| Volume 2, FY10 | | 28 January 11 |

We all continue our commitment to providing first class service to the employees, prospective employees, the managers and commanders of the Idaho National Guard. HRO has a new State Personnel Assistant, Ms. Wendy Jo Ackley; we welcome her and will enjoy getting to know her. Mrs. Davell Turner has retired after many exemplary years of service. We will miss her and wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors. Please note the changes in duties and phone numbers as they are laid out on the next page and feel free to call or visit whenever you have a question or need assistance regarding your employment with the Idaho National Guard. The whole HRO team is here to serve you.

“One kind word can warm three winter months.”

[pic] “Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail”

HRO Staff Directory

Human Resource Officer – Lt Col Kevin Dawkins 272-4206

Deputy Human Resource Officer – LTC Henrik Fast 272-3809

Employee Relations Specialist –Mrs. Gayle Hinrichs 272-4210

Workers' Compensation Program

Employees Benefit/Entitlements

Performance Mgmt & Awards Program

Adverse Action/Disciplinary Actions

Employees Assistance Program

Federal Technician Retirements

Labor Relations Officer-2Lt Jennifer Davis 272-3749

Labor Relations

Air AGR Manager –SMSgt Mary McKenna

272-4228 Air AGR issues

Staffing Specialist – MSgt Leann Reid 272-4220

Recruiting, Announcing and Staffing Vacancies

Compatibility and Eligibility

Federal Pay Setting/Pay Scales

State Merit Placement Plan

Restoration/Re-employment rights

E-Verify Program

Human Resource Specialist – MSgt Jeff Guzi



Classification Specialist-TSgt Yvonne Hopper

Full-Time SPMD Position Management

Position Classification Guidance

Desk Audits 272-4221

Federal Technician Position Descriptions

Wage Development - Coordinator for Boise

Environmental Differential Pay/Hazardous Pay

Equal Employment Opportunity – Mrs Gayle Hinrichs 272-4210

Equal Employment Manager

Affirmative Action Program Manager

Special Emphasis Program Coordinator

Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator

State Personnel Manager – Mrs Paula Edmiston

Maintain Merit Program 272-4236

State Position Manager

State EEO Officer

Personnel Regulations Maintenance

State Pers Asst. Ms Wendy Ackley 272-4237

Employee Benefits Administration

Performance Appraisals

Salary Administration

Job Announcements

State Workers Compensation Claims

Customer Service:

Pers. Asst. –SSG Jeff Renon 272-4218

Workers Compensation

Servicing last names beginning with : R-Z

Pers. Asst. – MSgt Jeff Guzi 272-4225

Military Buy back

Servicing last names beginning with : L-Q

Pers. Asst. – Mrs. Pat Barth 272-4223

Mass Transit

Servicing last names beginning with : A-E

Pers. Asst - SRA Melissa Loepp 272-3780

Awards Program

Servicing last names beginning with : F-K

Employee Benefits


Personnel System Manager –Mr Tracy Mortenson 272-4229

HRO LAN/IMO Group Administrator

CIV-MOD Database Manager & ADPE Monitor

Personnel System Assistant- Mr Roger Gleason


Employee Development Specialist – SFC Becky Burkhart (DEPLOYED CALL 4226) 272-4226

Technician Training Applications

Technician Travel Orders

Supervisory Training Coordinator

Individual Development Plans

Defense Travel System

Army AGR Manager—MSG Arlin DeGroot


Army AGR Issues

ADSW Tours

AGR Medical

Army AGR Assist- SGT Jackie White 272-4217

PFC Stephanie Tuckett 272-4214

Customer Service (AGR-ADSW/ADOS)


This is a reminder that all annual leave balances exceeding a maximum of 240 hours must be used prior to the end of the leave year ending 1 January 2011. A maximum of 240 hours of annual leave may be carried over to a new leave year.

In situations where annual leave was forfeited because of sickness, administrative error or exigencies of public business, the annual leave forfeited may be restored, in accordance with Public Law 93-181. If annual leave is forfeited because technicians could not be excused from duty and there was no reasonable alternative to cancelling the scheduled leave, a request for restoration may be submitted to the Human Resource Officer, Lt Col Kevin Dawkins. This request must include the following:

a. Written verification that leave was scheduled prior to 20 November 2010.

b. Reason(s) for disapproval.

c. The exact number of hours requested to be restored the first pay period of the new leave year.

