier Benito Colón, F. Javier Castillo García y Mª Carmen Rubio Calvo. "Uso de video–clips en la enseñanza de la Microbiología." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mª Victoria Ejea, Beatriz Puisac, Mª Ángeles Sáenz, Javier Lanuza, Marga Logroño, Feliciano J. Ramos and Juan Pié. "Estudio comparativo entre estudiantes de Medicina y de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte en relación a la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs)." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Pérez López, Faustino. "Aprendizaje Clínico basado en la evidencia; e-learning e internet." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Allueva Pinilla, Ana Isabel, José Luís Alejandre Marco and José Miguel González Santos. "Base de datos en red de recursos matemáticos." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Trillo Lado, Raquel, and Sergio Ilarri Artigas. "Desarrollo de una herramienta para la definición y corrección de ejercicios vía web." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Rebolledo, M. A., and J. A. Vallés "Aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación a la enseñanza de la Óptica en el primer ciclo de la Licenciatura en Física." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Torres Portero, Miguel Ángel. "Opciones sociales en el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

López Laborda, Julio, Fernando Rodrigo Sauco and Luís Antonio Sáez Pérez. "Diseño y puesta en marcha de e-pública, revista electrónica sobre la enseñanza dela economía pública." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Pablo Gómez Ochoa, Ignacio de Blas Giral, Imanol Ruiz Zarzuela, Javier Miana Mena and Manuel Gascón Pérez. "El aprendizaje de competencias transversales en Medicina Veterinaria (búsquedas bibliográficas y elaboración de presentaciones) a través del cine y la literatura." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Sanjuán Álvarez, Marta, José Domingo Dueñas Lorente, Elvira Luengo Gascón, Milagros Llorente Mayor and Rosa Tabernero Sala "La educación literaria en el contexto de la Titulación de Maestro." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Lahoz, D. P. Mateo, J. I. Montijano and L. Rández. "Libros interactivos en asignaturas científicas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mercedes Blasco Solana, Carmen Muro Baquero and Javier Cia Blasco. "Proyecto multidisciplinar de la disciplina Historia de la Enfermería." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Marisol Soria Aznar, Ignacio Giménez, Ana Julia Fanlo and Jesús Fernando Escanero Marcén. "El mapa conceptual: Una nueva herramienta de trabajo. Diseño de una práctica para Fisiología. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

José Luís Bernal Agudo. "Obstáculos y estrategias para la implantación de los ECTS / Un análisis desde la experiencia. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Gil Ruiz, Milagros, Mª Dolores Lerís López and Jesús Mª Montaner Lavedán, Laura Ruberte Sánchez y Sergio Alegre Bernad."Estudio de los créditos ECTS en primer curso de las titulaciones impartidas en la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial de Zaragoza." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mayordomo Camara, Elvira, and José Francisco Mastral Lajusticia "Estudio para la implantación del sistema ECTS en el primer curso de Ingeniería Química del Centro Politécnico Superior de la Universidad de Zaragoza." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Martínez, Juan Pablo, Paloma García, Ángela Hernández, Ignacio Martínez, Elvira Mayordomo, Alfonso Ortega, Iñigo Salinas, José Solera and Luís Vicente. "Estudio sobre la carga de trabajo del estudiante en las titulaciones del CPS." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Carrasquer Zamora, José. "'Aspectos biológicos-geológicos del conocimiento del medio': Aproximación a la metodología en créditos ECTS. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Nasarre Sarmiento, José María, and Gloria María Hidalgo Rúa "Una experiencia práctica en el aprendizaje jurídico: Sindicatos, asociaciones empresariales y poderes públicos. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Abós Olivares, Pilar. "Aproximación a la metodología de créditos ECTS: Hacia un aprendizaje autónomo y creativo de la Organización Escolar." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Julián Clemente, José Antonio, Javier Zaragoza Casterad, Eduardo Generelo Lanaspa, Miguel Chivite Izco and Rosario Romero Martín. "La Red de Evaluación Formativa, Docencia Universitaria y el proceso de convergencia hacia el EEES." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Saz Gil, Mª Isabel. "Fundamentación y desarrollo de un modelo formativo de aprendizaje autónomo." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Astigarraga Goenaga, Jesús, and Javier Usoz Otal."Enseñanza tradicional e innovación docente: Un ejemplo comparativo basado en la aplicación de metodologías activas en la docencia económica de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Zaragoza. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mª Isabel Torrecilla Daniel, Mª Isabel. "Innovación docente e investigación didáctica ¿Caminan de la mano?. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Bernal Agudo, José Luis, Antonio Bernat Montesinos, Carmen Julve Moreno, Juana Soriano Bozalongo y Begoña Vigo Arrazola "La atención a la diversidad desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria en la formación inicial del profesorado." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Arranz Martínez, Pilar, and Enrique García Pascual. "El nuevo rol del profesor: De enseñante a catalizador del aprendizaje." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*


Junquera Escribano, Mª Concepción. "Los alumnos como protagonistas: Una experiencia personal. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Val Arnal, J. Jesús de. "La formación permanente de los titulados universitarios que necesitan estar colegiados en un colegio profesional: Una opción entre formación continuada, permanente y foro. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Vicente Oliva, Silvia, and Asunción Andrés Tirapo. "Resistencia de los alumnos al aprendizaje activo." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Orejudo Hernández, Santos, Javier Nuño Pérez, Teresa Fernández Turrado, Mª Luisa Herrero Nivela and Teresa Ramos Cascón. "Evolución del miedo a hablar en público en la Universidad. Variables personales y del entorno de enseñanza aprendizaje." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Cano, Juan L. Iván Lidón, Rubén Rebollar, Jesús Guillén Torres, Fernando Paris Roche, Mª Jesús Sáenz Gil de Gómez and Fernando Gimeno Marco. "La experiencia de gestionar un proyecto real. Una vía para el aprendizaje. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Martínez Bordenave-Gassedat, M. Carmen. "La toxicología medioambiental, en la Facultad de Veterinaria de Zaragoza, ante el reto de la Innovación Docente y la Convergencia Europea." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Gloria Luzón, José Manuel Carmona, Susana Cebrián, Julio Morales y José Ángel Villar. "Uso de material interactivo en la enseñanza de la física." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Fanlo Villacampa, Ana, Blanca Sinués Porta, Marisol Soria Aznar y Jesús Fernando Escanero Marcén . "El calcio intracelular: Un hilo conductor en el aprendizaje de la Farmacología Cardiaca." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Arcega, F., I. Plaza, A. López, C. Medrano, J. J. Marcuello, T. Pollán, M. Corbalán, S. Sánchez, A. B. Posa and R. Peña. "EDUQTECH – Experiencia adquirida y futuras líneas de trabajo. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Ana Rosa Abadía, Ana Rosa, José Javier Aramayona, Mª Jesús Muñoz and Miguel Ángel Bregante. "Cómo aprenden farmacología los estudiantes de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Zaragoza." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Escanero Marcén, Jesús Fernando, Maria Soledad Soria Aznar, José Luís Nieto Amada, Ana Isabel Cisneros Gimeno and Mª del Carmen Pérez Castejón."Proyecto de integración complementaria para la enseñanza del aparato respiratorio en la Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Belarra Piedrafita, Miguel Ángel, Francisco Laborda García, José María Mir Marín, y Josefina Pérez Arantegui "Experiencia realizada con alumnos de Primer Ciclo de Química, sobre estrategias de evaluación que mejoren la motivación del alumno. " In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Liesa Orús, Marta, and Elías Vived Conte."Aprendizaje y participación en proyectos de inclusión social de personas con discapacidad." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Mesonero Gutiérrez; José Emilio, and Mª Pilar Arruebo Loshuertos. "Proyecto Tutor en Ciencias Biomédicas." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Ferrer, L. M., J. J. Ramos, J. Pastor, A. Loste, A. Ortín, M. de las Heras, J. A. García de Jalón, L. Figueras and D. Lacasta. "Adaptación de las prácticas de Patología Médica de los animales de granja al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*

