M2A2: Module 2 Quiz Instrucons - Essay Doctor

M2A2: Module 2 Quiz

Due Jul 15 at 11:59pm

Points 100

Questions 10

Available after Jul 9 at 12am

Time Limit 30 Minutes

Instruc ons

The quiz gives you the opportunity to reinforce what you have learned in this module. Please review all materials before beginning. It is an open book quiz due at the end of this module. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

You are given ten (10) multiple choice questions. Please submit your answer to each question before proceeding to the next. You are allowed thirty (30) minutes to complete the quiz. If you are locked out of the quiz, please contact your instructor.

Please answer the following questions, saving your answer before proceeding to the next question.

Module quizzes in total account for 10% of your course grade.

A empt History



Attempt 1


22 minutes


70 out of 100

Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this quiz: 70 out of 100

Submitted Jul 12 at 3:07am This attempt took 22 minutes.

Question 1

10 / 10 pts

Philippa Foot helped to formulate a modern version of which branch of ethics:

Deontological ethics Virtue ethics

Utilitarianism All of the above

Question 2

10 / 10 pts

An individual who opts to switch the trolley car in order to save the lives of more people, might be exercising:

Deontological ethics Teleological ethics Ethical Relativism Categorical Imperative

Question 3

10 / 10 pts

If I decide not to throw my gum wrapper out the window, because I consider the fact that it would be a messy world if everyone littered, I am employing an ethical approach known as:

Deontological Teleological Absolutism Categorical Imperative

Question 4

10 / 10 pts

Which philosopher proposes variations in the Trolly dilemma that could impact our decision on whether or not to actively switch tracks:

Judith Jarvis Thomson John Stuart Mill Aristotle Nel Nodding


Question 5

0 / 10 pts

If an individual refuses to tell a lie in order to help convict a known serial killer, who would otherwise go free, that person might be exercising an ethical approach known as:

Consequentialism Female ethics Deontological ethics Relativism

Question 6

10 / 10 pts

Superheroes/Superheroines most often employ this approach to their ethical decision making:

Deontology Act Utilitarianism Rule Utilitarianism Ethical Relativism

Question 7

10 / 10 pts

Philosopher Philippa Foot would probably not be in agreement with the ethical philosophy of:

Hannah Arendt Aristotle Nel Nodding Immanuel Kant

Question 8

10 / 10 pts

If I save a child's life with the intention of getting acknowledgement and rewards from my community, it is still a moral act according to the:

Virtue ethicists Deontologists Utilitarians Absolutists


Question 9

0 / 10 pts

If a group of ten friends go out for a night on the town, and half of them want to attend the opera and the other half would like to go to a sports bar, Mill would suggest that they:

Go to the opera Go to the sports bar Stay home instead Toss a coin


Question 10

0 / 10 pts

A convincing example to illustrate why utilitarianism is not always the best ethical choice would be the legality of:

Prohibition Women's rights Slavery Gambling

Quiz Score: 70 out of 100


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