All requests for restoration of annual leave must be submitted no earlier than 2 January 2011 and no later than 30 January 2011.

4. All restored leave must be used within two years of restoration.

5. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Mrs. Gayle Hinrichs, Supv Employee Benefits Section at (208) 272-4210.


IT IS TIME for All Technicians and all technician supervisors to sign on to MyBiz/My Workplace at . Technicians and AGR personnel who supervise Technicians who sign on to “My Biz” or “My Workplace” will verify that their work email address is accurate.

In the future months, this will be the only access to receive copies of SF50 Notification of personnel actions, pay and benefit information. Everyone needs to become very familiar with this website. There are two types of applications: My Biz and My Workplace.

My Biz allows employees on-line access to view information from their official personnel records including appointment, position, personal, salary, benefits, awards and bonuses, performance and personnel actions.  In addition, employees can update their work telephone number, email address, handicap codes, ethnicity and race identification, foreign language proficiency and emergency contact information.

My Workplace brings key information about personnel together in one place for supervisors.  My Workplace keeps supervisors informed about their employees’ personnel actions. This tool is used to generate and maintain performance plans. Only managers and supervisors will have My Workplace view capability.

How to Log On:

Once the registration process is complete, HR/My Biz/My Workplace users will access their HR/My Biz/My Workplace applications via the DCPDS Portal. If you cannot complete your registration due to errors, contact the HRO Help Desk (see Contact List). 


1. Begin at the DCPDS Portal page:  .

Note:  Ensure that your Common Access Card (CAC) is inserted into your CAC reader.

2. Select the CAC Registration button in the CAC Access region.

3. Select your non-email certificate at the Choose a Digital Certificate screen.

4. Select the OK button.

Note:  Always select the non-email certificate.

5. Enter your PIN (if requested) and select the OK button. The DCPDS CAC Registration screen displays with your CAC Username.

6. Enter the following in the CAC Registration region of the screen.

o a. Social Security Number (SSN)/Local National (LN) Employee ID.  (Use hyphens if applicable)

o b. Confirm your SSN/Local National (LN) Employee ID. (Use hyphens if applicable)

7. Select the Register button.  After selecting the Register button, the Validating Your HR/My Biz/My Workplace Database Information screen displays.

8. Enter your HR/My Biz/My Workplace Username. "This is your Social Security Number (SSN) again" (Use hyphens if applicable)

9. Confirm your HR/My Biz/My Workplace Username. "This is your Social Security Number (SSN) again" (Use hyphens if applicable)

10. Select the Submit button.                                                                    11. Select the continue button.

o • If your username is validated on only one database, you will automatically access your HR/My Biz/My Workplace application.        Select MyBiz or My Workplace to continue.

o • Click My Information Link and then click accept. (This is to view your personal information)

o • Click Update My  Information and then click accept. (This is to update certain personnel information)

Note: It is important that you go to the Update My Information link and update your work e-mail with your actual military e-mail. This is how you and your supervisor will coordinate the appraisal process.  Also, reports will be sent to you through this process.


You can now do this from you’re my Biz account. Check it out.

Leave Service Computation Date:

The date found in block #31 of your SF-50 is your Leave Service Computation Date (SCD). Annual leave accrual each pay period is determined by this date. The date is computed by using the years, months and days of your creditable service which includes federal employment and active military service. (Example: Appointed to Federal position 12 Dec 10, Title 10 military duty 10 Jan 07 – 09 Jan 09 (2 yrs) would adjust to a Leave SCD of 12 Dec 08)

Annual leave is accrued each pay period based on the Leave SCD:

Less than 3 yrs 4 hours

3 yrs.but less than 15 yrs 6 hours

15 yrs or more 8 hours

Military deposits do not change your Leave SCD. Creditable military service is included in the Leave SCD without a deposit. A military deposit adds years, months and days of credit towards your Retirement SCD which is adjusted when proof is received the period was paid in full. Your service computations dates can be found on MyBiz under “Personal” then click on “Show” under the row titled “Details”

If you have made a military deposit and it is paid in full you should have or will receive an OPM 1514 form reflecting such from DFAS. This form is mailed from DFAS.

It is your responsibility when you receive the OPM 1514 to submit a copy to the HRO-Svcs Branch for updating your records and adjusting your retirement service computation date to include the period of service.