Sanagustín Fons, Mª Victoria, Carlos Gómez Bahillo, Esther Puyal Español, José Antonio Moseñe Fierro, Carlos Rubio Pomar, Mª Carmen Galán López, Juan Rodríguez Bielsa, Jesús Manuel Tricas Oliván, Pilar Otín Aín, Luís Nogueras Santafé, Nerea Montañés Cárdenas and Victoria Arévalo Embid. "Proyectos creativos en un entorno de enseñanza-aprendizaje altamente participativo." In Innovación docente, tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación e Investigación Educativa en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Booklet/CD-ROM. Universidad de Zaragoza, 2007.*


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Fisher, Jeirlyn. "Teaching 'Time': Women's Responses to Adult Development." In Taking Our Time: Feminist Perspectives on Temporality. Ed. Frieda Johles Forman with Caoran Sowton. Oxford: Pertgamon, 1989. 136-49.

Forster, Dennis A. Confession and Complicity in Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.

García, Irma. "Femalear Explorations: Temporality in Women's Writing." In Taking Our Time: Feminist Perspectives on Temporality. Ed. Frieda Johles Forman with Caoran Sowton. Oxford: Pertgamon, 1989. 161-82.

Giddens, Anthony. Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991.*

Gilmore, Leigh. The Limits of Autobiography: Trauma and Testimony. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2001.

Hallet, Cynthia J. "Minimalism and the Short Story." In Studies in Short Fiction 33.4 (1996): 487-95.*

Hannah, Barry. "Speaking of Writing: Spies with Music." In The Tales We Tell: Perspectives on the Short Story. Ed. Barbara Lounsberry et al. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. 207-11.

Hanson, Clare. "'Things Out of Words': Towards a Poetics of Short Fiction." In Re-reading the Short Story. Ed. Clare Hanson. London: Macmillan, 1989. 22-33.

Miller, J. Hillis. The Form of Victorian Fiction. Cleveland (OH): Arete Press, 1979.

Kosinski, Jerzy. "Jerzy Kosinski Interviewed by Jerome Klinkowitz." In The New Fiction: Interviews with Innovative American Writers. Ed. Joe David Bellamy. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1978. 142-68.

Kroetsch, Robert. The Hornbooks of Rita K. Novel. Edmonton: Alberta UP, 2001.

Leitch, Thomas M. "The Debunking Rhythm of the American Short Story." In Short Story Theory at a Crossroads. Ed. Susan Lohafer and Jo Ellyn Clarey. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State UP, 1989. 130-47.

Lohafer, Susan. "Interdisciplinary Thoughts on Cognitive Science and Short Fiction Studies." In The Tales We Tell: Perspectives on the Short Story. Ed. Barbara Lounsberry et al. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. 147-50.

May, Charles E. "Reality in the Modern Short Story." In "The Short Story: Theory and Practice." Style 27.3 (Fall 1993): 369-85.

_____. "The Nature of Knowledge in Short Fiction." In The New Short Story Theories. Ed. Charles May. Athens: Ohio UP, 1994.

Musil, Robert. The Man Without Qualities. Trans. Sophie Wilkins. 1952. London. Picador, 1995.

Roemer, Michael. Telling Stories: Postmodernism and the Invalidation of Traditional Narrative. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995.

Rohrberger, Mary. "Where Do We Go from Here? The Future of the Short Story." In The Tales We Tell: Perspectives on the Short Story. Ed. Barbara Lounsberry et al. London: Greenwood Press, 1998. 201-5.

Rose, Nikolas. "Assembling the Modern Self." In Rewriting the Self: Histories from the Renaissance to the Present. Ed. Roy Porter. London: Routledge, 1997. 224-48.

Rudea, Ana. Relatos desde el vacío. Madrid: Orígenes, 1992.

Taylor, Charles. Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Serrano, Javier. "Discurso narrativo y construcción autobiográfica." Revista de psicología social aplicada 5.1/2 (1995): 41-56.

Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries. New York: Penguin, 1995.

Trussler, Michael. "Suspended Narratives: The Short Story and Temporality." Studies in Short Fiction 33.4 (1996): 557-77.

Wolff, Tobias. "Foreword." In On Writing Short Stories. Ed. Tom Bailey. New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. xi-xii.

Askehave, I. and J. M. Swales. "Genre identification and communicative purpose: a problem and a possible solution." Applied Linguistics 22.2 (2001): 195-212.

Berkenkotter, C., and T. Huckin. Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication. Cognition, Culture, Power. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995.

Hewings, M., ed. Academic Writing in Context: Implications and Applications. Birmingham: U of Birmingham P, 2001

Hyland, K. "Bringing in the reader: Addressee features in academic writing." Written Communication 18.4 (2001): 549–74.

_____. "Academic Argument: Induction or Interaction." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 44 (2002): 29-45.

_____. Metadiscourse. London: Continuum, 2005.

Swales, J. M. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

_____. Research Genres: Explorations and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.

J. G. Ballard story mentioned by Antje Anderson, "Time of Passage": published 1964, reprinted in JGB's collections THE OVERLOADED MAN (1967), THE VENUS HUNTERS (1980), and COMPLETE SHORT STORIES (2002).

Just out at:

is the latest issue (22-1, March 2007) of ORAL TRADITION, the journal

of the Centre for Studies in Oral Tradition (Columbia, Missouri).

O'Brien, Flann. Crónica de Dalkey. Trans. María José Chuliá García. Nórdica Libros, c. 2007.

Morales Ladrón, Marisol, ed. Postcolonial and Gender Perspectives in Irish Studies. A Coruña: Netbiblo, 2007.


Marisol Morales Ladrón, "Prólogo: Postcolonialismo y género en los estudios irlandeses"

PART I: Postcolonialism, Language and Gender

Isabel Carrera Suárez, "La teorización postcolonial de Irlanda"

Asier Altuna García de Salazar, "The Irish Language and Issues on Post-colonialism: an Approach"

PART II: Poetry

Manuela Palacios González, "Northern Ireland: The Poetry in Between"

Luz Mar González Arias, "Acts of Union: El discurso del amor en el texto poético de autoras irlandesas (1980-2005)"

PART III: Fiction: Novel and Short Stories

Esther Aliaga Rodrigo, "Glenn Patterson and Robert McLiam Wilson: Two Contemporary Northern Irish Writers and the Question of National Identity"

María Amor Barros del Río, "Espacios femeninos en la novela de la República escrita por mujeres"

Tamara Benito de la Iglesia, "The Anti/Post-colonial Trace in Some Stories of the Northern Irish Troubles"

Margarita Estévez Saá, "'The Seanchai': Short Fiction by Irish Women Writers from the Republic"

PART IV: Drama

Mª del Mar González Chacón, "La compañía Charabanc (Marie Jones), Anne Devlin y Christina Reid: estudio postcolonial del teatro norirlandés contemporáneo"

Rosana Herrero Martín, "Infantilising Staging of Postcolonial Adulthood: A Study of Tom Murphy's A Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant and Sebastian Barry's Boss Grady's Boys"

PART V: Cinema

Rosa González Casademont, "Postcolonial Ireland on screen"

Bueno Alonso, Jorge L. 2007: La épica de la Inglaterra anglosajona: Historia y textos desde el auge de Mercia al declive de la monarquía (760-1016). Vigo: Servizo de publicacións da Universidade de Vigo.

Prólogo, por Elide Pittarello


P. D. Ocho años después


Venecia, un interior (1988)

El manojo de llaves de la sabiduría (1990)

La ciudad más presumida (1990)

En Chamberí (1990)

La biblioteca invasora (1990)


El señor Benet recibe (1989)

El tío Jesús (1990)

Retrato imaginario del artista en casa (1988)

La espera de un entendido (1982)

La muerte de Aliocha Coll (1990)


La edad del recreo (1989)

No pareces español (1990)

Ocultarse el destino (1985)

De la actual dificultad de insultar (1987)

La venganza y el mayordomo (1987)

Contra la larga vida (1987)

Quiénes hacen la cultura (1990)

Deseo ser protegido (1988)

Lo que no ocurre (1986)

El aborigen (1987)

Elogio del egoísta (1990)

Desalmadas de pensamiento (1989)

«Qué asco» (1990)

Amor eterno (1990)


Falsificaciones literarias (1988)

Añoranza del árbitro (1988)

El hombre que pudo ser rey (1985)

Nada importa (1988)

Polvoriento espectáculo (1990)

Seis recomendaciones superficiales a los críticos jóvenes (1990)


La dificultad de perder la juventud (1989)

Prólogo, por Elide Pittarello

Notas del autor

P. D. Más de siete años después


El Mal imaginativo (1992)

Fantasmas leídos (1992)

Recuerda que eres mortal (1993)

Sociedades del misterio (1993)


Contagio (1988)

Desde una novela no necesariamente castiza (1984)

Autobiografía y ficción (1987)

Lo que no se ha cumplido (1987)

La muerte de Manur (Narración hipotética y presente de indicativo) (1988)

Pobres cantantes (1998)

Quién escribe (1989)

Errar con brújula (1992)

Lo que no sucede y sucede (1995)

Contar el misterio (1996)

Un mero superviviente (1997)

Contra la costurera y el decorador (1999)


La mayor de las perversiones (1992)

Cómpreme uno (1991)

Insultos y protestantismo (1991)

Contra la truculencia (1991)

No tan memorables (1993)

Siete razones para no escribir novelas y una sola para escribirlas (1993)

La huella del animal (1994)

Quinielas (1990)

Monoteísmo literario (1987)

Huellas de tinta (1994)

El bastón de Moby-Dick (1997)

Cuando los españoles querían cortarse el cuello (1995)

Malvado gran escritor (1997)

La comprometida situación del compromiso (1998)

Años de cribas (1995)

Todo es nuestro (1996)

Imaginar para creer (1998)

El escritor como estorbo (1999)

La muy crítica crítica (1999)


El señor Benet recibe (1989)

Volveremos (1992)

Don Juan Benet se va de viaje (1993)

Una invitación (1993)

El señor Benet pinta y compone (1997 y 1999)

Mispíquel o leberquisa (1993 y 1999)

El reconocedor del Diablo (1999)

Nuestro testigo (1998)

Cuéntale el cuento (1997)

El profesor contado (1998)


El fanático James Joyce (1991)

Faulkner habla (1994)

El doble filo de la aventura (1979)

Las bromas divinas (1990)

Divertidos como viejos (1992)

Pasada vida o muerte (1995)

Esencial de Jekyll (1986)

El secreto del ilusionista (1991)

La novela más melancólica (Lolita recontada) (1992)

Lo que no escribió Faulkner (1997)

Para que Nabokov no se la cargue (1999)

Las patas del perro (1994)

Adicción (1996)

Mi trastorno (1998)

Libro de la vida (1990)

Nuestra ventura (1989)


Shakespeare indeciso (1992)

La negra espalda de lo no venido (1996)

Ausencia y memoria en la traducción poética (1980)

La traducción como fingimiento y representación (1982)

Obras inacabadas (1991)

Mi libro favorito (1989)

El apócrifo apócrifo (1988 y 1993)

«Y ya no haré más preguntas» (1994)

Una pobre cerilla (1997)


Cabezas llenas (1992)

Fragmento y enigma y espantoso azar (1978)

Elide Pittarello (Chari of Spanish literature, U of Venice; woman).

Javier Marías, Pasiones pasadas, DeBolsillo, Mayo 2007

DEBOLS!LLO publicará las nuevas ediciones de tres libros de artículos de Javier Marías: Vida del fantasma, con prólogo de la catedrática de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Venecia Elide Pittarello, Salvajes y sentimentales (Letras de fútbol), prologado por su editor el periodista Paul Ingendaay y Donde todo ha sucedido (Al salir del cine), con prólogo del econmista y crítico de cine Miguel Marías.

Frank O'Connor's book, The Lonely Voice: A Study of the Short Stor y.

Stéphane Mosès

Stéphane Mosès Berlín, Alemania, 1931

Nacido en Alemania, en 1937 emigró con su familia a Marruecos. Estudió en París; obtuvo una licenciatura en alemán y un doctorado en la École Normale Supérieure. Fue profesor en la Sorbona y en la Universidad de París-Nanterre. En Israel, donde se instaló en 1969, dictó clases de literatura alemana y de literatura comparada en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, de la que es profesor emérito.

El Eros y la Ley

The Mirror of the Sea (1906), (El espejo del mar / Recuerdos e impresiones, Reino de Redonda: Barcelona, 2005)

Lecturas bíblicas


136 páginas, 13 x 20 cm., € 14.50

ISBN 9788496859012, rústica

L'Éros et la Loi. Lectures bibliques

Mulvey, Laura. (b. 1941). (b. Oxford; BA in history Oxford U, 1973; t. Reading, London, U of East Anglia, Cornell, U of California at Davis and BFI; m. Peter Wollen; avant-garde film director and feminist-psychoanalytic film theorist).

_____. Visual and Other Pleasures. 1989.

_____. Citizen Kane. 1992.

_____. Fetishism and Curiosity. 1996. (Marx, Freud).

_____. "Afterthoughts on 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' Inspired by King Vidor's Duel in the Sun." 1981.

Mulvey, Laura, and Peter Wollen, dirs. Penthesilea: Queen of the Amazons. Avant-garde film. 1974.

_____, dirs. Riddles of the Sphinx. Avant-garde film. 1977.

_____, dirs. Amy! Avant-garde film. 1980.

_____, dirs. Crystal Gazing. Avant-garde film. 1982.

_____, dirs. The Bad Sister. Avant-garde film. 1983.

Sternberg, Josef von. (1894-1969). b. Austria.