Do not confuse your Leave Service Computation Date on your SF-50 with your

Retirement Service Computation Date. If you have military service prior to your employment with the Federal Government or have been LWOP from your technician position for military service and have questions or wish to make a deposit contact at MSgt Jeff Guzi at 272-4225 or visit the Human Resource Office located in Bldg 440.

Life Event Benefit Changes:

Employees are advised to contact the HRO-Services and/or make changes on EBIS at, if a change in family or marital status (marriage, death, divorce, birth) occurs. Generally, 30 days before or after an event certain benefits can be changed. You may need to:

* Fill out new designation of beneficiary forms (TSP, FEGLI, CSRS/FERS, Security Mutual, NGAUS)

* Change your health coverage (FEHB)

* Change your life insurance coverage (FEGLI)

* Name change

* Payroll changes (address, taxes)

* Divorce - if, spouse will receive a monetary amount or annuity from your retirement a copy of the decree may need to be forwarded to OPM (Office of Personnel Management) for determination.

* Child reaches the age of 26 may be eligible for continuation of health insurance under Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) at full cost.

In-Processing -

All new Temporary, Indefinite, Conditional and/or Permanent Technicians will need to bring their Military ID, Drivers License, Social Security Card, their Banking Account Information (which includes their routing and checking account number) and any DD214’s they may have (Member Copy 4).

Previous Temporary Technicians will not need to attend the in-processing briefing. However, they will need to schedule an appointment to come into HRO and fill out their Appointment Affidavit, W-4, Direct Deposit, and Address Form.

Technicians who are converting from Temporary Technicians to Indefinites, Conditional and/or Permanent Technicians will need to attend the Permanent In-Processing Briefing given.

Emails will be sent to the employee and to the employee’s supervisor letting them know of their in-processing time and date. If they are unable to attend please let the HRO in-processing representative know so that we are able to re-schedule them for the next week’s in-processing.

Awards – REVISED


The following items are required when submitting an award packet to HRO:

NGB 32

Descriptive Narrative

Current Performance Appraisal

If you have questions regarding the Federal Incentive Awards Program, please contact SrA Melissa Loepp at (208) 272-3780.


Q: Are congressional salaries included in the proposed federal employee pay freeze?

A: No. But Congress will NOT be getting a pay raise in 2011. Congress's pay raises are automatic, however Congress voted this year to nix its automatic raise. It's the second year in a row that Congress acted to not receive its cost-of-living increase.

Q: Does the pay freeze affect cost-of-living adjustments?

A: No. Cost-of-living adjustments are a separate issue from the pay freeze. COLAs are applied to retirement pay and are based on inflation statistics. It had already been announced that there will be no COLA in 2011.

Q: Does the pay freeze affect civil service retirees?

A: No (see above.)

Q: If Congress does pass the pay freeze, will health insurance rates still go up?

A: Yes. Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this is the perfect time to take a look at your health insurance and decide if your current plan gives you the best bang for your buck. Federal employees have until Dec. 13, 2010 to make changes to their health plans during open season.

Questions from November 30, 2010:

Q: Is the pay freeze a done deal?

A: No. The pay freeze is a proposal by President Barack Obama that still needs to be approved by Congress. So, how likely is it to pass? Federal News Radio senior correspondent Mike Causey says it's essentially a "done deal." What we don't know at this point is when, where, or how it will travel through Congress. (More on this as it becomes available.)

Q: What does the pay freeze mean for my locality pay?

A: If the pay freeze is passed, locality pay will remain at 2010 levels while the pay freeze is in effect. So, if a fed's base pay includes an extra 15 percent for locality pay, they will continue to get that same 15 percent during the pay freeze.

Q: What does the pay freeze mean for step or within grade (WGI) increases? Will they be affected by the pay freeze?

A: An Office of Management and Budget official tells Federal News Radio, "employees will still be eligible for step increases."

Q: What does the pay freeze mean for promotions?

A: The pay freeze would not affect an employee's ability to receive more money through a promotion.

Q: What does the pay freeze mean for bonuses?

A: According to an OMB official, "OMB and OPM are evaluating the system of performance awards and in no case will the total amount of bonuses for 2011 exceed the 2010 level."

Q: Which federal employees are affected by the pay freeze?