Suter, Jacqueline, and Sandy Flitterman. "Textual Riddles: Women as Enigma or Site of social Meanings? An Interview with Laura Mulvey." Cinefocus 3 (1995).

Kaplan, Women and film

Doane, Mary Ann, Patricia Mellencamp and Linda Williams. Re-Vision: Essays in Feminist Film Criticism. 1984.

Kaplan, E. Ann. Rocking around the Clock: Music Television, Postmodernism, and Consumer Culture. 1987. (MTV, music videos).

Doane, Mary Ann. The Desire to Desire: The Woman's Film of the 1940s. 187.

Pribram, E. Deirdre, ed. Female Spectators: Looking at Film and Television. 1988.

Silverman, Kaja. The Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema. 1988.

Kaplan, E. Ann, ed. Psychoanalysis and Cinema. 1990.

Doane, Mary Ann. Femmes Fatales: Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis. 1991.

(All on Mulvey).

Visual pleasure and narr. cinema. 1973, pub. 1975. on Sternberg, on Hitchcock.

Screen. Journal of the British Society for Education in Film and Television. 1969-

Freud. "The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex." 1924.

Saussure (1857-1913).

Freud. "Instincts and Their Vicissitudes." 1915.

Lacan. "The Mirror Stage." 1949.

Berkeley, Busby. (US choreographer and film director, 1895-1976).

Ziegfeld, Florenz. (US theatrical producer, 1869-1932).

Boetticher, Budd. (US film director of westerns, b. 1916).

Haskell, Molly. (b. 1939). From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies. 1974.

Hawks, Howard, dir. The River of No Return. With Lauren Bacall. 1944.

Bacall, Lauren. (b. 1924).

Monroe, Marilyn. (1926-1962).

Preminger, Otto, dir. River of No Return. With Marilyn Monroe. 1954.

Garbo, Greta. (1905-1990). Swedish-born US film actress.

Dietrich, Marlene. (1901-1992). German-born US film actress.

Hardy, Phil, ed. Raoul Walsh. Edinburgh, 1974.

Walsh, Raoul, dir. The Revolt of Mamie Stover. With Jane Russell. 1956.

Hawks, Howard, dir. Only Angels Have Wings. With Jean Arthur.

Sternbert, Josef von, dir. Morocco. Cast: Adolphe Menjou, Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. USA, 1930.

_____, dir. Dishonoured. Cast: Victor McLaglen, Marlene Dietrich. USA, 1931.

Hitchcock, dir. Vertigo. With James Stewart and Kim Novak. 1958.

_____. Marnie. with Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren. 1964.

_____. Rear Window. With James Stewart and Grace Kelly. 1954.

Douchet, Jean. Alfred Hitckcock. 1967.

Graddol, David, Dick Leith, Joan Swann (Open U), Martin Rhys (Open U) and Julia Gillen (Open U). Changing English. (Exploring the English Language). London: Routledge, 2006.

(Exploring the English Language). Series eds. Joan Swann and Julia Gillen (both Open U). London: Routledge, c. 2006.

Maybin, Janet (Open U), Neil Mercer (U of Cambridge) and Ann Hewings (Open U). Using English. 2nd ed. (Exploring the English Language). London: Routledge, 2007.

Mercer, Neil (U of Cambridge), Joan Swann and Barbara Mayor (both Open U), eds. Learning English. London: Routledge, 2007.

Goodman, Sharon (Open U), David Graddol and Theresa Lillis (Open U). Redesigning English. (Exploring the English Language). London: Routledge, 2007.

Foster, R. F. (U of Oxford). W.B. Yeats, A Life. II: The Arch-Poet, 1915-1939. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

_____. W. B. Yeats, A Life. I: The Apprentice Mage 1865-1914. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. (James Tait Black Memorial Prize, Choice Outstanding Academic book of 1997).

Stevenson, Randall. (U of Edinburgh). 1960-2000: The Last of England? (The Oxford English Literary History Series, 12). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

King, Bruce. (professorships worldwide). 1948-2000: The Internationalization of English Literature. (The Oxford English Literary History Series, 13). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Davis, Philip. (U of Liverpool). 1830-1880: The Victorians. (The Oxford English Literary History Series, 8). Pbk. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Simpson, James (Cambridge U). 1350-1547: Reform and Cultural Revolution. (The Oxford Literary History Series, 2). Pbk. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. (Harvard U). The Third World of Theory. Introd. Homi K. Bhabha (Harvard U). (Clarendon Lectures in English). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Link, Jürgen. Literaturwissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe. Munich: Fink, 1974.

Hay, Gerhard, and Sibylle v. Steinsdorff, eds. Deutsche Lyrik vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart. 6th ed., rev. Munich: dtv, 1992.

Bernhart, Walter. "Überlegungen zur Lyriktheorie aus erzähltheoretischer Sicht." In Tales and 'their telling difference': zur Theorie und Geschichte der Narrativik. Festschrift für Franz K. Stanzel. Ed. Herbert Folinek et al. Heidelberg: Winter, 1993. 359-75.

Jannidis, Fotis. "Zwischen Autor und Erzähler." In Autorschaft, Positionen und Revisionen. Ed. Heinrich Detering. (Germanistische Symposien Berichtsbände, 24). Stuttgart / Weimar, 2002. 540-56.

Burdorf, Dieter. Einführung in die Gedichtanalyse. 2nd ed., rev. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 1997.

Pittroff, Thomas. "Reden und Antworten." In Literaturwissenschaft: Einführung in ein Sprachspiel. Ed. Heinrich Bosse and Urusla Renner. Freiburg i.Br.: rombach, 1999. 231-49.

Schlaffer, Heinz. "Die Aneignung von Gedichten. Grammatisches, rhetorisches und pragmatisches Ich in der Lyrik." Poetica 27 (1995): 38-57.

Hühn, Peter, and Jörg Schönert. "Zur narratologischen Analyse von Lyrik." Poetica 34.3/4 (2002): 287-305.

Schönert, Jörg. "Normative Vorgaben als 'Theorie der Lyrik'? Vorschläge zu einer texttheoretischen Revision." In Norm-Grenze-Abwichung: Kultursemiotische Studien zu Literatur, Medien und Wirtschaft. Ed. Gustav Frank and Wolfgang Lukas. Passau: Stutz, 2004. 303-18.

Butzer, Günter. "Schcksale des lyrischen Ich." Sprache und Literatur 30 (1999): 3-15.

Pöder, Elfriede. "'Heautonome Autopoiesis' und 'lyrisches Ich'." In Akten des X. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Wien 2000. Ed. Peter Wiesinger. Vol. 8. In Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik. Reihe A: Kongressberichte 60 (2003): 289-95.

Grabher, Gudrun M. "Formen des lyrischen Ich im Modernismus." In Geschichte und Vorgeschichte des modernen Subjektivität. Vol. 2. Ed. Reto Luzius Fetz et al. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1998. 1096-110.

Lüders, Eva M. "die Ich-Form und die Tendenzen des Lyrischen." In Helen Adolf Festschrift. Ed. Sheema Z. Buehne et al. New York: Ungar, 1968. 342-52.

Fricke, Harald, and Peter Stocker. "Lyrisches Ich." In Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 2. Ed. Harald Fricke et al. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2000. 509-11.

Charpa, Ulrich. "Das poetische Ich—persona per quajm." Poetica 17 (1985): 149-69.

Grubmüller, Klaus. "Ich als Rolle. 'Subjektivität' als höfische Kategorie im Minnesang." In Höfische Literatur, Hofgesellschaft, höfische Lebensformen um 1200. Ed. Gert Kaiser and Jan-Dirk Müller. Düsseldorf: Droste, 1986. 387-408.

Höfele, Andreas. "Rollen-Ich und lyrisches Ich." In Literarisches Jahrbuch ns 26 (1985): 185-204.

Peper, Jürgen. "Tranzendentale Struktur und lyrisches Ich." Deutsche Vierteljarhsschrift 46 (1972): 381-434.

Martinez, Matias. "Das lyrische Ich. Verteidigung eines umstrittenen Begriffs." In Autorschaf: Positionen und Revisionen. Ed. Heinrich Detering. (Germanistische Symposien Berichtsbände, 24). Stuttgart and Weimar, 2002. 376-89.

Killy, Walther. Elemente der Lyrik. Munich, 1972.

Chambers, Colin. Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: Creativity and the Institution. London: Routledge, 2004. (Book. / eBook).

Holmes, Jonathan. Merely Players? Actors' Accounts of Performing Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 2004.

Okin, Martin (U of Haifa, Israel). Local Shakespeares: Proximations and Power. London: Routledge, 2005.

Brown, John russell. New Sites for Shakespeare: Theatre, the Audience, and Asia. London: Routledge, 1998. (Book. / eBook).

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Bennett, Susan. Performing Nostalgia: Shifting Shakespeare and the Contemporary Past. London: Routledge, 1995.

Bruster, Douglas, and Robert W·eimann. Prologues to Shakespeare's Theatre: Performance and Liminality in Early Modern Drama. London: Routledge, 2004.

Levin, Harry. Scenes from Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 2000.

Tucker, Patrick. Secrets of Acting Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 2001.

Thomson, Peter. Shakespeare's Theatre. 2nd ed. (Theatre Production Series). London: Routledge, 1992.

Bulman, James C. Shakespeare, Theory and Performance. London: Routledge, 1995. (Book. / eBook).

Escolme, Bridget (U of Leeds, UK). Talking to the Audience: Shakespeare, Performance, Self. London: Routledge, 2005. (Book/eBook).

Massai, Sonia, ed. (King's College London, UK). World-Wide Shakespeares. London: Routledge, 2005.

Kinney, Arthur F. (U of Massachusetts). Shakespeare and Cognition: Aristotle's Legacy and Shakespearean Drama. London: Routledge, 2006.

Kinney, Arthur F. Shakespeare's Webs: Networks of Meaning in Renaissance Drama. London: Routledge / Open U, 2004. (Book/eBook).

Hawkes, Terence. Alternative Shakespeares: Volume 2. London: Routledge, 1996. (Book/eBook).

Loomba, Ania, and Martin Orkin, eds. Post-Colonial Shakespeares. London: Routledge, 1998. (Book / eBook).

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Singh, Joytsna. Colonial Narratives / Cultural Dialogues: "Discoveries" of India in the Language of Colonialism. London: Routledge, 1996. (Book / eBook).

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Cartelli, Thomas. Repositionting Shakespeare: National Formations, Postcolonial Appropriations. London: Routledge, 1998. (Book / eBook).

Kastan, David Scott. Shakespeare after Theory. London: Routledge, 1999. (Book. / eBook).

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Farley-Hills, David. Shakespeare and the Rival Playwrights, 1600-1606. London: Routledge, 1990. (Book / eBook).

Partridge, Eric. Shakespeare's Bawdy. (Routledge Classics). London: Routledge, 2001.

Liebler, Naomi Conn. Shakespeare's Festive Tragedy: The Ritual Foundations of Genre. London: Routledge, 1995. (Book / eBook).

Honigmann, E. A. J. The Texts of Othello and Shakespearean Revision. London: Routledge, 1996.

Knight, G. Wilson. The Wheel of Fire. (Routledge Classics). London: Routledge, 2001.

Ioppolo, Grace. Dramatists and Their Manuscripts in the Age of Shakespeare, Jonson, Middleton and Heywood. (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture). London: Routledge, 2006.

Lamb, Mary E. (Southern Illinois U, Carbondale). The Popular Culture of Shakespeare, Spenser and Jonson. London: Routledge, 2006. (Book / eBook).

Chionides. (Greek comedian, won 1st Athenian Dionysia competition for comedies, 486 BC).

Magnes. (Greek comedian, fl. c. 486 BC).

Cratinus (Greek comedian, won Athenian comic competition c. 455). Kheimazomenoi. Comedy. 425 BC. (Second prize in Athens).

Crates. (Greek comedian, fl. c. 455).

Aristophanes. Acharnians. Comedy. 425 BC. (Won Athenian comic competition).

_____. Plutus. 388. (1st "Middle" comedy).

Eupolis. (Greek comedian). Noumeniai. 425 BC. (3rd in Athnenian comic competition.).

Epicharnus. (Greek comedian, Syracuse). fl. 470s.

Phormis. (Greek comedian, Dorian, 5th c. BC).

Deinolochus. (Greek comedian, Dorian, 5th c. BC).

Sophron. (Sicilian writer of mimes, 4th c. BC).

Plautus. Amphitruo. c. 230.

Aristophanes. Frogs. Comedy., 405. (Vs. Eur¡ipides and Aeschylus).

_____. Thesmophoriazusai.

Menander (c. 342-290 BC).

Alexis of Thurii. (Greek comedian, southern Italy, 4th centruy BC, author of 245 lost plays).

Goldstein, Ben, and Mike O'Neill. Crash (Colisión): The Sense of Touch. (SpeakUp Film Booklet). Barcelona: RBA, 2007. (Misleading copyright page date, "1985").

Meredith, George. An Essay on Comedy. 1877. Ed. W. Sypher, 1980.

Nietzsche, F. The Gay Science. 1882.

Bergson, H. L. laughter. 1912. Ed. W. Sypher. 1980.

Cooper, L. An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy. 1922.

Cornford, F. M. The Origin of Attic Comedy. 1914.

Grant, M. A. The Ancient Rhetorical Theories of the Laughable. 1924.

Harrison, J. Themis. 1927.

Lea, K. M. Italian Popular Comedy. 2 vols. 1934.

Feibleman, J. In Praise of Comedy. 1939.

Herrick, M. T. Comic theory in the 16th Century. 1950.

_____. Italian Comedy in the Renaissance. 1960.

Duckworth, G. E. The Nature of Roman Comedy. 1952.

Sypher, W. Comedy. 1956.

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Skeele, David, ed. Pericles: Critical Essays. (Shakespeare Criticism). London: Routledge, 2000.

Pendleton, Thomas, ed. Henry VI: Critical Essays. (Shakespeare Criticism). London: Routledge, 2001.

Schiffer, James, ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets. (Shakespeare Criticism). London: Routledge, 1998.

Kolin, Philip C., ed. Venus and Adonis: Critical Essays. (Shakespeare Criticism). London: Routledge, 1997.