A: The pay freeze would apply to all civilian federal (non-postal) employees, including those in various alternative pay plans and those working at the Department of Defense - but not military personnel.

*****Employee's questions regarding their personal information in My Biz/My Workplace should be directed to the servicing section:

|• Position information (current/historical) |

|Classification @ext 272-4221/DSN 422-4221      |

| |

|• Salary information |

|Staffing @ ext 272-4220/DSN 422-4220 |

| |

|• Appraisal and Awards information |

|ERS @ ext 272-4210/DSN 422-4210 |

| |

|• Personnel or Benefits |

|ERS @ ext 272-4224/DSN 422-4224 |

| |

|• Appointment information |

|Staffing @ ext 272-4220/DSN 422-4220 |

|                                                 |

|• Login Problems |

|PSM @ ext 272-4229/DSN 422-4229 |

Several states have inquired asking if there would be any Pay Adjustment

SFs50 produced for 2011. In compliance with the Presidential Memorandum,

SUBJECT: Freezing Federal Employee Schedules and Rates That Are Set By

Administrative Discretion, dated 22 December 2010 (copy attached) and P.L. 111-322, Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extensions Act, 2011, there will be no increases in Federal Pay for 2011 and 2012.

Therefore, there will be no SFs50 for Annual GS/FWS Pay Adjustments produced

during the calendar years 2011 and 2012.

How can I get a copy of my Official Personnel Folder (SF-50)?

If you're currently a Federal employee, contact your Human Resources Office.

If you're no longer working for the Government, write to:    

National Personnel Records Center

Civilian Personnel Records

111 Winnebago Street

St. Louis, MO 63118-4126

FAX: 314-801-9270

For more information on contacting the National Personnel Records Center, go to  .

Federal Retirement Awareness:

Many websites are devoted to the subject of Civil Service Retirement. The following is a brief overview of the basic criteria and benefits. You should also review the websites for EBIS site at or the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) at .

When can you retire: Check out eligibility at under retirement or Years of service and age are the factors.

Annuity: Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) is a lifetime benefit. The FERS basic benefit is computed by: 1% x years and months of federal service x high three average salary. For an employee with 30 yrs of service their FERS Basic Benefit would be 30% of the average of the highest 3 years of pay.

Annual Leave: Annual Leave accrued is paid on the final employment pay. Leave is only earned during complete pay periods.

Sick Leave: For FERS, 50% of your sick leave, is added to civilian and paid military service for a total of years, months and days used in computing the annuity payments. Hours are converted into days according to OPM chart RI 83-3 (located at ). Those retiring after 1 January 2014 will receive 100% of the hours as credit

FEGLI: Basic Insurance: Life insurance coverage can be transferred into retirement if you have had coverage since the first opportunity to enroll or for five continuous years immediately preceding the date of your retirement. You must continue your Basic Life insurance in order to keep any of the Optional coverage. For more information on options available at retirement review the SF-2818 Form located at Premium costs for age groups can be located at:

FEHB: Health insurance continues if you have been enrolled since first eligible or for five continuous years immediately prior to the date of your retirement. The cost will remain the same as if you were a current employee. You will be entitled to the same privileges as a current employee in making changes such as open season. TRICARE at age 60 and TRICARE for life starting at age 65 allows you to suspend your FEHB (your choice).

TSP: If you had or have when you retire, you have many options such as withdrawing in a lump-sum, elect equal payments, elect an annuity, roll the money over into an IRA, or leaving the money in your TSP account etc.. Check out .

FERS Special Retirement Supplement: Eligibility if hired before 20 Feb 1996, eligibility is 25 yrs of service (civilian and military) at age 50 or older and involuntary loss of military membership. Otherwise, paid at MRA. If hired after 20 Feb 1996 changes that if 20 years technician service at age 50 or older or 25 years of technician service at any age. Otherwise, paid at MRA. The computation for the amount eligible for is designed using the same formula used to compute Social Security only using though the full years covered under FERS. Just like SS there is a reduction of $1 for every $2 earned income over the annual SS limit ($14.160).

Disability Retirement: Technicians applying for disability due to loss of military membership for medical reasons, who are also eligible to retire with a supplement, are not eligible to retire under the Special Disability Provisions.

Social Security 2011:

Federal Employees will see a change on LES (pay) due to a change in Social Security Tax. The „„Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010‟‟ provides that during 2011 the Social Security employee tax rate will be temporarily decreased from 6.2% to 4.2%. The temporary reduction in the Social Security tax rate will not affect the employee retirement contribution rates.