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Pettersson, Rune. (Malardalen U, Eskilstuna, Sweden). Information Design: An Introduction. (Document Design Companion Series, 3). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Geest, Thea M. van der. (U of Twente). Web Site Design Is Communication Design. (Document Design Companion Seires, 2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

Janssen, Daniël (U of Utrecht) and Rob neutelings (U of Delft), eds. Reading and Writing Public Documents. (Document Design Companion Series, 1). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

Kageura, Kyo (National Instityute of Information, Tokyo). The Dynamics of Terminology: A Descriptive Theory of Term Formation and Terminological Growth. (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 5). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Santelmann, Lynn, Maaike Verrips and Frank Wijnen, eds. Annual review of Language Acquisition. Vol. 2 (2002). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Broekhuis, Hans (Katholieke Universiteit Brabant) and Paula Fikkert (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen). Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002. Vol. 19 (2002). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Levy, Brian J. (U of Hull), and Paul Wackers (U of Nijmegen), eds. Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society. Vol. 15 (2002). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002. (medieval literature).

Pica, Pierre (CNRS, Paris), and Johan Rooryck (Leiden U), eds. Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Vol. 1 (2001). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

Mojsisch, Burkhard (Ruhr-Universitât Bochum), Olaf Pluta (U of Nijmegen) and Rudolf Rehn (Hochschule Vechta), eds. Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter. Vol. 6 (2001). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

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Arnold, A. James (U of Virginia), ed. A History of Literature in the Caribbean. Volume 2: English-and Dutch-Speaking Regions. (Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, 15). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

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Hüllen, W. "Textbook-families for the Learning of Vernaculars between 1450 and 1700." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Cram, D. "The Doctrine of Sentence-Distinctions in Seventeenth-Century Grammatical Theory." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Niederehe, Hans J. "Les Langues Amérindiennes du Canada." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Bolkvadze, T. "The Georgian Dictionary by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani (1657-1725)." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Spitzl-Dupic, F. "Primauté du prédicat et primauté du sujet." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Baumgarten, J. "La composante sémitique en langue yiddish." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Maraini, B. "L'État, l'Église et la question de la langue parlée au Brésil." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Haßler, G. "La notion d'empirique dans l'histoire des sciences du langage." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Macris-Ehrhard, A. F. "Le rôle 'relais' de la grammaire scolaire en Allemagne au XIX siècle." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Christy, C., "Tooke's 'Abbreviation' and Bréal's 'Latent Ideas'." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Garza-Guaron, B. "Francisco Pimentel: ses travaux linguistiques et ethnologiques, dans leur contexte historique." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Poustovaia, I. "Les phonologies du roumain, ou comment fabriquer des frontières?" In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Linn, A. R. "Johan Storm (1836-1920) and the Study of French in Scandinavia." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Stancati. "Une page d'histoire de la léxicographie en France et en Italie." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Vakulenko, S. "Lockean Motifs in Potebnia." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Bergounioux, G. "La médecine au chevet du langage—phonation, aphasie et délire (1850-1910)." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Samain, D. "La construction du métalangage dans le premier tiers du XXe siècle." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Fehr, J. "Interceptions et interférences: La notion de 'Code' entre cryptologies, télecommunications et les sciences du langage." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Koerner, E. F. K. "On the Place of Linguistic Historiography within the Language Sciences, Again." In History of Linguistics 1999. Ed. Sylvain Auroux. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.*

Kelly, L. G. (Darwin College, Cambridge). The Mirror of Grammar. (Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 101). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Koerner, E. F. K. (U of Ottawa), and Aleksander Szwedek. (Nicholas Copernicus U, Torun). Towards a History of Linguistics in Poland: From the Early Beginnings to the End of the 20th Century. (Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 102). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001.

Garzone, Giuliana (U of Bologna), and Maruizio Viezzi. (U of Trieste). Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities. (Benjamins Translation Library, 43). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Nida, Eugene A. Contexts in Translating. (Benjamins Translation Library, 41). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

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Salzarulo, Piero (U of Florence), and Gianluca Ficca. (Second U of Naples), eds. Awakening and Sleep-Wake Cycle Across Development. (Advances in Consciousness Research, series B, 38). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Jiménez, Luis (U de Santiago de Compostela), ed. Attention and Implicit Learning. (Advances in Consciousness Research, series B, 48). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Cook, Norman D. (Kansai U). Tone of Voice and Mind: The Connections between Intonation, Emotion, Cognition, and Consciousness. (Advances in Consciousness Research, series B, 47). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

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Shakespearean Criticism in Contemporary Spain 7


Part I: Manuscripts and Editions

Manuel Herrera on Shakespeare: A New Spanish Manuscript 21

from the Romantic Period


Editing (and Revering) National Authors: Shakespeare and Cervantes 43


Part II: The Poetry of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

Rewriting/Deconstructing Shakespeare: Outlining Possibilities, 61

Sometimes Humorous, for Sonnet 18


Shakespeare's Departure form the Ovidian Myth of Venus and Adonis 73


John Donne, Francisco de Quevedo, and the Construction of Subjectivity in Early 89 Modern Poetry


Part III: Shakespeare´s Plays. Critical Interpretations and Stage Productions

De-foreignizing Shakespeare: Otelo in Romantic Spain 117


The Making and Unmaking of a Colonial Subject: Othello 130


Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and Male Melodrama 148


Cleopatra´s Role-Taking: A Study of Antony and Cleopatra 171


Shakespeare's Henry V: Person and Persona 196


Julius Caesar and the Spanish Transition 205


Part IV: The Theater of Shakespeare's Contemporaries

The Philosophy of death in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Fautus 219


Changing Roles: Gender Marking through Syntactic Distribution in Jacobean 234



The Court Drama of Ben Jonson and Calderón 250


Spanish Adaptations of Ben Jonson's Volpone 262


The Duchess of Malfi and El mayordomo de la duquesa de Amalfi 299


Contributors 311

Bibliography 314



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El lingüístca y la frontera : en recuerdo de Leocadio Martín Mingorance (Apuntes sobre la traducción como proceso desde el modelo lexemático-funcional) / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Alfinge: Revista de filología, ISSN 0213-1854, Nº 9, 1997, pags. 411-426

Una estructuración del 'dominio léxico-conceptual del amor' previa a su estudio traductológico inglés-español en The Alexandria Quartet / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, ISSN 0210-6124, Vol. 19, Nº 1, 1997, pags. 315-334

[Descargar Artículo]

La comparación intertextual en una aproximación al texto traducido dentro de la traductología descriptiva / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Epos: Revista de filología, ISSN 0213-201X, Nº 12, 1996, pags. 357-378

Algunas taxonomías del léxico de las emociones y su pertinencia para el corpus léxico de un estudio traductológico inglés-español / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Cuadernos de investigación filológica, ISSN 0211-0547, Nº 21-22, 1995, pags. 89-118

[Resumen] [Descargar Artículo]

Desplazamientos léxico-semánticos y efectos macroestructurales en la traducción española de The alexandria quartet : topología conceptual / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, ISSN 1137-6368, Nº 16, 1995, pags. 189-214

[Resumen] [Texto Completo Artículo]

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En: Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, ISSN 1137-6368, Nº 12, 1991, pags. 157-181

[Resumen] [Texto Completo Artículo]

Artículos de Monografías Colectivas

Cómo y por qué es importante el MLF para el estudio de la traducción / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Estudios funcionales sobre léxico, sintaxis y traducción : un homenaje a Leocadio Martín Mingorance / coord. por María José Feu Guijarro, Silvia Molina Plaza, 1999, ISBN 84-89958-60-2, pags. 323-340

El corpus transémico en la traductología narrativa descriptiva como producto de la aplicación del modelo lexemático funcional de Leocadio Martín Mingorance / Jesús M. Sánchez García

En: Toward a functional lexicology = Hacia una lexicología funcional / coord. por Gerd Wotjak, 1997, ISBN 3-631-32336-0, pags. 209-226

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Lenguaje y emancipación de la mujer en Shakespeare. Un ejemplo del deterioro del discurso en la traducción-" Lenguaje y textos (La Coruña: Universidad de La Coruña) 5 (1994): 49-61.

López Ortega, Ramón; Román Álvarez Rodríguez; José Luis Oncins Martínez; Manuel Sánchez García; and Luis Sánchez Rodríguez. Índice de publicaciones españolas de filología inglesa (1980-1996). Salamanca: Anglo-American Studies, 1998. Sánchez García, Manuel. Estudio textual y traductológico de The Taming of the Shrew. Serie "Monografías del Seminario de Estudios Shakespearianos." Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 1999. ISBN 84-7723-338-1.

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Sánchez García, Manuel. "Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew II.i.182-90," The Explicator (Washington DC: Heldref Publications), 58, 1 (otoño 1999), 6-8. ISSN 0014-4940.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Reflexiones en torno a la traducción del componente proverbial de la obra literaria." Livius (León: Universidad de León) 14 (1999): 131-47.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Comentario sobre las metáforas de base animal en las obras de Shakespeare y su traducción." In English Studies: Past, Present and Future / Estudios ingleses: Pasado, presente y futuro. Actas del I Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios Ingleses, 1997. CD-ROM. Ed. Annette Gomis van Heteren, Miguel Martínez López, Carmen Portero Muñoz and Celia Wallhead. Almería: Universidad de Almería, 2001. 533-39. Sánchez García, Manuel. Herman Melville: "Bartleby the Scrivener" and "The Fiddler." Colección "Great Short Stories." Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 2001. ISBN 84-931697-4-9.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Introduction" to Herman Melville: "Bartleby the Scrivener" and "The Fiddler." Ed. Manuel Sánchez García. (Great Short Stories). Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, 2001. 9-16.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "'The Thought-Fox' y 'Continuidad de los parques': Similitud y diferencias." Revista canaria de estudios ingleses (La Laguna: Universidad de La Laguna) 43 (Nov. 2001): 247-53.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Recursos retóricos iterativos de 'An Irish Airman Foresees His Death', de Yeats, y su reflejo en tres traducciones españolas." In Insights into Translation (La Coruña: Universidad de La Coruña, 2001), 4.89-98.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "El juego verbal del 'Sonnet XX' de William Shakespeare y la traducción española de Gustavo Falaquera." Anuario de estudios filológicos (Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura) 25 (2002): 461-73.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew I.i.135-7." The Explicator (Washington DC: Heldref Publications), 60.3 (Spring 2002): 126-27.

Sánchez García, Manuel. "Amor y metáfora conceptual: Aproximación a los sonetos 153 y 154 de Shakespeare desde la lingüística cognitiva." Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company) 1 (2003): 165-181.

López García, Dámaso. "Del espíritu de la época." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 133-44.

Martínez Fernández, Ángel. "El Teide: Un mito en la poesía de Yoryis Pavlópulos." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 145-52.

Martínez Ortega, Ricardo. "Observaciones sobre el léxico y la traducción de la Crónica (Additiones a De rebus Hispaniae) de Benito Morer de Torla." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 153-62.

Mendoza Ramos, Mª del Pilar. "La manipulación en las farsas medievales francesas." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 163-74.

Molina Romero, M. Carmen. "Madres malas y literatura del exilio." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 175-86.

Navarro Gil, Sandra. "Una aproximación al estilo literario de Javier Marías." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 187-94.

Noumbissi, Nzachée. "Una aproximación semántico-simbòlica a 'Gas en cada piso' de Juan Madrid." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 195-214.

Nüñez París, Félix. "Évaluation des programmes pour définir et organiser l'enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 215-32.

Pérez García, Jesús. "El Kundrun y la problemática en torno al concepto 'épica heroica' como categoría genérica." Revista de Filología (U de La Laguna) 22 (2004): 233-46.

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Al-Jarf, Reima (King Saud U, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). "Using a Small Network to Teach IT Skills to ESP Graduate Students." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 71-82.*

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Basiri, F., and M. H. Tahririan. (U of Isfahan). "Reading Internet Documents: New Insights for Teaching Foreign Language Reading." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 153-65.*

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Blackford, Thelma. (Curtin U of Technology, Perth, Western Australia). "Writing Research Argumentative Essays Using Computer-Mediated Instruction in a Post-Process Pathway Program: Implications for Future Pedagogy." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 179-91.*

Ruiz Madrid, Mª Noelia, and Mercedes Sanz Gil. (U Jaume I). "Uso y aplicación de entornos virtuales de E-A en clase de lenguas. Moodle y WebCT para la E-A del inglés y del francés." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 193-205.*

Renau Renau, María Luisa, and Jesús Usó Viciedo (U Jaume I). "El foro como herramienta de enseñanza/aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 207-24.*

Usó Viciedo, Lidia (U Jaume I) and Francisco José Cantero Serena. (U de Barcelona). "Creencias de los profesores de E/LE sobre pronunciación. Un estudio de caso en el foro de debate." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 227-40.*

Ayora del Olmo, Amparo (U Jaume I). "Influencia de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías en el registro coloquial de la lengua." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 241-53.*

Ferri Silvestre, Sonia (U de València). "El fenómeno de economía lingüística en el lenguaje SMS: Breve estudio experimental en alumnos de 16 años." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 255-69.*

Velando Casanova, Mónica. (U Jaume I). "La lengua española en Internet: Recursos para mejorar el uso del idioma." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 271-84.*

Aicart Forner, Manuel. (U Jaume I). "Metaphorical Language in Machine Translation: A Hard Nut to Crack." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 287-98.*

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Hernández, Belén (U de Murcia). "Los cuadernos de bitácora (weblogs) como recurso para el traductor." In Language @t Work: Language Learning, Discourse and Translation Studies in Internet. Ed. Santiago Posteguillo et al. Castellón: U Jaume I, 2005. 311-25.*