As a result, CSRS-offset and FERS employees will see their payroll deductions decrease by 2% up to the 2011 Social Security maximum taxable income of $106,800 (unchanged from 2010) and no change in retirement deductions (.08%).. There will be no deduction change based on this Act for CSRS.

Incentive Awards Board Dates for FY 2011:

18 May 2011

17 August 2011

Maybe if we did a better job of listening, history wouldn’t have to repeat itself.


MSgt Leann Reid, 272-4220

TSgt Yvonne Hopper, 272-4221



Please give me a call if you have any questions or concerns. I’m here to help and can be reached at


Please give me a call if you have any questions or concerns. I’m here to help and can be reached at




DTS Helpdesk is available at 272-2600, 272-2601, 272-2602 or 272-2603

HRO is the approving authority for technician travel. POC is SSG Renon @ 272-4226 or

DTS Travelers Tip:

Travelers should not enter a line of accounting for technician travel unless it is a cross organizational line of accounting that has been directed for input.

Special Conveyance Policy:

Special Conveyance, also known as rental car, technicians must now submit a request to HRO prior to entering travel orders into the Defense Travel System (DTS). Use the format found on this HRO web link or contact SSG Renon for the memorandum format. Personnel who do not submit the request for approval/disapproval prior to the DTS request take the chance of having the rental car denied and removed from the DTS request.

Do not elect the prepaid fuel option when renting a vehicle. It is a non-reimbursable expense per the JFTR/JTR and USPFO PAM 37-106.


National Guard Professional Education Center, PEC, a great source training, PEC offers many courses. Take a look. Provided are the direct link to PEC’s web page

Once you have a course reservation you can submit your DTS request.

Future Training:

Future training events can be found at



DD-214's (send this to your former GI friends) Its official, DD-214's are NOW Online. (and tons of other info) The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has provided the following website for veterans to gain access to their DD-214's online:

; This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. NPRC is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents. Other individuals with a need for documents must

still complete the Standard Form 180, which can be downloaded from the

online web site. Because the requester will be asked to supply all

information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records centers mailroom and processing time.

Please pass this information on to former military personnel you may know and their dependents.

Copy and paste link to your browser. It is blocked in the text above.


An EEO Counselor is available to speak with any Federal employee who believes that he/she has been discriminated against or sexually harassed. The Counselor is trained to help you in addressing your issue or concern related to equal opportunity.

Any EEO Counselor may assist either Army or Air Technicians with their EEO concerns. The following EEO Counselors are located on Gowen Field. You may speak with them directly if you have a question or concern, or you may contact the State Equal

Employment Manager, Mrs Gayle Hinrichs, at 272-4210.

Certified EEO Counselors:

Even a stopped clock is right twice every day.


• 124th Fighter Wing and State Sexual Assault Response Coordinator's (SARC)

124th Fighter Wing Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC):  Lt. Col. Beverly Bracewell 

If you have been sexually assaulted, please call the SARC at (208) 422-8400. Additionally, DOD has set up a 24-hour hotline at 1-800-342-9647 for geographically separated military personnel as well. Military members who access the DOD hotline will be referred to the nearest Sexual Assault Response Coordinator's office for assistance. You may also e-mail the SARC. (email below)

State Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC):  1st Lt Coleen Walker 



If you have been sexually assaulted, please call the State SARC at 422-8400.  You may also contact the 24 hour hotline at 208-447-6166.  You may also e-mail the State SARC at


Performance Management

This Quarter from Labor Relations I would like to share information in reference to the Performance Appraisal cycles for both Army and Air as that time of year is quickly approaching. The Performance Appraisal Cycle and due dates are as follows:

Army: 1 Mar – 28 Feb DUE TO HRO BY 31 MARCH

Air: 1 Apr – 31 Mar DUE TO HRO BY 30 APRIL

Also, please ensure that HRO has received a copy of current Performance Standards for all Technicians. Please send all Performance Standards and Performance Appraisals to HRO, Attn: 2d Lt Davis

Labor Relations:

All questions regarding the Union can be referred to one of the following:

SSG Scott Solders (Union President)

(208) 272-4022

TSgt Gary White (124 Air Union Steward)

(208) 422-5407

Annual Weingarten Notification

In accordance with the requirements of 5 USC 7114(a)(3), this is to advise bargaining unit employees that:

An exclusive representative of an appropriate unit in an agency shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any examination of an employee in the unit by a representative of the agency in connection with an investigation if - (a) the employee reasonably believes that the examination may result in disciplinary action against the employee; and (b) the employee requests representation.