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* Introduction--The

World Told and The World Shown. Multisemiosis



Multisemiosis and Context-Based Register Typology: Registerial Variation in

The Complementarity of Semiotic Systems--C.M.I.M.Matthiessen * Developing

Multimodal Texture; M.Thomas * Metonymy in Visual and Audiovisual

Discourse--C.Forceville * What Makes us Laugh? Verbo-Visual Humour in

Newspaper Cartoons--E.El Refaie * Citizenship and Semiotics: Towards A

Multimodal Analysis of Representations of The Relationship between The State

and The Citizen; G.Pagani


and Verbal Text in A Picture Book. A Multimodal and Systemic Functional

Study--A.J.M.Guijarro&--M.J.P.Sanz * The Text-Iimage Matching: One Story,

Two Textualizations--M.C.Astorga


Sequential Visual Discourse Frames--K.OHalloran&--V.Lim Fei * A Systemic

Functional Framework for The Analysis of Corporate Television

Advertisements; S.Tan *

Multisemiotic Marketing and Advertising: Globalization versus Localization

and the Media--A.Hopearuoho&--E.Ventola


The Viewer into The Field: Interaction between Visual and Verbal

Representation in A Television Earth Sciences Documentary--A.Love *

Developing The Metafunctional Framework for Analyzing Multimodal

Hypertextual Identity Construction--A.Maiorani


* From Musing to A/musing: Semogenesis and Western Museums--M.Stenglin *

Floods and Fidget Wheels: A Comparative Systemic Functional Analysis of

Slessors Five Bells and Olsens Salute to Five Bells--K.Tuckwell * Index


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Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Brindis por Alonso Zamora Vicente." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 50-51.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "El futuro de la novela. Henry James, especialista de lo inefable." Informaciones de las Artes y las Letras, supplement no. 354, 24 April 1975. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 52-55.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Gonzalo Torrente Ballester al servicio de la narración oral." Posible 16 (1-7 May 1975). Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 56-58.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "El feminismo cuestionado. La inevitabilidad del patriarcado, de Steven Goldberg." Diario 16 1 Nov. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 59-60.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "En el centenario del Padre Feijoo." Diario 16 22 Nov. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 61-62.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Hiperión, o el amor esencial." Diario 16 6 Dec. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 63-64.* (Hölderlin).

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Juan Benet y la guerra civil." Diario 16 20 Dec. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 65-66.* (Rev. of Qué fue la Guerra Civil. La Gaya Ciencia, 1976).

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Navidad de consumo." Diario 16 27 Dec. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 67-68.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Gustavo Fabra, a un año de distancia." Diario 16 28 Dec. 1976. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 69-70.* (Gustavo Fabra Barreiro, committed suicide 1975).

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Un tango bien cantado. El beso de la mujer araña." Diario 16 10 Jan. 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 71-72.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "La confortable ambigüedad. El desierto de los tártaros, de Dino Buzzati." Diario 16 31 Jan. 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 73-74.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "La novela de una novela." Diario 16 7 Feb. 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.* (Thomas Mann, Los orígenes del Doctor Faustus: La novela de una novela).

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Ponerse a escribir." Diario 16 21 Feb. 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 77-78.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "El difícil rescate del tiempo. Memoria personal, de Gerald Brenan." Diario 16 7 March 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 79-80.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Alejandro Sawa, un ácrata finisecular." Diario 16 21 March 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 81-82.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Un empeño democrático. Las Confederaciones Hidrográficas." El País Semanal 27 March 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 83-88.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Los ojos de Agustina Bessa-Luis." Diario 16 4 Aprill 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 89-90.* (Portuguese author).

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Un ejemplo de ensayo a lo gitano. La infancia recuperada, de Fernando Savater." Informaciones de las Artes y las Letras 7 April 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 91-92.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "El rescate de una joya literaria: Melmoth, el errabundo." Diario 16 11 April 1977. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006. 93-94.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "." Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Tirando del hilo (artículos 1949-2000). Ed. José Teruel. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.*

Herman, David. "Actant." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 1-2.*

Herman, David. "Action Theory." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 2-3.*

Elliott, Kamilla. "Adaptation." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 3-4.*

Kacandes, Irene. "Address." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 4-5.*

Nilsen, Aleen Pace. "Adolescent Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 5-7.*

Bezuidenhout-Raath, Ilze. "Advertisements." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 7-8.*

Garuba, Harry. "African Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 8-9.*

Bamberg, Michael. "Agency." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 9-10.*

Kasten, Madeleine. "Allegory." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 10-12.*

Jahn, Manfred. "Alteration." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 12.*

Horatschek, Anna-M. "Alterity." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 12-14.*

Colm Hogan, Patrick, and Lalita Pandit. "Ancient Theories of Narrative (Non-Western)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 14-19.*

De Jong, Irene J. F. "Ancient Theories of Narrative (Western)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 19-22.*

Bauman, Richard. "Anecdote." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 22.*

McMahan, Alison. "Animated Film." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 22-24.*

Carrard, Philippe. "Annals." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 24.*

Richardson, Brian. "Anti-Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 24-25.*

Goodrich, Peter. "Apology." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 25-26.*

Hogan, Patrick Colm. "Archetypal Patterns." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 26-27.*

Gorman, David. "Architext." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 26.*

Montfort, Nick. "Artificial Intelligence and Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 27-29.*

Herman, David. "Atomic and Molecular Narratives." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 29.*

Rabinowitz, Peter J. "Audience." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 29-31.*

McGregor, William. "Australian Aboriginal Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 31-32.*

Margolin, Uri. "Authentication." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 32-33.*

Jannidis, Fotis. "Author." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 33-34.*

Löschnigg, Martin. "Autobiography." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 34-36.*

Zipfel, Frank. "Autofiction." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 36-37.*

Niles, John D. "Ballad." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 39-40.*

Richter, David H. "Biblical Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 40-41.*

McCarthy, Margaret. "Bildungsroman." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 41-42.*

Kindt, Tom. "Biography." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 42-44.*

Mancing, Howard. "Biological Foundations of Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 44-45.*

Walker, Jill. "Blog (Weblog)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 45.*

Goodrich, Peter ."Catachresis." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 47.*

Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Catharsis." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 47-48.*

Richardson, Brian. "Causality." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 48-52.*

Margolin, Uri. "Character." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 52-57.*

Richter, David H. "Chicago School, The." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 57-59.*

Cadden, Mike. "Children's Stories (Narratives Written for Children)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 59-60.*

Cook-Gumperz, Jenny, and Amy Kyratzis. "Children's Storytelling." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 60-62.*

Wong, Timothy C. "Chinese Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 62-63.*

Carrard, Philippe. "Chronicle." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 63-64.*

Pier, John. "Chronotope." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 64-65.*

Baetens, Jan. "Cinéroman." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 65.*

Abbott, H. Porter. "Closure." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 65-66.*

Kearns, Michael. "Codes for Reading." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 66-67.*

Jahn, Manfred. "Cognitive Narratology." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 67-71.*

Ewert, Jeanne C. "Comics and Graphic Novel." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 71-73.*

Gutenberg, Andrea. "Coming-Out Story." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 73-74.*

Nünning, Ansgar. "Commentary." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 74.*

Sidnell, Jack. "Communication in Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 74-76.*

Haspel, Kathleen C. "Communication Studies in Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 76-78.*

Fludernik, Monika. "Composite Novel." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 78.*

Meister, Jan Christoph. "Computational Approaches to Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 78-80.*

Jenkins, Henry. "Computer Games and Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 80-82.*

Brooks, Peter. "Confessional Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 82-83.*

Herman, David. "Conflict." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 83.*

Ankersmit, Frank. "Contextualism (in Historiography)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 84.*

Norrick, Neal. "Conversational Storytelling." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 84-86.*

Dannenberg, Hilary P. "Counterfactual History." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 86.*

Mertz, Elizabeth, and Jonathan Yovel. "Courtroom Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 86-88.*

Erll, Astrid. "Cultural Studies Approaches to Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 88-92.*

Walker, Jill. "Cyberpunk Fiction." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 93.*

Encina, Juan del. (1568-1529). [Ojos garzos ha la niña] In Paraíso cerrado: Poesía en lengua española de los siglos XVI y XVII. Ed. José María Micó and Jaime Siles. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 2003.*


A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)


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