The following information can be found on the HRO Website Under Policies.

Union Representation and Disciplinary/Adverse Action

Supervisors and employees frequently have questions regarding management’s and bargaining unit members’ rights relative to disciplinary and adverse actions. Two important labor law provisions address the issue. Both provisions are contained in the Statute. They are 5 USC 7114(a)(2) (Weingarten Rights) and 5 USC Chapter 7106 (a)(2)(A).

Weingarten Rights – A bargaining unit member shall be given the opportunity to be represented at any examination of an employee by a representative of the agency in connection with an investigation if:

* The employee reasonably believes the examination may result in disciplinary action; and

* The employee requests representation.

There are a couple of important points to consider when confronted with a potential Weingarten situation. First, to legally invoke the Weingarten rights, the employee must be in a situation where he/she is being examined. If the supervisor, is asking questions, or is otherwise seeking information, he/she is probably engaging in an examination. The Weingarten right does not prohibit the supervisor from examining bargaining unit members. Rather, it affords the employee the right to have a Union official present during such an examination. Second, whether or not an employee reasonably believes disciplinary action may result from the examination is based almost entirely on the employee’s perception. Additionally, the employee need not perceive that potential discipline would only apply to him/herself – if he/she perceives someone else may be disciplined as a result of the examination, he/she may exercise the Weingarten rights. Finally, the employee must request representation. A supervisor has no obligation to inform the employee of his/her right. However, if the employee requests representation, and all of the other criteria mentioned previously are met, the supervisor must postpone the examination until representation is available.

Proposing/Issuing Disciplinary/Adverse Actions – Section 7106 of the FLSA gives management the right to suspend, remove, reduce in grade or pay, or take other disciplinary action against an employee. Employees do not have an explicit right to representation at a meeting during which a supervisor is counseling on performance or conduct, or issuing a disciplinary or adverse action. The key point that removes such activity from Weingarten is that in such circumstances, the supervisor is telling, issuing, or proposing rather than examining.

If you have any questions in reference to this information please contact 2d Lt Jennifer Davis at x3749.

The New Labor Management contract was approved and it is now posted to the HRO website. Here is the link:

Supervisors make sure to print out a copy and replace the previous contract in your supervisors’ handbook.

Please note the changes in HRO while the Brigade is deployed:

Mrs. Gayle Hinrichs vice: CPT James Medwick as Employee Relations Specialist


SSG Jeff Renon vice: SFC Becky Burkhart as HR Development Specialist


SRA Melissa Loepp vice: SSG Jeff Renon as OWCP Specialist


SGT Jackie White vice: SSG Chris Young as ARMY AGR Assistant



An elephant trunk has no bone but 40,000 muscles.


An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.

1. “The Work Number” is an automated employment verification service that allows technicians to have their employment and salary verified anytime of the day, every day of the year. This secure service is used for mortgage applications, reference checks, loan applications, and apartment leases. The key is that the employee is in control.

2. For employees, “The Work Number” offers security, convenience, and self-service. For employers, it offers increased efficiency and the elimination of cumbersome paperwork. For lenders and other verifiers, “The Work Number” offers speed and accuracy. It eliminates verifiers contacting HRO by fax, mail, or phone, which causes delays.

3. Each time technicians are paid, their information is securely transmitted to “The Work Number” and loaded into a secure database. The website provides a tutorial explaining how to utilize the service. Employees can then refer verifiers to this system to access their data.

4. “The Work Number” is accessible toll-free at 1-800-367-2884 or on the web at . At the home page, click on “Enter Employee Section.” Enter employer code 10365 for the Department of Defense (DoD). On the next page, select the appropriate option indicating what you are verifying. To log in, enter your SSN and PIN. Your PIN is your birthday in MMDD format. Later, you will be required to create a new PIN.

5. To create a salary key for income verification, select “Create a Salary Key” under “Verifications.” A 6-digit salary key will be automatically generated. Provide this key to the verifier, along with the DoD code 10365. You may establish up to three salary keys at a time.








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